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Some good clean fun?!

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Good evening ladies :hi


Work was busy and we ended up staying a bit late, so we didn't go to Joann's :( It's cool though. I got us the day by day calendar for crochet and we like the very first pattern of the year which is a keyhole scarf :think It calls for bulky yarn, but I think I'm just going to use some ww that I already have, and Mary decided the same.


For now, I need to get this baby blanket started and the sweater is still waiting to get its ribbon attached :eek


I hope everyone had a great day today :hug

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:hi all!!


Okay, I have had the "reply to topic" box up for 2 days, so it is time that I fill it in!! :rofl


Leeann and Marisa- I LOVE Harry Potter, too!!! :manyheart:manyheart:manyheart I didn't start reading them until after the last one came out, then I had to see what all the fuss was about. I read all of the books in under 3 weeks. :lol Still haven't seen any of the movies, though- I know that they can't compare, and I just don't want to be disappointed. Although the 6th one has piqued my interest, so we shall see.


Leeann, your day with dd sounds wonderful!! Glad you had lots of fun. Boo @ the bowling alley double-booking parties. A pizza party, though- yay!! Your wine bottle covers are so pretty! :manyheart


Joanne, :yay for another Boston trip! How fun! And :yay for selling your items!! I'm sure they will be a huge hit!


Beth, :h5 for letting the ballet mistress know you can't work as much. How sweet of your ds to listen to you :blah- your inventions sound wonderful! :manyheart


Vicki, I know I saw your green writing here somewhere. I hope all is well with you and your family. :hug:hug:hug:hug


LeaAnne, good to see you posting more often. :hug:hug:hug Have your hours gone down? :hugHow are things at the chicken coop?


Marisa, what'cha looking for at Joann's? What are you working on these days?


Sarah, sorry to hear your computer is still not working. :xfin that you can get it figured out soon!


Shannon, :yay for football tickets!! How is Miss Janna liking school these days?


Mary, hope all is well in God's country. :hug:hug:hug:hug


Colleen, good luck with your jobs and the volunteering. :hug:hug:hug


Let's see...we went to Universal Studios last Thursday for Isabella's birthday, and froze our rears off! It was only about 45 degrees (go ahead and laugh but that is freezing for us!) but we had fun. Then we went out for pizza. The Monster clan returned while we were gone. :sigh

My dad left the next morning. We had a quiet New Year's Eve and day, except for the ridiculous amount of gunshots we heard from the back alley. :eek I don't know what the thrill of that is. :shrug Anyway, we have fun been hanging out since. We went to the Science Center, zoo, and the playground. The girls go back to school next Monday, and MIL wants them to take turns sleeping over before they go back. Tomorrow will be Mia's turn, Isabella's will be Thursday. Friday we have a play date with Mia's friend from her old school. I don't go back until the first week of February. I am secretly looking forward to them going back just because I really need to get into their room and clean! :lol:lol:lol


Well friends, I am off. I bought a pair of suede slipper soles with the gift card my mom gave me, I have the first slipper done and the second one started.


Love and hugs all around!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!


Great to hear from you Stacy- and I can't wait to see the slippers you are making. Sounds like you have been having a good year so far- and I can't believe your kiddies are out of school till next Monday!!! You sure do get long breaks out in Cali! And the colleges here go back right after MLK Day- that's why DD is coming with me to Boston! She starts back to grad school the day after MLK day so we'll leave early from Boston- luckily her first class isn't until 4!!


I'm sure 45 degrees is freezing for someone used to the sunny Cali weather! To us here in the northeast- 45 a welcome relief for the below freezing temps!!


I watched Biggest Loser last night- it motivates me to keep on track! Tonight after work, I'll be playing with my Wii Fit that Santa brought me!


Hope that you all have a wonderful day!!! Time for me to get ready for Paradise!! Going in a bit early since I need to stop at the store to get some fruit and yogurt to bring to work!

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Gooooooood morning! I hope you are all well and happy.


Joanne, enjoy your fruit and yogurt. That sounds very yummy. I need to run to the stores (didn't get there yesterday,) and I may pick up some myself.


Stacy, your girls will have the best memories from their childhood! You seem to keep them busy with happy activities. I hope you don't freeze in your 45 degree weather (kind of sounds like bragging to me!:lol) I also am eager to see the slippers. That's another of my wish-list projects...


Marisa, does your crochet calendar have a new project for each month, or is it more often than that? How cool! Sorry you didn't make it to Joann's.


LeaAnn, I've been known to pull an all-nighter to read the Harry Potter books the day they came out. Well, I did that twice. I liked the first couple of movies, but then I decided to let my imagination fill in the blanks. We have all of them on DVD that have come out, I just haven't seen them all yet.


I need to get moving, so I'll just send hugs to all of you!

Joanne :hug


Marisa :hug

LeaAnn :hug

Mary :hug

Colleen :hug

LeaAnne :hug

Sarah :hug

Shannon :hug

Vicki :hug

Those who have not been named...:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


Just a quick fly by, I'm running behind :(


Stacy - I never made it to Joann's last night, but of course I wasn't looking for anything in particular :lol I just started a baby blanket last night, only did one row :D


Joanne - Enjoy your wiii fit :yay


Beth - Thanks for the early morning hugs :hug :hug :hug The calendar is more often, sometimes one a day and others run a week, so they're all different :yes

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Joanne-yogurt and fruit sounds del! I have never watched The Biggests Loser, hmm??? I am trying to be more concious about what I eat...I did work out yesterday. Yeah me! :lol I bet you would sell your craft goodies, you do amazing work!

Marisa-I am on the second potter book, they are addicting! I stayed up late reading, I know I should have put it down, but I couldn't....ds is beside himself and has the 3rd book waiting for me in case I finish the 2nd today. What a great read!

Beth-did you get to work on your shawl? I can totally see pulling an all nighter to read, I just have to make myself put the book down.:devil

Stacy-your kiddos are super lucky, you are a great mom! 45 degress does sound warm. Yesterday the warmest it got was 27...brrrr..the wind chill made it colder. I kept the fire going all day. The sleepovers sound so fun! That is wonderful that your in-laws are involved, makes my heart-a-flutter.:yes

I made the lotion bars! how cool are they? it took me two tries, but I finally got it. I used the almond scent to go with the cocoa butter, shae butter, almond oil and beeswax. They smell heavenly but more importantly, they work! you just rub it on your hands, heels, arms, knees and it moisterizes. I can't wait to share them with my family and friends.

LeaAnne, Mary, Shannon, Colleen, Vicki and Sarah-extra hugs n squishes to ya all!

best get the family off! BBL! Hugs n squish squish squishes! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi Ladies

Happy New Year to all.

My computer has been acting up and I had someone look at it yesterday so all should be good.

DD and I are appling for some new shows this year so I have been starting on getting my stock together. Last year left me with not too much stock, so the fingers are flying now.

I hope everyone is well and having a great start to the new year.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Leeann, your lotion bars sound awesome-ness! Do you ship? :devil:devil


Joanne, so you did get the WiiFit from Santa! :clap:clap Awesome. We contemplated getting a Wii for the girls, but they each have a hand-held game system (the older two have DS and Eva has a MobiGo) and I thought that was enough for them. I think dh secretly wanted it for himself. :yes:lol Your yogurt and fruit sounds yummy-ness! I think my problem is that I haven't gone shopping and all we have in the house is un-healthy stuff (leftover from New Year's Eve.) I have to go shopping today though, so no excuses! :D


Beth, I actually thought before I posted the temperature. I don't want to brag, you know. :devil:devil It is amazing how I have adjusted to the weather out here.


Marisa, what color is the baby blanket? Will you get to Joann's today?


Thank you all for the compliments on my girls. I try to make their vacations as fun as possible. When I was young, my mom and I were almost never home and I have wonderful memories of it. (Although, truthfully most of the time we were shopping. :lol:lol:lol) I love when the girls say, "Oh Mommy, remember when we (did this or that?) Makes me feel like I am doing my job. :manyheart And really, out here there are just so many things to do- it would be a shame to sit around at home and miss out on them. :yes

MIL called bright and early to ask if I can bring the girls over at noon. I guess she wants the older two together. Maybe I can just pick them up on the way to the play date on Friday. That might work.

I need to scoot and pack their things, make up a grocery list, and take a shower. Whew, hopefully I can get all of that done in 2 hours. I also promised Isabella we would go to the Dollar Tree to pick up a calendar for her.

Love and hugs all around!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi, all, and Happy New Year!


sorry to not have been around the last few days... my 'puter has not been behaving, and I really need to get it looked at.


Joanne - Way cool that Santa brought you a Wii Fit! Krissy asked for one, and she and I are doing it together. Yogurt and fruit sounds really yummy! I should join that "club", too:P I do like the Greek yogurt. Usually, I get Chobani with either pineapple or pomegranate...yummmm! Be safe when you "head north" to Beantown! How cool that you will have company for the ride:).


LeeAnn - Your moisturizing sticks sound like they are to die for! I would have to agree with Stacy.... do you ship?! :drool


Beth - love your DH's scarf! It came out so nice :wscarf. And :cheerfor you backing off on the hours at the ballet studio... I am proud of you!


Stacy - I love reading about all of your outings and adventures that your family shares! You are making lifelong memories for them, for sure!


Mary - :xfin that you get into the other shows! I am sure that you must be really :flyin with your magical hooks, getting your inventory up to snuff!


Colleen - how is DD feeling? Congrats on your temporary job, as well as having another in the pipeline!


Marisa - I love that calendar "Crochet-a-Day" I got one last year, and it was filled with all kinds of cool patterns! Enjoy making that baby blankie, as well as your trip to Joann's when you get there. oh, and tell Mary :hi


Sarah - sorry to hear that your holidays weren't so great, and that your computer is still on the fritz. I hope that things are starting to go better!


Shannon - your projects are beautiful-ness, girl! WTG! look how far you have come! I am proud of you!


Vicki - Happy New Year! I hope things are well...


I gotta go and get Jamie from dance class.


Hugs to each and all!


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I'm ba-ack! :D So frustrated, though- I attached the first slipper to the sole, and it is huge!! And doesn't fit correctly, it's really bulky around the ankle, and there is a ton of extra room at the heel. :( I am very sad. I'm going to return the soles tomorrow since they haven't been worn, then I guess just frog the crocheted portion or try to figure out a bottom for it. :think I am disappointed, for sure.


Mary, good luck getting your stash built up! I know you can do it- especially if you can make a flannel'ghan in a day! :lol How is the weather in God's country?


LeaAnne, how cool that you and Krissy are doing the WiiFit together. :manyheart I saw Chobani yogurt in the store today and thought about buying it, but I went with Fage's instead. Does Chobani have chunks of fruit or is it blended? :think I can't deal with chunky yogurt- something about the texture really turns me off. :shrug


Well Eva just woke up so I better scoot! Night, friends!! :ghug

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I believe it's morning.... At leat that evil clock said it's morning... But the sky is still dark, and it's too cold to be out and about yet.


Stacy, I prefer the chunks of fruit to the blended fruit. But my favorite yogurt thing is a smoothie!


LeaAnne, good to hear from you! Computers can be so frustrating when they don't work. I hate it when our internet lags. How's work? What are the chickens up to?


Joanne, good morning!!! Count down to Boston, 9 days or so???


Mary, I'm sure you are busy getting ready for a couple more shows. When will you know if you get a spot? Are they local, or will you have to travel to them? I love that your daughter and you share a table. I may be doing this later with a daughter-in-law, some day! That would be lovely!!!


Colleen, thinking of you! I hope your work is going well. I don't know how you get anything done with volunteering, and working, and being a great mom....


LeaAnn, the moisture bars sound very cool. Does it get as dry there as it does here in the winter?


Marisa, I hope work goes quickly for you. Did you ever make it to Joanns?


Sarah, I hope you have a new monitor, or get the old one fixed. How are things?


Shannon, I hope you and Janna and the rest of the family are doing great!


Vicki, I hope you are feeling well, and enjoying work. How is our TKD girl doing?


I am trying to get back into a morning routine, where I get my exercise and basic homecare done bright and early. Wish me luck. I get bored way too quickly with routines.

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Good morning!


Good to hear from you LeaAnne- Isn't the Wii FIT fun? I also LOVE Greek yogurt- it's the only kind I get now. I love Trader Joe's non-fat vanilla Greek yogurt, but I'm out. Target has the Fage on sale 5/$6 but they were out so I have a raincheck. I also get the Chobani when it's on sale- but I'm a non-fat vanilla kind of gal- and add fruit to it on my own. My DD is the one who turned me on to Greek Yogurt!


Stacy- How frustrating about the slippers!!! Did the older girls stay at MIL last night?


Mary- Great to hear from you- and good luck with selecting new craft shows to go to. And I'm sure your inventory will be built up in no time!


Just checked the clock, so I've got to go and get ready for Paradise.


To everyone- have a wonderful Thursday!

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Hi Beth- posting at the same time. I usually like to exercise in the AM too- but I've been going into work a little earlier than usual- so I can leave by 4. Didn't begin the countdown for Boston yet- but yup I guess it's about 8 days now- leaving next Friday- and of course this is all contingent on Mother Nature. We're supposed to get snow tonight-tomorrow and into Sat. So maybe that will be it and there'll be no white stuff in the forecast for the Northeast next weekend.


Off to get ready-

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Morning!Like Beth said-is it really morning? I know that it's not that early but I feel slightly tired but oh so excited! Today I will be meeting with Kathi to get her shop ready for Valentines Day, she is going to Chilie for a few weeks, so I will be in charge for the big sale. I can't wait! I am going to try my hand at different soap baskets as well as a candle display. LeaAnne-soo happy to hear from you! I missed you! Sorry to hear that your 'puter is on the blink, hopefully it gets fixed.Joanne-do you do the Wii excericise every morning? Beth-hope your day goes well and that the routine doesn't bore ya. :-) I am a creature of habit, routines are what keep me sane! :-))))))) Mary-how exciting to be going to craft shows! I am thinking of setting up a small booth here in our Farmer's Market this summer, but I'm scared, any advise?ok, best get myself motivated, have to package up soap for my sister and her family. We are supposed to meet in Pueblo this weekend to exchange gifts,...guess who doesn't have their baskets together????? yup...me! I knew that I had time to didn't rush to get them done, but now I must get crackin!hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Looks like it was a bit busy here yesterday and into this morning :D


A few have asked about Joann's and nope, I haven't gone yet and I think that trip has been axed off my list. I'm trying to use my stash where I can and am going to try to keep myself out of the store unless I really need something :xfin I have several projects already that I want to do AND have yarn for :think


LeeAnn - Harry Potter sure will get you like that :lol I remember waiting for the books to be released and I think they usually came out on a friday and I had the book read by sunday :eek You lotion bars sound divine and like a couple others, I'd like to know if you ship? :devil I'd love to buy some (and I'd pay the shipping too) if your interested? Let me know how you feel about it, even if you are interested and don't have time right now, that's fine....whenever :devil:lol


Mary - Sorry to hear your computer is acting up :( But :yay for new shows. Keep those fingers moving, I think I can smell the smoke from here coming off your hook :think:lol


Stacy - I love the wii :yes And the nice thing for the girls is that if any of your relatives and/or friends have one, there are some games they can play if you have it connected to the internet. I play mario kart with my nephews that live in phoenix and it's nice to be able to connect with them since we never get to see them :( I had a sixer game last night so still only have one row of my baby blanket, so hope to do a little tonight :xfin Sorry about your slippers not coming out right :hug :hug :hug


LeaAnne - Sorry about your computer acting up :hug :hug :hug Hope all is going well otherwise.


Beth - Good luck getting your new routine in place :hug :hug :hug I need to restore mine from a couple months ago :eek


Joanne - I know this isn't where you asked the question, but I just realized I didn't answer :lol So I will here. I didn't work on the baby blanket at the sixer game last night. I don't take the afghans there with me just because of the bulkiness and size they become. I started a keyhole scarf, but don't know how I feel about it yet :think I'll work on it some more and see what I think. I did restart it about 3 times there and altered it a bit, so far it seems a bit better, but I still can't guage what the final product will look like :think


Catch y'all later.

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Good morning!


Lazy morning here. I've been awake since dh left this morning. Eva called some people with my phone while I was in the shower at 6 a.m. Then she went back to sleep. I got a frantic text from someone I haven't heard from in about 6 months. LoL

On my agenda today is cleaning my bedroom and re-organizing my yarn. Oh, the torture! :devil Well, the room-cleaning part, anyway. :lol There is a kids' sing-along at the mall at 11, so we will go to that and get some lunch afterward. I love having one-on-one time with my kids. :yes


Is it just me, or is it just funny that yogurt preference has been mentioned in almost every post on the last page? :lol I'm easily amused, I guess. :wink


Marisa, can't wait to see the keyhole scarf! I had to Google it, but they seem pretty neat. Don't know if I'd wear one, but they'd make wonderful gifts.


Joanne, you have been going in to Paradise early! :xfin that the snow arrives when it is supposed to, and does not ruin your trip.


Leeann, how exciting that you will running Kathi's shop while she is in Chile! I'm sure you will do wonderfully! :yay


Beth, morning sure does creep up, doesn't it? Good luck with your routine- I get bored by them, also, so I try not to stick to one. :lol


Well Eva is asking for breakfast, so I better get this day started. Love and hugs!

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Quick stop in to say hi and hope that everyone had a great day.


That's so cool that you will get to do the Valentine's day sale at Kathie's shop, LeeAnn!!


I'm going to do some crocheting and then read a bit before calling it a night and it's already after 8!!!


See you in the AM!

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Good evening ladies,


Just a quick stop, I'm anxious to get to my couch with :hook and :yarn in hand :D


Stacy - I missed the yogurt conversation, so I'll add my preference that I like the chunks of fruit and usually shake it up before I eat so it all mixes well. I've never tried the greek yogurt though, which many of you seem to enjoy AND I AM greek, so maybe I should try it out :think:lol


Joanne - I'm also hoping to crochet and read a bit before bed and I must remind myself that tomorrow's the early day AND antoher sixer's game tomorrow night :yes

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Hiya Friends!I'm back! whew! What a day! Busy as a bee I tell ya. Don't know why my last message was so bunched up. I hope this one is not.Marisa-reading sounds like a great idea! I'm missing Harry! Good luck at your game tomorrow!Joanne-I hope that you have good weather when it is time to drive to Bean town. I bet you are super excited!Stacy-sorry to hear about your slippers, I hate when that happens. What will you work on next?I met with Kathi-next week we are going to re-arrange her shop, put up decorations and get crackin'! I'm still super excited! I made a batch of sampler lotion bars. I am hoping that they sell, then I can really go to town!off to read for a few minutes before bedtime. Hugs n squishes all!

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Marisa, thanks for weighing in on the yogurt debate. :lol Greek yogurt is oh, so yummy!! :drool Did you get any crocheting done before bed?


Leeann, I'm sure your lotion bars will be a hit! I'm not sure what I'll work on next. I have to finish a flannel'ghan for BIL by the SuperBowl. I also have the yarn to make one for myself, plus several other patterns waiting to be made. Somehow I'm having more fun searching Ravelry for new patterns, rather than working on what I have. :think


We ended up having a busy day. I straightened up my bedroom before going to the sing-along. Afterward we walked around the mall, went to the Disney store, and had a Cinnabon. :drool Then made a quick trip to the post office, and to Michael's to return the slippers. I planned to buy the rest of the yarn for my flannel'ghan, but looked at the ads right before we left and noticed they will have Caron Pounders on sale for 4.99 next week! So I will wait until then. :devil

MIL's car broke down, so it looks like I will pick up Mia on the way to the play date tomorrow. Isabella wants to stay with MIL, just in case her car works again (FIL thinks it was just the battery but I haven't heard the latest update) because they are supposed to go to the movies and shopping. :lol Poor Eva misses her sisters and keeps asking if we can pick them up.


I'd better get moving and get Eva ready for bed. Love and hugs!!

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Marisa, thanks for weighing in on the yogurt debate. :lol Greek yogurt is oh, so yummy!! :drool Did you get any crocheting done before bed?


Leeann, I'm sure your lotion bars will be a hit! I'm not sure what I'll work on next. I have to finish a flannel'ghan for BIL by the SuperBowl. I also have the yarn to make one for myself, plus several other patterns waiting to be made. Somehow I'm having more fun searching Ravelry for new patterns, rather than working on what I have. :think


We ended up having a busy day. I straightened up my bedroom before going to the sing-along. Afterward we walked around the mall, went to the Disney store, and had a Cinnabon. :drool Then made a quick trip to the post office, and to Michael's to return the slippers. I planned to buy the rest of the yarn for my flannel'ghan, but looked at the ads right before we left and noticed they will have Caron Pounders on sale for 4.99 next week! So I will wait until then. :devil

MIL's car broke down, so it looks like I will pick up Mia on the way to the play date tomorrow. Isabella wants to stay with MIL, just in case her car works again (FIL thinks it was just the battery but I haven't heard the latest update) because they are supposed to go to the movies and shopping. :lol Poor Eva misses her sisters and keeps asking if we can pick them up.


I'd better get moving and get Eva ready for bed. Love and hugs!!

Just to remind you that your siggy says you need to make a flannelghan for me!:devil


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Good morning and Happy Friday- alas I have to work tomorrow so I can't say TGIF!


Stacy- Sounds like a busy day- and thanks for the heads up on the Caron Pounders sale. I stopped in ACMoore last night after work and got 3 skeins of Homespun on sale 3 for $10 since I like the way the spiraly scarf comes out with them. I had a 50% off coupon on a reg price item so I bought a Caron Pounder in lace- it came to $4.00. I think I'll be making another flannel'ghan just because they are so warm and mindless to make.


Off to get ready- no snow here yet, but it's coming- hopefully not too much or the commute home will NOT be fun!

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