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Some good clean fun?!

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Happy New Year everyone! :hi We were away for a few days and then it's taken me a couple days to catch up. DD's been sick too.


Beautiful pics of projects everyone!


Have a wonderful evening! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!


Colleen- Hope that DD is feeling better soon and that you had a nice few days away from home!


I plan on a relaxing day- last one before working a long week since I'm scheduled to work next weekend!


I may even pick up a hook and yarn while watching football this afternoon!!!


Make it a good day- whatever it is that is on your agenda....Hugs

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:sigh Tomorrow is back to school and everything goes back to normal. I am spending today getting caught up on laundry, cleaning, and making playdough for school. I'm hoping to take down some Christmas decorations too.


DD seems to be feeling better today. :xfin that she's well enough to go to school tomorrow. She's her normal self in all ways now except that she's not eating very much.


I'll be working at the clinic a few evenings a week for the next couple weeks to help them out short term :tup and then another job opportunity might come to fruition in the next few weeks. We'll see. Never a dull moment!


Joanne - I loved the pics of your snow. We don't have any snow. We had warm and rainy the past couple days and that did away with the little bit we did have. But now we have very cold. :wbrr


Have a great Sunday everyone. :hug :hug :hug

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Good morning friends!

Sorry I have been MIA, busy days here.

Beth-ooohhh laaa laaaa the sarf is lovely! I am sure dh just adores it! What soft and cuddly yarn. Great work!

Shannon-the ripple is just fantastic! Love the stripy pattern, and the slippers, yummy and what a cute little friend to play with.

Joanne-one more day of relaxation before work. Laundry sounds like a good plan for me. Are you glad that the holidays are over? We finished un-decorating yesterday, what a chore! Whew! I really have to think about organizing all of the decorations and only keeping what I really love, it’s difficult, my friends and family always buy me more. Christmas is my favorite holiday…what’s a gal to do?

Colleen-glad that your dd is feelings somewhat better. School doesn’t start until Tuesday, my kiddos are feeling sad, I will miss them. Vacation flew by.

Guess I had better get to tiding up and laundry. Have a great day friends! BBL!

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Hello. It's :sleep weather today -- gray and rainy and foggy. I have been out and about, but my brain is still as foggy as the view outside my window. I'm going to curl up with one of my WIPs, probably the wrap I'm making, and see how time slides by.


Joanne, enjoy your day of relaxation.


Colleen, I hope your dd feels better soon. It sounds like the work situation for you has been very busy.


LeaAnn, we put up our Christmas things early this year, since we were having a teen party for New Year's Eve, and we have so little room in this house to start. I hope you get that and the laundry done!


Mary, LeaAnne, Marisa, Sarah, Stacy, Shannon, Vicki, I hope you have a relaxing, fun-filled Sunday!:hug:hug:hug

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Colleen- Glad to hear that DD is feeling better- and that's great that you'll have a few nights/wk of work and that something else might open up!! The snow was beautiful and I'm glad I took pics. Today is gray, foggy, misty- and 50 degrees!!! Crazy that last Sunday into Monday we were having a blizzard.


Beth- Sounds like you are having similar weather to me- definitely lazy relaxing kind of weather. As soon as I'm done here, I'm picking up the hook while I watch football.


LeeAnn- I'm leaving my Christmas things up for another week- I want to RELAX today- and next Sat I have to work so the earliest they come down is next Sunday- but that's ok, because I did minimal decorating this year so it doesn't look cluttered---plus many of my decs are snowman- so they CAN stay up longer!!


Thinking of you Shannon at the Saints game- hope you have a fun time!


Have a wonderful day!

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Happy New Year Ladies :yay


I came home from my friends today, did some grocery shopping on the way and then cleaned the turtles and the house. Did a light elliptical workout while starting a new book. I finished the other over the weekend and left it for my friend to read. I also worked on a baby sweater for my sil over the weekend that I started last weekend and just have the edging left so I hope to complete it tonight. I made the hat and booties last weekend so it'll be a set and I'll post a pic when done :yes


We had a low key new years this year which was just perfect :D I always go to my friend's in hershey, her and dh just bought a new house about a month ago and started moving only 2 weeks ago :eek They only invited a handful of people this time since they're not all settled yet and by the time the end of the eveing rolled around, it was just us. Then we lazed all day sat watching tv and crocheting (well, I crocheted and I also made a run to the car wash) I left her my book I finished for some mindless and easy reading between her stress of moving and just finishing classes, she was looking for something in that category :lol


We went for bfast this morning before I left and they were going to clean the old house which goes on the market tomorrow. I tried to talk them into doing it yesterday and I would've helped, but they wouldn't give in and just were in dire need of a lazy day :yes


Now I'm watching my Eagles :D and getting ready to start the edging of the sweater when I finish here. I'll be back before bedtime :yes

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Oh, forgot to mention to Beth.....


Love all your projects :drool What pattern did you use for the scarf?


It's a basketweave stitch:


row 1: 35 dc

row 2: ch 2, (skip first stitch) fpdc in next 3 dc, *(bpdc in next 3 dc, fpdc in next 3 dc) to last dc. hdc in last dc.

repeat row 2 until scarf is long enough. Mine was 9 inches wide, 6 feet long.

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Top of the morning to ya ladies!

Sounds like everyone has been keeping busy. Lazy days are the best!


Yesterday dh took the kiddos to see Gulliver's travels, I stayed home to clean and have a few minutes of quiet time. I need those, my family is wonderful but can be demanding at times. :lol


Also finished the last set of mitts for a few days, going to try my hand at a wine bottle cozy. Wish me luck!


Joanne-hope your day in paradise is fun and goes quickly.


Marisa-welcome back! What a fun time you had! Glad that you were able to spend time with great friends.


Beth-what is on the agenda for today?


Colleen-glad to hear that you are scheduled to work a few nights this week, how exciting!


off to print a pattern! I washed laundry all day yesterday and thought I was done, forgot to look in ds's closet...:eek guess I will get that done too.


hugs n squishes!

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Beth-what is on the agenda for today?

LeaAnn, it's Monday, so I took care of the adoptable kitties at the pet store, I tutor in an hour, then I work from 4:30 until 8 p.m., when I lock up the studio and go home! That's about it. It's also sheet day, and the kiddoes start school again today, but that's not very labor intensive for me -- the kiddoes do all the work (Which is why I say teens are the best inventions ever!) They have sheets in the dryer, whites in the washer, and darks waiting their turn. I only fold laundry now.


I hope you will post pics of your wine bottle cozy. Good luck with it.


Talk to you all later. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:hi besties!!!


Boy, it feels like forever since I've checked in!! (But really, it's only been about 5 days or so. :lol) I turned on my computer to print some labels, but I couldn't resist checking in! We are off to the post office and the grocery store, then to ballet and sports class. Will check back later! Lots of love and hugs. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


P.S.- Shannon and Beth- beautiful projects!!! :manyheart

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Just a quick post from the library. Computer is still being worked on. Still don't know if the monitor can be fixed or not. Though if it can't we can get a monitor cheap to hook up to the laptop until we can get a new computer. I'll try and post again either when we get the computer back or when I can get to the library again w/o Keith (Doug is playing with legos at home with him right now) =0) Hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year's Eve/Day. Mine was not the best but not going to go into it on a public computer.

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Hi all,

I had to go into work today by 6:30 AM- got there at 6:25 or so- so didn't have time to post this morning. I had something that needed to be done by 8AM and I had a choice to stay late last Thursday or go in early today- I opted for the go in early!!! (since I'm up early every day anyway)

I left work early then stopped for some groceries and to get my car washed.


I'm hoping to do a little crocheting tonight- on what I don't know! But I did finish a set of fingerless mitts for me while watching football yesterday- the 1 hr pattern that LeeAnn had posted- that takes me longer than an hour- but I like them anyway!!!


Stacy- Good to "see you"- I guess things are back to "normal" with roomie home now?


Beth- It's great when the teens do their own laundry and things- makes it easier on Mom for sure- hope your evening at the ballet studio goes by quickly!


Shannon- sorry to see that the Saints lost at the game you were at yesterday--but I bet you had fun!!!


Colleen, LeaAnne, Mary, Sarah--HI!!


Off to get dinner!

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Just a quick post from the library. Computer is still being worked on. Still don't know if the monitor can be fixed or not. Though if it can't we can get a monitor cheap to hook up to the laptop until we can get a new computer. I'll try and post again either when we get the computer back or when I can get to the library again w/o Keith (Doug is playing with legos at home with him right now) =0) Hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year's Eve/Day. Mine was not the best but not going to go into it on a public computer.

Just a thought- have you checked Craigslist? My DH got a computer for his grandson very inexpensively!

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Hellooooo besties!!


We're back, safe and sound. We had a wonderful, wonderful time! Of course, it would have been so much better if my Saints had won, but we had nothing to lose. :D


I started my cousin's baby's ripple in the car. I think I'm on row 15! It's two pastel shades each of purple, green and yellow and I call it Mardi Gras Mambo. They live in NOLA and the baby's due in February, so I thought it fit.;)


We made it home in time to pick Janna up from school. We were so happy to see her, and she was excited to see us.:heart


Thanks for all the compliments on my projects. They made my day!


Beth- That scarf is great!! Looks stunning, and also looks like it gets the job done!


Everyone else- I hope your 2011 has been great so far! Cheers to another great year with wonderful friends! Love you all!!:manyheart

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Hey ladies :hi


Just a quick check in for now. About to go make a grilled cheese ;)


Work was extra active today (not necessarily busy, but active) I was ready for it to be over and can't wait to get a good night sleep :c9

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Good morning all!


Shannon- Glad you had a good time at the game- even if the Saints didn't win! I'm so sad that the Giants had 10 wins this season and aren't in the playoffs!!! Crazy system!


Marisa- Hope you have a good day at work today.


Stacy- Congrats on your A in Yoga!!! You rock!!!!!


I worked on a 12 inch square called Maggie's Square by CrochetDude last night- Had to frog it a few times, but finally it clicked - and I'm up to 8 inches. Not sure what I'm going to do with it when it's done!


I'm going to be heading to Boston in a couple of weeks!!! So excited for another mini-vacation!


Off to get ready for another early day in Paradise!


Have a good one everybody!

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Good morning everybody!


Guess what I did yesterday? I turned in a letter to the ballet studio telling the mistress that I will not be working 4 weeks a month. I am only working 3 days the first week, and 2 days the second week. I am SO happy. I was very stressed last year. I am also going to work 4 days a week with the tutoring -- same kid, just one more day, if it works out for everyone.


Joanne, enjoy your day at Paradise. I hope your week goes quickly. I'm glad you have another minivacation coming up. But is Boston ready for you???


Shannon, welcome home. I'm glad you had a good time at the game. What a nice gift that was.. It sounds like the baby blanket is coming along. Pictures are most welcome.


Sarah, I hope you get your computer back up and running soon. Sorry your new Year's wasn't what you wanted. We're here for you, when you can talk about it.


Marisa, busy days can be exhausting. I hope your next day is less tiring.


LeaAnn, It sounds like your kids are very fond of you, and enjoy spending time with you. I was rather shocked when my son stayed in the kitchen with me last night, and listened to me babble about my day. It was nice. Of course, he was waiting for the homemade popcorn I was making, but still, I felt important!


Stacy, how are the girls doing? Is roomie back from Ohio yet?


LeaAnne, thinking of you. I hope the 20 hour week is working out OK for you.


Mary, I hope you aren't too cold. What's flying off your hooks these days?


Colleen, thinking of you, and all your jobs and volunteer work. Take time for you!


Vicki, I hope your head isn't hurting.


Today I need to run to a grocery store or two, pay bills, and do a little cleaning. I work in the evening. I also want to work on the wrap a bit.


Talk to you later, :hug:hug:hug:hug

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I guess it's morning...been a few weeks since I have had to get up early. The kiddos were up exceptionally early and ready for school. How sweet!


I tried to get on the computer last night but ds beat me to it...then I started reading. I am reading Harry Potter, five years behind everyone:D. I wanted to see what they are about, the first one is pretty good, ds is loving that I am reading them. He has the entire collection and keeps checking to see what page I am on. :lol


Sarah-hope your computer is fixed soon!


Joanne-your square sounds lovely! What color/s are you using? I have a bag of squares that I had been working on before the holidays, and a ripple..and and and...I think that is it. They are calling my name. :devil


Marisa-hope today is a little more relaxing. I bet you are almost finished with the baby set?


Stacy-soo happy to hear from you! Do your kiddos go back to school soon?


Beth-that is wonderful that you will be working less hours, too much stress is never good. I am happy for you.


Shannon-that is aweseome that you had a great time with dh! Your ripple sounds :c9


I had ordered more soap and few scents as well as goodies to make lotion bars. I am super excited! I will try to make them later on this morning. Oh and finished 2 wine bottle cozies, I do not have a wine bottle to display them on but took a pic to share.




BBL! Hugs n squishes!!!!


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Good morning ladies


I didn't do any crocheting last night :( Hopefully tonight I will get to do something :think I think me and Mary are running to Joann's after work though and since we don't get off til 7, I just might not have time again :shrug


Joanne - :yay for getting the Maggie's square, I'm sure you'll find it's purpose when you finish


Beth - you ARE important!!!! It's nice that your son sat with you a bit :hug :hug


LeeAnn - I LOVE Harry Potter :manyheart I've read most of the books more than once, and they don't get old :lol I didn't have any interest, but started before the 4th came out. The first movie came out and a friend of mine that came to my parents for thanksgiving weekend (in 2011) wanted to see it so my mom and I went with her to see it and THEN I was hooked and read them all eagerly awaiting each one to be released :yes My mom even did the pre-ordering :lol I just battled the crowds at the book store :eek I hope you're enjoying them, each one gets better than the one before.

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Joanne - :yay for getting the Maggie's square, I'm sure you'll find it's purpose when you finish



LeeAnn - I LOVE Harry Potter :manyheart I've read most of the books more than once, and they don't get old :lol I didn't have any interest, but started before the 4th came out. The first movie came out and a friend of mine that came to my parents for thanksgiving weekend (in 2011) wanted to see it so my mom and I went with her to see it and THEN I was hooked and read them all eagerly awaiting each one to be released :yes My mom even did the pre-ordering :lol I just battled the crowds at the book store :eek I hope you're enjoying them, each one gets better than the one before.

in 2011??? I got a good chuckle out of that!!!

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Hi all,

Good for you Beth- that must be a relief for you! And how sweet of DS to let you babble on - even if he was only waiting for the popcorn- It's great to feel important and YOU ARE!!!


Marisa- Hope your day flies by- What's on the radar to buy at JoAnn's? Could it be YARN?


LeeAnn- I am using Vanna's silver blue for the square. My daughter posted on my FB that she wants me to start selling some things- that she and her BF get so many compliments on all the homemade by mama gifts they have. She is going to help me get started- she is my biggest fan (she's the artist as is her BF). So I think I may just start a scarf or fingerless mitts tonight to start building inventory- LOL


Hope you ALL had a great day- Off to get something to eat- my tummy is talking to me!

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