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Good morning and Merry Day After Christmas!!!


The white stuff has started to fall and we are forecasted to get a blizzard- 12-18 inches!!! I was up early this morning and headed to JCPenney to get a few things for ME! They had some great sales. I then went to the grocery store since we really needed milk (and I need my milk for coffee) So while there, I also got some fruit, veggies and a few odds and ends. Everything is all put away and I'm glad that I can stay inside today. It's supposed to keep snowing through tomorrow so we'll see how that all plays out. I'm glad that my DD is not planning to leave VA until Tuesday!


My SIL did not get stuck working a second shift at work!!!! He got home at 2 and they were here around 4:15. We had a very nice relaxing dinner just enjoying each other's company. He's at work again today and I hope for DD's sake that he doesn't get stuck working another shift due to the snow.


Have a wonderful relaxing day one and all!!!

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Top of the morning dear friends!

Happy Merry Late Christmas! We were not home yesterday until late, didn't get a chance to hop on here, but I was thinking of all of you! I am thankful that I can be apart of your group, ya all are amazing!

Joanne-I'm so happy for you! Buying yourself goodies is important! You dear SIL works lots of hours, is he tired?

Beth-what a sweetie your ds is wearing his elf slippers!

All of the gifts that I made were a hit! Slippers, ghans, scarves and soap. My dad said he looks forward to seeing what I will come up with next. :yes He loves that I made him a scarf and soap basket. I smelled some of his favorite colognes, going to see if I can find the scent so that he can have the matching soap and body wash to go with. The kiddos had a great time too! They spent the night at the in-laws. They were craving grandparent time...they get soo spoiled while they are there. My little sister spent the night here! WOoohooo! She is home for a few days....so glad that I can spend time with her. Off to surprise her with coffee n bananna bread.

hugs n squishes!

I also finished another wrap, will take pics just as soon as everyone is up.BBL!

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Happy Day After Christmas! It sounds as though you all had a wonderful day, filled with peace, love, and relaxation! Just what I had wished for all of you!:c9


Marisa - your Steeler ghan is unbelievable! I showed Pete, and he agreed!:yes


Joanne - How's your blizzard? Still blizzarding? I think we are supposed to get 8 - 14" Are you hookin' or bookin'?


Beth - Love those slipper socks! How awesome that DS got a kick out of them, and :cheer for the friend getting a hug and smooch from Gram! :yay


Colleen, Stacy, LeeAnn, Sarah, Vicki, Shannon, Mary - I hope you had a fantabulous and magical holiday!


:hug:hug:hug to you all!

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I love those slippers, Beth! too cute!


p.s. I haven't sent you extra :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:huglately, so here you go! Feel free to share 'em! :wink


oh, and here's a bunch for all of my Besties:




Love you, guys!

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:hi everyone!


It sounds like you all had a good holiday. Ours has been great. Good food, good company, a happy child. Can't ask for more than that!


Joanne - Love the pics of the snow :manyheart I hope you can enjoy it from your window as much as possible.


Beth - Love the slippers, so cute.


LeeAnn - I'm not surprised everyone loved your home made gifts. What you achieved just amazes me!


:hug:hug:hug to everyone!

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Great slippers Beth


Glad to hear everyone had a happy holiday.


I took some pics of the Blizzard of 2010!!! Wow we got about a foot and a half of snow- with drifts higher than that. There is a state of emergency in NJ so no unessential vehicles can be on the road- hence that is why I'm sure my company closed for the day. Now to figure out how we're going to shovel/plow ourselves out of it. But that's for later. For now, I'm enjoying the peace and quiet beauty of the snow




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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm still at my parents until tomorrow morning and will go to work from here since it's the 11 day. I had taken off for today to stay and visit with relatives up skiing from florida, but they closed anyway with the snow :D


My sister loves her ghan, as did her bf too :D It was the highlight gift overall :lol Santa brought me what I asked for.....a wooden set of tray tables and my sister gave me her old camera, only it's not old because it needed to be serviced as soon as she got it so she got another while this one was out and now it's fixed and I got it :clap Also a pile of other stuff as well :yay


I'm now working on a baby set of a sweater, hat, and booties. The hat and booties are done and I started the sweater last night :yes I also need to do a baby afghan. My sil is due at the end of january, but I haven't picked a pattern yet so went with this cute set and I'll get on the blanket after I get back to Philly :think


Catch y'all later.

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I love those slippers, Beth! too cute!


p.s. I haven't sent you extra :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:huglately, so here you go! Feel free to share 'em! :wink


oh, and here's a bunch for all of my Besties:




Love you, guys!


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GOOOOOOO Morrrnniiinnngg!

Joanne-oh my! That is a super lot of snow! wow! We haven't had snow like that in awhile,...keeping my fingers crossed that we don't:lol I am glad that your company closed, it would be scary to be out driving in bad winter conditions. Have you given your hook a rest? I bet you are already thinking of your next project. What a great feeling to receive such high praises on your work! I know they were amazing!

Beth-love love love the slippers! Soo sweet!

LeaAnne-so nice to see your posts! I bet your family is enjoying the time off from school?

Marisa-just knew your goodies would be a huge success! Your new camera sounds :c9 can't wait to see your crocheted goodies.

Yesterday was filled with shopping and family. My aunt invited us over for dinner..what a blast! The gals did my nails! purple, blue, red,...lots of designs. Dd was helping too. :yes Dh is back at work, I miss him already, but can fill time up with washing laundry...:eek I am going to get caught up today or at least try to make a huge dent in it. Other than that, nothing new....going to start a set of the fingerless mitts for dd's friends. My wrists are rested up and feel lots better!

hugs n squishes! BBL!

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:hi friends!!!


A great big bestie :ghug to all this morning!


Beth, I had such a great laugh at your son wearing those slippers first thing in the morning! How sweet.


LeaAnne, it's always wonderful to see you!! Glad you had a wonderful holiday. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Joanne, love the pics!! Have you tried shoveling out yet? Be sure to take it easy out there!


Leeann, well of course everyone loved your homemade gifts! :yes How sweet of you to figure out your dad's cologne and make him matching soaps. :manyheart Enjoy your sister time.


Marisa, so glad everyone loved your 'ghan! How could they not, though? It is fantastic! Yay for Santa bringing what you want!


Colleen, Vicki, Shannon, Sarah, Mary- hope all is well with you and that you had a wonderful holiday!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


We've had a fabulous few days. :manyheart They have been completely Roomie-free, which could attribute to my great mood. :blush Anyway, we went to dh's aunt's for the usual Christmas Eve dinner. Mia's godfather gave the girls a computer! :faint We set it up in their room and they have been great about taking turns. :yes Dh's parents came over here on Christmas morning, instead of us going there. That was a nice change. My dad is also here. We opened gifts and had breakfast, then just relaxed the rest of the day. Yesterday I had to do some grocery shopping, then came home and cleaned a bit. My mom gave me a Michael's gift card, so yesterday we stopped by after Trader Joe's. :blush:devil I bought yarn to make a flannel'ghan :lol, and yarn and suede slipper bottoms to make some slippers- all for me! :yes (Don't worry Joanne- I already have the yarn for yours. :wink) Unfortunately I have to finish the one for BIL first. Not sure when they are coming to visit, but I want to be ready.


Well, I better scoot and get some more cleaning done. Still have 2 loads of laundry to finish. Love and hugs!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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We are all dug out!! :clap Thank goodness for snowblowers!! DH took his time and did the driveway and I shoveled the front steps (2 sets of steps - what were we thinking when we bought a bi-level?):think It's beautiful outside with the sun shining- so hopefully the sun will melt some of the snow by the patio door! Our neighbor finished off the front sidewalk in front our house for us!:hug


Stacy- Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas- roomie free and all!! :yes How sweet of Mia's godfather to get the girls a computer! What an awesome gift!!! And nice that they are sharing!!! Michael's has a great sale going on now- so tempting- but I really, really need to use up some of the yarn I have!!! And no worries about the flannel'ghan- you have till October!! :lol:lol


LeeAnn- Your fingernails sound beautiful (and colorful):lol We are all dug out and I'm not sure yet what I feel like making. Maybe a neckwarmer with some of the leftover Bernat chunky from the Mystery ghan.


Marisa- enjoy your extra day at your parents- sounds very relaxing!! :c9 Be safe driving back tomorrow!


Here's some more pics!





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:hi and:hugs to everyone!


:wbrr:wbrr... I just got home from work. We didn't have many customers, but we did have some:eek ... I would not have gone out today to shop, that's for sure! :loco


I played with some spring flowers today, and get to do the same tomorrow. It has been some time since the floral department got any TLC, so I told the boss that each day I will pick a color and tear it apart and make it right. :yes... It is helping me to learn what different flowers are called. My favorites so far are onion grass that has some "snow" on the top, and waxflowers. They are so dainty and old fashioned:c9. And the cheeriest flower I have decided is the Gerbera Daisy.


Anyhoo... I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day!


Marisa - safe travels!

Joanne - :h5 on the shovel-ness!

Beth - I think it was you who once told me that :hugs are best when you share 'em! :giggle

Stacy - You all have a looooong break! My chickens (who are all well, except Krissy who has a cold) go back on the 3rd. Where did Roomie go to celebrate Yule? When does she come back? So glad to hear that you had a wonderfully relaxing Christmas!

LeeAnn - WTG on getting some :washer done to keep the blues away! I have some to get done, too... I think I am gonna wait, tho!:devil

Colleen, Shannon, Sarah, Vicki, and Mary - Hi and hugs to you all!!!!


... I gotta scoot for now... time to make tacos! YUMMMMM!


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Stacy, so glad to hear the girls are sharing the computer, but if you need a little help with that, I bought my kids each a digital timer from the Dollar Tree (everything's a dollar) and had them time themselves, limiting their computer time, and allowing others to take their turns. I also told them they could only use it for 30 mintues a day, unless they did some extra chores to earn an additional 30 minutes. That's gone out the window, now that they are teens, but it worked when they were younger. And it's always nice to have kids coming up asking for extra chores to do!:c9


LeaAnne, great plan to learn the names of your flowers, and to get the area organized. I'll bet your boss loves you! I've worked with too many people who try hard to do as little as possible. And yes, when you share hugs, you get to enjoy them twice!:hug:2hug


Joanne, it is nice to be dug out, isn't it? i had to take care of my kittens at the pet store today, but I didn't have to tutor. it was nice to almost have a day off.


LeaAnn, i want a pic of your manicure! it sounds like a fun time had by all.


Marisa, drive safely. Did you get a lot of snow there?


Mary, Colleen, Sarah, Shannon, and Vicki, I hope you are enjoying your holidays, and have a great time!

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Good morning, Besties! I'm getting very acclimated to no alarm in the morning. Next week will not be pretty! We still have snow, but the main roads are very clear (as in people driving like maniacs again) but the back roads look (to quote my friend kel) like a toboggan run.


I hope you have a great day. I'm sitting here with my cup of coffee, thinking about what I need to do today -- a bit of a house cleaning is in order, and I want to get back to my husband's scarf.


Have a good one!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Morning friends!

Joanne-I hope the roads were somewhat cleared up so that you could have a safe drive in to work. Did you have to work today?


Beth-I am not fully coherent, waiting for the coffee to kick in. What kind of scarf are you making for your dh?


LeaAnne-you are so sweet to re-organize everything and make it beautfiul! Will you be back down to 20 hours this week?


Stacy-a new computer! Cool! I bet the girls are in heaven!


going to let the coffee do it's thing then back to tidying up. I already started laundry, I think I can I think I can.


hugs n squishes!

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Not going to be on for either a couple of days or awhile... Monitor on the laptop died this morning so I'm at the library to post this. Will be on when I'm able to get to the library but it might be a few days or until we can buy a new computer... Depends on whether or not the computer guy at Doug's work can get the monitor working or not.

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:waving, friends!


:woo... I have 2 days off... in a row! Yeeeoowzah! :rofl then I will work and Fri and Sat, with Sunday off.


Beth - I hear ya about the no alarm-ness!:c9 It sure is nice! What scarf are you making for your Darling Hubby-ness? :lol about Kel's "toboggan run"! That's a really great and appropriate analogy:yes


LeeAnn - Yep... down to 20 hours for me! I hope your coffee kicked in and that you got your laundry and tidying done! what's on your hook currently?


Marisa and Joanne - how were your commutes? I hope not too bad :xfin


Sarah - :xfin that you get/got your 'puter fixed!


Colleen - What fun vacation adventures are you having with your DD this week? I bet you are having lots of fun!


Vicki - Are you on break this week, too? How have you been feeling?


Stacy - Are the girls still sharing? Did you know who return home yet?


Mary - did you have a great time with your family who got to enjoy Christmas with you? Did you finish your sweaters and stuff? How is your back feeling? I hope you are on the mend, friend!


Shannon - Whatcha up to, Girlie? I hope you are feeling well today, and that Janna-ness is having the best first Christmas vacation ever!!! How are Honey, Al, and Sissy? And HOW BOUT DEM SAINTS!!!!:cheer:cheer Great game last night!


Well, all, I hope this post finds you well, restful and happy :U

... I hear my hook calling, so I am going to go make it feel wanted! :rofl


Luv Ya's a Wicked Lot!


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I'm making my dh a 9" by 6ft (I think) scarf with a basketweave stitch. The yarn is wool, acrylic, and alpaca blend in a brown and off-white twist. I'm almost half done. It's very thick, very heavy. I hope that makes it manly, because he's a lot pickier than I am about things like that. It's taking forever!!!


LeaAnne, alarm free days are awesome! Enjoy your days off.


Sarah, hope you get your computer working soon.


Marisa, are you home safely?


Joanne, did you work today?


Mary, I hope you are enjoying your family.


Colleen, thinking about you.


LeaAnn, did you get the laundry done?


Stacy, are the girls still sharing the computer nicely?


Vicki, thinking of you, and hoping you are headache free


Shannon, I hope you and your family are enjoying the holidays.

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Hey girls!


Guess what?! I got A's in geography and health!! :woo:cheer:clap Where is that Cabbage Patch? :lol My yoga grade isn't in yet but I'm not worried. I am just in shock about the geography because I know I got C's on the last two quizzes. :shrug But I can't complain.


My dad and I took the girls to the Science Center today. They just weren't into it, I guess, since we were home by 2. Oh, well. Then they skated in the front yard and Jorge helped Mia with her bike once he got home. She got a new one for Christmas, without training wheels.


LeaAnne, how sweet of you to reorganize the flowers. And a great way to learn what they are- good idea! You know who called me yesterday and said they are snowed in (they went to visit family in Ohio) and won't be home until Thursday. :devil So we have an extra two days of quiet. Nice. :yes


Sarah, sorry to hear about the computer. I hope the computer guy can fix it.


Leeann, hope you accomplished everything you wanted today. :hug:hug


Beth, I hear ya on the alarm-ness! It is so nice now that the kiddos are on vacation- I can go back to sleep after dh leaves and not worry about getting them ready for school. :manyheart What pattern are you making for dh? I started one for my dh the other day but not too sure if I like it. It's just alternating rows of sc and hhdc. :think


Everyone, love and hugs!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug I have to figure out what is for dinner. I found a knock-off recipe for Chili's southwestern egg rolls and planned to make them, unfortunately I didn't read the entire directions first, and at the end it says to freeze them for 4-6 hours before cooking so they hold together. :eek




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Hey Beth, we must've posted at the same time! I think the scarf sounds very manly. :yes My dh wants something with a very tight stitch, no gaps or holes in a dark blue color. Men are really so particular! :lol

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Hi all,

I had work today and left earlier than usual so that I would be able to take my time. The roads were OK- but I was surprised that a main thoroughfare that is usually 3 lanes in each direction was only 2 lanes in each direction!!! Some parts of road were barely plowed but I just took my time and got in safe and sound.


I got stuck working till 6- very busy day! So didn't get home till about 7 - roads a little better- but way more cars on them!!!


Stacy-:cheer:clap:yay:hug I'm so happy for you!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! 4.0!!!!! AWESOME!!!!! And bonus thrown in- that you have 2 more roomie- free days!!


LeaAnne- Enjoy your 2 days off in a row! What's on your hook?


LeeAnn- Hope your coffee kicked in and you had a great day.


Beth- enjoy the rest of the week and the alarmlessness!!! That was a great idea about the computer time and the timer!!!


Sarah- Sorry to hear about the computer monitor. It's so hard to be w/out a computer these days- we've all become so reliant on them!!!


Well, my friends, it's almost 8- time to unwind and get to bed at a decent hour since tomorrow is going to be a very busy day in Paradise!



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Hey Beth, we must've posted at the same time! I think the scarf sounds very manly. :yes My dh wants something with a very tight stitch, no gaps or holes in a dark blue color. Men are really so particular! :lol

Yes they are!!!:lol:lol:lol

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:eek! :nworthy, Beth! You must really love DH an awful lot!:lol Basketweaves take for-ev-er!


Stacy! :dance:cheer:dance WTG on your 4.0-ness! that is awesome! ...and :devil too bad about roomie being snowed in in Ohio!:devil:rofl


Joanne - Wowza! you had a long day! and on top of driving under let's say "less than optimal" conditions can be VERY stressful! get some good rest, friend!:hug


I am working on a baby blanket in white, black and bubble gum pink. It is to match a comforter that has black and white toile bordered in pink. I am using 2 strands, and striping white with black and white to try to emulate "toile". I will border it in pink. It's working up pretty quickly, which is a good thing!


:hi and :hugto everybody I didn't address: Colleen, LeeAnn, Shannon, Marisa, Mary, Sarah, Vicki... I hope you had a great day!


Sleep well, friends!

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