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Hope you all had a good day! One day down- 3 more to go!!!


I have to finish the scarf tonight- it's for my Secret Santa at work and also finish the 2nd of the fingerless gloves- started at lunch time- wasn't paying attention and missed a few stitches- frog pond here I come


Have a great night!

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still have a few decorations that need put up (getting the painting caused me to have to rearrange the decorations). We'll finish the shopping when Doug gets paid on Wednesday. Doug's mom is going to watch Keith on Thursday while we go shopping and then we'll watch Hannah and Zack while she goes...

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Hello everyone! Thank you so much for the warm welcome...back!:D I don't know why I was so scared. You guys are like family to me. You love me no matter what.


I am freaking out a bit. Between my procrastination-ness and Janna being sick this month, I am waaaaay behind. I made a good dent in the housework today, so I feel good about that. But I'm super nervous about getting the yarnie things finished in time. I still have two blocks plus joining on DH's fg (the border will have to wait). I really wanted to make bookmarks for Janna's teachers/therapists. And I wanted to give out star ornaments to everyone, but I don't have many made. Needless to say, I'm a bit overwhelmed. Okay, I'm done.


It's wonderful to see that everyone is doing so well. And it feels great to be back amongst friends. I've been pretty lonely since I've been gone.


Great big :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to all of you, and I'll talk to you soon!!:manyheart

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Hello everyone! Thank you so much for the warm welcome...back!:D I don't know why I was so scared. You guys are like family to me. You love me no matter what.


I am freaking out a bit. Between my procrastination-ness and Janna being sick this month, I am waaaaay behind. I made a good dent in the housework today, so I feel good about that. But I'm super nervous about getting the yarnie things finished in time. I still have two blocks plus joining on DH's fg (the border will have to wait). I really wanted to make bookmarks for Janna's teachers/therapists. And I wanted to give out star ornaments to everyone, but I don't have many made. Needless to say, I'm a bit overwhelmed. Okay, I'm done.


It's wonderful to see that everyone is doing so well. And it feels great to be back amongst friends. I've been pretty lonely since I've been gone.


Great big :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to all of you, and I'll talk to you soon!!:manyheart

Don't stress yourself- Try and finish the blocks on the FG. I am making my DD's BF a flannel'ghan- I finished the strips- and weaved in the ends and I still have to sew all the strips together. He may get a look at it on Christmas and have to leave it with me to do the border if I can't get to it by then. Can you use some of the star ornaments for her teachers/therapists? I hope Janna is ok. How long was she sick. Big hugs right back at you!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:hi friends!


Busy, busy day. There just seems to be no end of things to do. DD had her eye Dr. appt this morning (all is fine). I baked some mini lemon loaves after the appt and then we went to a matinee of Tangled after lunch. It was cute. Then I did a roast chicken for supper. After supper I made chicken stock and folded a couple loads of laundry. One more in the dryer now. I am feeling kinda yucky. I think it's just the smell of the chicken stock. Yuck! Hopefully that is all it is because there is a stomach flu going around.


I'm trying to make some baked goods up for the neighbours. So far I've got the mini lemon loaves, hope to make mini banana breads and ginger cookies tomorrow. Then I'll put those in a little basket, maybe with a jar of jam from the farmers market. :shrug


Shannon - We are like a family here, so please don't stay away again. We missed you! Don't stress about the yarnie things. Whatever gets done gets done, just enjoy the season with Janna-ness, your DH, and your family.


Joanne - Good luck finishing your scarf! 3 days to go :woo!


Stacy - Good luck with the menu planning. That's the toughest thing for me. I find it a little easier this week, what with Christmas dinner and seasonal traditions. Good luck with your baking! I'll be baking along with you!


Beth - Enjoy having DH home.


:hi everyone else! I hope you had a great Monday!

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:hug:hi, all!


Beth- enjoy having DH home, and not getting up at dark:30 AM for a few days! :c9 do you get to keep him until the new year? How cool that he loves to bake!


Joanne - Only 3 days to go for you! :woo! I hope your visit to the "frog pond" was a short one! :wink


LeeAnn - WTG on the baskets! They sound so lovely :dreaming


Colleen - You must be in your glory with all of your baking! I must say that your post made me hungry! YUMMY!


Stacy - Did you get to the post office in time? Was the line tremendously long? I hope you are all ok in that rain, and that Jorge has a safe trip tomorrow. How are your girls? Everyone here is healthy, busy and "sassy":lol Thank you, God, for that! :c9


Sarah - I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas! How nice to swap child caring time with Doug's parents so that you all get the shopping done! Where will you be for dinner on Christmas Day? Will you all be together?


Hey, Marisa! How are you, lady? Sounds like your hooks have been smokin'! :lol:nworthy... I hope that everyone is doing well down your way. I sure know that this weekend was great for sports fans in Philly!


Shannon-ness! So nice that you are back, too! It sure does feel like coming home again, doesn't it? I hope that you get done what you want to in time...and that you don't get stressed.


Mary and Vicki - :hi and :hug


I hope you all have a great night and a wonderful Tuesday! Tomorrow at work I get to start setting spring flowers!:eek:think


:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart to you all!

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OK just a quick post before I head to bed. Stayed up late to watch the lunar eclipse. Can't remember when the last time I watched one was. I just know it's been awhile. Took a bunch of pictures. Goodnight and hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.

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Good morning!

Very cool pictures Sarah!!! I woke up at 3:45 for a mother nature call and then went outside- caught the very tail end of the lunar eclipse- the moon is a reddish orange now and just looked out and a sliver of the moon is now showing. What I really noticed was how bright the stars are. Simply amazing sight!!! I'm wide awake now so no use going back to sleep- I'll just have to make it an early night tonight!


Colleen- Those mini lemon loaves sound delicious as well as the other baked goods! I'm not much into baking or cooking- but still do need to make some cookies. It won't be tonight though! LOL. Hope that you are not getting the stomach flu- and that the yucky feeling has passed by the time you read this!


LeaAnne- So nice to see a post two days in a row!!! You must be so busy with 4 chickens and what has been a full time job. Hope you are having some time to enjoy the holidays without too much stress. And of course you are putting up spring flowers!! You know retail- always ahead of the seasons! On a cold winter day, nothing like some spring flowers to brighten your day!


Stacy- Hope you are safe with all the rain- I know you like rain, but it seems like Cali is really getting walloped with it!!! Good luck to DH on his drive today to Fresno! Meal planning is tough that's for sure. Seems we always make the same things- if you find any good ideas, pass them on!


Beth- Enjoy your sleep-in mornings while DH is on vacation. How lovely that he is home and that he loves to bake!!! Are you all set for Christmas? And congrats on finishing up 50 hats!!! That's amazing!!!


LeeAnn- How's your wrist feeling? My shoulder was bothering me a bit again, but feels better this morning- I guess it will until I start hooking again, which will be in a few minutes- gotta finish the scarf. I did finish the fingerless mitt- and then headed to bed last night.


DD called last night- the packages I mailed her for Christmas arrived yesterday! I just mailed them Saturday morning- I'm impressed with the US Postal Service! She said she has the presents under her tree and that the presents under the tree look pretty. I always miss her on Christmas- and this year again, I can't go up due to work responsibilities. Two years ago I went up the day after Christmas through New Years and hope to be able to do that again next Christmas.


Well, off to finish the scarf for my Secret Santa- Nothing like last minute Sally, here!!!


Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Top of the morning to ya dear friends!

I had hopped on here last night and had this super looong post and whatdya know? Poof! It was gone! So I went to bed. :angry

Joanne-Is your shoulder feeling better after crocheting for a few?:hug My wrists feel much better, I put some more cream on them last night and have been trying to limit the amount of heavy work I do with my hands. This seems to be helping. I tried to get in just a teeny tiny bit of crochet but didn’t want to overdo it. Kathi gave be a Chilean handmade crochet hook..I had to try it out. It’s pretty cool. :DI think it was hard to do a foundation ch with it, but think it will be neat to use. That is soo awesome that your dd received her gifts! The postal service is on the ball, my sister received her package last week in 2 days. I was super impressed!

LeaAnne-oh soo happy to see your posts! :hugI bet you are busy as a bee! Did you get all of your x-mas shopping done?

Sarah-so bummed, I missed the eclipse last night, fell asleep. I can’t stay up very late, my body just falls asleep..That is so neat that you can trade babysitting. I wish that my sister lived closer so that we could do that.:hug

Shannon-maybe you can make New Year Gifts? This might take the pressure off.:hug

Stacy-I saw on the news that Cali is getting tons of rain. Is this usual for this time of year? I am sure your girls are super duper excited! :hug My kiddos are counting the days not so patiently.

Colleen-that is super nice of you to make goodies for your neighbors.:hug The lemon loaves sound delicious! This afternoon I will be baking more banana bread. We gave it all away….so have to make some for us and a loaf for my parents. How was Tangled? The previews look so cute!

Marisa-how’s the progress on the ghan coming along? Any sporting events this week?:hug

Beth-:hugI bet your dh is enjoying his time off. My dh is supposed to be working on a few things here around the house, let’s see if he gets them done.:eek

Ds and I are going to deliver the baskets today, I am dragging him along for a little mom/son time. I am going to surprise him and take him to lunch. Have a good day friends! BBL!

Mary-hope all is well!:hug

Hugs n squishes!

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Hiya friends!! How are ya today?


I'm HOT today!:sunBlech! It's not supposed to be 80 degrees right before Christmas!


So, my little bit of shopping time didn't go very well today. But, here comes Honey to the rescue!! She's keeping the munchkin for me tomorrow night. That means I can work on the house while she's in school, bring her to my parents, and do some more shopping--alone. My mommy is my hero!!:manyheart


LeeAnn- I'm glad your wrists are feeling better. Everyone is talking about your baskets. What's in them? Did you post pics of them that I need to go find? I'm intrigued!


Joanne- Why does nature always have to call so early?:lol I was up, but couldn't find the moon from my window. It was cloudy here last night.


Sarah- I hope you get some time to rest today. You were up late! Thank you for sharing the pictures. They're so neat!


Colleen- I hope you're feeling better today! Your post made me drool with all that baking talk going on!


LeaAnne- You are a busy girl!! Hope things are going well. Spring flowers--:eek! That's crazy!!


Beth- Way to go getting to your 50 hat goal!! That is so awesome! You should be proud of yourself!! Are you starting over next year?


Well, here I am procrastinating again. I better get my badorkas in gear if I want the house ready by Christmas Eve. Have a great evening ladies!:manyheart

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Hope everyone had a great day! And that Stacy is safe in Cali with all that rain!!

Shannon- You are right - it's not supposed to be that hot before Christmas! What is the usual temp in LA this time of year?

It's cold here- very fitting for the first day of winter!


I'm off to either take a cat nap (I'm beat) or just start on another pair of fingerless mitts- I'm thinking a cat nap might be a good idea!

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That's a great pattern. The one I'm using is

this one that was posted by Freckles896 here at the Ville


You start with a chain of however long you want them With a J hook. The ones in the picture, I did a beginning chain of 30.

Row 1: Sc in second ch from hook and in each across. Ch 1, turn.

Row 2-24: (In back loops only) sc across ch 1, turn. (number of rows can be adjusted up or down to fit around wrist/hand)

Join row 24 to beg. row by sc across first 4 sts, sl st across next 5 sts (only on one side to make thumb hole), sc across to end.

On top and bottom to make the shells, sl st to join, sc one round, join.

Ch 2, dc in same st, sc in next st. *2dc in next st, sc in next st, around. Join, fasten off.


LeeAnn had posted the link and they work up so easy!! I used an I hook for the chain and H hook for the rest (but that's because I crochet loosely)

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HI all!

Back from delivering baskets and bumming. What a great day! Ds had a wonderful time, I took him to lunch-just the two of us:c9

Shannon-the baskets contain-homemade glycerin soap, bath salts, bubble bath and a small washcloth-all organic made by yours truly. They are soo cute! I have quite a few molds. The most popular are the high heels with the purse. I also have about 12 scents to pick from and can color everything to match. They sold like hot cakes! What fun too! That is wonderful that Honey is helping you out. How sweet!

Joanne-sorry the link didn't work but what an awesome pattern.

Dh and I are running in to town-he wants to buy the Precise Tylenol. It is a cream that is supposed to help with aches and pains. His shoulder is still bothering him, I hope this will help.

BBL! hugs n squishes!

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Hey ladies :hi


Just another quick check :lol I'm moving along on my graph ghan :D Only 16 rows left so I gotta get moving as soon as I'm done here. I'm hoping to get those done tonight :xfin Shouldn't be a problem because only one row left has a color change and the last 15 are solid :whew I'm going to pm Amy to make sure I'm allowed to share a pic when it's done :think


Sounds like everyone is moving right along for xmas :D Keep up the good work everyone :lol:hug :hug :hug :hug :hug


LeeAnn - No home sixers games this week. They always play away for about 2 weeks over xmas because they have the holiday disney on ice at the arena. So I don't have a game to go to until after the new year.


Gotta get hooking :D

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What a day! :loco I went to the $ store, the farmers market, the grocery store, and drove DD to 10 friend's houses to deliver birthday party invitations. I baked the banana bread, the ginger cookies and assembled them along with the jam into tins for the neighbours. I made chicken soup and veggies and dip. I must have done 6 sink-fulls of dishes, plus ran the dishwasher twice. I did get to go to a movie with a friend tonight, so that was great. We saw How Do You Know. So cute.


LeeAnn - Tangled was very cute. I highly recommend it.


Shannon - :clap for Honey! Good luck with your shopping! I'm so happy to see your posts. 80 degrees :eek...are you crazy? If you want to enjoy your 80 degrees more, come on up here for a visit. You'll appreciate your 80 degrees.


Joanne - 2 days :D


Marisa - What is the graph-ghan of? Why wouldn't you be allowed to share a pic?


LeaAnne - :manyheart So happy to see you posting, spring flowers and all!


Beth - You must be off enjoying your family.


Sarah - Nice pics of the lunar eclipse. :tup


Mary - Thinking about you friend. :hug How are you?


Stacy - I hope your DH got safely to Fresno. How excited are your girls for Christmas? I bet they are loving having you home.


Vicki - if you're out there, Merry Christmas friend. Enjoy your vacation.

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Good morning everyone!


Colleen- What a busy day you had, but nice to top it off with a movie with a friend!!! What kind of party are you having for DD's birthday? Any special theme?


Stacy- Thinking of you in soggy Cali!


LeaAnne- How was it decorating with spring flowers on the first day of Winter?


Marisa- I hope you can post a pic- I'm sure the Steelers ghan is going to be aweseome!!! You really impress getting so many afghans done in such a short time.


Shannon- Enjoy your shopping Janna-free! It will make it so much quicker and easier!!! Mom's are the best aren't they? Can't wait till I'm a grandma and can spoil the little one(s)! One can hope!!!


Sarah- That's great that you'll get to switch babysitting so you can each shop alone too!


LeeAnn- How were the roads with the snow? Hope DH's shoulder feels better. My wrist actually started to hurt a twinge last night making the fingerless mitts. So only made one- and went to bed- It feels fine this morning! And I'll make the mate today/tonight. Need them for a gift for tomorrow.


Mary- How's things in your neck of the woods...aka ...God's Country?


Beth- Has DH been baking up a storm? That's neat that he likes to bake. My DH likes to cook, but he doesn't bake- sure wish I had one of my DD's here- they ALL like to bake!


Well, off to get ready for another day in Paradise! Hope you all have a good one!

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Good morning ladies :tired


Making progress and finished my last 16 rows last night plus the first round of the border in sc :clap:yay Tonight I'll finish up the border and hopefully be able to start on weaving ends, which will take a bit :eek


Colleen - it's the Pittsburgh Steelers logo so I just wanted to check about the copyright rules so as not to violate any regulations in regards to that :think Good news, Amy said that I am allowed to show my pic of my product :D


Gotta run...........

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Hi Ladies

Hope everyone is doing great and getting everything done before the big day.

I still have a sweater to make for youngest GD but Iam about half way there. Youngest DD got here on Monday afternoon. She has been helping me get the rest of the wrapping done.

I tripped over a roll of x-mas paper the other day and yes you guessed it......... I put my back out again. It is not so bad during the day but by night time I can hardly move.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Mary, :hug I hope your back feels better soon. You need to be healthy to enjoy those grandkids!


I do love all of you, but I am just not able to write to each of you right now. I can call you by name, though:


Mary (I already got ya, but you deserve to be named twice), Colleen, LeaAnne, Joanne, LeaAnn, Marisa, Sarah, Stacy, Shannon, and Vicki, on Comet, on Cupid On Donner and Blitzen....:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:manyheart


Have a great day!

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Good Morning!

Marisa-you are soo fast! :dance I can’t believe that you finished another ghan! You must be soo pumped! Can’t wait to see a pic, glad that you can post it here.

Joanne-I tried the Precise Tylenol cream, it smells like menthol but works well. I feel like my grandma:rolleyes-but if this is what I have to do to make my wrists feel better, I can take it! The roads dried up but we are expecting another storm, snow for 3 days. Oh my gosh! What will we do??? Crochet and bake!

Colleen-wow! You did a lot in one day! You are super! :applause Can you send some of your energy this way? I was supposed to bake yesterday but after all the running back and forth, I was tired and just a tad lazy. I did find my wrap leaflet that I had been searching for…going to make another wrap using the self striping yarn. Can’t wait! But of course I must take it slow and do exercises in between and take break. When is your dd’s birthday? My dd’s is on the 29th. She is going to be 10.

Beth-hope you have a great day!

Mary-so sorry to hear about your fall,:flower glad that you have company to help you out. What color is the sweater that you are making?

Stacy-what’s a happening?

LeaAnne, Vicki, Sarah and Shannon-miss you all!

Best get my tush in gear and get to baking and laundry. Hugs n squishes! BBL!:hug

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Hi all,

Another busy day in Paradise is over- one more to go and then it's three days off!!:yay


Mary so sorry to hear about your back- take it easy-:hug and glad that youngest DD is there to help you out!!


Beth- hugs right back at you!:hug:hug:hug


LeeAnn- good to know about the Tylenol precise-and yes, just take breaks in between- Stay safe in the snow- but perfect for a "white Christmas":c9


Marisa- What can I say but WOW!!!! :clap:clap You finished 4 afghans in such a short period of time. I can't wait to see the Steelers one!!!! And if you ever get the urge to make another graph'ghan, I'll take a NY Yankee one:lol


Colleen, LeaAnne, Stacy, Vicki, Sarah and Shannon- Hi to you all!!!


Gotta run - figure out something for dinner- I'm thinking grilled cheese and soup and then work on some more crocheting- and I still have to sew DD's BF's flannel'ghan!!!!


Have a good night!

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