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Good Morning Friends!


Joanne-:cheer:cheer:cheerYou will finish your flannel 'ghan in no time! I will be thinking of you today.


Beth-what is on your agenda for the weekend?


Colleen-thank you so very much for letting us know about LeaAnne, I was worried about her. How are you doing?


Marisa-happy crocheting!:clap:cheer:cheer

Stacy-your teacher gifts are so thoughtful! I'm so glad that you liked the mitt pattern, I made my sister 2 sets, my friend Rose a set and my aunt a set too....guess what? they all want more! Oh gosh! When can I get them done??? Next week, I hope.



Sarah-decorating takes a lot of time, this year we went simple....kinda...we have the Santa on his sleigh and one reindeer up on the roof top and lights on the fence, and three trees....now that I think about it, not simple.:yes:yes:rofl....geesh here I was thinking, "we didn't decorate that much"...ugh??? we did!


have the baskets put together for all of the orders, need 3 more washclothes, will hop to that now as dh is still asleep and the kiddos are reading in bed. Oh the fun of vacation! yippeee!


Yesterday it took me 45 minutes to drive 10 miles into town...ice...it was scary. It's still snowing,:eek


Hugs n squishes!BBL!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Thanks for the kudos on being organized :blush I do tend to be organized, but it helps that I live alone without a bf or dh AND no kids or animals running around :lol


I hope y'all get done what you need to.


Joanne - You've been moving right along on that fg and you probably could finish it in time if you only have one strip left :think


Colleen, Stacy, Sarah, LeeAnn, and everyone else that pops in.....have a great weekend, and I'll be in and out all day today and tomorrow. I'm only working on my graph ghan and will run out either today or tomorrow some time to pick up some thread for the crochet challenge :yes


The next part I just copied from the our house thread so I wouldn't have to type it again since it's long (so Joanne, if you've already read it, there's nothing added :lol )


:yay I finally get to check in without just breezing through :lol The game was a good one last night and my sixers actually played and gave the lakers a run for their money, even though they still lost. But the defense was 'on' for both teams and the final score was only 93-81. It was a close game up until the end. It was also a sold out game, so very busy....Also, Michael Vick was there, DeSean Jackson, Jimmy Rollins, and another Phillie that for the life of me I can't remember right now :think A friend of Mary's was there and joined us for dinner with his daughter who is just a cutie pie, only about 3-4 years old. Mary was working on a sweater and so now she has to make a pink one, the one she was working on was purple for another little girl. I started a hat for her too in a rosey pink color, but seeing as I only started at the start of the 4th quarter, it only got half done while we were there. Anyway, we were just hanging out at the exit chatting before leaving and it was just us in the foyer (at the VIP entrance, since that's how you get up to the restaurant) and DeSean Jackson walked right past us along with one of the lakers and few bodyguards :lol We may have thrown him off, because we all just looked up and said hey......we don't get very starstruck :lol So, it was a very active night there. Oh, and we also met Craig Brackins who 'plays' for the sixers :think One of the head sales reps came over in the restaurant and said Brackins was up there and did we want to meet him, we looked at the man and asked who that was :eek He NEVER plays, now I have to google him to see if he has an injury or something, but I do remember getting him in a trade after thinking about it :lol He wasn't suited up, but dressed in a suit, which makes me think of an injury :think Can you say tall!!!!! They really don't look that big from afar :**** I think My head came to his abdomen :eek :eek Very nice man though :yes (and cute too ;) )


OK, so back to the little girl :lol When we were all leaving out to the parking lot....she looked up at Mary and asked where her sweater was? and Mary said, what sweater? and she said the purple one :**** We both looked at her and said that we thought she wanted a pink one and she just said oh :lol Too cute!!!!!

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Post office run done! Gifts are on their way to Boston!!! And it took two boxes! Hopefully they arrive in time for Christmas. And Thankfully they had a mac compatible external hard drive so I was able to exchange it!


Off to do some cleaning and then some hooking----oh and run to get something for DH- still don't know what!

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WTG on mailing the gifts Joanne! :clap


This is the neckwarmer I made: http://www.bernat.com/pattern.php?PID=4078 It's the Softee Chunky neckwarmer, but I used some Bernat Haven I had leftover from another project. It's a bulky yarn that is an alpaca blend and it is nice and soft. It's a celery colour. Super quick and easy project to make and it looks nice. I stopped and picked up buttons this afternoon. I took a pic and will post it soon when I get it off the camera. I thought it would keep my grandma warm and cozy. She is 88.


I did a bit of wrapping tonight and seem to be doing everything there is to do but finishing that headcover. Gotta get at that one. And dad's scarf :blush Nothing like leaving it to the last minute.


We have a big extended family Christmas party tomorrow (I'm not hosting). I made an Italian Veggie casserole. Just need to pop it in the oven before dinner. We'll pick up the buns too. We are doing an ornament exchange, so I have those all wrapped up. One of our ornament entries is a set of 2 crocheted ornaments.


I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

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Colleen- That's a nice neckwarmer- I had actually seen that one and printed it out since I've got some leftover Bernat Softee chunky from the Bernat Mystery Ghan!!!


Have fun at your extended family Christmas party tomorrow!!!


Stacy- Thought of you today when i went to the Bux and ordered a Caramel Brulee Latte- Mmmmmm it was good!!


I finished crocheting the strips of the flannel'ghan and all ends are all weaved in!!! Tomorrow I will begin sewing the strip s together!!


Have a good rest of the day/night!

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Popping in... Finished Zack's ornament at 2:30 this morning LOL. But they loved them so it was worth it. They loved going and seeing all the Christmas lights. Doug's Mom took Keith with them so we took advantage of the time to do some Christmas shopping for Keith (thank you Doug's Grandparents!!! All the work we do for them they definitely appreciate so they help us out a lot) So now I'm about to wrap what we bought so even if he finds them in the hiding places he won't be able to tell what they are. Also while we were heading over to Doug's Grandparents so Doug could work some more on the shed he's helping his Grandpa straighten out and clean up we stopped at a garage sale a couple of houses down and picked up a gorgeous painting to hang over the loveseat... Big painting... for $10.

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Hiya friends!


Sorry I have been MIA, spending time with the kiddos as well as running a few errands.


I did get 3 baskets delivered to Kathi's shop as the others all sold...yippee! Stopped at the bux and had a carmel brulee lattee-yummy!


WTG Joanne! Can't wait to see a pic!


Colleen the neck warmer pattern looks fairly easy, my kind of pattern.


have a good night friends! Will post more tomorrow, going to wrap my arm in a heating pad-wrists are hurting pretty bad.


hugs n squishers!

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Here's a first, I'm up early :lol Good morning besties. I just couldn't sleep. Time for a coffee and a little sit by the Christmas tree.


6 sleeps :hyper

Wow- this is a first!!! Colleen beat me and Beth to posting in the morning!!! Enjoy the sit by the tree with a cup of coffee!!!!


Before I start sewing the flannel'ghan together, I have to finish the scarf I'm working on and make matching fingerless mitts for our Secret Santa Exchange at work which is on Tuesday. I have till Christmas to get the flannel'ghan done- I know I can, I know I can:lol


Sarah- I love the painting you got!!! One good deed begets another good deed. When people do for others, it is often reciprocated in kind. Its nice that all your effort is appreciated!


Oh, LeeAnn- you have been crocheting up a storm with those baskets and making soap. Rest those wrists!!!! Hope they feel better this AM.


Right now, I'm going to join Colleen in a cup of coffee and take DH's presents out of the trunk of my car and wrap them up while he is still sleeping.


Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Good morning!!! I finished the hooded scarf. I will work on taking and posting pics later. I need to do the grocery shopping. There is snow forecast, and the people around here go nuts if they suspect snow, or heavy rain. Must stock up on food!!! Very strange.


Talk to you later

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:hi:hi:hi from a loooonnng lost Bestie! :blush


I miss you all something awful! I hope that you and your families are all well, and ready for the big week ahead!


I have been insanely busy these past weeks... have been working 40 hours, and then all the running at night to activities, catechism, and social stuff. I haven't even picked up a hook in weeks!

I do love, love, love my job! They said that after this week, i will drop to about 20 hours a week....much more manageable! With that said, I will be back REAL soon!


Meanwhile, please take some great big bear hugs from me, and know that I think of you all and hold you in my prayers every day!




Lots of love to you all!

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Good to see a post from LeaAnne!!! Merry Christmas right back at you!!!!


After wrapping DH's presents, I showered and headed to Trader Joe's and the regular grocery store. They are all put away and I'm getting ready for crocheting and football!!!


The only other plans I have for the day is the laundry- which I just heard the washer go off- so off to put that load in the dryer and start another!!!!

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LeaAnne! So good to hear from you. I'm so glad you love your job. It makes the long hours a lot easier. This is a very busy time of year for everyone. It sounds like you have a very full schedule.


Joanne, My dh actually went to one of the grocery stores with me today! :faint. He likes to bake Christmas cookies, which really thrills me, particularly since I can't eat the wheat, and it's just difficult to spend a lot of time making something I can't eat. I don't mind the easy stuff, but cookies... I've never been crazy about making cookies. Any way, groceries are done and put away. Laundry is almost done (last load is in the washer) and my kitchen looks better than it did this morning. I have more to do in there -- my kitchen gets messy with so many chefs and so few sous chefs, and no dish washer, except for the two-legged variety.


Colleen, sitting by the Christmas tree with a cup of coffee sounds :c9. I hope you found your quiet time to be peaceful and refreshing!


I'm cooking right now, so I need to get moving. Just take a hug, and know I'm thinking of you!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hey ladies :hi


I just realized that I didn't check in here all day :( I did some running this morning and me and Mary went to a little boutique yarn shop on south street in philly where I spent a small forture :blush but half of it was Mary's for her xmas gift since I didn't know what to get her :D


My Eagles won today!!!! :clap:yay:bounce:woo (Sorry Joanne :hug )


LeaAnne, Beth, Colleen, and everyone else....I hope you're getting everything done that needs to be :xfin Only a few days left now :yes All this preparation and it'll just whiz by us before we even know the holiday made it here :eek


Well, I gotta go keep plugging away at my graph ghan. The letter portion is done now which seemed to be quite time consuming :eek Off I go...........

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Marisa- I still can't believe that the Giants blew it!!!! They should have won!!! :angry UGH!!!!!!

At least one of the NY teams beat one of the PA teams-:clap Jets beat the Steelers- and to think you were working on a Steeler graph ghan for your sister!!!;)


I am getting ready to head up- to read a bit- I'm almost done with the scarf- and made my DD her hat tonight! So I'm plugging along on my projects- I'll sew the flannel'ghan together Thursday night and Friday AM. Until then, small projects- a few more cowls (they go quick) and fingerless mitts. Oh, if only I didn't have to go to Paradise this week!


Hope everyone had a nice Sunday!!!!

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Hi. Remember me?:blush


I sure have been missing you guys. I've been too embarassed to come back. I've been gone so long. I know I've missed a lot of what's been happening with all of you, and I'm sorry.


I hope you're all having a wonderful Christmas season, with family and friends and lots of love.


I'll be back soon. I promise. Lots of hugs to all of you!!:manyheart

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Good to hear from you Shannon!!!! How are you doing and how is Janna??


Missed you, but no reason to feel embarrassed about not posting in a while! Life sometimes gets in the way


It was good to hear from both LeaAnne and Shannon today!!!


Wonder how Vicki is doing? Her J-E-T-S won today!


Off to read- see you in the AM!

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:hi I didn't end up having coffee by the tree. I laid down on the couch in front of the tree and fell back to sleep for another hour. :c9 Sleeping is even better than quiet time.


We are home from the extended family Christmas. I ate way too much food...and that was before we even sat down for dinner :rofl Anyway, it was nice to see everyone and DD had a blast. She's been fighting a little cold and isn't 100%. She actually told me she was tired, which she NEVER does, so I knew it was time to get her home to bed.


LeaAnne - So nice to see your post and I am so happy you are enjoying your job.


Shannon - Great to see your post too! Don't be embarassed; I think we can all agree that we all love seeing each other's posts. Anytime!


Joanne - WTG getting your DH's gifts wrapped. You must be done your shopping then? Just the crocheting to go? I put some good time in on my head cover last night and just have a half-hour or so to go :tup Then dad's scarf to finish.


Marisa - Your yarn shop excursion sounds :c9


Beth - I hope your DH enjoys his Christmas baking (and how nice that he likes doing that). How did you cooking go?


:hi to everyone else! I hope you had a great weekend.

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Hi. Remember me?:blush


I sure have been missing you guys. I've been too embarassed to come back. I've been gone so long. I know I've missed a lot of what's been happening with all of you, and I'm sorry.


I hope you're all having a wonderful Christmas season, with family and friends and lots of love.


I'll be back soon. I promise. Lots of hugs to all of you!!:manyheart


Don't be embarassed to come back. =0) I was gone for awhile then came back so it's no big deal. Sometimes life gets in the way =0) :hug:manyheart:hug

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Good morning and Welcome to Monday- only 5 more days till Christmas! And only 4 days of work this week!!!!


Colleen- Glad to hear you had fun at the extended family Christmas party- seems to be the time of year for a little over-indulgence with the food. I'm sure my weigh-in at WW tomorrow will not be pretty! But, it is what it is, and I'm enjoying the holidays-time to get back on track after!

Yes, I am finished with my shopping- all gifts are wrapped. Just finishing up on some crochet projects- I have about 20 rows on a scarf I'm making for Secret Santa at work- which I have to finish tonight since we are exchanging gifts tomorrow. I finished a hat for DD last night to match the neckwarmer I made her so she is done. I have to sew the flannel'ghan together and I want to make a few more fingerless gloves- but they go quick, so I feel like I'm in good shape.


Stacy- How's the weather in So Cali? I read that you guys are getting lots of rain--good think you like rain!!! How are the girls- are they getting excited for Santa's upcoming visit?


Beth- WTG on finishing the hooded cowl- Did you get snow? It always makes me laugh when the grocery stores are jammed packed with shoppers at the mere mention of snow in the forecast. I don't think we would ever get enough snow that we would starve if we didn't make the trek to the store. I always go early in the morning- and was glad to be done with it and everything packed by 9:30.


Marisa- How's the Steeler's ghan coming along. You simply amaze me with how many afghans you have completed in such a short time- plus work full time!


LeeAnn- Did you get all your baskets completed? How's the snow by you?


Mary- Thinking of you and sending good wishes


Vicki- Missing your green posts- Enjoy your vacation--school is out for a few wks I think for Christmas break? My niece and nephew are off (they go to Catholic schools). The public schools are still in session here.


LeaAnne and Shannon- So happy that I know you are ok. Have a good Monday.


Sarah- Is all your shopping done? Is Keith counting down till Santa comes?


Off to get ready for paradise--have a good day all!

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My dh is on Christmas vacation, so I won't be getting up at 4:ugly in the morning, so my posts will be later for the next two weeks. Today's will be short, though, gotta leave soon to take care of the adoptable kitties at Petco!


I finished my hat #50! I made it thick, two strands of ww, so I could make it fast. It's a manly beige and black, and it's big enough for my son's manly head, so it should work for a dude.


It's good to hear from LeaAnne, and Shannon, kind of like Christmas! I love it when the whole family gets together!


Big hugs to all!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Just a quick good morning, but hit the snooze way too many times this morning :eek


Joanne - I'd say I'm about 2/3 done as of now with the ghan, I have to go pick up another ball of white.....I worked on it til I ran out last night :( But that's just as well, because then I went to bed at a decent hour :lol


gotta run

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Good Morning Friends!

I didn't post yesterday..yikes! Was thinking of all of you.

Joanne-Those fingerless mitts are addicting! I miss crocheting but haven't let myself, the wrists are still sore...dh put a muscle cream on them last night, they do feel better this morning but still not up to par....maybe by tomorrow I can hook for just a teeny tiny bit. I did read a good book tho'. A gift from my friend Rose.

Marisa-you are super fast! WTG! Oh my, what will you make after the holidays?

Beth-my dh is on vacation this week too..yeah! I love it! He's still asleep, he can sleep really late..but the kiddos and I are up early. What will you all do this week?

Sarah-did you get the last of your decorations up?

LeaAnne-welcome back!!! sure missed you!

Shannon-hello there!!!! Missed you as well!

We made 3 loaves of bananna bread and a batch of chocolate chip cookies yesterday. The in-laws stopped over and took one loaf home the other two will go to friends. And the cookies..shall I just say,....I don't think they will have time to go anywhere..the kiddos have munched them all! Baskets are done..whew! Have to deliver them tomorrow. I have one last gift basket to put together for my little brother. It is a book lovers basket with all of his favorite goodies, snacks and a few good books. I think he will love it.

off to get a cup of coffee and sit with the kids, they helped clean yesterday, all that is left to do is laundry...:eek

hugs n squishes!

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Hi friends!


LeaAnne!!! :hug:hug:hug I've missed you!! I'm so glad your job is going well. Hope the chickens are good, too!


Shannon-ness!! :hug:hug:hug I've missed you, too!! How is everything? How is Miss Janna? Is she loving her school? Never be embarrassed to come back and see us- you are a bestie! :manyheart


Joanne, WTG on getting your dh's presents all wrapped up. Do you have a shortened week in paradise? And :yes, it has rained for the past 3 days!! And the reports say it should until Wednesday. :manyheart I am in Heaven, but dh may have to drive to Fresno tomorrow. He is really dreading it. People just do not know how to drive in the rain here, and there is a very dangerous section of freeway called the Grapevine that they have to pass through. Isabella keeps asking if we can go to the Science Center but I won't even take the freeway for that short distance. I told her we will go when the rain stops.


Beth, WTG on finishing your 50th hat! You are a hookin' maniac! :lol Yay for dh being on vacation and not getting up at the crack of dawn. And for him liking to bake- that is really cool. My dh doesn't even know how to make an egg- Mia had to teach him. :lol


Sarah, good to see you! :waving


Marisa, you are on a roll with your afghan-making. :yay Great job!!


Colleen, glad you had a wonderful dinner with family!! I hope dd feels better soon.


Leeann- hope your wrists feel better soon! Do you have carpel-tunnel? At least you have all of your baskets done! And your baking sounds yummy. We are planning to bake either Wednesday or Thursday. I always take a platter of cookies to dh's aunt's Christmas Eve dinner, but if I make them too soon, they will disappear. :lol


Vicki and Mary- hope all is well with you!! :hug:hug:hug:hug


Today I have to pay a bill and go grocery shopping. I am trying to make a menu for the next two weeks, and it's not working out too well. It's like I forget what my family likes to eat. :think So weird. Then I have to finish getting my mom's gifts and send them out. Today is the last day to mail Priority in time for Christmas, so I imagine the lines will be long. Better get moving and get ready. Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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