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Hiya folks!

Getting ready to run out the door but had to check in and see what ya all are up to.

Colleen-brownies sound heavenly! I had been thinking of making the jar gifts too but ran out of time and energy. :lol Did you take a pic of the mitts?

Joanne-what's on the crochet agenda for the evening?

Beth-That is weird that your post office isn't open until later,...:think I have to stop and mail a package today, the wrap and mitts/scarf to my sister then have a few errands to run...should be fun!

Sarah-I just sit and stew when I am mad, I should clean that at least something good would come of it, huh? Are you feeling better?

Mary-can you believe that we have not seen snow yet in CO? That is just so wonderful! most folks are missing it, but I love it! Have you been crocheting?

I have 2 more basket orders!:clap:cheer Makes it a total of 10 sold so far! I hope that I get more orders, I am having such a blast!

Forgot to upload the pic will do that later this evening. BBL!

hugs n squishes!

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:soapSince when does the post office stay closed until 9:30 a.m.? What are people with jobs supposed to do when they need to mail something? And the ones around here (except for the main one) close for lunch, too, so ??? I don't have a typical job, so I can go there at 9:30, but REALLY??? I would like to get this over with, so I can get some other things done today, rather than scheduling the trip to the post office for the middle of the morning.


Sorry. Had to rant and rave a little there.


I'm done with my pitiful little handful for Christmas cards, but I'm glad I actually will be sending some out this year. Now I just have to wait.... impatiently... So I can actually cross it off my list.

I still have a few more cards to mail out and i have to mail oldest DD's Christmas package- I'm with you- not conducive to working folks now is it? And they wonder why the Post office isnt' doing well? Rant over!!


Seriously- I am going to use one of the flat rate boxes- just pack it up and then I can drop it off and use the self-service machine. They keep that area of my PO open 24 hours!

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WTG on the basket orders LeeAnn!!! You have just been crocheting up a storm and nice that you are making some $ too!!!!


Colleen- Mmmm- choc chip cookies- my favorite. I actually brought up the stand mixer the other night- I'm baking choc chip cookies this weekend- and some oatmeal raisin. I don't keep my mixer out all the time since I don't have a lot of counter space and in the winter I keep my crock pot out so the mixer has to get put in the closet!


Mary- No snow here- just bitter cold temps- 19 deg F---COLD!!!!


Hope you all have a great evening. Forgot who asked- yes the fingerless mitts are a gift for DD to go with the neckwarmer I made for her. I'll be finishing the scarf tonight and then probably start another pair of fingerless mitts.


Off for the night! Hugs to all!

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Hey ladies :hi


Just a quick post because I need to get working on my rr for the evening :yes I've been very busy lately and I need to now make up for some lost time :think


I'll probably be fairly sparse for this and next week because it'll give me more hooking time. After xmas I'll be around as usual and with more comprehensive posts :think:lol

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It's allegedly morning, but I'm not really sure about that... It's still dark out, and I'm definitely not awake, sounds like the middle of the night to me. My old lady cat (she's 16 years old) is being obnoxiously friendly this morning, so if my typing is off, I blame kitty head-butts.


Marisa, good luck getting all your projects done! I hope you have a Merry Christmas.


Joanne, Happy Hump Day! Do you get a nice break for the holiday? It is cold here, but not as bitterly cold as you have. Tooo wintery for my tastes.


LeaAnn, congrats on the basket orders! It's awesome that you are doing so well with your sales.


Colleen, I think homemade brownies and mitts are an awesome teacher's gift, and I used to be a teacher (Still am, but it's a bit different.) Sorry the gift in a jar didn't work.


OK, Sarah, I'm going to have to find something to link to, so I can practice that technique. Thanks for sharing with me. :hug


Mary, I'll bet your corner of the world is beautiful this time of year. Snow on trees can be so lovely. We had flurries here that only stuck to vegetation, and it was pretty.


Today is my last day of work for the week. Next week, we are only open on Monday. I am ready for a break. I will continue tutoring during the Christmas holidays. My kids decided to do their school break starting Monday, so they are almost done for the calendar year.


Sarah's instructions for inserting links are here.

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day!!!!


Beth- you did it- you linked 'here' and it worked!!! I only get off Christmas Eve and New Years Eve (so 2 three-day weekends in a row) but that is it! I sure could use a week or two)- It's bitter cold up here too- and it's not even officially winter yet!!!! That doesn't happen till the 22nd. Nice that you will be on a break shortly! Do you have plans for your "vacation". And I keep meaning to ask and forget- how's your Dad doing?


Colleen- I think your Teacher gift is great! Really, who doesn't like brownies? LOL


I finished the scarf last night for my Secret Santa and then called it a night! I made it nice and long. Tonight I hope to make another pair of fingerless mitts or I'll make the hat for DD to match the neckwarmer. The flannel'ghan will be this weekend's project!


Off to get ready for Hump Day in Paradise!


Marisa, LeeAnn, Stacy, Mary, Sarah- have a wonderful day.


To our missing friends- LeaAnne, Vicki, Shannon- Are you ever coming back here? Hope you all are well!!!

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So I was up late and will be tired all day, but on the upside, I finished my rr :clap:yay So it was worth it :lol I have a sixer game tonight after work, so will be back in the AM


Will you adopt me? I LOVE this rr You did a great job, and your nephew is a lucky kid!!!

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Hope you all had a good day-


Marisa- The RR is gorgeous!!!!! Have fun at the Sixers game!!!!!


Beth- Hope your last day of work for the week went well!!! Nice to be off for a few days I'm sure!!!!


I went to Bed Bath and Beyond after work to pick up my youngest DD's present- they were holding it for me since the one I went to yesterday didn't have it. Well, I ended up getting that and then going into Marshall's next store, and by the time I got out- I had a ton of traffic coming home. But, at least I got what she really wanted so Santa Mama did good!


Off for the night.


Thinking of you all

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Evening all!


Been super busy today, but wanted to pop on here!


Joanne-that is soo neat that you bought your dd exactly what she wanted, you are a good Santa Mama for sure!


Marisa-love love love the rr! You did an amazing job! How many more projects do you have to go?


Beth-did you get to sit for at least a few min?


I ran around like a chicken today, Fantastic news! 9 more soap basket orders! :eek:eek:eek Oh my gosh! I have to deliver 3 by Saturday and the rest on Tuesday..whew I better get to work on the washclothes at least, tomorrow I will pour the soap and get them ready.


have a good night friends!


hugs n squishes!

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Wow- 9 more basket orders!!!! They are selling like hotcakes, LeeAnn!!!! Sounds like you will be very busy today making baskets and soap!!!! That's terrific!!!


Beth- enjoy your day off work- although I guess you still have teaching to do. Did you finish your hats for the Boxing Day CAL? That's amazing to me that you will have made 50!! Hope you are as proud of yourself as I am of you~~~


To everyone- hope you have a good Thursday- stay warm and safe!


I made another fingerless mitt last night- I'll make it's buddy tonight! Sure wish I had more time to crochet so I could get a few more little things done before tackling the rest of the flannel'ghan this weekend!


Off to get ready for Paradise!

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Congratulations, LeaAnn, on all those basket orders!


JoAnne, seems like you are getting a lot done, particularly considering that you spend so much time in paradise, and driving back and forth...


We may get snow here today. This place will grind to a halt if we do.


I hope to finish my last hat to reach my goal of 50. I need to rearrange my schedule for tomorrow, too.. I planned two things for the same time.


Off to make a hat!

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Thanks a bunch ladies :hug


I'm going full force tonight back to my sister's graph ghan which I think will get done. I have as many more projects to go that I can fit in, but if anything from here doesn't get done, it's no sweat :lol


Gotta go get ready for work, be back later :hug

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Good day friends!

Joanne-those mitts are just wonderful aren't they? I still have the set to make for dd's bestie....some time today I will get to them. I was going to use fingering yarn but think I will go with something a little bit thicker-don't have a lot of spare time.

Beth-50 hats? that is fantastic! how long has it taken you? You are such an inspiration! WTG!

Marisa-good luck on your next ghan!

I slept in a little this morning, I was super tired, but I did make 4 more washclothes so will get to the soap now..just have to tidy up.

It's snowing!:blush uggghhh hope it will slow down a bit for me to drive in to pick up the kiddos.


have a great morning/day! BBL!

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:hi friends!!


Just a quick post- I have to figure out teachers' gifts and have some laundry to fold. I finished 2 sets of the fingerless mitts (thanks again, Leeann!!) and a hat to match Isabella's set. Now Mia wants a hat and Eva wants mitts. :eek The driving gloves came out way too small in every pair that I made :( so I am sticking with the pattern Leeann posted. So quick and easy! My mom wants some, too, and I need to make a couple of hats to go with them.

I rocked the yoga final this morning! :D I was unsure of one question but I know I got at least part of the answer correct. On the practical part, I had to demonstrate 6 poses for the instructor and she called me a rock star afterward, so I guess that means it went well. :lol


Leeann, congrats on getting more orders for your soap!! That is awesome-ness! Good luck with the mitts- they would be adorable in fingering yarn, I'm sure, but that would take a while!


Joanne, :clap for doing a great job as Santa Mama! I'm sure your dd's will love their gifts. You're such a thoughtful Mama. Did you figure out what to get for dh and SIL?


Marisa, your rr is beautiful! Good luck on the graph'ghan! I made one for dd when she was little, and never again!! :lol Just too much yarn to keep track of. But they are beautiful.


Sarah, hopefully you are feeling all better by now! :hug:hug:hug:hug


Beth, good luck with the snow day and getting 50 hats finished! You go, girl!! :yay:yay:yay


Mary, it's always wonderful to see your red writing! :hug:hug:hug:hug Have you finished your cleaning?


Colleen, your teachers' gifts sound wonderful! You have been a busy bee, too. Hope all is well with dd. :manyheart


Leanne, Shannon, Vicki- miss you all! Hope all is well and that you are ready for the holidays. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug





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Hello ladies :hi


Wanted to check in before heading over to the couch to start crocheting or I might not get back :lol I have to set up shop on my recliner as my graph ghan station. Then I won't move it until it's done and that will be my spot designated to that :yes


It snowed today :clap I love the snow :manyheart It wasn't alot, just enough to cover everything, BUT then everything iced over when nightfall came :eek That's the part that I'm not so fond of :no They've been talking about school cancelations for tomorrow due to ice, but we'll see. It doesn't make any difference to me because I'm done with school and have no children.


Be back later :D


Oh, and WTG Stacy on your final :clap:yay

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Stacy! WTG you Yoga rock star you!!!!! I got SIL a Mario Brothers 25th anniversary game for Wii- and some screen savers for his new I touch that DD gave him for his graduation. The only present left to get is for DH! Have no idea what to get him. Still have to finish the flannel'ghan for DD's BF- four strips done, one to go- so hopefully this weekend that will get finished!


LeeAnn- I love the fingerless gloves, but I'm not sure the mate to the one I made last night is getting done tonight. I'm kind of tired from a very long day- so probably best just to head to bed with my book for a bit and then call it a night.


Beth- Did you end up with snow?


Marisa- Good luck getting the graphghan done for your sister. Enjoy the Sixers game tomorrow night- DH wants to watch the Knicks tomorrow night since they play the Heat- and that's fine with me since I definitely will be crocheting tomorrow night. Time is of the essence!!


Hugs and good thoughts to all!!!


See you in the AM

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Good morning. It's cold outside. there's snow and ice, and brrrrrrr!:snow:flake:2snow:wbrrAnd I'm scheduled to meet a friend somewhere early this morning for a performance. I'm actually going to get to watch the Nutcracker from start to finish! No selling tickets, or answering questions... It should be fun. I did not finish my last hat for boxing day... I decided I should make gifts for the ballet instructor and her daughters. She requested a bunny hat for one of them, and I worked on it all morning, and I'm not really thrilled with it. The ears kind of look like propellers. But it's cute. I don't do pink and white together much with my "must-wear-black" children. I'm making the teacher a hooded scarf from the January/February 2011 issue of Crochet Today! The hood is done. The scarf looks pretty easy. Then I guess I'll have to sew them together, the horror!!! I'm using a fuzzy purple and pink yarn. It's very heavy yarn. I'm not sure how well this will work, but it should keep her warm!


Joanne, Happy Friday to you! Do you have a normal weekend this week? It sounds like you are moving right along on your presents. The eternal question: what to get dh? I'd still be asking that, but our toaster oven died, and he's the one who uses it. So he's getting a new one, and he's going to buy it himself, so it's what he wants.


Marisa, how goes the graph ghan? I love the idea, but isn't there a lot of sewing involved? I can't wait to see a pic of the finished project.


:2rock star - I mean Stacy, :cheer:cheer:cheer Great job on your finals! I'm so proud of you, going to school, being a great mom, and dealing with the roomie and the terror! You go, girl!


LeaAnn, How long does it take to make soap? Does it take long to get the baskets together? I think it's awesome that your craft is selling so well!!!


Mary and Colleen and Sarah, I hope you are staying warm and dry!


LeaAnne, Vicki, and Shannon, I miss hearing from you, but hope you are well, and having a great Christmas season.

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Joanne-did you get rest? I was tired yesterday morning but slept an extra hour and it seemed to help push me thru the rest of the day. I didn't get a chance to make the mitts for dd's bestie but will get to them during vacation.....too much to do. I think all of our hooks will be smoking this weekend!:lol

Marisa-you will do it, I know! :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer Smart setting up a station.

Beth-that is soo cool that you get to see the Nutcracker without any interuptions. Your hat/scarf combo sounds lovely. Will you post a pic?

Stacy-you sure are amazing! So proud of you! What will you do with yourself now that classes are over?

The soap takes about 30 minutes to make, not hard at all-it's the melt and pour method. I add other goodies to it before pouring but all in all it's pretty fast. Last night dh helped me make the bath salts, he is so organized! Best get the family out the door, it snowed all night..:eek I hope the road into town is not icy. BBL!

hugs n squishes!

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Hey girls!!


Marisa, good idea to set up a station for your 'ghan! You are organized. :yes


Leeann, how sweet of dh to help you with your bath salts. :manyheart He's a keeper! Hope your ride into town wasn't too bad.


Joanne, how's it going over there? :clap for having almost all of your shopping done. Dh's are the most difficult, aren't they? Well, except for mine, who has a Santa list as long as my arm. :lol


Whew- busy morning! I was at Starbucks by 6 a.m. for coffee. :rofl I got gift cards for the older dds' teachers, and one of those traveler boxes for the teachers at Eva's school. Then ran to the grocery store next door for some pastry. Went home and got the girls ready, dropped them at school, took Eva to school, and went back to the elementary for the older girls' Christmas program. :whew I have to go pick up Eva, then will come back to make pizza and cookies with everyone. I am watching Roomie's kids until 3 so I figured baking is a good way to keep them occupied. :D

Leeann, I don't know what I will do with myself! There are lots of things I'd like to make- you are right- so many patterns, so little time. :yes I also plan to clean and organize our end of the house. We'll see how much of that happens. :blush:devil


Well, time to get Eva. BBL!!

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Happy weekend everyone!!

I was up early- and worked on the mate to another fingerless mitt- I made it shorter than the others- will probably be for me-unless I need another gift! I also started another scarf for a gift- Caron SS in Ocean- such a pretty blue- and I'm doing the Shelley scarf pattern.


Tomorrow I need to start back on the flannel'ghan- the last strip needs to be done and then sewing it together!


Beth- Hope you enjoyed the nutcracker!!! And I saw that pattern for the hooded scarf and really liked it. I didn't think I'd have enough time to make it. But I'm sure it will keep her warm!


Stacy- Enjoy your time off from school- and have fun baking. Your DD's will remember that forever. My DD's still talk about how we all would make Christmas cookies together and how even I didn't get too stressed about the mess. It's the one time of year I don't mind baking. Actually I don't mind the baking- it is the clean up that I don't like- so I avoid making the mess in the first place- LOL


Off to do some hooking- yes, LeeAnn- my hook will be smoking this weekend!!

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I just finished a neckwarmer. I need to buy buttons for it tomorrow. It is for my Grandma for Christmas. Nice and cozy.


I had an e-mail from LeaAnne a couple days ago and she asked me to say hi and tell you she is doing well.


Stacy - Congrats on your exam. Enjoy your time off.


Joanne - Happy hooking this weekend! I hope you enjoy every minute of it. I have a navy and white flannelghan that is almost done too ... but mine won't be done for Christmas :lol:blush


LeeAnn - Congrats on the soap basket orders! Look at you and your thriving little business. Are you going to be a permanent supplier to Kathi's shop? And :tup to DH for helping!


Beth - I hope you enjoyed the nutcracker as a spectator.


Marisa - I hope you enjoy your weekend. I forgot to tell you the green ripple is very nice. Lucky nephews.


I hope you all had a great day!

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Hello. Hope everyone had a good week. Still working on cleaning and decorating. LOL at the rate I'm going I'll get the decorating done in time to take it all back down. Finished an ornament for Hannah, need to finish Zack's by tomorrow night since we're going w/ Doug's Mom to take the kids to look at Christmas lights at some of the areas that decorate really well.


Then have one more I need to finish before Christmas for the girl that was born Feb. of this year. That'll take care of all of the kids in Doug's family (unless more are born next year). Then by next Christmas hope to have some done for Keith, Doug and I. Plus would like to make some for my nieces and nephew too before next Christmas but don't know yet if I'll be making 5 or 6 (my sister thinks she might be pregnant, they're trying for #6 since they want an even number so waiting to hear back on that, thinking of just making 6, one in each color of the the rainbow and let her figure out which child gets what color...)


Well really should get back to work on Zack's ornament before I get sucked into another game on facebook LOL =0)

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Good morning!


Colleen- Thanks for letting us know about LeaAnne. Which neckwarmer did you make? I had made the one hour neckwarmer pattern. I'll be making one more before Christmas is here- to give to my DD's mother-in-law.


Sarah- Sounds like a great idea to make six different colors-! I can't imagine having six children- I had my hands full with three!!! And don't get sucked into another FB game before you finish the ornament- LOL


Beth, Stacy, Mary, Marisa, LeeAnn- Have a great Saturday- I've got to get some cleaning done so I can work on the last strip of the flannel'ghan. Also have to run to Target very early to exchange the external hard drive I bought for DD since I got one for a PC and she has a MacBook!! Silly me, forgot to check the system compatibility when I bought it- Oh, my!!!

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