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Good morning all

LeeAnn- No I still have more projects- nothing like cutting it down to the last minute!! I worked on the flannel'ghan again last night- have 2 more blocks on the 2nd strip to do. I'm going to work on a hat tonight to match the neckwarmer I made- I'm alternating between small quick project and the flannel'ghan- I figure if I see results quick, then I'm more motivated to work on the ghan!


Stacy- Hugs to you again-


Beth The field trip sounds great- you have a great bunch of inventions for sure!!! now that the Nutcracker is over I guess things will quiet down for just a bit. How is DS and GF doing? Still seeing each other?


Colleen- Your day at home and trip to the library sounds wonderful. wTG on a scarf for you!!! Glad you have some of your crochet mojo back. I'm sure business will come--all in good time!


Marisa- Hope you had fun at the game! See that they won!!!! Have a good day today- may it fly by quickly


Has anyone heard from LeaAnne?


Off to get ready for Paradise---and then I'm off till Monday!!!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


It is a cold morning here :eek:yay GO SIXERS It was a good game, but we didn't getting any crocheting done there last night because we were given a set of really good tickets again :woo Not front row floor seats, but 3rd row floor seats :clap


Colleen - Can't wait to see pics of the scarf and how's the golf club cover coming along?


LeeAnn - :yay for the mitts....and the scarf coming :lol


Joanne - :yay for a long weekend, you deserve it :D

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:jumpyayGood Day Friends!

So sorry that I have MIA, but have been crafting and crocheting up a storm, trying to get ready. I think I can I think I can.

Joanne-you are smart to do smaller projects inbetween the flannel 'ghan, it can definately hurt your wrists, shoulders and seem like it will never be done.

Marisa-that is so cool that you had great seats! :) Did you get your plan done?

Colleen-going to the library sounds just :c9 no books for me until I get everything done. :yes

I was so bummed, I made a set of mitts and thought I had more of the yarn to make the matching scarf...whatda ya know??? no more yarn!:angry so made another set of mitts and the matching scarf. I tried out a new pattern for the mitts that is easy peasy...so fast and no counting! wohoo!

today I am making what I think will be the last of the soap baskets, have the soap melting down as we speak, then going to package them up and should be done with gifts. I wrapped everything that I could yesterday, this evening will get to the cards...ok off with myself!

miss all of you that are not here!

hugs n squishes!



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All is good. I got the light I won in the mail today. I can't wait to give it to my bestest buddy. I want to see her reaction. She knows I won, and she knows she is the person I wanted to give it to... It looks very nice. I am very bad, and want to play with it myself:devil, but I'll refrain!:angel


I'm sorry I'm not responding, but I need to leave for work in 4 minutes. LeaAnn, love the mitts and scarf. Thanks so much for posting pics.


Love you all!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Quick hello and then I must start crocheting!!


I'm off work till Monday!:clap Tomorrow is my son-in-law's graduation at 9:30 in the morning and then we are all going out to eat at 4- there will be about 15 people- should be lots of fun. IN between the graduation and dinner, I hope to get some errands done.


LeeAnn- Love your projects- and I hear you - not enough time in the day to do everything it seems- especially this time of year!


Hope EVERYONE had a good day!!!!


Gotta get :crocheting

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Joanne, congrats to your SIL. I think it's great that he's graduating. So, what does he want to be when he grows up?


LeAnn, sounds like you are staying quite busy. I am glad I'm done making gifts. I still have 8 hats to make to reach my goal for this year. I just don't feel motivated to crochet so much right now. It's great to relax after the Nutcracker, kind of necessary, too. I don't handle stress well.


Today I took Amanda shopping for new pointe shoes. The old ones "died" on her, and her feet hurt when she dances. It was very nice of them to wait until After the Nutcracker to die. She's very happy with her new pair. I'd be happy with shoes that cost that much, myself, but... Oh well. I'm glad she dances. I am supposed to meet my sister in law and mother in law this afternoon for milkshakes (with the kids.) Then I get to meet one of my crochet buddies for our IRL meeting. I enjoy that so much. Our other buddy won't be there due to a Christmas activity her teen son is in.


Now, I need to step away from the computer, and get some of the housework done that is calling my name. Another cup of coffee would be nice, too.


Talk to you all later,


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Good afternoon!


Just got home from my SIL's graduation from the police academy- it was a wonderful ceremony- so proud of him! Came home to change clothes and then we are heading over to their house for a bit before heading over to a Portugese restaurant to continue the celebration.


Beth- he is a Corrections Officer- and really would like to be a police officer- but it's so hard to get into. But at least he graduated the Academy now!


Hoping to have some hooky time myself later on- but if not, there is always tomorrow- I'm off work again and plan to head out early to get some gifts I need to get and then spend the rest of the day with hook in hand!!!


Have a great day!

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Hi besties!


Thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers. I'm kind of going back and forth between acceptance (since we knew she was very sick) and disbelief. But Joanne, you are right- I still have memories! And my times with her are some of the best I have. :manyheart


Leeann, yay for being done with soap baskets! And having everything wrapped! Your hat and mitts are beautiful! Did you use a pattern for the mitts? I want to make some but haven't found a pattern I like. :think


Joanne, congrats to your SIL!! I think it is fabulous that you are so proud of him!


Beth, how sweet of your inventions to think of the field trip! What kind of light did you win?


To everyone else (sorry I'm not doing individuals)- love and hugs! Snack time is over, time to work on homework, so I must run. BBL! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Back home after a wonderful day!


Stacy- good to "hear" from you! It is hard to deal with the loss of someone close to our hearts- but we have to believe we'll see them again and no-on can every take your memories away!! Hugs to you


No hooky for me today- but tomorrow--well that's another story- I really want to make some good progress on the flannel'ghan!!!


Hope you all had a great day


Oh, Marisa- I have the Celtics Sixers game on now and keep looking to see if they'll show you on TV in the stands! LOL

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Ok going to try and respond to people.


Stacy - sorry to hear about your Grandma :hug:hug


nice projects those who've posted them.


Keith used to be scared of Santa, he was a little wary at first but then settled down after seeing all the other kids sit on Santa's lap.


Still haven't gotten our decorations up. Hopefully by the end of this weekend.


Keith is completely better. I've still got somewhat of a cough but nothing like it was before. It just doesn't want to go away. =0(


Hope everyone is doing well, things are crazy here. This is how it is starting at Thanksgiving and up until after Christmas here. Going back to park where we did the pictures with Santa tomorrow to take pictures of the kids with the various decorations. Then we're going to another town to go to a church that has a huge Christmas display set up on their property and run you around to view it on a Train. Then Saturday Doug is going to his Dad's with Keith while I stay home and HOPEFULLY get caught up on cleaning and decorating here...

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Not too busy here :no My sixer lost last night :( I think the fix was in for the celtics :lol My boys did play their butts off, much better than anticipated for them :lol


Joanne - we stayed in the restaurant last night, it was super busy, which is usually is not :lol


Next home game is sunday afternoon at 12 :eek I'm hoping they have some brunch items on the menu that day :think:xfin


Gotta run, catch y'all later.

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Is it already Friday? wow! This week went by super duper fast!

Joanne-what a proud time this is for you your dear sil. how fun! Hope you get some hook time in.

Marisa-sorry to hear that your team lost, on Sunday they will take it!

Beth-are you making hats for charity?

Stacy-good to see your post, are you all done with school?

I did all of my chores yesterday and :hook. I finished another set of mitts and started the matching Shelly scarf, I should finish it today sometime, but first I am going to Kathi's big house, she enlisted me to clean. :lol I went over my list, just have a wrap and another set of mitts/scarf to make. My sister ordered the wrap and mitts and I thought I would add the scarf to complete the set. Best get my coffee and get the family out the door.

hugs n squishes!

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Stacy, I won a Crochetville giveaway. See details here...http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=121719 I gave it to my good friend and IRL crochet buddy yesterday, and she seems very happy with it.


I am truly sorry for your family's loss. It's doubly hard around the holidays. However, she will never be totally gone, as long as you carry her memory with you.


Marisa, sorry your 6ers lost. There's always next time. They'll get 'em.


Sarah, I'm glad Keith is all better, and you are mostly better. I hope you continue to get better, and you get all the decorating and cleaning done.


Joanne, I hope you get your hooking time in today. I'm having a hard time making myself do other things. I woke up thinking about the owl hats I've seen, so I wanted to make one myself. It's almost done, and my kitchen is almost clean, so maybe I can keep nibbling away at the two projects, and get them both finished! Particularly if my darling oldest son continues to do my errands for me!


Hello to everyone I didn't mention. I must return to the kitchen, so I can get back to crocheting sooner!

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Hey all!


Today is Friday and I really need to clean! I've already made the bed and put away 2 boxes from Christmas decorations, but I am also already on my first break. :blush:lol To be fair- I had to eat! LoL

Dh and I went to another star viewing at school last night. It was neat! We saw Jupiter and all of its moons, and the star Sirius, which flickers different colors very quickly. :yes


Sarah, I'm happy to hear Keith is recovered and that you are feeling better. Have fun with the festivities! Sounds like you will be busy, busy. I hope you get some time for yourself, too. :hug


Leeann, you have been :hook away! Good luck cleaning. It's never fun but it will be better with a friend! :yes As for school, I have one final- my yoga- on Thursday. I took my geography early so I could go with Eva on her field trip, and my health teacher gave us a take-home one on Tuesday. Easy, peasy. I'm not too worried about the yoga one, though- I'm actually depending on the yoga and health to carry my GPA because I know geography isn't going to be pretty. :blush


Beth, congrats on winning! The light looks really neat and it was so sweet of you to give it to your friend. I'm sure she is thrilled with it. :manyheart


Well, I guess the house isn't going to clean itself- I best be going! Love and hugs to all!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


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Hi Ladies

Just passing thru quickly. Iam making a dent in cleaning my house, has to been done by Dec20th. I have been cleaning out bedrooms and throwing things out.

Ok Iam soooooooooo ready for spring NOW. :P

We have snow and it is very cold here also.

Gotta go for now

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Hi Ladies!

I had a good day off today! I ran some errands in the morning and then this afternoon I worked on the flannel'ghan- Nowhere near done- but I'm on the third strip- after I took care of all the ends on the first and second strip. I'm taking a break from it- and going to start a scarf with one strand of yarn and a smaller hook!!!


Stacy- That star viewing sounds so cool! Good luck on your Yoga final- and like you said, you'll do just fine. Did you get all the cleaning done you wanted to?


Beth- I'm happy that your IRL friend liked the light!!! Isn't it wonderful when your kids drive and can do some of the running around for you? I miss that sometimes...


LeeAnn- You have really been hooking away!!! I think I'll be doing a Shelley scarf for the Secret Santa at work. We each had to write down three things we would like and then we picked names out of a hat. The person I chose wrote lotion, candles, scarf. So, I figure I'll make a scarf and get her either a candle or some lotion.


Mary- Doesn't it feel good to be cleaning and throwing things out??? I love when I clean something out and purge! I made a donation earlier in the week to Goodwill after cleaning out my hall closet! Are your DD and Gk's coming on the 20th?


Thinking about all the rest of you and sending good wishes that everything that needs to get done for the holidays gets done!

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Hey ladies!


Mary, good luck getting all of your cleaning done! Are your dk's coming home for Christmas?


Joanne, how cool that you got someone who wants a scarf! Maybe she wrote that, hoping to get a handmade one...:dreaming I did not get the girls' room cleaned, but they won't be here this weekend so that will be my project. I did get everything else done, including 2 loads of laundry that I hadn't planned, so I guess I was productive. :lol


I had a conference with Eva's teacher today, and the report is great. :tup I knew it would be. I did let the teacher know I am worried about her being off for 7 weeks (Christmas break, plus our next semester doesn't start until Feb. 7) and the teacher said I can take classes at any college in L.A. and it will count as childcare needed...so I have been trying to register at the one in North Hollywood, with no success. Today was the last day to register Eva for winter break, and when I went to ask if I could have another copy of the form, the receptionist was very unhelpful and told me she couldn't see any on the desk, there was "one per customer," and she could not make more copies. :sigh Oh, well. The teacher did say that even if it is a bit difficult at first, she will recognize all of her friends and maybe the transition won't be as difficult as the beginning of the year (when she knew no one.)


I started a Christmas gift earlier- these adorable "driving gloves"- they are absolutely perfect for Roomie, and I was thinking of finding a slouchy hat pattern to go with them. I'm also making a pair for me. :devil



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Sorry to hear about the unhelpfullness of the receptionist. Unfortunately, schools can be so trying at times- especially when it comes time to registration and scheduling of classes. I sometimes think it is a conspiracy to prepare you for the "real world"- teaching you how to deal with bureaucracy. Glad to hear about Eva's great report. I hope she'll adjust when she returns- but the teacher is right- she'll see her friends/familiar faces again and should be ok.


Those driving gloves are too cute- not very practical for here :(with our 20 degree temps right now but perfect for LA!!!


I plan on spending the day hooking and "nooking"- that is after I do the mandatory Sat morn cleaning- which I am getting ready to start, but first I need to have another cup of coffee


Have a great day!

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Good morning, everybody! How are you doing?


So, if your son doesn't get home from his date until WAYYYYYY past his normal bedtime, and says it's because her family wouldn't let him leave their house, that's a good thing, right? On the dating front, both sons are still seeing the same girls and both families seem to be happy about it. Today I'm chauffeuring the younger son and his beautiful lady to the new Narnia movie, then I'll visit Books-a-Million and relax for a while in the coffee shop.:c9 Life is good.


There isn't a lot going on here. I am working on hats and a wrap. I have about 6 more hats to go. I would like to get the Christmas presents I've finished wrapped. I should be worried about Christmas cards -- I've decided to do a short list of cards this year.


Stacy, Eva will do great going back to school, even with a long break. Your sememster doesn't start until February? That seems late. Love the driving gloves. What color will you use?


Mary, good luck with the cleaning. I'm proud of you for all you've already accomplished. I need to do a lot here, but I want big blocks of time to work on things, and there's always something scheduled.


Joanne, good luck with the "Hookin' and Nookin." Sounds like a great weekend. I'm sure you'll breeze through your cleaning in record time, and get a lot done today.


LeaAnn, did you get a lot done at Kathi's? Are you keeping up at your house? What type of wrap are you making for your sister? I crochet caps for brain surgery patients. http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=80410 I use the http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=108871 CAL to keep me on track.


Marisa, Sarah, LeaAnne, Colleen, Vicki, Shannon, and everybody else, have a great weekend!!!:hug:hug:manyheart:hug:hug

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done with my cleaning for today!! Bathrooms and Kitchen spic and span. Vacuuming and dusting will wait. Sheets changed. Load of laundry in the dryer and one in the washer. So Yes, Beth, I did get it done rather quickly!!!


I've got a short list for Christmas cards too this year. Just too much other stuff going on and not enough time!!! Glad to hear that the families of the girls your DS's are dating are happy about it. Sounds like a nice relaxing day for you to taxi to the movies and then go relax in a cafe while you wait to bring them home! Life IS good!!!!


To everyone else- Have a wonderful Saturday!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I slept in this morning and didn't get up until 10 :eek Had my bfast and sitting here with my coffee checking in with everyone :lol I need to work on my rr today and do some laundry. I think I will go shower first though. The cable guy's coming today, but not until sometime 5-8! I couldn't remember if it was 2-5 or 5-8, but I just looked it up. I think I'm going to make a QUICK trip to the acme, they have cake and brownie mix (pillsbury) on sale for 49 cents :eek I'll get a couple to keep on hand :yes And I think I'll run to the shop rite because they have yogurt on sale and if I don't get it on sale, then I just don't get it....it's soo expensive :( Plus they have cute little pans with a spatula, maybe abour 4" round :think I'm going to get one for me, my sis, and my mom and wrap them for xmas :lol We'll see :think


I hope everyone has a wonderful day :hug :hug :hug


Oh Beth, I guess it's good they didn't want your son to leave, but did he at least call to say he'd be late?

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Hi friends!


Joanne, you were finished cleaning before I even woke up! :lol Of course, I woke up shortly after, by a loud crash in the girls' room. :blush Have fun hookin' and nookin! How do you like your Nook so far? Dh wants an e-reader for Christmas and he's going back and forth between the Kindle and the Nook.


Beth, did said son at least call to say he would be wayyyyyy late? Glad to hear the girls' families are happy with your sons, too. Good luck with your hats and wrap.


Today the girls are going with dh's uncle and cousin (Isabella's godfather) to a Christmas party at the Screen Writer's Guild. They will see a movie, (possibly Yogi Bear,) have popcorn, hot dogs, candy, etc. I think they got presents last year, too. Anyway, they are beyond excited and have been up since 6, dressed since about 6:30. :lol Afterward, they will be dropped off at the IL's and stay the night. Tomorrow MIL is taking them to see either Megamind or Tangled, so they are pretty thrilled to be having such a weekend of fun. :yes

Dh and I are going to the 'Bux so he can study (I will take the fingerless glove pattern because all of the girls want them :lol) and then we are going out to dinner. Tomorrow I will clean the girls' room while he studies. Nice, relaxing weekend!


I better get moving and get their stuff packed. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Sounds like a relaxing weekend for you and DH and a FUN weekend for the girls, Stacy!!!

Have a latte for me at the Bux! I ran out to the Post office and then to JCPenney- my middle DD mentioned that she liked my coat, and I noticed hers has seen better days, so a lightbulb went off that I could get her a coat for Christmas. They had a good sale so I got her a down filled coat similar yet different from mine. I gave her the granny stripe ghan the other night ahead of time, so this way she'll have something to open on Christmas. My youngest wants a Chi hair straightener and they are on sale at Bed Bath and Beyond so I'll get that there with my 20% off coupon. She also wanted a scarf- which I have done already. Oldest wants an external hard drive and a tortilla press. So I am ordering hers online and have them shipped directly to her. Still don't have a clue what to get SIL or DH.


Marisa- Good luck getting your stuff done today. And YAY for sleeping in!!!! You'll have lots of energy now to get all your hooking done on the RR!!


Well, off to finally crochet!


Oh, Stacy- I love my NOOK!!!! DH likes his Kindle- so I don't think you can wrong with either. My next gift to myself is going to be an I-Pad!! If we don't use any sick time at work during the year, we get a 500.00 gift card in March. I'm going to take that money and then the $ in my change jar for it.

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Hiya friends!

I feel like I have been gone for a long time, but was trying to get crocheting done in my free time.

Joanne-how sweet of you to buy a jacket for one of your dd's and the other gifts sounds just wonderful! You are so thoughtful! Did you get hook time in?

Stacy-the Bux sounds like a fantastic idea! I would love to be sipping on something warm and delicious right now. Thank you also for the link to the driving gloves, the pattern that I have been hooked on is a pattern from right here on the 'ville. I will have to look up the link.

Mary-how's it going?

Marissa-bet you are crocheting up a storm!

Beth-that is wonderful that you are making hats for brain surgery patients, I checked out the site..brought tears to my eyes. I will have to put that on my "to do" list.

Still plugging away on the wrap, seems like I should have it done by the middle of next week. Am enclosing a pic of the finished scarf/mitts.

Yesterday was intense! Oh my gosh! Cleaning someone else's house is definately different! I was sore last night but after a good nights sleep I feel much better.


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