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Some good clean fun?!

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Leann, you are really on a roll! WTG! Yes, school is almost done for the semester! I must say, as much as I've enjoyed going back, I am looking forward to having time off, so I can get the house cleaned and organized. My bedroom, bathroom, desk, etc, are all in disarray and I have a list ready of stuff that needs to be done. :lol Eva's last day is the 17th, then she will be out until Feb 4! I feel so bad for her because she has barely started to warm up to the teachers and her friends. But the school only accepts kids over the holiday break with parents who are either enrolled for winter session or working. There were no classes that I could enroll in because I haven't taken the assessment tests yet. :blush

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Just a quick check in before heading upstairs. I'll read a few pages before I fall asleep, although last night I got a whole chapter in :eek:lol


Sarah - :yay for decorating but :( for pink eye, good idea not to babysit :yes


Joanne - :yay for finishing your neckwarmer......pics maybe? :devil


Stacy - I feel your pain with the insurances :hug Isabella will be ready for soccer by the time it starts :yes and Eva would have a blast at the aquarium, but you're right, you'd have to be particular with who's watching her at that age.


LeeAnn - Well, originally I wanted to get alot of afghans done, but that's not going to happen. After the boys are done, I'll still have time before xmas gets here to work on my sisters graph ghan which has been patiently sitting on the side waiting for me....I think it's about a quarter done, so I'd be happy if I managed to complete that too :think But, in my original plan, I would've had 3 on top of all those :eek


Good night everyone.

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:hugI'll bet I beat Joanne up today! At least I sincerely HOPE I beat Joanne up today... I woke up with stuffed sinuses and a headache. :headache But I got some correspondence caught up, and managed to pay all my bills on-line. Love the convenience of the computer age!


I am very whiney lately, so I'm going to be short, so you'll all still love me. I hope you have a good Thursday! I get to meet my IRL crochet buddies this evening for a couple of hours. We should be able to resolve all the world's problems by then.

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Yes, Beth, you beat me up this morning! Sorry to hear about the stuffed sinuses and headache!!! Hope you got to get back to sleep for a bit. I love paying bills online- easy, peasy. No more writing out checks, stamps, getting to the post office!


Stacy- I'll keep your Grandma in my thoughts and prayers. I'd be reluctant to have a 3 year old go on a class trip unless I knew one of the other Mom's who was also going. Soccer is a great sport- I'm glad to hear Isabella is excited about playing!! Hang in there- only a little bit more and you get a nice break. So proud of you for going back to school!


LeeAnn- You were on a whirlwind yesterday!!! You are cranking out those soap baskets like crazy!!!!


Marisa- Yes, I'll post pics- when I'm home in some light. Tonight I want to start a RR- I'm thinking of a double stranded RR instead of the flannel'ghan for my DD's BF.


Colleen-How nice that you finished all your Christmas shopping already! And I loved the pic of the snow you posted in the Christmas Carol CAL- just enough to get you in the mood for Christmas, but not too much!


Mary- Hi- and good luck again this weekend at the craft show!


LeaAnne- How are you doing? Vicki? Shannon?


Off to get an early start in Paradise.

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Well, I'm getting ready to leave for work in a few minutes. Early today so I can get my check and run it to the mac machine. I have bills scheduled to come out tomorrow so I need the check to clear, which means it needs to be done before work, because after work it clears on saturday :( And the bills are due sunday, and I can't schedule through my bank on the weekends :(


Anyhow, nothing new to report this morning. I worked on my rr last night and only got 1 1/2 rounds done by the time I sat on the couch and my sister kept calling....it just wasn't a very relaxing evening....but not stressful either :think


Catch y'all later :hug

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well looks like Keith still ended up with pink eye... I'm off to go wash all his blankets, pillows and all that. Thank goodness his doctor's office just calls in the prescription for that w/o him having to come in since someone he has contact w/ has it.

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Hello hello!

How is everyone today? Hopefully well!

Joanne-a rr sounds fantastic! What colors are you going to use?

Marisa-paying bills is for the birds. :yes I am very fortunate dh takes care of all that. he is a bit of a control freak in that area and instead of fighting about it, I just step back. Do your wrists/hands hurt from all the crocheting?

Beth-hope you feel better!

Sarah-sorry to hear that Keith caught pink eye. Poor little guy. how do you feel?

Stacy-the countdown is on, pretty soon you will be on vacation and crocheting up a storm! how's your grandma?

Colleen-wow! You are on the ball! :hug I still need to wrap gifts but will get to that as soon as we get the tree up this weekend.

I made a neckwarmer. What an easy pattern! I had originally made it too long, I was just crocheting away. I am going to start another one. This one is made using some RH Soft White Fleck, I think the next one will be in the same color.

back to crocheting!

hugs n squishes!


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Yay for the neckwarmer LeeAnn!! They are easy aren't they- did you do the one hour one that I posted the link to or another? Mine has 2 buttons on it. I'll try and get a pic on the weekend when it's light out!

I'm going to do the RR in Navy blue and White (the NY Yankee colors), I've decided not to start it till Sunday- I don't have great light where I sit and crochet and the Navy is kind of hard to see-especially when just starting the pattern, so rather than strain and stress myself, I'll wait till Sunday when I'm off work to start.


Stacy- thought of you today- Went to the Bux- had a free Gingerbread Latte (they sent me a coupon) and also they had for today only buy one lb bag of Christmas Blend coffee, get one free! Each day they are going to have something on special -they started yesterday- butI missed it.


Marisa- Hope you had a good day- and that you get to hook a bit tonight. Did Mary enjoy her funfetti cake?


Beth- how was your day? Must be very busy these last few days before the Nutcracker


Colleen- Did you have volunteering today? Any more snow?


Sarah I'm not surprised that Keith has pink eye- but glad that the doc will just call in the prescription- How's your cough? Getting any better?


Thinking of you Mary, Vicki, Shannon and LeaAnne- and sending warm hugs


Off for dinner!

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Hi besties!


It's been a long day and I am :grumpy again. Found out my yoga exam is going to be at 8 a.m. instead of the usual 8:45. I explained to the prof. that I have 3 kids to get to school all by 8 and then try to make it there- she gave me 5 extra minutes and said she will lock the door at 8:05. :angry I also spoke extensively with Eva's teacher, and the entire school is going so if I choose for her not to go, I will have to find a babysitter for that day. She also said that she is worried their teaching staff will be stretched thin because the student-assistants also have finals that day. There could possibly be up to 20 kids per teacher. So I am either going to ask my prof. if I can take my exam (which is really only a quiz anyway) a day early (so I can go,) or I will see if dh's cousin can watch her that day. I trust all of the staff, of course, but Eva is only 3 and I know she likes to wander off if she sees something she likes.

I also registered for classes today and got only 1 that I wanted. I will just keep trying, as the list is updated every morning at 9. Or I will just have to crash classes again. LoL


Beth, sorry to hear you're feeling crummy. Lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to you!!!


Joanne, :clap for a free drink! I just remembered that Starbucks deal when you mentioned it. My mom loves the Christmas blend- I should run over there to get some so I can add it to her package. Have fun with the rr!


Sarah- sorry to hear Keith got pinkeye. Hope it clears up quickly for you! My dh had it once and it is an absolute miracle that no one else caught it. But I followed everyone around with Lysol wipes for that week! :lol


Marisa, did you get your check deposited? Banks are so picky about checks clearing certain days, etc. I do love the technology of paying everything electronically, but if you even get that check in half an hour too late- you're done for!


Colleen, :cheer for having all of your shopping done, and even some wrapped! Did you volunteer today?


Leeann, your neck warmer is beautiful!!


LeaAnne, Vicki, Mary, Shannon,- Lots of love and :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug!! Hope you all had a good day.

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Hello hello!


How is everyone today? Hopefully well!



Marisa-paying bills is for the birds. :yes I am very fortunate dh takes care of all that. he is a bit of a control freak in that area and instead of fighting about it, I just step back. Do your wrists/hands hurt from all the crocheting?



I made a neckwarmer. What an easy pattern! I had originally made it too long, I was just crocheting away. I am going to start another one. This one is made using some RH Soft White Fleck, I think the next one will be in the same color.


back to crocheting!


hugs n squishes!


I'm kinda of crazy with the bills too :blush But it's just me, so I really know where it all needs to be and when, and where it comes from :lol


My wrists/hands are still good so far :think:xfin If anything my back is a bit sore, I think from all the excessive sitting :lol I've been slacking on the exercise too, so I'll make myself kick it into gear again :yes


Your neckwarmer is very pretty.....would have been well appreciated today :lol


I'm going to do the RR in Navy blue and White (the NY Yankee colors), I've decided not to start it till Sunday- I don't have great light where I sit and crochet and the Navy is kind of hard to see-especially when just starting the pattern, so rather than strain and stress myself, I'll wait till Sunday when I'm off work to start.


Marisa- Hope you had a good day- and that you get to hook a bit tonight. Did Mary enjoy her funfetti cake?


Off for dinner!


Navy is difficult in poor lighting :yes Mary loved her cake :clap Going to join my hook and yarn on the couch in a few :lol I stopped at the wawa on my way home and got some soup and a small 4" chicken salad sandwich for dinner tonight. I didn't feel like making anything and I knew if I came home I would've just picked on junk :(


Hi besties!


It's been a long day and I am :grumpy again. Found out my yoga exam is going to be at 8 a.m. instead of the usual 8:45. I explained to the prof. that I have 3 kids to get to school all by 8 and then try to make it there- she gave me 5 extra minutes and said she will lock the door at 8:05. :angry I also spoke extensively with Eva's teacher, and the entire school is going so if I choose for her not to go, I will have to find a babysitter for that day. She also said that she is worried their teaching staff will be stretched thin because the student-assistants also have finals that day. There could possibly be up to 20 kids per teacher. So I am either going to ask my prof. if I can take my exam (which is really only a quiz anyway) a day early (so I can go,) or I will see if dh's cousin can watch her that day. I trust all of the staff, of course, but Eva is only 3 and I know she likes to wander off if she sees something she likes.

I also registered for classes today and got only 1 that I wanted. I will just keep trying, as the list is updated every morning at 9. Or I will just have to crash classes again. LoL


Marisa, did you get your check deposited? Banks are so picky about checks clearing certain days, etc. I do love the technology of paying everything electronically, but if you even get that check in half an hour too late- you're done for!


LeaAnne, Vicki, Mary, Shannon,- Lots of love and :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug!! Hope you all had a good day.


You'd think that they would've planned Eva's trip better :think Like maybe a day when half of the help wasn't taking exams. Sorry you're having such a rough time with it :( Hopefully next semester will run a bit smoother...now that you've had some practice getting back into the groove of things :yes:lol


Yep, I got my check in...I always put it in the mac because it's closer than the bank. It'll clear in time for tomorrow's bills to be paid :D

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Good morning!


Beth- Congrats on being the winner of the Crochetville light give-a-way!!!! That's a nice surprise- You deserve it. I was hoping to win one of those hooks they were giving away, but alas, it wasn't meant to be. Hope your Friday goes well!!!!


Marisa- Congrats to your Eagles- first place (until Sunday when my Giants better beat Beth's Redskins)!!! LOL Have a good day at work


Stacy- Today at Bux is buy one get one 12 pack of VIA. Just so you know! LOL

I love the Christmas blend too. hope you get to the Yoga exam on time. IMO, it's not right that if class is usually at 8:45, that they give the exam earlier. And I wouldn't be comfortable with 20 kids to one adult on a trip either! Hope that next semester goes smooth- like Marisa said- you're starting to get in the groove!!


LeeAnn- I take care of "my" bills, DH takes care of the rest. But I know what is due when and we have a joint account for the household bills, which are done electronically too. I have my own acct for my own bills (i.e. car, credit card, yarn, etc) and DH has his own acct. it seems to work well that way for us. Have a good Friday. Are you going to the shop today?


Shannon- Happy Birthday- hope it's a good one.


Mary- Good luck at the craft show!


LeaAnne, Colleen, Vicki Have a good Friday


Off to get ready for paradise!

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Shannon, :bday to you!!!


Joanne, thanks -- I was SO excited when I found out I won!!! I can't believe it -- I never win anything. My friend I mentioned in my entry is tickled.


LeaAnn, awesome neckwarmer. very pretty.


Marisa, I'm always glad when I get the bills done for the month. We have a good arrangement in our house -- my husband makes the money, I spend it. That includes paying the bills.


Sarah, I hope Keith's eye is responding well to the treatment. Pinkeye is not fun, but it seemed to clear up quickly at our house.


Stacy, it's not right for your professor to change the time like that. You have a perfectly valid escuse to come in at your normally scheduled time -- it's just WRONG! grrrrrrr. I hope you end up with the classes you want. My son's school fills up before the money is due, but then there are lots of openings once the payment is due. People sign up, then don't pay for their classes. I'm so proud -- he used his own debit card to pay for the nutrition class he's taking next semester. My baby is growing UP!!!


Mary, I can't wait to hear how your craft fair went. I am hoping that you sell out of everything. Do you do this one with your daughter?


LeaAnne, I hope you aren't too busy with work and chicken care. I am thinking of you!


Vicki, I hope your head is feeling better. Does it improve any with the seasons?


Colleen, thinking of you!


Ready for the list? Today I have to make pizza dough, pick up guest dancers from the airport and drive them to their hotel, help pack up everything needed for the performance, chauffeur the teacher to the auditorium for rehearsals, chauffeur the teacher, the guest dancers, and my children back home late at night, sell tickets at the rehearsal, and I promised to baby sit while a mom is on stage. Oh, and my homeschool group is having a party this afternoon. I am in charge. Only I won't be there, probably.


It's just selling tickets and acting as chauffeur - why am I so stressed over it?


Hope your day goes well.

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Of course it came too soon yet again :eek My book kept me up last night and I didn't go to sleep until 1:30!!! :eek I will feel it today. But now I'm at the last third/quarter of the book so it where everything is starting to come together :yes


Joanne - Have a good day in paradise today, hopefully you get alot done so you don't have to stay too long tomorrow :think


Beth - :yay for winning the light :clap I missed all the giveaways :( I think I was a day late. I hope your day goes smoothly with all that needs to be done :xfin:hug :hug


Shannon :bday

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Good Morning!

Marisa-yep it's morning! :yes I love when I get into a good book, but I sure do lose sleep over it. :lol Your round ripple is sooo pretty and looks beautiful! I love the colors! your nephew is going to love it.

Beth-oh my! You have a lot to do today! Running back and forth is exhausting. Sending you lots of energy and hugs n squishes!

Joanne-I finished another neck warmer last night, it was the the one-hour pattern. Except for I think it may have taken me longer as I was working on it between chores. I think I am going to start another set of mitts today-I have the merino wool-might as well put it to use. :yes

Stacy-the child/teacher ratio sounds a bit much. I think legally speaking it should be 1/5 at the age of 3. I will keep my fingers and toes crossed that you get it all worked out and that your finals go well. :hug

Mary-good luck at your craft show!

Colleen-how ya doing girl? Have you been crocheting?

Shannon-:bday have a great day!

Sarah-how are you feeling? How's Keith? working on any projects?

I am off to crochet, I made beds, tossed a load of laundry to wash and just have to get those breakfast dishes done....guess I will do that before crocheting. Oh, going to deliver the two baskets today and drop three off at Kathi's shop...hope they sell!

hugs n squishes!

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:birthday:bday:birthday:cake Shannon.

Keith doesn't like getting the drops in his eyes, so that's a wrestling match once I catch him. My cough is almost gone finally. Been trying to clean up the living room at the same time as we're decorating it.Cleaning is what I'm doing today so will try and respond to everyone later tonight if I don't go to bed early again like I did last night.

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Beth- Driving and selling tickets is still work!!!! Hope your day went smoothly!!!


Sarah- I'm happy that you are feeling better. How did it go today with the cleaning and decorating?


LeeAnn- WTG on another neckwarmer- it took me more than an hour too. I'll probably make a few more, since they go faster than scarves! And try the mitts, and start the afghan for my DD's BF!!!


My shoulder is finally starting to feel better- thank goodness!!!!


Colleen- Are all your Christmas gifts now wrapped? You are so ahead of me on get

ting ready for Christmas!


Marisa- Love, love, love, the RR!!!!!

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didn't get anywhere on cleaning and decorating at home. Ended up going to Doug's mom's cause Zack REALLLLLY wanted Christmas lights put up outside so Doug was heading out there to do that and asked if we'd come out to. His mom said since Keith and Hannah are both on antibiotics for their eyes it should be fine. So we went out there. Keith and Zack played while Doug decorated outside and I made a bunch of decorations for inside from a box of misc craft supplies his mom had that used to belong to Doug's Step-dad's sister (long story there). So I added stuff to several strands of garland and a couple of wreaths/candle rings and put them around the living room while Doug did the lights outside. He's not done with the outside but the inside is done except for decorating the table-top tree his mom has. I took pictures of what I made/hung up and what Doug has done so far outside. Hannah wasn't feeling good and turned out to be running a fever. Doug's mom hasn't dealt with sick kids in a LONG time so she was asking me and Doug advice since we've dealt with Keith getting sick a lot until we found out he was allergic to milk (which he's since outgrown)


ok that got long... sorry =0)


Hope everyone had a good day and I'll try and get caught up tomorrow while Doug is at his Grandma's putting up lights there and then finishing at his Mom's


here's a link to the pics from today. First pic in album is My Christmas tree, rest are at Doug's Mom's.

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Good morning!


Sarah- I wasn't able to see the pics- I got an error message :-( That was nice of you and Doug to go over and decorate!!! "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....."


Beth- Enjoy the Nutcracker!!! Hope that DD and DS "break a leg"!!! I think I'll listen to the Nutcracker while I'm working today!!!


Stacy- How'd your day go yesterday?


I started the RR last night for my DD's BF. I'm using 2 strands of yarn so it should go somewhat quickly. DD told me she wants some "crochet goodness" for Christmas. I know she'll be very happy when she gets the Granny Stripe afghan!! I'm going to make her a cowl and the mitts and a hat too.


to ALL- have a wonderful Saturday- I'm off to get ready for Paradise!

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Gooooodddd Morning!

Joanne-you have lots to do! How fun! I keep thinking I am done and then I think of something else.:hug That is great that your dd's appreciate crocheted goodies, they are my favorite!

Sarah-you were one busy lady yesterday, whew! Having sick kiddos is difficult, makes you want to wish them better quickly.

Beth-as Joanne said, "break a leg!" woohooo the weekend is here, do you take a break on Sundays?

Marisa-any big plans for the weekend?

yesterday was extremely busy. I re-arranged the living room, and the kitchen table-chairs, swept and mopped and tidied up to prettyness. Then ran in to town to deliver baskets and ran a few errands. After we got home my sister and her family suprised us and stopped in for a visit. :eek:eek:eek It was cool! I hadn't seen her since May. She apologized to ds, I was so glad that she did. :manyheart We had a great visit. They were passing thru. But good news! She fell in love with my crocheted wraps and bought them, the fingerless mitts and put in an order for more...Yikes! I have to get crackin'! I also have 6 more soap baskets to make. What bliss! I love it! Today I am running in to town to help Kathi hang up flyers for a couple of hours. Then back home to begin crocheting.

that is all from here! Hope everyone else has a Fantastic Saturday!

hugs n squishes!

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Thanks for the compliments ladies :hug


No big plans for me this weekend. Kind of relaxing and need to start writing a business plan to apply for a small business loan to open up my own practice out in Pittsburgh :yes It will be a process and of course not happen over night, but the sooner the better at this point. My sister told me this week she's taking a class in the spring, which is a certificate MBA essentials class......so she can run my practice :manyheart:lol


I'm off for now

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:whew The worst is behind us! I am looking forward to tonight's performance. Yesterday was magical! I am so proud of my son and daughter. He looked like he'd been doing this for years, and it was his first performance. He went to the cast party afterwards, and came home to tell me that he will do it again. My daughter is having a bit of a rough time with one of the other dancers right now, and that little girl (grrrrrr) is ruining the experience for my daughter. But she dances with so much grace -- I think that has evolved a lot this year, the way she moves her arms and carries herself -- much better than before. Oh, and it was snowing when we left. It seldom snows here, but there's a dusting on the ground today. Just added to the magic.


Marisa, love the RR. You are doing a great job on your first one. Watch out, they are addicting!


Sarah, thanks for the link to the pics. You have an eye for decorating. It's lovely, and looks so festive.


My brain is numb. It will take a while to get back to normal. Luckily, we homeschool, so Monday will be a brain-denumification day, also known as FIELD TRIP!!! So I will just say hello to Joanne, LeaAnn, LeaAnne, Mary, Colleen, Shannon, Stacy, and Vicki.


Hugs to all. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


Beth - Sounds like a wonderful evening and I hope this next performance goes just as well as I'm sure it will :yes



I have sheets in the wash and am trying to decide what to do today. I need to clean the turtles, but I'm still waking up so that will be just a bit later. I'm going to cook up some chicken and sausage (not together) so I'll have meals all week for lunch at work. I should clean the house, but I'm feeling lazy and that's one of the things that aren't a necessity to me today :lol I also plan to get quite a bit of crocheting done on the rr and try to spend a little time with my business plan too.


I hope everyone has a great day, but I'll be back throughout the day to see if anyone else pops on by ;)

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