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Some good clean fun?!

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Hello Everyone,


LeaAnn, Good luck getting all your baking done. We have very simple traditions. The gluten eaters all like chocolate pudding pies -- how simple is that? You bring the pudding to a boil, let it cool a little, and pour it into the premade oreo crust! I make a fairly complicated sweet potato recipe, but the rest is very easy and simple.


Stacy, do you know what is causing that allergic reaction? You poor dear. I hope you feel better soon, so your trip isn't impacted.


Joanne, I love the idea of a holiday on a different day! I am glad you got to spend time with your beautiful daughters. I hope you enjoy your day alone. Personally, I like cooking in a clean kitchen, I just hate cleaning up



Sarah, are you feeling any better yet? I am excited to get my tree up, too. We'll have to decide what furniture to move so there's room...


Marisa, Thanksgiving is almost here. One more work day for you!


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugfor all my friends.


Today I make my sweet potatoes, the chocolate pies, and the cranberry relish, then I go shopping for white pants. The Nutcracker MUST have white pants -- thing is, he likes to wear black, so we don't own any white pants, and it's kind of hard to find them this time of year....



Beth- Chocolate pudding pie is DH's favorite-- thanks for the reminder- I'll make a sugar-free one for him for his Birthday!! How about white pants at a store that sells nursing uniforms? Walmart may even have them in white cause I know they sell scrubs. Just a thought!


Have a good day!!!

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Joanne - no. Not really. I hurt from all the coughing and throwing up I've been doing and I'm still running a fever. Given how long I've been fighting this I think it'll be another couple of days before I start feeling any better. =0( Your plans for next November sound great. A time to get together w/o the stress. And :birthday to your DH.


Stacy - hope your allergies are doing better


hope you all have a good day. Doug is hoping to get off work early and I'm hoping he does so I can go back to bed.

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Afternoon All!

Happy Bithday to your dh Joanne! A chocolate pie sounds wonderful! Relaxing sounds like a great idea!

Beth-did you find white pants? That would be difficult at this time of year. Good luck!

Marisa-last day! woohooo!

Haven't started baking yet, but we are getting to it in just a few. The kidddos are relaxing and enjoying time off from school. I am enjoying them. :yesBBL!

hugs n squishes!

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Found the white pants at a men's clothing store, higher end than we usually visit. I needed a "real" waistband, not scrubs, and no loops like painter pants. He now has a very nice summer outfit, quite dressy, that we got at half price, and it looks GOOD on him!!! Even "the Man in Black" thinks so!

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Glad to hear that you found the white pants Beth!!! And half price is always a bonus!!!!


Sarah- That's too bad that you are still not feeling well. I would have thought by now with the antibiotics you'd be feeling better! Hope Doug gets home soon so you can get some more rest!


LeeAnn- That's nice that you are enjoying the kiddos- they grow up sooooo fast!! Happy Baking!!!!


My gray is now gone, and I took DH out to lunch at the diner. I stopped at the store and got the pudding and the graham cracker crust (his favorite) and the pie is now in the fridge!


I'm finally getting to sit down and I'm going to start sewing some squares.

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Joanne-what a good day you had! Did ya get your squares connected?

Beth-glad that you found the white pants. Did you get your baking done?

Sarah-did you get to go back to bed?

We are almost finished baking. The last pie is in the oven, the mashed potatoes are boiling. whew! dh is picking up pizza and a movie..what a life! :lol I am so proud of my kiddos! they really helped in the kitchen. Each of them made a pie all by himself/herself. They came out nicer than mine! They are just so sweet.

off to relax with hook in hand. I started a granny ripple. I was missing crocheting too much and figured if I just couldn't get into the embroidering, I could give them something crocheted instead.

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I have sewn two strips of squares together and getting ready to sew a third strip. Then that is it for tonight on the sewing front. I miss my hook!


LeeAnn- That's wonderful that your kiddos did so good with the baking!!! And pizza and a movie sounds great for the evening!!!! Are you getting snow? I read about the snowstorm in the NW- Seattle, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado and was wondering about where you are.


Mmmm.......a granny ripple- sounds like fun......what pattern are you using? I'm thinking of starting another granny stripe I still have lots of colors left from the one I made DD...plus I hit Michael's and ACM when they had their 1.99 skeins of Vanna's.


Off to finish this last strip for the evening. I thought I would get it all done by tonight, but the sewing gets boring.


Have a good night everyone!

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:hi everyone! I'm sorry I'm not around much. I've got a lot on my plate right now. All is well though and I've been thinking about you ladies a lot this week. I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving. :hug:manyheart
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Didn't get to go back to bed. Doug came home and started messing with turkeys (he's cooking 2) so I had to deal with Keith. I'm looking forward to tomorrow and having most of the day to myself.

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Hi all!

Taking a little break. Dinner and the movie was delicious and fun. We watched Santa Paws (something like that) cute movie.

We haven't had snow but it has been super cold. Yesterday morning it was 0 F.brrrr....oh my gosh! I had forgotten how cold the San Luis Valley can get. The high for this week has been about 35 degrees. The winter months are coming up...those -24 nights scare me. I'm not ready! :D

Joanne-sewing squares can either go really fast or seem like a chore. I have my granny square ghan sitting in a huge bag waiting for me.:devil I need motivation:lol

the pattern that I am using is from Leisure arts, will look for one similar on the net and post a link.

talk to ya all soon!

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Hi friends!


I am very, very :tired and :grumpy this evening. All I want to do is sleep, but there is packing to be done. Dh is at school until 11 so I told him I would do it (since we are leaving at 5.) Why would I say such a silly thing? :blush



Joanne, :birthday to your dh. Sounds like you two had a nice day! Did he like the chocolate pie?


Leeann, how cool that your kiddos did so well with baking. :yes Give them both :h5 for me! All of my kids love to cook, can't wait 'til they're old enough to help me do some bigger dishes. :D


Sarah, sorry to hear you're still not feeling well. Hope you get to rest a bit tomorrow when Keith and fiance are away. :hug:hug


Everyone else- you know who you are- lots of love and :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug all around!


The quicker I get the packing done, the quicker I can go to bed! Night all!

Oh, and since I won't be here tomorrow-


:pilgrim Happy Thanksgiving!!! :tdance:ttalk

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Happy Thanksgiving :tdance:ttalk


Stacy- Hope you got all your packing done and have a wonderful time!


LeeAnn-:wbrr just thinking about those cold temperatures. Keep warm and enjoy your day today!


Colleen- Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes. and Good luck with your new venture!


Beth- Thanks for the idea about the choc pudding pie. DH loved it!!!


To EVERYONE: Enjoy your day whatever it is you have planned and remember to count your blessings!!! :hug

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Happy Black Friday!

I am not going out to fight the crowds but will instead stay home, nice and warm and do a little cleaning.


Hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday! I had a very peaceful, quiet day and it was just what I needed to re-energize.


Sarah- Hope you are feeling somewhat better today and that you got lots of rest yesterday!


Have a good day all!

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:hi everyone! I hope everyone had a good day yesterday and enjoyed some family time.


I'm not caught up at all, but I'll wing it.


Joanne - I think you are smart for staying home today :yes Enjoy and happy cleaning! I hope you are enjoying your long weekend.


LeeAnn - Is it still cold? Any snow yet? We have flakes in the air right now, but not enough to stick around. It's coming though. The sky has looked like snow for a couple days now and it is getting colder. We are hovering just above freezing during the day, below at night.


Stacy - Safe trip!


Marisa, Beth, LeaAnne, Vicki, Shannon, Mary, Sarah and anyone I've missed. I hope you are enjoying your weekend.


It is a day off school today. I did A LOT of running around and shopping yesterday so DD and I are staying home and catching up on laundry and cleaning today. I'm also hoping to sit down and make some fingerless gloves for my sister for Christmas. It's a pattern in the new Crochet Today magazine that I treated myself to yesterday. I have to get their package in the mail so I better get going!


We have a very busy weekend. This is just the beginning of a very busy 3 weeks. 3 5th birthday parties, 3 work Christmas parties, weekly swimming lessons, weekly children's choir practices at church, 1 couples night out, 1 girls night out, 1 school Christmas concert, and the regular Christmas shopping. :faint:whew


My business is officially up and running but I don't have any clients yet :blush Ironically a family has just approached me about taking care of their kids before and after school, so I have that to think about. I feel like my head is spinning, but I'll get through it all. Sorry I've been MIA. I've been thinking about you, especially with it being Thanksgiving. :hug:hug

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Good Morning friends!

Yep! I was out shopping last night at midnight.:devil I had my lists and agenda. I was done and in the car driving home by 12:20. whew! I can say I am almost done with shopping, just a gift for dear mother in-law and that's it. :cheer

I am working at Kathi's shop today. So excited! I was polishing jewelry and thought I would take a short break to see what all my friends were up to.

Colleen-doesn't that always seem to be the case? Just when you get something figured out, wham!!! :hug

Joanne-a nice day cleaning sounds like what I need to do. I left the house early this morning and have quite a bit of cleaning to go home to, maybe my family will pitch in and get the dishes washed. We tidied up yesterday but after our shopping trip, things are scattered. :devil

back to work! Did I ever tell you all how much I love this shop? It is just like a little slice of :c9

hugs n squishes!

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I ended up going out to the store this morning to get a pair of boots- they were on sale till 1pm at 29.99- and I was successful!!! I also ended up buying a new watch- 50% off!


DH went out early this morning- he has been wanting a new flat screen TV for the bedroom for like forever and he was also successful in getting a very good deal- he is a very happy man now!!! He said he also got me something this morning but I have to wait till Christmas. I'm hoping it is what I've been hinting for- a Wii Fit! But I'll be patient (not like I have a choice- LOL)


LeeAnn- that is great- at the store at midnite- out by 12:20! And good for you having all your shopping done except for MIL!! I'm giving my DD's $, and something homemade- it is much easier that way- then they get something they want - and at after Christmas prices!!! I always get my nieces and nephews Target gift cards- they tell me they like them and look forward to them. Have fun at the shop!


Colleen- Good to hear from you. Good luck with your business. Isn't that the way- start a new business and after you had initially been seeing about watching kids b/4 and after school, you have someone approach you about it! Sounds like you are going to be busy, busy, busy all through December!!!! We don't have too many parties- only 1- but I will be working a lot of hours in December so I'm really taking it easy this nice long weekend!!!


I have that mag and think I might start a pair of the fingerless gloves too!


Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

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Good afternoon ladies


It sounds like everyone had a really nice thanksgiving yesterday As did I. We were supposed to be 7 for dinner and were 9, which is fine because my mom makes alot of food We have the whole traditional turkey dinner as well as a whole italian meal So, so yummy though! After dinner, we sat in the living room and I finished the spiral ghan and did a few more rows on the orange ripple I have a pic on my phone of the spiral one and will try to post up the pic for you in a bit.


It snowed yesterday morning too I was sooo excited Of course it warmed up a bit then and all melted right away, but it was nice while it lasted anyway


Me and mom went to walmart at midnight and got a few things. They were more organized today then in the past. We were looking for anything too crazy though. Then we came home and I took a nap and then me and dad ran out at 5:30 to radio shack and staples. We all went out for bfast around 9 and then I came home and slept until noon when my dad and I ran out again while my mom went to work for a few hours. She saw some earrings she liked and was not subtle in any way about that fact that she wants them, so now they are gotten


Now I'm getting hungry and think I'll have something for lunch before I sit to work on the orange ripple some more I still haven't finished the last set of squares for the bernat cal and therefore haven't started to sew them together yet either It will come though


Sorry I've been so sparse lately I didn't get in wednesday because I woke up late for work in the morning and then the internet was acting up after work. I need to get back on my routine track

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Joanne - We could do a mini CAL for those fingerless mitts. ;) I finished the left one and am about to start the right. Worked up nice, size is perfect. I'm loving the pattern! I'm doing them in Patons Classic Wool in Olive. What kind of yarn were you thinking of using?


LeeAnn - Glad you are enjoying working at the shop. What kind of shop is it?


Marisa - Your Thanksgiving dinner sounds delicious. What are the Italian dishes you have at Thanksgiving? I cannot imagine having Turkey and an Italian meal. I'd be so stuffed, but it would be sooo good.


Well today has been just what I needed. I've done a couple loads of laundry, picked up the house a bit, baked oatmeal raisin cookies. DD and I painted some ceramic Christmas decorations and she put our little village up. She really enjoys the crafts and I've been wanting to do some crafts other than crochet lately, so that was a perfect way to spend a cloudy, cold day at home! Now if I could just think of something for supper. I'm thinking soup and leftovers.

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I finished the Bernat afghan!!! Now I can begin something new! Just a few more ends to weave in and it's done!! I liked the Mystery part of doing this afghan- it was fun waiting for the clue each Wednesday and doing this with others. I wouldn't do mitre squares again- I probably should have frogged them and done a large square for the corners, but after all the hours spent making the mites I left them. It's not perfect, but it's mine!!


Colleen- I was thinking of using the Patons wool that I have- not sure yet what color- I have a few to choose from in my stash. Will probably start one tomorrow morning before going out to with DH,DD and SIL, DD and BF =we're going for lunch together at our favorite Mexican place- which means I won't have to cook tomorrow night since the portions are huge and you always end up with 2 meals for the price of 1!!!!


Have a good night everyone!

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