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Joanne-wanted to hop on to wish you the bestest trip ever! Your day sounded busy busy busy. Glad that it is over, vacation is here! wooohoooo! Have fun!

LeaAnne-thank you for the wonderful hugs! I needed them!

Marisa-how was your day?

Beth-oh my my my! Your little yarn baby is just the cutest! Good work!

today was busy. the in-laws invited dh and I to lunch. How sweet! Also helped Kathi out some more. I sure hope that everything will come together for her first official sale day. off to crochet!

hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I wrote up a post last night and then lost it with my horrible internet and couldn't be bothered trying to do it all over since it's taking a hundred years to load pages :(


Cable guy comes AGAIN tomorrow!!!!


Beth - I love, love, love Blucille....sooooo cute!!! :clap


LeeAnn - I am making some pretty good progress with my orange ripple for the oldest nephew. Haven't started the green round ripple for the middle one yet and do still need to finish the spiral for the youngest :xfin My sister's graph ghan is kinda on hold since it's more important to me to make sure the kids get done :yes


Work itself was average yesterday, but time just did not move :eek Hopefully today moves along faster :xfin TGIF!!!!!!


I hope everyone has a great day :yes

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Good Morning and Happy Friday!!! I slept till 6:45 AM!!!! Now I'm well rested and just have some last minute things to pack. Last time I went, I forgot my phone charger, so as soon as I woke up this morning, into my bag it went!


I hope you all have a wonderful day and weekend!!!

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Joanne, have a safe trip. I hope it's lots of fun.


Marisa, I hate when work moves at a snail's pace! I'm glad today is TGIF, even though I work tomorrow, then have a swim meet -- there'll be a weekend for me after the Nutcracker!


LeaAnn, how nice to have lunch with the in-laws. They sound very nice. Have you been enjoying working at your friend's store?


LeaAnne, thanks for the hugs. That's just what I needed.


Sarah, Are you totally over that cold you had? Would you believe I'm starting to cough, sneeze, and sniffle again? What's with this year and colds?


Mary, I hope your birthday was a lot of fun. I hope you are enjoying your grandkid time.


Colleen, I hope your dd is enjoying school and things are going well for you.


Stacy, I hope you are doing OK with your mom's visit. I love my mom, but we get along best 4 days at a time, maximum.


Vicki, I hope your head is not hurting today. Happy TGIF!


Shannon, thinking of you and your family.


Today, I don't work, but I need to get some housework done, and some paperwork for the civic ballet. I would really like to stay in bed for a few more hours, but I should get up and going. Where did that coffee go? I hope you all have a wonderful Friday! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Joanne-have a safe and wonderful trip!

Beth-I have housework to do today too, not much-mainly laundry and tidying up my craft corner...but I just don't feel like it. Did you work on your x-mas gifts?

Marisa-dh said that the week at work has been like a month! He is actually bored to death...that's just wierd, he's ususally so busy that he barely stops to eat lunch. You are making tons of progress on your ghans, can't wait to see the finished product.

Colleen-how are you doing? Anything exciting going on?

The kiddos do not have school today-that could be why I feel so lazy, we are all relaxing. Ds is playing one of his games and dd is crafting. She is making friendship bracelets for her friends.

k....guess I best motivate myself to at least toss a load in the washer.

hugs n squishes! BBL!

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Good evening ladies :hi


Work was busy today, well at least the beginning and the end were :lol There was a slow spell in the middle, but at least it wasn't all day. My friend is on her way here that's staying the weekend with me since she has a seminar nearby. I have to do some quick things before she gets here and then we'll just relax :yes


The cable guy comes in the morning again!!!!! :eek:xfin


Joanne - :yay for getting to sleep in a bit. Hope you arrived safely :yes


Beth - I hope you have a good weekend and find some 'me' time.


Colleen - :hi


LeeAnn - What does dh do at work?

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Evening all!

Marisa-glad that you had a good day at work and that a friend is going to visit. How fun! My dh is a pharmacy tech. he loves it, but it can be extremely hectic and stressful.

I just bummed around the house today, the kiddos and I had a relaxing chilled out day. We did cook dinner and am awaiting for dh to get here. Oh and washed all the laundry and tidied up, guess it wasn't too lazy. I started a wrap with the yarn I had bought at Joanne's. It's called Sensations in blue colors. The yarn is self-patterning. Really cool! Going to add it to my x-mas stash.

BBL! hugs n squishes!

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Popping in to let you know we arrived safe and sound. Had a wonderful Thai dinner and getting ready to read a bit while DD's are baking cookies (toll house choc chip cookies)


LeeAnn- That's neat that your DD is making friendship bracelets. I'll bet the shawl is going to be pretty in the self-patterning yarn!


Colleen- Good to hear from you- glad to hear all is well!\\


Beth- good luck to DS at the swim meet!!


Marisa- good luck with the cable guy- hope the internet issues finally get resolved!


Vicki, Stacy, LeaAnne, Mary, Shanon--hope you all had a great Friday!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - :yay for vaca and making it to your destination ;)


Beth - I hope the day picks up for you and you start to feel better :hug :hug :hug :hug


I'm waiting for my coffee to finish brewing and it smells just wonderful :yes

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Good morning- Nice sunny day here in Beantown- getting ready to have my second cup of coffee- and maybe go take a walk before reading a little more of my book. I'm sure DD's are going to be asleep till at least 9:30 or so!!!


Have a wonderful Saturday everyone



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Picture day... every year we get all the kids together and take pictures to give Doug's grandparents for Christmas... this year it will be 7 kids ranging in age from just under a year up to 5 years old... Hopefully we can do this in one sitting instead of two like last year.

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Joanne-your day sounds like it is going to be wonderful! How were the cookies? mmmmm mmmmm

Marisa-like Joanne said, Good Luck with the Internet! Hope your day goes smoothly after they leave.

Sarah-pictures for the grands? How cool is that? I need to take my kiddos in too.

Beth-hugs n energy headed your way!

I am waiting for the coffee to finish too. I am helping Kathi out for 2 hours this morning, hopefully I can get home before noon, I want to make peanute butter cookies.

Have a wonderful Saturday dearest friends!BBL!

hugs n squishes!

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Hello ladies :hi


Just dropping by to let you know the cable guy just left and ran a new wire in the basement because the end was rusty :clap:yay (not that it was rusty, but that we finally found a problem) Hopefully that completely resolves the problem, and I suspect it should :yes I told him I hope I don't have to see him again :lol Of course, I told him to take no offense by that :think


I hope everyone is have a great saturday. Off to find a snack and back to my orange ripple :yes

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Hi friends!!


My mom left this morning. We had a nice day together yesterday, just the two of us. We went for breakfast at my favorite Cuban bakery :devil:devil, then she asked if we could go into Hollywood. I am not comfortable driving there so I said no, so we ended up at the Santa Monica Pier so she could buy some souvenirs for my aunts (who are picking her up at the airport.) Something about that ocean air is so refreshing. :manyheart There were dolphins jumping through the water, my mom got pictures but my camera battery died right as we arrived. So I will have to wait for her to send some.

I finished the Ashlar and she loved it!! Unfortunately...I didn't get pictures. :(:eek I can't believe I forgot to take them. I'll see if she can take some and send them.

I have a paper to work on this weekend and I think the girls are going to MIL's. I also need to run back to Michael's- their yarn is 50% off this week!! I bought some Country Loom in a purple colorway, enough for a shawl but Mia decided she wants a hat. :lol


Joanne, have a great vacation!!! :hug:hug:hug


Marisa, :yay for your internet being fixed! Enjoy the visit with your friend.


Sarah, good luck with the pictures! :xfin that all goes well!


Leeann- sounds like you're having fun helping at your friend's store. :clap How nice that your dd made friendship bracelets for her friends. Peanut butter cookies sound yummy!


Beth, :hug:hug:hug to you! As usual, you wear me out with your energy! LoL Good luck with the ballet and general running around. How are the inventions driving these days?


Colleen- :hug:hug to you, too. I hope all is well. Did you ever find a pair of boots that dd liked?


Everyone else- lots of love and :hug:hug:hug all around.


I have a big cup o' :mug:coffee waiting for me, then I guess it's time to get the day started. Have a great day, all!



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:hi, friends!


I wanted to let you know that I am around and kickin'!:lol

work has been busy, as you can imagine. I barely get time for the computer anymore, or my hooks:blush i miss both a lot!


I just wanted to let you all know that I do come by and catch up on what you are all up to, and pray for you all every day....you are all blessings in my life:U


Here are some more :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

please take some and pass them on, and remember that you are loved:manyheart

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Quick post. Will try to get caught up with everyone later tonight. Pictures went well (though I didn't get to see them so have to take Doug's word for it that they turned out good). Getting ready to go to Doug's Mom's again as Doug's Step-Dad got called to take something to Dallas (he's supposed to be home til Dec. 1st) So I'll be there til Wednesday afternoon and probably won't be on the computer much cause she's got the living room tore up as it's being remodeled after the ceiling came down.

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Evening all!


Just got home. We went to church this morning then up to the in-laws..grocery shopping and finally home. whew! What a day!


wanted to check in before getting ready for the week. Sounds like everyone is busy.


hugs n squishes!

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Hi all!


The girls went with the IL's, so we had the day to ourselves. Although the majority of it was occupied with homework, it was nice to have a quiet house to work in and spend the day with dh. :manyheart


Looks like everyone had a nice weekend. Lots of love and hugs all around! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug



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Good morning ladies :coffee


Welcome to Monday!!!!


Well, I think the internet is still acting up :( I reset all the equipment yesterday so we'll see how it goes. Sometimes it just needs that after being worked on :think I think I'm now half done with the orange ripple :clap


Joanne - I hope you're enjoying your vaca :yes Do you come back today? If so, have a safe trip.


Sarah - Glad to hear the family picture went well :clap And I hope your stay at the IL's is uneventful :hug :hug


LeeAnn - Sounds like you had a nice relaxing day yesterday :yes


Stacy - :yay for finishing the ashlar, I hope your mom's sends pics back :xfin Glad you had a nice visit with her :yes Did you finish your paper?


LeaAnne - :hug :hug :hug :hug We miss you too!!! But both us and your hook will be patiently waiting when you get free moments :yes:hug Life is busy, and we all sure know that :yes


Beth - I hope you found some 'me' time over the weekend :yes:hug :hug :hug :hug

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Good morning!!


We had a great day again yesterday- we went over the Museum of Fine Arts- they were previewing their new wing "Arts in the Americas" for members only (and guests). Well, we got there and the line was sooooooo long. So we decided to head over to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum and when we were done with that, we went back to the MFA and walked right in!! So we did 2 museums instead of one. Then we headed to Downtown Crossings and did a little shopping and then back home to watch the 2nd half of the Giants game. Not a pretty game!


Today, we are going to visit my cousin who is recuperating from recent surgery and then go to the North End for dinner before the Devils/Bruins hockey game. Tomorrow we head back home.


Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!!!

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Is it really morning? I don't know why but think I will need lots of coffee to get myself motivated. :lol


Joanne-2 places with art? :c9:c9 the mues. sound just wonderful! You are going to have another fun filled day.


Marisa-oooohhhh my gosh! that internet better work properly!:angry WTG on the orange ghan!


Beth-today is another busy Monday for you, I can feel it? Hope you will get time for a little bit of :crocheting.


Stacy-glad that you had quiet in the house, I could never concentrate when the kiddos were running in the house shrieking with laughter. :D



LeaAnne-Missing you tons, but I know how busy life can get, we will be here.



I finished the wrap, and I must say I just love it! I think I need a brooch to keep it closed in the middle...Oh my gosh! I want to make another one...but alas must get back to x-mas gifts.


have a great Monday friends!:hug:ghug:ghug

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Hi all,


:whew Monday is here! Let's start all over again.


Yesterday was AWESOME!!! I got the grocery shopping done and put up early, and threw a pork roast in the crockpot. Then I sat and :crocheting. I finished the last Christmas present I'm planning to make, so far, (still have some ends to weave in previous gifts), and made 3 hats. Now I need to dig through my WIps to find my next project to finish.


Joanne, love hearing about your vacation. It sounds like so much fun. I hope your family member recovers well from surgery.


LeaAnn, can you post a pic of the new wrap? Yes, it is another busy Monday, but I actually feel pretty good about today.


LeaAnne, thanks for popping by when you can. I hope you continue to love your job!


Marisa, Grrrrrr about the internet not working yet. I hope the resetting of all the parts and pieces gets it working.


Sarah, thinking of you.


Mary, sending hugs your way.


Colleen, how goes the tutoring?


Stacy, did you enjoy your day off from the kiddoes? Is your house clean and sparkling? How is the roomie situation? Is Mia still feeling better?


Shannon, I would love to hear how things are going for you.


Vicki, I hope you have a headache (both literal and figuratively speaking) free day.


Did I tell you that my son volunteered to be the Nutcracker for my daughter's performance? I am SO proud of him. His dad made this difficult, because he's been teasing the boys about tutus and tights for years. I will say that my husband is carefully not teasing him now. And my son seems proud of the role. Helps that his girlfriend thinks it's cool.

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