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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning and today is Mary's Birthday!!! (Marisa- look on the first post and there is a birthday list- when is YOUR birthday, BTW?):bday:birthday:bday:cake:birthday:cake:bday--Enjoy your day Mary!!! Hope all goes well with your craft show!!!!


LeaAnne- Sounds like you are really settling in and that you are doing great!!!:clap (I'm with Marisa- take a pic if you can of your display;)) That's a lot of "part time" hours you're putting in, but it sounds like they really like you- (what's not to like) and have made a great impression on them!!!:yay:clap I treat myself once a week to a Pumpkin Spice Latte @ the Bux! And now they are out with the Gingerbread Latte and the Peppermint Mocha latte ---I order them with non-fat milk and had a Gingerbread Latte on Saturday- YUM!!!--- Yes, heading to Beantown on Friday with youngest DD to visit oldest who is not coming down for Thanksgiving this year. We are going to the Bruins/Devils hockey game on Monday evening and then heading home on Tuesday. (I think DH is counting down the days till he has the house to himself:lol)


Stacy- Is your Mom still visiting? I know you must be enjoying her visit with you:manyheart


Sarah- I'm with you about dogs- I love my DD's dog Belle, but love it just as much that I don't have to take care of her if you know what I mean.


LeeAnn- Have a great Tuesday- what's on the hook....er agenda for today?:hook


EVERYONE: Take one and pass it forward!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


And thanks for the info Joanne, can't say I ever noticed that there :lol It would appear that my birthday is shared with Vicki on Jan 27 :clap


Well then, I'm with Mary :bday again today ;)


Have a great day everyone and I'll be back before I head to work :yes

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:bday Mary! I hope your day is as awesome as you! :flower


The vest is done and blocked. It's the first time I worked with all natural fibers -- it's a wool/silk blend. The blocking worked wonders. My camera is dead, or I'd share pics. :(


It's crazy stupid busy here now. I am going to keep up with reading your posts, but I won't have much time for replying. I do want to congratulate LeaAnne on her promotion. You are so special they want to keep you after the holidays! That's awesome!


Love you all!:hug

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WTG Beth on finishing the vest.:clap:clap...oh, I hope you get your camera charged and can take a pic!! I'll be it's just beautiful!!!:yes


Another quiet day here- so not much else to add- hope you all had a great day and that Mary had a very nice birthday!!!!

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WTG Beth on finishing the vest.:clap:clap...oh, I hope you get your camera charged and can take a pic!! I'll be it's just beautiful!!!:yes


Another quiet day here- so not much else to add- hope you all had a great day and that Mary had a very nice birthday!!!!


I think everyone is busy between work, finishing Christmas presents and other stuff =0)


That's what I spent most of today doing. Working on Keith's afghan.

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Good Evening Ladies!

Sorry I have been MIA, been working on x-mas gifts and deep cleaning.

Joanne-your Gingerbread latte sounds just :c9. I haven't crochet at all...I was going to make the shawl but couldn't find the pattern, but guess what? I found it today when I was on the computer making labels. I will start on it tomorrow night. Tonight I have to make a few washclothes for the baskets that I have made. I have orders! I am soo excited! woohooo!

Marisa-you are on a roll crocheting too! It's getting closer. :yes tomorrow is your next clue for the CAL, good luck!

Beth-hope your day wasn't too stressful!

Sarah-did you find a pattern to go with your new yarn?

LeaAnne-you are doing a fantastic job at work! They are soo blessed to have you join their team.

Mary-Happy Birthday again! Hope it was a good one!

Stacy, Shannon, Vicki, and Colleen-miss you all!...did I forget anyone? If so, please know that I do not mean to, I always write from memory.

I am enclosing a few pics of a basket that I finished. Tomorrow I am going to help a friend in her shop, but will be done in time to pick up the kiddos...busy busy busy.

hugs n extra squishes!



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:hi friends!!!!!


First, to Mary- :birthday:bday:birthday!!!!!! Lots of love and hugs! I hope things are going well in God's country and that you had a great birthday. :hug:hug:hug:hug



Congratulations to LeaAnne!! A "promotion"- How super-duper awesome-ness!! I am sooooo proud of you! And new wheels with shiny new license plates! :yay:cheer:clap:elle:woo


Leeann- your gift basket is too cute!! Great job, girl! :h5 WTG on getting orders!!


Beth, WTG on finishing the vest! :yay Is it Nutcracker season again? Good luck with your busy-ness. :hug And thank you so much for all of your GF info- Mia is feeling much better and not complaining of stomach ache every 5 minutes.


Colleen, Vicki, Shannon, Sarah, Joanne, and anyone else I may have missed- lots of love and :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug...love you guys!!

Yes my mom is still here until Saturday. I love the woman to death, but let me tell you- she is SOOOOO negative!! :(:blush:angry I am trying my best to brush it off but every other word out of her mouth is "stupid" this or "dumb" that. The girls love having her here, for sure. :yes

I have to tell you all how sneaky my little Mia is. We have been working on her orange sight words for almost 2 weeks, and I thought she only knew about 4 of them. (There are about 12.) Anyway, tonight I got a bit frustrated and told her I will buy her a small toy when she passes her test at school, so the little stinker sat right down with her flashcards and read through all of them but 2! Hmph.

Oh, did I tell you I got an A on my yoga exam? :yay Only got 1/2 of a point taken off for an "incomplete" pose description. :D


Gotta scoot and get the bedtime routines going. Lots of love and hugs all around!

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YAY!!! I just finished the last skein of the shaded blues on Keith's afghan. Now all that's left is to do 2 or 3 rounds with dark blue to finish it off.


Hope everyone is having a good week. :hug:hug:hug:hug to everyone.


Stacy - :clap for getting an A on your yoga test. :lol at Mia being sneaky. Sorry your mom is being so negative. :hug


Beth - :clap for finishing your vest.


LeeAnn - Your gift basket is very cute.


Mary - Hope you had a wonderful birthday.


No I haven't found a pattern yet for the new yarn. Been focused on finishing Keith's afghan so I can give it to him for Christmas. I know if I find a pattern I'll get distracted and not finish his afghan and I really want to be able to give it to him for Christmas. Also need to make some more Christmas ornaments (made one for each of Keith's cousins last year), need to make 9 of them, 4 of them for sure (Never did make one for Keith, another cousin was born in Feb and one for Doug's Step-Neice and Step-Nephew) and I really want to make my sister's kids one too (she has 5) but we'll see how things go plus I know I'll probably have to make another one next year cause my sister is talking of having another child next year... They only take about an hour or so each but it just gets tiring cause they're simple round balls and they tend to get boring even with doing them in 2 colors.

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day


WTG Sarah on almost finishing keith's afghan!!!! What a great feeling to be almost done!


LeeAnn- Love the gift baskets that you are doing!!!!


Stacy- Glad to hear from you! And I think of you every time I go to Trader Joe's or the Bux! Congrats on the A in Yoga!!!! And sorry to hear that your mom is so negative. Maybe she doesn't even realize it? Enjoy the last couple of days with her as I'm sure your DD's are!!! And Mia ---that was too cute!


I'm sure everyone is going to be busy, busy, busy, just as Sarah mentioned, between everyday life and getting ready for the holidays! Just remember to take time for some "me" time every day- even if it's only for 5 minutes!!


Have a good day everyone! Off to get ready for an early day in Paradise!!!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Well, it's wednesday and I just printed off the bernat clue for this week, which we're making 8 of so we'll have ALL the squares complete after this :yay


Beth - WTG on the vest :clap:cheer


Sarah - Almost done with Keith's afghan :cheer and do something the break up the ornaments...like a reward system. When you do soo much, you get to do something more 'enjoyable' for a certain amount of time :think


LeeAnn - Your basket is awesome!!!! You are soo creative :yes


Stacy - Sorry to hear your mom is negative all the time, maybe you should ask her why and kinda call her out on it :think In a nice way, maybe if she's aware she can tone it down (at least around the kids). You gotta watch out for the little stinkers :lol They know how to get what they want :yes And :yay for the A in yoga :clap:cheer


Joanne - Have a great day in paradise :hug Only one more day after today :clap

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:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugto all of you. I've been a bit busy with work, tutoring, teaching my kids, and making Christmas presents. I can't crochet as much at work as I like, so I need to squeeze in as much time at home as I can. LeaAnn, I love your basket. It is very pretty, nicer than anything I've seen at a store.
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Top of the morning to ya friends!

Marisa-Oh my! You are almost done with all the clues! :cheer How exciting! And to be able to share the experience with all the wonderful peeps here on the ville'...well what more is there? :hug

Beth-Can't wait to see a pic of your vest when you get new batteries. that happens alot here at our house, I usually buy a big pack when we go up to Sams but these kiddos steal 'em. Gotta love them tho!

Joanne-your vacation sounds just fantastic! I bet you are super duper excited!

Stacy-your Mia story is tooo sweet! These kiddos, they sure do lots more than they let on.

I am almost finished with another washcloth to put in the basket then have a few more to make. they are fast and easy to make. I am not using a patterns, just crocheting in the round.

Thank you for all the compliments on the basket, I felt like it was a lot of work to get the look I wanted, but I love them!

off to get ready to go help Kathi. Have a great day friends!

hugs and warmest of thoughts!

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HI All!


I'm back....guess you all are pretty busy. Just wanted to check in before cooking din din. Had a good day at Kathi's, we didn't get much done but planned on what to re-arrange. :-)))


BBL! Hugs n squishes!

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Good evening LeeAnn and anyone else that makes it in :hi


Got home from work about an hour ago. Fed the turtles, pinned up 2 more squares to block for the bernat cal (not that it's part of the instructions), changed for bed, had a bowl of cheerios, and here I sit before I pick up my hook :D


Hope everyone had a great day :hug

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Hi all,


I'm taking a break from crocheting like a mad woman, but not on what I should be working on... I spent a large chunk of time this morning on the dog pillow I'm making for my great-niece, but got bored with it, and decided to start the project that I'll be making with the crochet group next week. I wanted to make sure I understand the instructions, of course. It's been so much fun. I have two more pieces to make, but using thick yarn and a fairly small needle, my hands are asking for a break. I may just finish before bedtime. It's a baby harp seal, and I need to make one more flipper.


Stacy, I'm SO happy to hear that Mia is feeling better!!! I saw something in the paper about a local grocery chain adding a special diabetes section to their gluten free section, so I had to get on-line and check out the gluten free. They have pages of gluten free items listed, like TJ's does, but it's not everything that's gluten free, just certain brand names. Oh well, it's better than nothing, right?


Well, my son is looking for something, and you know Mom is the best finder of lost things around! Talk to you later

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Good morning!


Beth- That baby harp seal sounds really neat! I can't imagine how busy you are!


LeeAnn- I agree with Beth- you are doing an amazing job on the gift baskets you are doing!!! WTG!!!!! I think I missed something somewhere about Kathi - What are you helping to re-arrange? Furniture? Ah, my brain cells are tired.


Time to get ready for Paradise. Just wanted to stop in and wish you all a wonderful day!

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Good morning everyone :hi


Beth - remember to relax a bit and try to get some 'me' time. Can't wait to see the final pic of your seal :yes I bet it's really really really cute!!!!


Joanne - Have a wonderful day in paradise.....hey, maybe since it's your last day for the week they'll be serving drinks with little umbrellas on the lito deck :think


I'm up early and it's my late day, so going to watch h**l's kitchen and crochet a bit before I have to get ready to leave :yes

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How is everyone on this sunny day?

Joanne-last day of work! Wooohoooo! I agree, they should serve you drinks with little umbrellas and tasty snacks. :devil Kathi is a friend that owns a shop downtown. The items are imported from Chile, Puerta Rica, Europe, Venice...and I am sure other places. It is a little bit of this and that. Eye candy for sure! She is having a sale and needed help re-arranging. Of course I said yes!

Marisa-a little bit of relaxation before work is always good. I love getting up early just to crochet and veg. Are you making tons of progress on your ghans?

Beth-can't wait to see your seal. how adorable! Please take time for some R&R!

must get the kiddos off to school. Have a good one besties!

hugs n squishes!

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For your viewing pleasure, Blucille - the blue seal...


My camera's memory card is on the fritz, so I can only take 3 pics at a time. Need to get a new one before the Nutcracker!



Awww really cute =0)

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Beth I love Blucille!!!!! Very, very cute!!!!!!


LeeAnn- thanks for explaining about Katie- Her shop sounds really neat!!!


Marisa- Hope you had a good day at work today!


Everyone else- thinking of you and missing you around these parts!!!


I'm officially on vacation!!! Busy, busy busy day at work today- but I 'm not going to think about work till Wednesday when I have to go back!!!


Laundry is on, yarn is packed (for the last clue of the Bernat Mystery CAL) and once laundry is done, I'll pack my clothes. Now, though, I'm starving and am going to have some 'breakfast' for dinner!!


Have a great night!

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