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Good morning ladies :coffee


The game was fun, and my boys won their first for the season so are now 1-4 :clap Hopefully, they keep it up and this is just the beginning :think:xfin


LeeAnn - great pics, love all your projects :yes


Colleen - Happy belated birthday!!!!! :bday You sneaky girl :devil:heehee


Mary - Hope you are enjoying your grandkids, great to hear from you :yes


Joanne - Hope you have a wonderful day


LeaAnne - :hug :hug :hug We miss you too!


Sarah - Sorry to hear Keith is sick :hug Hope he's feeling better today :yes

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:birthday:bday Happy Birthday to you Colleen!!! I feel so bad for not knowing, did you have a spectacular day?

Joanne-did you get to work on your squares? My hook has been busy.:manyheart am about half way done with the scarf then will move on to soap and bath fuzzies then getting the baskets all put together. I wanted to make headbands but I saw some at the store that I would rather buy...but we will see.:think

Marisa-so glad that your team won! Yippee skippy! How's the Bernat cal coming along? will you have to join the squares using a whipstitch? I like the join as you go method.

LeaAnne-I soo miss you! Wicked miss you! hope you get some :hook time in!

Mary-sooo happy to see your red post! How are the grands?

Sarah-3 a.m.? That is super early! Maybe you can get a nap in later on today.:hug How's the puppy doing? Is he behaving himself?

Stacy-have a super duper time with your mom!

Vicki-how goes it?

off to get the family out the door. BBL!

hugs n squishes!

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I desperately need some motivation to work on my mom's vest. If anybody has a spare quart or two of motivation, please send it my way! Ask Colleen's bird to bring it - he and his friends have been busy here lately. And they've been eating berries -- my dd's skylight has never been so colorful!

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Quick post since it's a guarantee if I sit down here at the computer the kids get into something or need something. Keith is doing better. He took an almost 3 hr nap and so did I. Now I feel a little more human.

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Nothing new since last night :lol I have a sixers game tonight and boy are they off to a BAD start :( But that means I won't be back until the morning now since I just won't turn on the computer when I get home. Probably won't take the bernat clue with me since I'd need every color :eek But we'll see how I feel about when packing up to leave for work :think


Beth - My nephews are 2 (as of yesterday), 4, and 6, with a little girl on the way in feb. They live in Phoenix on the other side of the world :( So we have limited resources for bonding. The wii is great because we can all play together....the kids in Phoenix, my sis and her bf in Pittsburgh, my parents in the Poconos, and me in Philly :lol We all have one and it's really fun when we all play together :yes


Joanne - Clear is a newer wireless company and only available is several of the larger cities right now, Philly being one....maybe only a year old or slightly longer. They have the home setup or an 'on the go' which is what mary has for her laptop with a usb wireless connection that could be picked up anywhere in a certain coverage area. I do live in the area so figured it might be worth it to check it out at this point. I've been going back and forth with the cable people for about 2 months now :eek I'm even more frustrated now that had ran the wire from the modem to my computer and I realize the tech is doing what his supervisor told him to do in this situation. I call the company, customer service tells me they're sending a signal to my modem and getting a very poor response so it's probably the outside line. The tech comes, checks the signal with his little doohicky machine and the signal is fine :think So of course it's still doing what it was and I told him running the wire will make no difference that I've had my old laptop pulled out right next to the motem and plugged up with the ethernet and it DOESN'T work!! Why in the world would connecting it to a different computer make it work....they were just convinced it's my computer and I've told him over and over it's not just one computer. I have 3 computers and a wii hooked into :think Over 2 months, they've been here 3 times and it's not fixed yet, and not only is it not fixed, but they are not listening to me about the problem. When I called last night, the girl told me I have a 78% signal loss and they need to address the outside line. I told her that everytime I call y'all tell me the same thing and every time the tech comes they do or say something different. So 2 months later and a 4th visit scheduled!! It's just wrong and yet another saturday morning has to be spent sitting around for the cable guy :( Unless of course I like the Clear thing :think I'd rather not switch the entire cable situation to comcast if I don't have to :no I guess I better get my dvr shows caught up :lol Oh well, such is life...nothing like paying a fortune for a service that is not working properly :(


Sorry Joanne, there was no way to shorten it :lol bet you're sorry you asked by now :rofl


Thank you for explaining that to me. I'm convinced that it is the outside wire- And I hear you about paying a fortune for a service that isn't working properly- kind of how I felt with my cable bill- and not having FOX for 2 wks- I didn't see a credit on my bill for that!!:lol

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I desperately need some motivation to work on my mom's vest. If anybody has a spare quart or two of motivation, please send it my way! Ask Colleen's bird to bring it - he and his friends have been busy here lately. And they've been eating berries -- my dd's skylight has never been so colorful!

:cheer You can do it Beth!!!:cheer:cheer Here's some cute little cheerleaders just like on my friendship ghan:cheer:cheer I have it folded on my rocker with the cheerleader front and center and she always makes me think of you!:cheer:cheer:cheer You must work on your Mom's vest :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer


And :lol:lol:lol:lol about your skylight!!!

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Quick post since it's a guarantee if I sit down here at the computer the kids get into something or need something. Keith is doing better. He took an almost 3 hr nap and so did I. Now I feel a little more human.

That's good news!!! Does he still a fever? Only a couple of more days and you'll be back home!!!!

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LeaAnne- Glad you stopped in to say hi- we miss you around here too!! Hang in there--it's tough adjusting to a new schedule!!!:hug:hug


Colleen- Did you bake anything good? I could sure use a nice homebaked goodie--but will have to settle for my sugar-free fudge pop- only 1 WW point!! And so far 3 lbs lost- with about 5 to go!!


Marisa:cheer for the Sixers win. I started to watch the Nets last night, but then realized that Rutgers football was actually on TV- so watched that and then the TV watched me!:lol


LeeAnn- I didn't do any squares last night. I read a little and then watched tv from my bed! Tonight I'll probably work on one or two before calling it a night. Learning something new at work really tires me out- but it's coming together so that's good.


We don't know how we are joining the squares- I'm guessing whipstitch- it's not join-as-you-go, or we would have been joining them from the beginning--at least that's what I think! Can't wait to see how this is going to be put together- it has been fun, though!


Well, off for the night- dinner and then hopefully some :crocheting time.

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That's good news!!! Does he still a fever? Only a couple of more days and you'll be back home!!!!


He's been running low level off and on all day. I'm just glad that he doesn't really get all that cranky when he gets sick. (Actually it's very hard sometimes to tell he's sick unless he's running a fever and then usually you have to actually touch him and feel the heat coming off him)

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Good evening ladies :hi


Got home, had a bite to eat, checking in, then will change and sit to work on my bernat square :D


LeeAnn - Only 1 square this week for the bernat cal so alot of people will get caught up now :yes We haven't joined any yet, but I will whipstitch mine.


Colleen - WTG getting stuff done :clap Did you bake?


Beth - :kick:cheer:kick:cheer:kick:cheer:h5


Sarah - Glad to hear Keith is doing a bit better and :yay for the 3 hr nap!


Joanne - you're welcome for the explanation ;)

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Thank you, Joanne and Marisa, for the jump start! I finished the right front of the vest. And I worked in the ends from changing skeins. So I made some progress yesterday. I have my housework caught up, so I will concentrate on the vest today. Maybe I can finish the back!


Sarah, It's good to hear that Keith is feeling a bit better. I'm glad you got a nap. Dealing with 3 kids and an untrained puppy would be hard without enough sleep!


Joanne, congrats on the WW progress!!! :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheerI wish I only had 5 pounds to go! Still, did I tell you about my last doctor visit? I saw the nurse practitioner. I got on the evil evil scale, and she told me I lost 11 pounds in the 8 months since I was there. So i did my happy dance!!! She said, in a rather sarcastic voice, "well, at least it's a step in the right direction." Want to know why I hate going to the doctor???


Marisa, I hope they get your cable fixed. How totallly annoying for you. Working women need their weekends!


Mary, Colleen, LeaAnne, LeaAnn, Vicki, Stacy, Shannon, have a wonderful TGIF day!!!

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Beth- :cheer:cheer WTG on the vest!!:cheer:cheer:cheer And WTG on the 11 lb weight loss:cheer:cheer. I must say though that it was kind of not necessary to say "at least it's a step in the right direction"-sometimes I wonder if they realize what they are saying! Losing wt is not easy- and as we get older, (and I'm older than you) it gets harder and harder! The one thing that is good about WW is that we are doing it at work and some of my co-workers are doing it do so we help each other stay on track. I'm learning how to eat more healthy and to track what is going into my mouth!!:lol:lol


Stacy- I hope you are having an awesome time with your Mom in town!!


Colleen, Mary, Vicki, Shannon, LeaAnne, LeeAnn, Marisa---Have a great Friday!!



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Happy Friday, friends!


I really need to get some time to catch up on what you have all been up to! I am working today and tomorrow. I think I have Sunday off. I was supposed to have yesterday off, but got called in to work on setting up Christmas displays! It was fun. Tomorrow I am doing a Holiday Homespun demo:cheer I need to finish the samples tonight. I am usually not a fan of Homespun, but this yarn works up nice! I am making a scarf and a mitten for display. Then I need to come up with some quick ideas to play with at the table. I am really enjoying my job:clap:wink


Nothing else much is going on in this neck of the woods.... I hope that my post finds you and your families well and happy:)


see you all soon! I am wicked missing you girls!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Happy Friday, friends!


I really need to get some time to catch up on what you have all been up to! I am working today and tomorrow. I think I have Sunday off. I was supposed to have yesterday off, but got called in to work on setting up Christmas displays! It was fun. Tomorrow I am doing a Holiday Homespun demo:cheer I need to finish the samples tonight. I am usually not a fan of Homespun, but this yarn works up nice! I am making a scarf and a mitten for display. Then I need to come up with some quick ideas to play with at the table. I am really enjoying my job:clap:wink


Nothing else much is going on in this neck of the woods.... I hope that my post finds you and your families well and happy:)



see you all soon! I am wicked missing you girls!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

Sounds fun! I love homespun- and just pulled it out of stash the other night to start an afghan with. My ACM is having the Holiday Homespun demo tomorrow too- and when I stopped in the other day- they have no Holiday Homesepun in stock!!!:think Guess they are hiding it till Saturday?:think


Enjoy your day!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


My eyes feel like they're starting to open by now :lol Nothing really new since last night. I didn't sleep very well and was quite restless :( I have another sixer game tonight and am thinking I will take the stuff to work on my orange squares for that afghan. Last night I did another 5 rounds of my big bernat square for this week and hid all the tails. I think I have 3 rounds to go :clap


Beth - That is horrible about the nurse pract., you should have asked her who peed in her cheerios :lol She was probably bitter because 11 pounds it a huge accomplishment!!! :clap:cheer Like Joanne said, losing weight is NOT easy. She was probably wishing she could do it herself :think (At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it ;) ) But from here.....WTG and keep it up :cheer


Joanne - That's awesome the ww is working for you. I've done the counting thing in the past and it really does raise your awareness as to what you're eating :yes Work is my problem and it's where I do most of my eating and Mary and the other doc are not the best influences :lol But I don't really do too bad.


LeaAnne - :yay:clap It's awesome that you love your job and that you get to crochet stuff :yes I hope all is well :hug

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Last day. Doug's Mom works tonight and then is off for a week. Looking foward to going home tomorrow. Will try to get caught up on here this weekend (Probably Sunday)

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Ya' all are up early! :lol

Marisa-hope you get to work on your squares this evening. The game is going to be just great, I know it!:hug

Joanne-Happy Happy Dance! Loosing those dern pounds is difficult! WTG! So happy for you!:hug

Beth-11 lbs???? WOWZA! Congratulations! You did it! And you are doing wonderfully on your vest, please keep us posted, you will finish it in no time.:hug

LeaAnne-sure do miss you, but how exciting to put together a display. And yarn???? Now what can be better than that?:hug

Sarah-the end is near!:cheer:clap Pretty soon you will be home puppy free. What are your plans for the day?

Colleen, Stacy, Vicki and Mary-have a Fantastic Friday!

Yesterday was a bit busy. I made soap.:clap wooohoooo! What fun I had, of course then I had to run out and buy baskets and all sorts of goodies to put in them. I will show you all pics when I get them put together. I'm soo excited! I also cleaned our mattress with the little green bissel, washed all the bedding....and and and...all in all it was busy, but a good busy. Today I want to work on more laundry and hopefully finish a scarf. BBL!

hugs n squishes!

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Just a quick stop by to say good night ladies :c9


It was really just so not busy in here today :think


My sixers lost AGAIN so are now 1-5 to start the season :( I worked up a square and a half for the oldest nephews ghan :clap AND helped Mary with her algebra homework for her online class, she's horrible in math!!!! Her biggest weakness and she was dreading this class soo much that she tried to drop it because it's the 2nd week and didn't do any work yet because she's afraid of it. Me and some patient's whipped her into shape today and got her going. Plus the school told her she's not allowed to drop it or her financial aid would get canceled :eek So now she's already half way caught up and I think was getting what we covered for her homework problems too. She was able to work them out much quicker by the time we finished :clap So after the game she was going out :lol


Me, I'm going to bed....and I don't even HAVE to get up in the morning so will sleep until my little heart is content :yes:yay


LeeAnn - Sounds like you're making good headway with your xmas baskets :yes


Sarah - :yay for the last day!!!!!

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HI everyone


I just wanted to say thankyou to Colleen for meeting up with me today. It was a short visit and I was very happy to see you. Also thankyou for the gift. I hope you all like what I made you.


To everyone else Hi and I miss you guys very much. I hope to be back on here soon and having our chats again.


Lots of Love


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Good morning!


Sarah Yay-you'll be puppy- free and get to go back home ---you survived!!!


Mary and Colleen- That's nice that you got to meet up for a short visit yesterday. It was good to see your post Mary- I've been thinking about you.


LeaAnne- Have fun doing the demo at ACM today!


LeeAnn- You have been busy- can't wait to see your handmade soap and baskets! WTG on all the cleaning. That's on my agenda this morning- the cleaning, not the soap making!


Marisa- Sorry about your Sixers- they are about as good as the Nets! LOL. I'm becoming a Celtics Fan (did you hear that LeaAnne? )


Beth- How's the vest coming along? You can do this!!!!


Vicki- Enjoy your weekend. Hope your headaches have been few and far between!


Stacy Enjoy your weekend with your Mom


Shannon - Hope all is well with you and the fam!


Have a wonderful Saturday all!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I only just woke up about an hour ago now :eek I totally can't believe that I slept the morning away....I guess I needed it :think I'm glad I didn't have anything to do and was able to catch up....AND gain an hour tonight :yay I had a bowl of cereal while reading and am now enjoying my coffee. About to head over the couch to begin crocheting for the day. I've got a lot to do in a short time :yes and need to make it work! I have a couple errands to run for the weekend, but will probably wait until tomorrow since it's late already. I like to do my running early otherwise the stores get too busy for me to deal with :lol I like to be in and out with what I need :yes

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Good Afternoon friends!

It sure has been quiet around here. I miss all of you!

Marisa-glad that you were able to sleep in and get much needed rest. X-mas is right around the corner...I will finish up what I can this next week and start on some new projects. I am embroidering a set of tea towels, actually two sets, one for my great aunt and the other for my mother in-law. I have all the necessary supplies just have to get to it.

Joanne-what is on your agenda for the day? Bet you are working on gifts too.

Mary-ohhh sooo wonderful to read your post!

This morning dd has a playdate. I took her to town and then will drive back to pick her up at 1. Yesterday one of my friends called and invited me to lunch. What fun! I didn't get to finishing my baskets but will work on them more this evening or maybe during the week. I have a difficult time concentrating when the kiddos are home...mom....mom....mom. We are switching the kiddos beds, ds has a daybed and is too big for it...hopefully I can get dh to get a move on it. BBL!

Colleen, Vicki, Sarah, Stacy, and Shannon, hugs n squishes!

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Hi all,


Whew! Nutcracker rehearsals are a workout! I don't dance, but I juggle the phone, babysit the dancers that are dropped off early/picked up late, (and oddly enough, they are the ones who really need to be babysat!), sell tickets, help dancers get where they need to be, and deal with paperwork. It was a very good day, though.


I have been working on the vest. I finished the body, and I'm working on the edging. I edged the arm openings. Now I just have to sc around rest of it 2 or 3 times, and it will be done. I am loving the yarn! It's "Nob Hill Simply Divine" which I got from Herrschners. It's a silk/wool blend. It's soft, and silky, and warm, and just lovely! I credit your cheerleading for the progress I've made. Thanks for the :kick


Joanne, LeaAnne, LeaAnn, Mary, Colleen, Marisa, Sarah, Stacy, Vicki, and Shannon, I hope you are having an awesome weekend!!! :hug to all!

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