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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning!


I missed chat- I was working on my RR and started getting tired, so rather than fight it off, I headed up to bed.


I like the idea of doing some shawls, Mary! And the one that you linked to is very pretty- I also saw one I like in the new Mosaic yarnhttp://www.bernat.com/pattern.php?PID=4922 on Bernat's site! I've been wanting to try that yarn.


LeeAnn- keeping your Dad in my thoughts- did he make it to dialysis? Glad to hear that the little girl calmed down- you have the magic touch!


Marisa- Good luck at the appointment today!


Colleen-Hope that DD is in a better less whiny mood- that's one thing about girls- they can be whiny sometimes! Maybe the nap yesterday and a good night's sleep will make for a good day today!


LeaAnne- Is any of your family on the Cape now? Looks like Earl may head there- fingers crossed that all we get is some rain. Forecast now is for a gorgeous Sat/Sun!


Beth- Did you "batten down the hatches". Hope DH makes it in ok ahead of Earl. My DD and SIL are flying TO No Carolina on Friday- his cousin is getting married on Saturday- hopefully they'll be able to get there ok.


Hope you ALL have a great day! It's my Friday:clap:clap:clap 8 hrs of work and I'm free till Wednesday!!!!:clap:clap:clap


Cya later!

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Actually, Earl should be past us by the time dh is supposed to get here. His coworkers and he have been trying to get permission to fly home early, but it didn't work. :sigh I haven't finished picking up all the stuff in the yard. I have one going to work this morning, and two that will be helping me. We'll get it done in no time.


Well, I need to get moving. I am driving my oldest to work so I can take him home. Conditions will be worse by then.


Hope your day is awesome! :hug :hug :hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - On your way to a 5 day weekend :clap By now it's less than a shift ;) And, by the time your read this....it will be party time :cheer


Beth - Good luck getting everything done to prep for Earl :hug Is it starting today, later I think :think I will keep you all in my prayers to stay safe through the storm.


I just checked my weather from now and through monday and it doesn't look like I'm supposed to get any rain :think I'm surprised at that so we'll see. It is supposed to cool down a bit to the low 80's for the weekend, but today will push 100 :( I'll have to keep checking the updates.

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If you are looking for a job. I just saw this.


Thanks Mary, that's interesting and my closest store is on the list.


Beth - :hug Stay safe in the storm.


LeaAnne - Is where you are in-land? My parents are heading to Atlantic Canada right now with their trailer :oops They say the eye is currently forecast to hit land in New Brunswick or Nova Scotia this weekend. Hopefully they decide to stay in Quebec longer. I should call them.


Joanne - A whole week off! Are you doing any trips or just relaxing? How nice!


Marisa - Good luck at your appointment today! Your weekend weather sounds nice. They are forecasting highs around 65 and rain this weekend here.


We are having a no-play-date day. I am going to vacuum and we need to go out for milk and maybe some other errands. I need to check the expiry dates on DD's epi-pens and get new ones ordered for the new school year. It looks like we might have a big thunderstorm here and right now it is beyond muggy. Have a great day everyone!

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good morning!


Marisa - :xfin that all goes well with your appt. today. I am thinking about you:hug:hug:hug


Beth - I hope Earl isn't going to hit you too bad. Sorry that DH couldn't make it home. Please let us know what's going on as much as you can. :hug:hug:hug


LeeAnn - prayers and thoughts for your dad... i hope that everything goes well, and that his spirits pick up. It's so difficult to be down both physically and mentally. I hope DD has a good day, and that she picks up a new friend or two along the way. Does she still get to see her old friends outside of school? Why is she in a different school? Did they change the district lines?:think Lastly, I am holding you and your new little buddy in my thoughts today, hoping that she begins to adjust to being there. Sometimes, it's just one extra caring person that can make the difference. I know from the bottom of my heart that you are the best girl for the job;) :hug:hug:hugand squishes to you all!


Colleen - :cheerfor no-play-date days! We have 1 today... for Peter. I need to rest up, this little guy is a ball of energy! Have you been walking in this heat? It's hard to keep up with an exercise routine when it is like this outside! :hug:hug


Joanne - my MIL is on her way home today from the Cape. there is a family on their way there to rent the house. They are due to arrive late morning:eek They have 2 little ones, so hopefully they delay their vacation by a day. My MIL was there when Bob came in 91. She only lost a few roof tiles, thankfully. The rest of the street was part ocean for a day. She and her sister were evacuated, but went to some "inland" friends' place rather than the shelter. They spent the storm playing cards by candlelight.

I hope your "last day" goes quick! A whole week off???? What are you going to do? Do you have any good plans? :hug:hug


Mary - I can't wait to see one of the shawls that you "whip up"! It's a pretty pattern, and looks quick to make. :hug:hug:hug that you do ok in the heat today! thanks for the link for the teaching jobs. Unfortunately, my store's openings are filled :sigh


Sarah - I sure hope that Keith is feeling even better today, and that his cough settles down. Have a good day, friend!:hug:hug


Shannon - Did you and DH enjoy the rest of your evening? What's on your agenda today? Do you see Dr. Jason today? How do you feel after your exercise yesterday? I hope you are not too sore. I did sneak out for a 30 minute walk before chat lastnight. I just felt like I needed it! I hope you have a good day, friend! It's so wonderful to have you back here amongst the chatty club!:hug:hug


:hi, Vicki!!! I hope you are finding lots of reasons for :U and :lol today, and that your new school year continues to settle down. It sounds like there is lots of confusion there. Is it because of all of the changes that were made at the end of last year? :think It must be so very frustrating for all of you! here are some :hug:U:hug for you! Pass 'em on!


Stacy - You must have had a real busy day with school! I am just so very proud of you, girl! I hope that Eva settles right in to her new routine! I can't wait to hear how it's going! :hug:hug


It's going to be crazy hot and humid again here today. I have a couple of washes to get done, and I think that will be it (except for my obligatory time in the kitchen:lol) Yesterday I did get in the pool, and will likely do it again. Other than that, I will be thinking of you all, and wishing nothing less than the greatest possible day for you all, my dearest of friends!

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Good afternoon! :hi


LeaAnne - It is tough to get out walking when it's hot. I wait until the evening when it's cooler. Unfortunately now it's pretty much dark when I get home. But just think, it will be even tougher when it's freezing. :yes I hope you survived the ball of energy! :lol


It's been a good day. We picked up a few groceries, I ordered the new epi-pens, we went to pick up the toy DD wanted with her garage sale money and now she's happily playing horse barn, excuse me "deluxe animal hospital" :rolleyes). I bought DH a few new clothes too. :rolleyes Another kid, that one. I also vacuumed. Just the main level left to do, which I'll do now since DD is happily playing in the family room. I'm heating up cabbage rolls for supper and making a salad. Just checking stuff off the to do list!


A funny DD saying from today. "Mommy, did you know they showed on Popular Mechanics that a horse gave birth to a zebra! It was a mistake." :rofl I'd say!!!

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:hi, friends!


Colleen - that DD of yours is a stitch! :rofl... It's cool that she chose a toy to do with taking care of animals:manyheart

I hear you about it getting dark early. I should try to get my walk in tonight, though, as tomorrow night it will be windy and wet here. I just saw the updated forecast, and it looks like CapeCod is in the direct path of Earl. I am glad that my MIL is home. It will be a long night tomorrow night, though, of worrying that the house survives with minimal damage.


I need to go dunk back in the pool, so I can try to :crocheting. I am having a hard time today with that. the heat/humidity has my fingers all puffy:(


Take good care, friends! :hug:hug:hug:hug

I'll be back a little later!

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Hi my best Friends

Well yes it is another hot day here today. The weather says one more day of humidity and then it will be gone. I can't wait. I did slepp better last night which is good. I feel better today.

So far today I took Mom for a hair cut and to the dollar store. Then we got home and I had to stop for some things for the club. I have that already to take with me tonight when we go and work bingo tonight.

I crocheted a little this morning but I won't be able to get back to it til after we get home tonight.

I saw that job posting and thought of you LeaAnn right away. Colleen you should see if you can get a job there too. How cool is that, getting paid to crochet all day.:devil

As for house work not too much is getting done. Just what has to be done for now.

I told DD this morning that if it stays hot Iam not coming to her house. Iam going to stay home and be hot and cranky:angry

Joanne Iam liking the shawl that you picked.... I think I will try that one first and see if I like it. Thanks.

Well that is it for now

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Hi all,

Vacation time for me:cheer:clap:cheer---and to all of you who think I have a whole week off- let me just say I WISH!!!! I am taking off tomorrow and Tuesday so I have a 5 day weekend!!! I go back to work on Wednesday!!:lol


Looks like Earl isn't going to hit me too hard- will probably get some rain and wind. I did put all my deck stuff in the shed and pool floats and such- so I think cause I did that, we'll be good to go!


Beth- Hope you don't get hit too hard in your area!


LeaAnne- Glad to hear that your MIL is home- feel bad for the renters though- hope they can weather the storm and that there is no damage to MIL's house!


Mary- Glad you liked the shawl pattern. :hook


Today was hot as hades and I'm glad that the weekend is supposed to be perfect-ness (that is after Friday) DD and SIL fly out to No Carolina tomorrow so hope they don't have too much trouble due to Earl!


Colleen- Your DD cracks me up- glad she is having fun with her "deluxe animal hospital"! :lol


Marisa- hope all went well with the doc today! :yes


LeeAnn- extra hugs and squishes for you!:hug:hug:hug:hug and your Dad


Shannon, Stacy, Sarah- The 3 "S's---hope you had a great day!!! You too Vicki!!!!


Well, off to check out Rutgers score- and get ready for some RR time and Giants/Patriots Game!!


have a good night and cya in the AM!

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No big plans for the days off- originally I had toyed with the idea of heading to Boston- but it's going to be soooo crowded there this weekend with all the kids going back to college so opted not to.


Plan on doing cleaning tomorrow (since it's going to rain). Middle DD and I are getting together on Saturday for a mother/daughter day- may head to Ocean Grove or to Philly- not sure yet- we'll decide tomorrow night. I'll spend Sunday doing something with DH- not sure what yet either- alot depends on the weather and what strikes our fancy.


The main thing about these 5 days is I don't have to go to work- that in and of itself is a vacation!!!!

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Hey there all! I'll be back later to catch up, but I had to share my latest project! I'm so super-duper proud of it!!:D:D:D:D


I'll be back in a bit!


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Good evening ladies :hi


Y'all are sitting here talking about cleaning and exercising....well I stopped on my way home for a burger and a milkshake :D Since my cholesterol was sooo good and doc was impressed :lol


Anyways, the appointment went well and I really like the doc :clap He bribed me with a cup of coffee :lol He did an ekg, which was normal and now I have to get some xrays, which I'll do saturday morning at the hospital around the corner. Then I'll go back to the doc next week for him to look them over and see what's next :think I'm glad I can read the xrays so the waiting won't be so bad.


I stopped by walmart on my way home. They have a 7qt rival crockpot on sale this week for $18 (I may have mentioned earlier this week). Anyway, Mary and I ran over to get one on lunch break monday (my parents knew she was looking for one and tried to get one but their walmart didn't have any) and I got one for myself too. I figured at that price, I can have an extra :lol My extra doc was at another office monday and we were talking about it tuesday so he went wed after work to a different walmart and they didn't have any :( So tonight I went back to the one mary and I went to on monday and they didn't have any :( I went to a second store not too far and they had all different colors, so I picked him up a black one. He'll be sooo excited!!!! But, tomorrow he's at another office, so he won't get it until tuesday :(


I kept really poor notes while reading the posts this evening so can't really comment personally, however, to colleen - what is an epi-pen? :think

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Joanne - :yay Happy vacation! Enjoy!


Shannon - Your square looks so pretty. Is it mounted in a shadow box? Where you gonna hang it.


Marisa - Glad your appt went well and that you like the doc. Gotta love the crock pot. An epi-pen is an epinephrine injector. My DD is allergic to peanuts and the epinephrine is in case of an anaphylactic reaction. She wears one in a pouch around her waist and the school keeps one in the health room.


Mary - Glad you slept better. Hopefully the cool air comes your way soon.


LeaAnne - Glad your MIL is safe and I hope her house weathers the storm.


Beth - Thinking about you.


:hi to everyone else! Hope you had a good day.


We had a scare here. The power went out earlier during a storm (not sure why there was no lightening or wind :think). Anyway, the computer wouldn't start up again. It's on a battery back-up, but I guess the power source went kaput. DH took it in tonight and they fixed it for us :whew My first thought was, how will I keep up with my besties? And then I thought...our pictures :eek But it's all good.


Good night all!

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I'm back. Physically, but not mentally.:badidea:loser:lol Please bear with me.


Beth- I am thinking of you tonight. :hug:hug and let us know how you are ASAP!


Marisa- I'm glad you liked the doctor! He sounds like a keeper! Good luck with the xrays. And remember to smile! Thanks for the compliment on my sunflower!!


Colleen- Your DD is a pip!:lol You got a lot done today! Glad your computer's okay. And yes, my sunflower is in a shadowbox, and it's going in my newly painted and very orange kitchen!:D


Mary- How was bingo? I saw that website you shared about teaching. I'm thinking about it. My Michaels' aren't on the list, but they could be someday. Oh, and these are for you.:flake:flake:flake


Joanne- You're on vacation!!:woo Enjoy it girl! You earned it!! Congrats on your Giants! You must be happy!


To the restie of my besties--> :waving,:heart, and lots of :hug:hug I hope you are all doing well!!


I think I'm getting a cold. I'm going to make 2 stars, then go to bed. Have a good night and even better tomorrow everyone! :manyheart

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Hi, friends!


Marisa - so very glad to hear that you like your new doc, and that you had a good visit! and 3 :cheer for crockpots! I love mine.


Joanne - your weekend sounds like a nice break!


Shannon - I adore your sunflower in it's shadowbox!!! it's going to look so cool in your "very orange kitchen" ...feel better friend!


Beth - I am thinking of you and yours tonight:hug:hug stay safe!


LeeAnn - :hug:hug:hugto you and your dad... did he make out ok with the dialysis?


Mary - Hang in there, baby! The cool-ness is coming! I hope you had fun at BINGO!


Vicki, Stacy, Sarah - :hi and :hug to you all!


I am off to bed... I am :tired!

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Quick post. Will read everyone's from today (yesterday?) tomorrow (In the morning?).... LOL as you can probably tell I'm tired but Keith's puppy is sewn together except for the spots. Still need to make and sew them on and I'm considering crocheting a collar for the puppy too. Will post pics tomorrow night after Keith is in bed as I'm too tired to deal with it right now.

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Good morning ladies :hi


TGIF is what I said when my alarm went off for the 3rd time this morning! :lol I hope the day goes quickly and then it's a 3 day weekend :clap I'm hoping to get all of my running and chores done on saturday :xfin so may not get much hook time in there :think We'll see. Sunday am going to meet my parents for bfast and then will probably jet over to hobby lobby since I'll be fairly close :clap


Colleen - And here I was thinking that an epi-pen was some kind of cool new PEN to have for school :rofl That's good that she's prepared for any surprise attacks. Peanut allergy is one of the worst because peanuts are EVERYWHERE!!! :eek:hug Sorry about your power incident, but glad it turned out ok :D


Shannon - :yay for the orange kitchen. My parents have an orange kitchen, it's always been. Years ago they wanted to redo it and my siblings and I yelled at her not to. At this point, orange is coming back into style :lol But I've always loved that kitchen :manyheart I hope you slept well last night and your cold is feeling better today :hug


LeaAnne - I love the crockpot too :) Now I have a crockpot for every occassion :rofl I have a 2.5 qt, a 6 qt, and now a 7 qt, and one of them came with the little sauce warmer too......so I'm set :D I texted the other doc last night to let him know I got one and he was very excited :D But he won't get it today since he has to cover another office, so he'll get it on tuesday.


Sarah - WTG on Keith's puppy, you're sooo close to the finish line now with only having the spots left :D How is Keith feeling? Any better?

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Good morning!!


Shannon- You did a great job on the sunflower- and I love it in the shadowbox!!! I'm sure it will look great in our orange kitchen. Hope you slept well and are feeling better today!


Beth- thinking about you with Earl heading up the coast! Stay safe my friend!! And let us know as soon as you can that all is well in Va!!


LeaAnne- Today is the start of WIP week!! Thanks for starting this. I'm going to continue on with my RR (going to post pic in a minute) and then do the border for the granny stripe so I can officially say that is done! Did you watch the game last night- Giants won!!! Too bad it doesn't mean anything- can't wait for the regular season to start!


Mary- Hope Bingo went well- and the cool air is coming- hang in there. Let me know how that shawl pattern goes.


Colleen- That is a scare!! Glad that the puter is fixed!! I would be so lost! No besties, no pictures, no nothing. Which reminds me I need to back up the pics to the external drive again!!


LeeAnn- Hope all is well- and today is Friday- so you get a nice long weekend. Hugs and extra squishes coming your way!


Sarah- WTG on almost finishing the puppy- can't wait to see it when it's finished!!


Stacy- How's the school girl doing? Read about your health class on FB- sounds awesome!!!! Enjoy it. And Enjoy the weekend roomie free!!!


Marisa- Sounds like you have a nice weekend in store--once you make it through today!!! And yes, I would say you are definitely set with 3 crockpots!!! I love my crockpot too and tend to use it more over the winter than the summer. It's great for starting dinner before work and having it ready when I come home at night!


Vicki- Happy Friday to you- any plans for the holiday weekend. I switched over the Jets/Eagles game after the Giants- Jets won (sorry Marisa) We have another rivalry on board now- Marisa is a Phillies/Eagles/Sixers fan!!! That will be fun when the Giants play the Eagles- arch rivals! :devil


Without further ado- I took a pic of the RR that I started and here it is in progress---you have no idea how excited I am to say that I am doing a RR!!


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Happy WIP week everyone! :yay:clap:cheer:elle


Joanne - Your RR is looking fabulous! I love the colours. It's very cheery looking.


Shannon - I love that idea, putting a square in a shadow box :manyheart You are so clever! You'll have to take a pic of your orange kitchen for us. I'd love to see it. They say orange makes you eat more. :yes


Marisa - I love the story about your mom's orange kitchen. Ours were usually yellow, but mom went country blue in the early 90s and has never come back :lol Now hers is blue and yellow, kinda like French country.


Sarah - Hooray for being almost done puppy. Can't wait to see him.


Stacy - Our busy student. Missing you here, but I know you are busy going to school and being a mom. I hope it is going well.


Beth - Thinking about you. :hug


Mary - :think Crazy weather. All I can say :shrug


Vicki - You are almost done another week and I hope you enjoy your weekend.


LeaAnne - TGIF. I hope you get some crochet done.


All this talk about crock pots. Joanne mentioned she uses hers mostly in the winter. Before we had A/C, I used to use my crockpot on hot days so I wouldn't need to use the stove/oven. I'd put it outside :lol Anyone want to trade good crock pot recipes?


We've got another playdate this morning (I know I know, but how can you say no to friends).

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Morning friends!


Had Family Night last night, didn't get home again till almost 9....whew! feel tired today but hoping that the coffee will help.


will post to all of you individually this evening but please know that I am thinking of all of you!


My dad is feeling somewhat better, he has been in bed for most of the week, but I think he will be up and around this weekend. They are having a car show-he collects "oldies" we are hoping that will lift his spirits.


thank you for all the hugs and extra squishes! I needed them!



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Just a quick stop by to let you know Earl is nothing here in Hampton, VA. I don't think we've had gusts over 20 mph. It is sprinkling a little. I feel kind of foolish for all the prep work I did. I hope everyone else has a pleasant day. I need to get ready for my hubby to come home this evening!!! :manyheart:c9:clap:cheer:yay:hug:D

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