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Good morning! I slept in, later than Joanne! Shocking. We got some rain last night, probably why I could sleep so well.


I haven't been doing much cleaning or crocheting, so I haven't had much to say. But I have a big to do list -- if I can avoid chauffeuring long enough to get to it. If middle ds isn't getting hauled back and forth to work, he wants me to haul him and his girlfriend back and forth for dating. I need a raise!!!


Just wanted to stop in and say hi. I'm thinking of all of you! :D

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:waving everyone!


Mary - I can't even say just how very nice it was to finally get to chat with you on the phone! :hug:hug thanks so very much for giving me a call! We did get your weather today... it's raining! Woot! I think it's supposed to rain for few days. We need it!


Beth - I sure hope you get to relax today! And that you get that raise!:wink


Stacy - Glad you got to go to the game with DH, and that you got to spend some quality time together. I hope your weekend is ending as nicely as it started.... How is Mia's ear? p.s. I :drool pastry, too!:lol


Joanne - Spending today with :hook in hand is a great idea! :yes Sounds like you had a great day yesterday with DD:clap


LeeAnn - Did you get your ironing done? Are you going to cash in on that past due :crocheting time????


Colleen - I am sure that you and DD are enjoying having DH home! What fun family activities are you all up to? Thinking of you, friend!:hug


Marisa & Shannon - Hope you are having fabulous trips:hug:hug


Sarah - How's things down your way? I hope that life is treating you well, and that you are getting to have a little fun.


:waving, Vicki! Missing you, girl! I hope that things are settling in for you:hug


We had a really nice evening last night. We hung out on the patio and enjoyed a nice fire:c9:c9 It was nice...just chatting and hanging out outside. I sat and :crocheting, too! Ahhhhhh.... a relaxing evening! Just what this family needed!


Anyway, today I have a little bit of laundry that may just wait till tomorrow:devil, and I am making stuffed shells for dinner. My mom my drop in later on her way home from Maine. She went blueberry picking yesterday with Uncle Art! YUM!


Have a wonderfultastic day, friends!


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top of the morning to ya!

:D:D It is Sunday and the only thing on my agenda is to fold a load of sheets...now how wonderful is that???? :cheer:cheerI finished all of the ironing yesterday.


Also finished the wrap last night, going to tuck in ends then will post a pic for ya all to take a looksie.


Joanne-so glad that your dd and her bf were able to spend the afternoon with you. Crocheting and watching tv sounds like the best day ever!


LeaAnne-those relaxing days are just what a person needs to feel rejuventated. Any big plans for the week?


Beth-your kiddos are so fortunate to have you chauffer them around, I think you need a tip jar.:yes they can pay in chores, extra crocheting time...ummm hugs and extra squishes. Just a thought:hug


Mary-so glad that is has cooled off some. We are getting ready for Fall-:eek it has cooled off considerably, I am looking forward to winter this year, since I am going to be staying home, sounds like wonderful crochet weather. I am starting to think of afghan patterns and yarn and patterns and yarn:yay


Vicki-how are ya? I hope that you are doing well.


Colleen-bet you are enjoying your weekend with dh? That is wonderful!


Stacy-how's your Sunday going?


Shannon, Sarah, Marisa hope your day is filled with happiness and relaxation!


back to :hook:devil

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HUMID! I want fall!!! We got some rain, not alot, now it is party cloudy and HUMID! Supposed to rain some more- we'll see.


LeaAnne- you evening sounds like heaven- outside with a fire and some crochet. Hope you have a nice visit today


LeeAnn- Can't wait to see your shawl- and glad that you have some "me " time today


Off to watch the Yankees and crochet some more. I made 2 squares to send to to a fellow viller and now I 'm going to go back to my Granny stripe!


Have a great afternoon!

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Here I am!!! I am FINALLY getting a chance to pop in and say hi to all my besties!!! I have missed you all, but I don't think I have had a chance to breathe all week! It was CRAZY!

I think the last time I posted I told you all that I passed my test. Now I just have to wait for the scores to post to the state and then I can apply for my license. That was Tuesday when all that came down and I was a very happy girl! Wednesday was not so good. I woke up with a migraine and within 2 and 1/2 hours the vertigo followed. It was not good. I didn't have my medicine with me so I made it through the day the best that I could and when I got home I threw my car keys to my baby sitter and told her she was driving for the rest of the day. She kind of looked at me funny, but she did it. I had to take her to tkd, so if she wanted to go she needed to drive. She sort of knew I was going to do that so she was okay with it.

By Friday I resorted to hiding in my classroom to get my work done. Every time I stepped out of my room all I heard was "There she is. Mrs. Colascione, we just have a quick question...", which turned in to a 20 minute conversation. I had spent my entire morning in an ARD meeting so I didn't have time to sit there and talk about who was going to cover their class for in class support. I needed to make sure all the in class support sections were covered and get the case manager lists started. I haven't even started lesson plans! I don't know what I am doing tomorrow when my children get off the bus!!!

And to top it all off, my puppies are being escape artists again! Aurora, who is my favorite puppy, is going to be the death of me if she keeps her disappearing act up if I don't kill her first! And Simba is starting to get into the act now!

It should start to slow down a little bit this week. Hopefully it won't be SO crazy and I will actually have time to breathe and enjoy the first week of school. DD is ready for her first day. We have her supplies and we have her binder set up. Her back pack is organized and we went on Wednesday to pick up her schedule. She is worried that she won't be able to open her locker,but she'll get the hang of it. I made sure I wore my school badge to pick up her schedule. I won't walk in to her school building without it. They need to know that I am a teacher too. Maybe that is nit picky of me, but that is just how I deal with them. Otherwise I find that they will sort of brush you off. When the teachers find out that you know what your talking about they treat you differently.

My laundry is done and I need to work on lesson plans and my paper. I hope everyone is having a great Sunday and I will talk to you all later!

TTFN my besties!

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Vicki- Sounds like you sure did have a crazy week- but that is behind you now and hope that the "first day of school" with the kiddies goes well! And good luck to your DD on her first day- and that she can open her locker! it's funny what kids worry about!:lol


Well, the Yankees won- 10 runs, 10 hits- 1010 WINS (and my birthday is 10-10)!:)


I got about 4 stripes done and one 1 and 1/2 more to go till I have 51 stripes (102 rows). I may end it there. I'm itching to start something new:lol


Dinner is just about ready- baked chicken, sweet potatoes and green beans- simple but good!


Hope you all had a wonderful, relaxing Sunday!!

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Oh Joanne- your birthday this year is going to be 10/10/10! :lol How cool! Dinner sounds yummy!


Vicki- :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug!! I don't know how you do it. WTG on passing your test! :yay I must've missed the post about that. Hope your headache has cleared up and that you are feeling better. Good luck getting your lesson plans worked up, and hope you and dd have a great first day tomorrow!


Leeann, can't wait to see your shawl. :manyheart I can't believe how early your fall/winter season is starting! It sure is the perfect time to :crocheting.


LeaAnne, enjoy your visit with your mom! Will she leave some blueberries for you?


My kid-free weekend is almost over. We had fun, though- last night we went to a show at a small cafe in Hollywood, one of dh's favorite indie artists- Sarah Jaffe. Her voice is just beautiful. Then we went for dessert at Chili's. This morning we took the dogs to the dog park, came home, had breakfast, and just relaxed. Until I decided that I was tired of my feet sticking to the floor because someone dropped maple syrup...:angry So I swept and mopped all the floors, and cleaned the little table in the kitchen. Dh vacuumed and dusted.


The girls are supposed to be here in about half an hour, we'll see who is staying and who is going back with MIL. Mia wants to stay with her so they can go school-shoe shopping tomorrow. They also might go to the movies. I tried to talk Isabella into staying so she can go to the movies also (she already got her shoes when she stayed for the week) but she says she misses us. She's been terribly afraid to go over there lately, and I can't figure out why. :think I'm thinking she wasn't too happy about being "girl-ified" for the week she was there. :shrug


Anyway, I better go and see what we can do about lunch. We had a late breakfast so dh isn't too hungry, but he keeps bugging me about what we are going to do. Not sure what he means since the girls will be here soon. :think Men. :lol


Oh! I almost forgot...Mary said Colleen and Beth posted pics of their squares, but I can't find them...are they on this thread?


BBL! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:hi everyone!


:sigh We just had the most relaxing weekend. We did very little. We even napped both days :c9


Stacy - the square pics are on this thread. I'm thinking maybe Wednesday morning. I'm glad you and DH got some quality time in.


Joanne - I'm glad you got some crochet and baseball in today.


Vicki - It's a busy time of year for a teacher! :hug I hope the first official day goes well for both you and DD. What grade is your DD starting?


LeeAnn - It sounds like you had a nice relaxing weekend too.


LeaAnne - Oh family time by the fire sounds so nice. :c9


Mary - I hope you are enjoying the cooler weather. We finally got some rain today :yay Our grass was brown.


Beth - Any luck on the raise? Does DS's girlfriend live far away? It would be nice if they lived close enough to walk or bike to their dates.


Shannon and Marisa - I hope you both had good weekends away.


:hi to anyone I missed. Have a great evening!

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Ooooh, I just found them! Thanks, Colleen. Both squares are beautiful!! :manyheart I'm glad to hear you had a relaxing weekend. :hug:hug


I am almost done with my square! I took the wrong yellow yesterday when we went out, so I think the colors are kind of drab...:( But the pattern is FABULOUS, so I will make another one with the correct yellow, soon. :devil:manyheart

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Good evening ladies!


wow! The weekend went by super fast! I don't want to go back to work just yet, want to sit and crochet!:yes


Colleen-so glad that you had a nice relaxing weekend, aren't those the best?


Joanne-glad that your fav team won! WTG!


Stacy-how fun for your kiddos! Hanging out with the grandparents is always fun and exciting!


Vicki-oh my gosh! you have been terribly busy, keeping my fingers crossed that this week goes well.


I started a shawl-I love the pattern, similar to a granny-I hope to finish it tonight. Am enclosing a pic of the wrap-dd is my favorite model! :lol:lol I think I will keep it in my stash-maybe it will be an X-mas gift.


talk to you all soon!


hugs and squishes!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug



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Good evening ladies, I'm back from my well needed mini vaca :lol


It was wonderful to relax and not have a care, even as to the time ;) I spent some time in the ocean, read my book and crocheted :D The children were intrigued with the scarf I had started to make and promised to send them a pic when it's finished :lol


Went out last night for the Steeler game, since the group I was with is from Pittsburgh, and we had a great time. My mom and I drove back today and the drive was pretty crappy in and out of downpours so then the traffic would slow down way too much :( It took us about and hour and a half longer to get back to my place and then my mom had another 2 hour drive :( I told her to call if she got bored and needed to chat and am still waiting to hear from her that she got home :think Should be maybe another half hour yet.


I read through the posts but did not take notes :( Don't be upset :hug


Oh, and the bat is gone....he got it thursday morning before I left for work :clap

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Well I won't be doing much for a week or so. Got bit yesterday around 11:30 am by a spider so my left arm is swollen from right near the elbow to halfway to my wrist. Not sure where the spider came from, I was out going to garage sales and when I noticed it I was in a thrift store. Having a suppressed immune system SUCKS when it comes to bug bites cause I get really bad reactions. This one hurts AND itches unlike the ant bites last year that just itched (though they swelled the same) I can only manage doing anything that uses that arm for about 30 min before it starts hurting too much and Benadryll doesn't work for me so unless I start getting red streaks there's nothing that can be done but just let it run it's course. (no insurance so no doctor unless it starts showing the red streaks)


Hope everyone's weekend is going better than mine. Will try and come on later after Keith and Doug are in bed to respond to everyone =0)

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Hi, gang!


It sounds like we all had nice weekends:U ...couldn't happen for a better bunch of girls, I'd say!:wink


Vicki - it's so good to hear from you. sorry that last week was so lousy for you... i am praying that this week will be much better! :hug:hug, friend! p.s. my "princess Daisy" also cannot be trusted, the little rascal, so we have a long leash for when she goes outside.... I do make sure it's always long enough to reach her mommy, though:lol I think she is the most spoiled member of my family. As it should be!


Joanne - How big is your "half-ghan"? What will be your next project?


Marisa - Welcome home! sounds like you had a nice, beachy weekend! I am so happy to read that you truly got a chance to relax! You work so very hard!


Stacy - how awesome that you and Jorge got all that time together "by your 'lone"! I am glad that you love the pattern, too! I think my favorite part of this whole process has been sharing it with my closest :crocheting friends!:devil


Mary - How was your day? I hope you got to sit and stitch your day away! :hug:hug


Colleen - :c9:c9 what a nice weekend for you! what's on the agenda for this week? Any good stuff?


LeeAnn - I love your wrap! Your work is really awesome! (and that includes the model! :wink) I was glad to read that you got that "me' time... you have certainly earned it! When do you start your "winter off"? do you ski?


Beth - I hope your taxi service was closed for the day... oh, and I haven't left you these lately: :hug:hug:hug:hug Have you heard from DH today?


Sarah - how goes the home improvements? I hope that you had a wonderful day, friend! How are Hannah and Zac doing? How is Keith and Doug? Doug's birthday is coming up? :hug:hug:U:U and prayers for you, friend!


Shannon - hope you stop by soon....


We had a really nice, but quick visit with mom. she hit a lot of traffic coming out of Maine. She did stay for dinner, though. She brought us wild blueberries and blackberries!!! :drool:drool

after she left, I went for my walk.:cheerI took a drive to clock the distance. It's 2.1 miles! I was surprised at that! I can do it in about 45 minutes.


I haven't :crocheting yet today, so maybe I will go do some now.... Have a great night, and a good Monday to those who will be up and out before I get here! Lots of :hug:hug:hug to you all and your families! :U

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Welcome home Marisa!! Sounds like a great weekend and I'm very happy to hear the bat is gone!!


Colleen- Nothing wrong with a relaxing weekend! We had a very low-key weekend ourselves and it was nice. Had a great time with DD and BF yesterday- and then today, we didn't do anything! DH was working on something for a while while I spent the day between reading my book (The Mephisto Club by Tess Gerritsen) and crocheting. I only have 1 more row to do and I will have 102 rows. I started with 150 chains so I think it is a nice size ghan. I haven't measured it, so tomorrow after work I 'm going to put it on my bed to see what I think about the size. I want to do the border (although I don't know what I'm doing yet for that) and then start a new project.


LeaAnne-Blueberries and blackberries sound yummy! Glad you had a nice visit, even if it was short. Traffic can really put a damper on things (as I'm sure Marisa knows after taking so much longer to get home today).


LeeAnn- I love that shawl---and the colors you are using. Is that the Granny ripple pattern? I saw one on Ravelry and think that may be the next ghan I make. That's nice that your DD loves to model for you!


Stacy- So did Isabella decide to stay or go back to MIL's? Yes, my birthday is 10-10-10 and I'll be 55 and I was born in 55. Pretty neat, huh?


Beth- Hope the taxi service got to take a rest today- or if not, got a nice tip!!!


Everyone- going to do the final row and then call it a night.


Cya in the AM

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Sarah - how goes the home improvements? I hope that you had a wonderful day, friend! How are Hannah and Zac doing? How is Keith and Doug? Doug's birthday is coming up? :hug:hug:U:U and prayers for you, friend!



They're stalled. Hannah and Zack are doing good. Doug's mom and Step-Dad won full custody of them so that's a weight off their shoulders that the battle is over. Keith and Doug are doing good. It's Keith's b-day that's coming up. Doug and I have our b-days in November.

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:waving, Sarah!!!! glad to hear that everyone is doing well! How are YOU doing? You hanging in there, friend?


Yeah working on a shawl (pattern I'm making up as I go as usual) during the day when I'm not cleaning and taking care of Keith. Still not in that good of a mood and the spider bite hasn't helped any in that regards. =0(

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Sarah-oh my! A spider bite does not sound good. I hope that the swelling and burning goes down soo, that must feel awful. :hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart:hug

Joanne-the wrap was a smaller ripple, but I do so love granny ripples! Another one of my favorite projects. :hug I just finished another shawl, will post pics tomorrow as it is too late to get a really good pic. I always get to the itch to start a new project when I am close to finishing one. What will your next project be?

LeaAnne-wtg on the walking!:hug I am afraid that I have stopped walking and have not gotten back into the swing of things, I was feeling too overwelmed and was stressing myself out, so decided to get exercise in while I work and try to go for bike rides every once in a awhile. I have not been skiing in years, it is so much fun! Thank you for reminding me, we will definately try it this year. Last winter we took the kiddos ice skating-what fun! We have an ice skating rink that the city maintains, it is free if you have your own skates, if not you can rent skates from them. It is so cold here in Alamosa that they do not have to do much to keep it frozen. I want to buy the kiddos ice skates but will have to do a bit of research, they are pricey.

Marisa-glad that you had a relaxing weekend, you deserve it!

Our kiddos start school on Tuesday, dd already had a melt down, she is so worried about her teacher not liking her, about not doing well. I have tried to reassure her that she will do wonderful and that her teacher will love her. She has the same teacher that ds had when he was in 4th grade, she is amazing! Tomorrow dh will be taking her in to meet her and have a chat. I hope that that will ease her mind. My poor baby! I wish that I could take the day off to go with her, but dh did. This is the first parent teacher conference that I will miss.:blush

off to get myself ready for tomorrow. night all!:hug:hug have a Magnificent Monday!

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Good morning and welcome to Monday!!


Vicki- hope your 1st day with the kids goes well and that DD has a great first day as well!


Sarah- hope that the spider bite is calming down some....


LeeAnn- That's a good idea for DD to go and meet the teacher- hopefully this will allay her fears! Another shawl???Wow- you are fast!!!! Not sure what my next project will be- torn between a RR, a flannel'ghan, a granny ripple.....we'll see once I finish the border on the granny stripe!


Hope everyone has a wonderful day and I'll cya on the flip side!

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Good morning,


I hope you are all sleeping as long as you can, unlike me.


To everyone who has a child starting school soon, I hope the day goes well. Today is my oldest ds's first day at college as a dual enrolled student. He is only taking English Composition, since he's still a high school senior, and he works so much -- I think one to start is enough.


Vicki, I found your comment about wearing your school badge to your dd's school informative. I wish school administration would treat parents with a little more respect.


LeaAnn, It's hard to miss something like a school conference for the first time. It's very good for dh to have that opportunity, though. And teachers tend to respect fathers that are involved.


Sarah, so sorry to hear about the spider bite, and how you are reacting to it. It isn't a brown recluse, is it? Their bites are horrible -- you need to see a doctor if it's one of those.


Joanne, can't wait to see the finished afghan.


LeaAnne, :cheer for fresh berries! :cheer for long walks!


Marisa, welcome home! I hope your mini vaca was very refreshing. You so deserved it after the pace you've had at work. How is your back?


Stacy, isn't that sunflower pattern wonderful! I'm enjoying it, when I actually sit and crochet.


Mary, how are you, sister? Here are some :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Colleen, I hope you had a great weekend. Has your weather improved yet?


Shannon, Thinking of you.


I enjoyed my taxi driving yesterday, because I took my dd with me, and we had girls' day out while the couple were alone in the theater. (My ds swears they actually watched part of the movie.) They went to see "Vampires Suck." He says it would have been funnier if he had seen the Twilight movies. He missed some of the references.



Have a great day. I need to get my college student up and about.

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Back to the grind!!! :lol Although I slept well, morning just came too early today :(


Joanne - I hope you monday work day goes well for you :D


Beth - Thanks, my back is pretty much the same and was actually seeming to be a bit worse while I was away, but back to 'normal' this morning :think My appointment is next week, so we'll see then what the doc thinks :yes I want to see that vampire's suck movie, it looks hysterical!!! Now your ds will catch up with the twilight movies and watch that again to pick up the references :lol


Well, here are some pics......my cardigan, scarf, and some caterpillars that are tearing up my parsley :eek (they're huge).......





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:hugHello there!

Wow! Ya all are up early!

Marisa-your cardigan looks lovely as well as the scarf! Those dern caterpillars! :lol I hope that you find relief for your back soon.:hug

Joanne-I can't wait to see a pic of your latest project. The shawl that I made wasn't too big, but it was similar to a granny...so I could fly on it! :yes

Beth-good luck to your ds and his first day of college! :hug glad you were able to spend time with your dd.

off to work, I am leaving early because today is the first day of construction...in two seperate areas of the drive.:blush I will have to see how long it is going to take and then reroute.

have a great Monday all of you!

hugs and extra squishes!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hey, Y'all!:lol Happy Monday....


Sarah - :eek at the spider bite! What kind of spider was it? It sure does sound :yuck! I hope you find some :U:U in your day today, friend! I think of you often, and pray for that:hug:hug:hug


LeeAnn - hopefully your commute wasn't too bad.


Beth - :cheer for 1 on 1 time with inventions, especially when it's with a DD :manyheart


Joanne - good luck with your blankie border! I can't wait to see it!


Marisa - Hoping your back starts feeling better, and that your appt. uncovers the cause of it:hug


Vicki - I hope your 1st day went great.... thinking of you!


Stacy - I am so excited for you to be starting school! Do you and Jorge start back on the same day? How many classes is he taking? did anyone stay home with you last night, or are your chickens still with Nanna? That is so nice that they like to go and stay with their grandparents!


:waving, Colleen, Mary, Shannon.... I hope you are doing good today!!!


It's :rain:rain here! :clap:clap the first real rainy day we have had all summer! and it's cool... about 65 degrees right now. You all know what that adds up to...:crocheting:c9 Crocheter's Heaven!!!!:rofl Well, a girl can dream, can't she?! I am hoping to at least get a couple hours in this afternoon, while my chickens do a little extra reading. (which today is also perfect for!)


I hope you all had a totally splendiferous day today! I can't wait to hear about it all:yes


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugfor everyone, and I'll catch you later!

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Hi- raining here today too- and cool- which is just what we needed!!! Of course, it would have been perfect had I been home crocheting instead of working! But, I'm home now so all is good!


Marisa- Love the scarf and cardi- don't love the critters so much! Hope you had a good day back at work- it's tough going back after a 3 day weekend!!!!


LeaAnne- it was the perfect day for the chickens to read and for mama to crochet! Hope you all got to do that today!!!


LeeAnn- hope the construction detours didn't take you too far out of your way!

How did DD do meeting the teacher?


Vicki- Here's hoping that both you and DD had a great day today


Beth- How did DS like his first college class? Glad you had some one-on-one time with your DD- it's so special!!!


Time to get dinner ready---but wanted to post the pic of the granny stripe- without border yet. I put it on the full size bed in the guest room- I think it's large enough and I can go ahead and add the border. DD will probably use it for snuggling on the couch reading or tv watching. I probably won't get to the border till the weekend.


Colleen, Mary, Stacy, Sarah, Shannon- hope you all had a good monday!


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:)Hello hello hello!

I'm home! :clap I missed the construction this morning and was only stopped for 5 minutes this evening....what a joy! I can rest and relax.

Today went well, they had me go to the toddler room as they needed a certified teacher, I just received my certification for Infants/Toddlers so was happy to help out. Missed my kiddos but it was a nice change of pace. I should be back in my normal room tomorrow.

Joanne, Joanne, Joanne-I love love love your blankie! That would be oh sooo perfect while watching t.v. or reading. I just adore it! Good job! What kind of border are you going to put on it?

LeaAnne-did ya get in that extra time to crochet? rainy weather is perfect for those days.:hug

Marisa, Vicki, Colleen, Sarah, Mary, Shannon and Stacy-can't wait to hear about your Monday.

Dh chatted with dd's teacher, she feels much better and more at ease...they made bananna bread and coffee for me:c9:c9 delicious!

be back later!:hug:hug:hug

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