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Some good clean fun?!

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Good evening ladies :hi


Today was a pretty good day!! :clap The day went smoothly and I felt fine all day. A little 'off' in the early morning when I got up, but took my time getting ready and was feeling great :yay


Thank you all so much for your care and concern :hug :hug :hug :hug Can I just tell you that my mom laughed :rofl She's so used to it that it doesn't even phase her anymore!!!!! Crazy....I guess it's how she copes. I'm used to it as well, so I'm not very concerned either, but regardless I need to get a routine check up anyways so maybe this guy will have some ideas that nobody else has tried yet :think


Mary had some things to do after work, but we're planning on heading out around 9ish. I still have to run upstairs and pack some clothes to take :think


Colleen - :yay for dd being able to choose some toys to give away.


Beth - Sorry you pulled a muscle. The exercises are great, good thinking :hug :hug


LeaAnne - Thanks for the invite to the pig roast, but I'm already booked for tomorrow :( Have fun though!!!! And the sleepover sounds like it will be a blast. You should really have a slumber party and do little makeovers with each other :think:lol:yes


Joanne - What colors will you choose for the big afghan for your dd? You're right, Boston does get really cold in the winter!! :eek Have a safe trip this weekend :hug


I hope everyone has a great weekend. Not sure if I'll make it in tomorrow, but if not then I'll see y'all sunday :D

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Glad to hear that you are feeling good. Hope you have a great weekend!!!!!


I'm thinking of doing Red and White (she is huge Red Sox fan) or black and gold (she is also a very big Bruins hockey fan) I'm thinking of making her a flannel'gan since DH raves about how warm his is!

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Still got a case of the "Blahs" but did do some crocheting today. Added 2 more rows to the ripple afghan I've got going. Plus I'm a glutten for stressing myself. I've added a amigurumi puppy (blue of course) to what I'm making Keith LOL, puppy isn't that bad cause it's small so the head is done, just have the body, legs, ears and tail left to do. Shouldn't take me too long, not like the Elmo I did that took about 2 to 3 weeks. I think I'll have this done probably by tomorrow night (I'm only working on it after Keith is in bed)


Off to make Keith clean up his room, thoroughly. Not the just shove everything into the corners to clear a path to the bed that Doug does.

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Hi all!


Marisa, your passing-out spell sounds scary!! :eek I hope your regular doc can come up with some ideas and run some tests that will help you find out what is going on. Have fun at the Trot-n-Brew! Something like that happens in my hometown every year, too. There are 18 bars in a 1/2 mile-radius, and every year there is a Pub Run. Except it's just a big party where everyone goes to hang out and drink- no competition. LoL


Joanne, have fun in Boston!!


Everyone else- love and hugs! Dh just asked me to help him with something, so I'll bbl. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:hi everyone!


Quiet around here today. I'm just sitting her snacking on blueberries, so I thought I'd stop by to say hi. How is everyone? I'm thinking about you and I hope your weekends start off right.

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HI all!


Ohh my gosh! I missed a lot! The in-laws came over for dinner last night, it was wonderful! Anyhow, we are headed out the door, driving up to Pueblo about 2 hours away to get the school shopping done. Will post to everyone individually when I get back....I might stop at Hobby Lobby! Ohhh my! But will have to sneak it in as we have a few errands to run too...:-)


hugs and squishes and safe travels to those of your that are traveling!

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If anyone is around, I'd love to chat tomorrow evening (Sunday) at 9:00 ~ 9:30ish EST :blah :blah :blah


DD had 2 friends over this afternoon. I had dancing princesses all over the house ;) I finished my book last night and have to get back to the library for another one, so I'm going to watch a movie tonight. I worked on my flannelghan today while DD and her friends played.


It was hot here today, but we were just outside doing sidewalk chalk and there is a nice breeze now. I hope everyone's weekend is going well. :hug

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Colleen, sounds like you've had a nice day. :manyheart I don't know if I'll be able to chat tomorrow- we'll see what the day brings. I will try to be there, though.


We went to my IL's this morning. Dh brought home some of his old toys- Hot Wheels, Smurfs, and Legos. Eva loves the Smurfs- Mia calls them Smorfs. :rofl It is so cute that I can't bring myself to correct her. Anyway, FIL gave us a 3-person pop-up tent, and the girls love it! They decided they want to sleep out there tonight. I'm a bit nervous about it, but our front gate locks and we will leave the two big dogs out there. I'm thinking one of us will sleep on the couch tonight, as well.

Dh just went to get his cousin, who is sleeping over. It is so hot here :sweat- think I will go take a shower! BBL! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


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What a day! But first I want to catch up on what everyone else is up to.:yes

Stacy-a pop up tent! What a blast! dh and the kiddos slept out in ours last year, they had a great time! I stayed indoors, didn't want to get squished. Smurfs? They are coming back, I love them! I was telling my kiddos about them awhile back and they looked at me like I had two heads...but now they have seen previews of a movie they are making and are excited to see them. Isn't it neat how everything is coming back? I still love Strawberry Shortcake and Rainbow Bright.

Marisa-what a scary experience! That is not good that you fainted, that worries me. I hope that it is nothing serious. Your weekend beer run sounds exciting! Do you join in?

Joanne-I hope that you have a fantastic weekend with your dd. I miss your posts already. :hug

Mary-when will it cool down where you live? It has already cooled down here, it's only 40 F in the a.m.

Vicki-how's your weekend? the zoo trip??

LeaAnne-I can't wait to hear all about your weekend and your sleepover! How exciting!

Colleen-so glad that you are getting to rest and will only have one more day of work. I miss staying home. I am trying to play catch up every day but somethings always gets pushed aside, guess that is how it goes.

Sarah-you made an Elmo? did you ever take pics? I would so love to see him! How precious! Keith is so fortunate to have a mommy to make him special gifts. :hug


we had a wonderful day, tired tho. We officially finished school shopping with the exception of a backpack, we bought clothes and shoes and more clothes and more shoes....and I bought some yarn..yep! More yarn! It is super soft and just fantastic it is called Reynolds Royale Crylor and Reynolds Versailles-two skiens in a sage green and two skiens in a soft white...so cuddly and then of course a few skiens of lavender and soft purple. I think this would make great sock yarn....I am going to make those socks this winter! I think I can! I think I can! We also stopped at Sams Club to stock up on lotions and cleaners and household goodies and of course snacks for the kiddos.

Tomorrow I am going to catch up on laundry and cleaning but shouldn't have too much left to do. I got up early and cleaned before we left this morning.

Dd and ds are so excited with all of their new goodies! They are so sweet, dd wanted a certain pair of shoes but would not directly ask for them...she just kept going back to them, of course we had to buy them for her! Both of my kiddos are soo wonderful, they have never asked for anything while we are at the store, it makes spoiling them so much fun!:P

off to soak in the tub, my ol' body is just exhausted but happy!

have a good night friends!

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Good morning from Boston!

We had a wonderful day yesterday!:manyheart We went to a farmers market and right next door was a wonderful coffee shop- so we had coffee and delicious raspberry chocolate chip muffin. After walking back to the house, we started the coffee ice cream!


Once that was done, we headed for the "T" and downtown. We walked around and then went down by the water. There were so many sailboats out! there was music playing,and generally lots of activity- such an awesome afternoon. We decided to have an early dinner and had seafood! Initially we were going to have Italian, but after being by the water, we both were int he mood for some seafood!!! After dinner, we headed over to the North End (Italian section) and went to one of the bakeries and bought some cookies to go with the home-made ice cream. Really, you can't go to the North End and not get something!!! We bought a cup of coffee, and went to the "Greenway" (this is an area where they have a park- and a walkway that is set up with tables/chairs/benches- nice place to hang out) Then we walked over to Downtown Crossings (lots of stores) and DD did a little shopping- it's tax-free weekend here in Boston! We got home around 9 and had our ice-cream. It was out of this world!!!


Another nice weather day is on tap for today and I'm taking DD out for "birthday breakfast". Not sure what else is planned- it's up to her!


Oh, and she loved the lapghan and the colors!:)


Just waiting for DD to wake up so we can "get this party started" :lol


Have a wonderful Sunday!

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Good Morning Ladies!

Slept late:eek but it felt good, trying to get myself motivated to start the cleaning and laundry.


Joanne-what an awesome day with your dd! The coffee and ice cream sounds :c9:c9:c9 have another great day my friend!


hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:hi everyone!


Still quiet around here. Everyone must be having a busy weekend. I know a few are away visiting family, so that is nice to see. :)


We went to a kids festival at a park today. They had children's entertainers and activities. It was SO hot and humid :hot 38 celsius with the humidity I think :yuck I do not like the heat. :no


Not much else new. There are some pretty major thunderheads all around us here, but nothing yet. I'm planning to be here 9:00ish for chat, but if I'm not you know it's because I'm saving the computer from the storm.



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Hi, all!


I am home... I had a wonderful weekend! The pigroast was lots of fun. My sis had about 75 people and the day was perfect! The only problem was that her well ran dry, so we had to flush with buckets of water.


She loved her sunflowers so much, she asked me to make a ghan the same for my neice:lol ... I guess it's a good thing I wrote that pattern down!


I hope everyone had a great weekend!


I will be back at just after 9:30, i gotta pick up Jamie and drive her friend home.


Hugs to all!:hug

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Hi Ladies

Dh and I went out lastnight and today I did nothing but sleep. I didn't get up til after 10 this morning and by 12.30 I was having another nap. Got up around 3 and by 4.30 I was asleep again on the couch. So now I have been up since 6.30. I must have been tired cause I don't usualy sleep like that.

Last night I decided to step on the scale and what a surprise I got.................... I lost 15lbs. Iam soooooooo proud of myself. When I told Dh today he just said way to go and that he was very proud of me too.

Iam going to do a few things on here and I will be back just after 9. If I don't come back it is because of the storms. We already had one and I don't think we are suppose to get another one tonight.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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:yay:clap Mary - Congrats on 15 lbs!!


LeaAnne - I'm so glad your sister liked the afghan (not surprised, though, cause it's so pretty!). Glad your weekend went well. See ya at 9:30 :hyper


I'm hanging around.

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