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Some good clean fun?!

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Hi Ladies

It is going to be another hot day here today. Yes Iam back in the basement again. This morning I did a few more things in the yarn room and I think it is looking pretty good. Later today while Iam down here in the basement Iam going to get a few things done down here too.

My stomach has been acting up again since Sunday so Iam taking it easy and getting some crocheting done. Iam still working on sweaters cause they are my best sellers. Oh and my yarn stash is going down quite nicely. Soon time to make a trip to the yarn store.

I hope everyone is haveing a great day.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love and Hugs


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Good evening all!

How was everyone's day?

Beth-I hope your ds loved the movie...dating has to be hard on mom:eek I will be scared to death when my children start dating, it's a new adventure! I also liked your idea about working out and walking-I have been super busy at work, with some of the kiddos moving on to another Head Start-our paper work must all be complete. What a chore! I brought some home with me, I have to get it all done by Friday-wish me luck! I will not be crocheting or walking until it is done.

Joanne-did you have a good day at work? Anything exciting?

Marisa-feel better?

Vicki-how goes it?

Stacy-all will work out in the end.:hug

Mary-do you buy all of your yarn in one whack?

Colleen, Sarah, Scooby and Shannon-how are all of you?

going to fix diner so that I can get started on paperwork....talk to you all soon!:hug:hug:hug

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Hi all,


Mary- WTG on getting the sweaters made and the yarn stash going down. I stopped at AC Moore on my way home from work- and bought 6 skeins of Vanna's Baby- for a RR that I hope to start after I finish DD's ghan and the Granny stripe- I just couldn't resist a sale!


Beth- I love your grocery shopping exercises!! And LeaAnne- you are right cleaning, laundry, etc all count as exercise!!!!

Hope DS has fun at the movies on his date and glad to hear that your other son had fun playing mini golf- You are right- it must be love-


Vicki- thinking about you going through professional development- and hope you are coming out of your funk


Shannon- Waiting to hear how Janna (and you ) did with the first day of school--tomorrow is the 2nd day,right?


Hope everyone's day went well- mine went by quickly- I was very busy- but I like it that way! Now it's time to work on the ghan!


Have a good night!

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Good evening ladies :hi


I had a pretty good day at work. It was busy as it always is when we have the medical dr come in....but the day did seem to crawl by :eek


My back is still bothering me and all the suggestions he gave me I already tried :( Oh well, we'll see what's next on the list. I have to go to the gyno on thursday morning for a colposcopy and I'll see if he has any suggestions, even though it's not his area of expertise :rofl


LeaAnne - I hope you had a good day :hug


Mary - :yay for the sweaters, you sure are going to town ;)


LeeAnn - What's for dinner tonight? Have fun with that paperwork :)


Joanne - great finds on the yarn :clap

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:hi everyone!


Sounds like everyone has been busy. I am exhausted after working the past couple days and then doing all the stuff that needs to be done at home in the evening. I think I'll head to bed soon.


I won't say something to each of you, because I'm too tired to think. :hug:hug:hug:hug for you all. I've got extra because I won Beth's contest to guess which movie her DS went to :heehee.


I picked up my new glasses today and I'm happy with them.

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Night friends!


Finished what I could of my paper work, will have to work on it tomorrow. I am not sure what is wrong with me, but I feel exhausted...I just haven't felt like my peppy self...


Colleen-get some rest and write when you can!


Joanne-so happy that you were abe to buy yarn! My favorite thing to shop for.


Marisa-glad that your day went smoothly.


LeaAnne-did you get all your chicken to the desired places?


Beth, Vicki, Sarah, Stacy and all my other friends, have a good night and a Wonderful Wednesday!

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Happy Hump Day!!!


Hope you all have a good day today!


LeeAnn- You have been going like the energizer bunny- no wonder you are exhausted! Look at all the crocheting you got done, the kids taken care of, the exercising, the house work, the outside of the house work! Hope you got a good night's sleep!


Colleen- Sure it's a shock to your system going to work after being home for a couple of months!


LeaAnne- How is Krissy feeling? Any plans to go back to the Cape before summer's end? and sit in that cute little breezeway?


Stacy- thinking about you---and sending hugs----


Beth- Hope DS had fun at the movies on his date! Did DH find out yet when he has to go?


Shannon- thinking of you and Janna-


Mary, Sarah, Marisa, Vicki---thinking of all of you and wishing you a happy day!

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Good morning!


My dh's job is driving me nuts! First he's going overseas, then he isn't, then he IS, again, then he isn't again, but he's leaving in a couple of days.... :thair. This is NOT professional!


LeaAnn, sorry to hear you aren't your peppy self. Are you just pushing too hard? My sons' dating could be harder on me -- they have awesome girls.


Mary, I hope your stomach feels better soon. I hope you get out of your basement, too. It has been a very hot summer up there.


Colleen, Happy Dance for the new glasses. I hope you get some rest and feel refreshed soon. I put in a 7 hour day yesterday, and even though I spent a lot of it sitting around, :crochet and :blah with the ballet instructor, I'm tired today.


Marisa, I'd say have fun at the GYN tomorrow, but seriously, fun there??? I hope the doc can tell you what's wrong, and how to fix it. You of all people should not have back problems!


Joanne, what colors of yarn did you buy? How is the granny ghan coming along? Busy days are good at work, they go by so quickly.


LeaAnne, how goes the square joining? How are the chickens? Are you going back to the Cape soon?


Stacy, Shannon, Vicki, Scooby, :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Today, we mow the ballet studio lawn. The instrutor asked us to take care of her flower beds, too. Robert works, but we're meeting friends at the pool before work. My boys teach their boys swimming. And my oldest boy has a date lined up with their girl. The towels didn't get washed yesterday, so they need done today. I have to clean out my oven. I think that's about all that will get done.

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hi Beth- I think you're "all that will get done" is plenty!!!

I did another 2 rows on the granny ghan- the rows take longer and longer now! But it's coming along good and pretty soon it will be considered finished- by the weekend I hope!


I bought Vanna Baby lamb, cheery cherry and bluebell- I liked the way they looked together- and I am determined to make a RR that isn't wonky like the first one I did!


I'd better get off this computer and get ready for work!


Have a good one!

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Good morning everyone :coffee


I so wish I was still sleeping, but am trying to coax my eyes open :lol


Colleen - :yay for 'winning' beth's contest about the movie ;):yay for new glasses and that you're happy with them, but :( for being exhausted!!! I hope you slept well :hug


LeeAnn - Make sure you're getting enough sleep, maybe that will help with finding your peppy self again. Are you taking your vitamins? I tend to be tired and sluggish when I forget them for a couple days in a row :think


Joanne - Have a great hump day :D


Beth - Sorry to hear about the run around with dh's job :( The gyno appt doesn't typically bother me, but now I'm a little stressed because I've never needed this test before and needing the test means something came up for them to look at further :( I'm trying not to worry about it too much. As for my back...it's not along my spine, but more the lower part of my shoulder blade and I had my other doc adjust me like 3 tmes last week, but got no results with it :( I have another idea for when he comes back next week and if that doesn't work, I'm fresh outta ideas :lol

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Morning friends!

It's me! Yep! Woke up early and went for a bike ride...whew!~ I haven't been taking my vitamins-Thank you Marisa!

Joanne-hope today goes smooth and pleasant for you, I love rr too!

Beth-you sound like your plate is full, have a splendid day!

Hugs to all and squishes too!

off to work...bbl!

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Hi, friends~


Beth - I love your idea of "that's about it":lol I hope that DH has a successful trip. How long will he be gone? and Yes, plan changes are quite frustrating!


Marisa - I hope you are ok...:worried:( you are young to be having a colonoscopy, aren't you? I am keeping you in my prayers, girl! Please keep us posted, ok?


Colleen - speaking of business trips... did DH come to Boston? You must be exhausted from working and coming home and working some more! It's just for this week? Have you found anything for the fall yet? ...I haven't:blush


LeeAnn - WTG on the bike ride this morning! You deserve to be a little tired, btw... you work very hard! And paperwork can be exhausting!


Stacy - I am thinking about you, and hoping that all is well out on your coast. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug Wishing you a day filled with :U:U, my friend!


Mary - glad to hear that you are whipping up those sweaters!! hard to believe that we will all be needing them before we know it!:lol I hope your stomach feels better:(


Vicki - how are you???? I hope you are ok. Last time you stopped by, you were in a funk about something. I hope it all got resolved, and that you are having good days, friend!


Sarah - how is everyone feeling? is Doug better? I hope you are ok.


Shannon - I hope Janna is having a great day at school :rainbow:c9


I am about done with my chores, and have an afternoon date with a certain sunflower 'ghan that needs it's ends weaved in:devil ...and :yes pictures will follow soon!


Make it a great day, my dear besties! :hug:U:hug


:birthday, Scooby!!!!!

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Hi Ladies

Another hot day here today. Besides that not oo much going on here. I didn't sleep to go last night so I had to have a nap today.:devil I have really be doing a good job on the sweaters so tonight I will be back at them. I want to see how many I can get done by Nov. for the next show.

Leeann I go to a yarn outlet and buy my yarn in bulk. It saves me alot of money. You have to buy a large amount to get the discount. I spend about $400 at one time. I have a bedroom that I took over for all my yarn. Dh put shelves up for me for the yarn. The room is 12x15 I just love it. My own privite store LOL.

How is everyone doing and what have you been crocheting lately????

I miss everyone and hope to beable to chat with everyone soon.

Lots of Love


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Mary- that is so cool that you have your own "private store'!!!! But with the amount of crocheting you do, it would pay to have that! Especially since you go to 2 craft shows a year. Hope you get a better night's sleep tonight


LeeAnn- WTG on getting up early and going for a bike ride!!! You amaze me!! Hope your day went well..


LeaAnne- Is that the sunflower afhgan from a while ago? i can't wait to see it finished-the pattern was so pretty!!! You won't have your little friend to watch come fall? Good luck finding something!


Beth and Colleen- hope your day went well.


Vicki- Missing you around here- I know you said you were in a funk- so here's some:hug:hug:hug:hug


Stacy- How are you? Here's some :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for you-


Shannon- How's Janna doing? And how are you? Are you getting lots done while Janna's at school- How's your sister's granny stripe?


Marisa- I think you said you are having a colposcopy right? Good luck with that and think positive. Hope your idea that you have for your back works!!!


Well, off to get dinner.


Have a good night everyone

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Hello hello!

Joanne-are you ready for the weekend? Any big plans? We are taking the kiddos shopping-school shoes and a few classroom supplies. I bought a ton of supplies last year, I think dd needs a backpack. Thank you for the compliment-I try to keep myself motivated and busy, sometimes I think I try to do too much and then crash.

Marisa-how was your day? we had mac n cheese last night and hot dogs-not very nutritous but I was in a hurry.:yes have you had time to crochet? I worked on my wrap for a whole 5 minutes.:lol

Mary-that is alot of yarn!~ I have quite a bit of yarn but I don't think as much as you do. Sounds :c9

LeaAnne-I can't wait to see pics of your ghan! Are you planning on going back to work soon?

Beth-so sorry to hear about the dates with dh job being changed, that is frustrating!

Had a good day at work, brought home the last of my paper work to finish-I am almost finished! :cheer:cheer it is not due until Friday but I want to get it done ASAP!:lol

off to eat dinner with the family, dh brought pizza's home....yummyyyyy!

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Good evening ladies :hi


I hope eveyone's day went well. Work wasn't too bad today, but was a little slow for the better part of the day but then got crazy busy for the last 3 hours!!! The new girl helping Mary did great today :clap


I'm hoping to get some work done on my cardigan tonight. :xfin First I need to go get my eyes out and wash my face.


LeeAnn - :yay for the bike ride and no prob reminding you of your vitamins....I forgot mine for a couple weeks before my mom mentioned it :eek:lol


LeaAnne - not a colonoscopy, but a colposcopy. It's a follow up after a pap smear to look at the cells in the cervix. I can't wait to see pics of your sunflower ghan :woo


Mary - I hope you got your nap during the day and that you sleep well tonight :hug :hug


Joanne - Thanks for the 'luck' ;) I've never had this done before so am feeling a little anxious about the 'unknown' :lol


Sarah - I hope your blah picks up and you start to feel better :hug :hug :hug

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Marisa- Fear of the unknown is usually the greatest fear!!!! A Colpolscopy is a painless procedure! Try and stay relaxed (I know easier said than done)


LeeAnn- we had hot dogs last night too- but no mac n' cheese- we had baked beans instead- I love hot dogs in the summer- especially when cooked on the grill!!! Not the most nutritious- but they sure do taste good!!!


I finished DD's ghan- it's lapghan size- about 48 X 48- so I put a sc border on and am calling it done. I'll get pics soon! I am anxious to go back to the granny stripe! And i think since the lapghan is just that- a lapghan, I'll make her a regular size ghan for Christmas- probably a flannel'ghan in Red Sox colors (oh, that will be hard for me to do, but hey, it's her team)- OR maybe black and gold for the Bruins! I have to see what's in my stash!


Off to bed- Yanks are losing- and still at bat with 1 out, but I'm tired and going to bed. It'll be a nice surprise if I wake up to find out that they won!


Cya in the AM!

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Good morning!


LeeAnn- WTG on almost finishing the paper!!!!:cheer:cheer:clap:clap


Stacy, Shannon, Vicki---missing your posts- and thinking of you and sending :hug


Beth- Oh, how frustrating with the on again/off again with DH's job- hopefully it is sorted out soon.


Marisa- Good thoughts coming your way today for your testing!


Mary- Hope that you can come out of the basement soon- and that cooler air will start heading your way!!!!


LeaAnne How is Krissy? And how is your purging coming along? Still having your garage sale?


Sarah. Hope today is a better day.


Colleen- You have almost made it to the end of the week of working!!! :hug


Make it a good one, everybody!

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Good morning everyone :coffee


Joanne - I can't wait to see pics of dd's lapghan :D


My appt is a 8 this morning so I'd better go get showered and dressed. I then have work 11-7 so will probably just go straight there after my appt. I'll see y'all later tonight after work.

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