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Some good clean fun?!

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Well Joanne, you win some and you lose some, but I'm sure they had a great time just the same :lol


LeeAnn - My mom has her cosmetology license since forever, so is great with a color job, plus she's able to get the good stuff from the beauty supply store :D She's the best. We just use a semi-permanent so it starts to wash out after so long, I like it though because you don't really get visible roots with it :D Not that I use such a drastically different color than my natural anyway. The afghan is really pretty and dd looks great with 'your' shawl!!! :lol

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Marisa - welcome home!


LeeAnn - :ty for the eye-candy! :drool your projects are very nice! ... and your DD is adorable!:U


Mary - glad you had a fun night out, and that you and DH got to Par-tay! You deserve it!


A big :hi, and some :hug:hug for the rest of our gang!



... I am off to :crocheting, and click back and forth between the Sox and the Hall of Fame NFL game:cheer:cheer


See you all later on!

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Hi gang! I have been MIA for the last 2 days. Been very busy around here and just haven't been able to get on. I have been in a little bit of a funk the last day or so. Nothing I really care to get in to right now. Stupid stuff that doesn't even involve me, but somehow I got pulled in to it and it affected me in a bad way.

Anyway, tomorrow I start 3 days of professional development. I realized today that I need to rewrite a part of my paper since I can't do the analysis the way I want. I need to do my sped presentation and I have my certification test on Friday. I am not going to like this week.

Just wanted to check in and say hi. Hope everyone had a great weekend! Talk to you all later!

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:hi everyone!


The wedding was beautiful. The day was perfect. It was in a backyard with beautiful gardens, delicious meal, etc. , etc. Perfect. DD had a great time and the highlight for her was getting her picture taken with the bride and getting to dance with the bride! We're all pretty tired today. It was about a 2 hour drive away, so it made for a long day.


LeeAnn - Thank you for the pics! Beautiful afghans and shawl. Most beautiful of all though is your DD. She's a really cutie!


Shannon - :manyheart Glad to see you posting. Big hugs for Janna's first day of school tomorrow tomorrow! She'll love it! :hug


LeaAnne - Your birthday sounded wonderful. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Are you enjoying some crochet time?


Joanne - Glad you enjoyed your vacation. You deserved it. Are you back to work tomorrow?


Marisa - Sounds like you had a nice visit at Mom and Dad's. Wish your mom would do my hair too :yes


:hi to everyone else. I am off to bed early. I'm working full-time the next few days at the clinic, so it will be busy. I think it will be a nice change of pace for me. Have a great evening all :hug

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LeeAnn- Another beautiful afghan! And the shrug and your DD are beautiful!!! That must feel great to have two WIP's done!!! I'm plugging along on the ghan for DD!


Vicki- Sorry to hear that this hasn't been a good weekend and that you have a tough week coming up. Here are some:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for you!!


Colleen- How nice that the weather was perfect, the food was perfect and that DD had a good time too! That makes all the difference! And Yes, I go back to work tomorrow :(


LeaAnne- Yankees are winning! (But I'm sure you know that :lol:lol:lol:lol)


Shannon- I'll be thinking of you tomorrow! :hug:hug:hug


Marisa- Did you get your car washed? I really need to get mine washed too! Maybe one evening after work!


Back to the game and :crocheting

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NIght friends!


Thank you for all the lovely compliments...dd is the cutest! :lol I started a wrap with the new yarn that I bought, it is working up wonderfully! I think I will finish it soon but going to make myself go to bed. I want to walk in the a.m.:lol


hugs and squishes!



Before I forget,


Vicki-hang in there!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Joanne-have a good first day back at work!


Colleen-enjoy your day at the clinic. Glad you had a good time at the wedding!


Marisa-hope this week isn't too stressful for ya! Did you get your car washed?


LeaAnne, Mary, Shannon, Scooby, Sarah and Beth-have a Happy Monday if I don't get on here until after work!

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Good morning and Happy Monday (well I'm trying to be optimistic here!- It is after all, the official end of my vacation)


Good luck getting your walk in this morning LeeAnn! And your surely are on a crochet binge!!! I got alot done on the ghan for DD yesterday and I feel better about it that it might get done on time. We'll see........


LeaAnne- Did you watch more football or more baseball? I watched more baseball-- and it was more exciting for me since the Yankees won! But I gotta give props to the Red Sox considering they are without Pedroia and Youkalis!


Colleen- Hope your day goes well- it'll be a change of pace for you working at the clinic!


Shannon- Thinking of you and Janna today! May everything go perfectly for her first day of school!!!


Vicki- Hang in there my friend !


Beth, Mary, Stacy, Sarah, Marisa, and anyone else my tired mind may have forgotten- make it a good day!


Cya later

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Good morning ladied :coffee


I was exhausted last night and went to bed early, whick also meant I was up early at about 5:30 but I layed in bed until my alarm went off at 6. I also started my new book last night and got through the first chapter before falling into slumberland ;)


LeaAnne - Glad you got some crochet time in while watching the games. :yay I didn't pick up my :hook at all yesterday :(


Vicki - :cheer :cheer you can do it, you can do it!!!! The week will probably go quickly for you and I hope it proves to be less stressful than you are anticipating. You've already had a rough couple days and now you need to focus for the week!!! Before you know it, it'll be over and you'll pass your cert test on friday....then you can celebrate!!! :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug


Colleen - Glad to hear the wedding was so beautiful!! It really was a nice weekend for an outdoor wedding....at least around here it was ;) And, if you lived nearby, my mom would do your hair too :lol


Joanne and LeeAnn - I did drag myself to the car wash last night, and she was sooo happy to get a good cleaning :lol I went at about 7:30 and left just before 9, so it was dark when I left, but it really was a nice time to be there weather-wise ;) I usually wash her every sunday, but latey it's either been in the 100's or raining :( So it's been a while.


Joanne - Hope you have a great monday back to the grind :hug :hug :hug :hug


LeeAnn - Did you get out for your walk this morning?

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Sorry about that -- I was getting ready to post, and had to rush to get the dog out the door.... my beautiful dd just brought my coffee, so I should be good now.


Joanne, I hope your first day back goes well, and you aren't swamped with a pile that has been growing since the day you left.


LeaAnn, your projects turned out beautifully. Your model is lovely. It's cool that she likes what you make.


Colleen, the wedding sounds lovely. I'm so glad your dd had a good time. How nice that she got to dance with the bride, and get her picture taken. That almost sounds like interacting with one of the princesses at Disney.


Shannon, so very good to hear from you. I hope things are well in your neck of the woods.


Mary, your time with family sounds tiring but fun. I hope it was a great day.


LeaAnne, I'll bet you have a lot planned for today. I hope it goes wonderfully, and you get to enjoy your chickens!


Vicki, I refuse to accept the realithy that school is almost upon us again. Summer vacation just started! I hope your week goes better than you think it will.


Marisa, Sarah, Stacy, Happy Monday! I hope you have a great day.


Lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugfor everyone!

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Morning, everyone!


my morning chores are done, and I put a chicken in the crock pot for supper. Krissy was up half the night with a bad ear ache, so we are off to the pediatrician :xfin for swimmer's ear. when we get back, I really won't have very much to do, except purge someplace, and :crocheting!


Beth - :clap for coffee deliveries!:devil What are you and your divine inventions up to today? Any scoop on the dating front?


Joanne - hope your first day of work goes by fast, and that you didn't have too much waiting for you.


Shannon - Hope Janna's first "get-up" went well, and that she went off to school with a big :U


LeeAnn & Marisa - hoping you got your exercising in, and that your Monday didn't feel like a Monday!


Colleen - enjoy working this week! You are right, it will be a nice change of pace. What does DD do while you are at work?


Vicki - I have you on my mind especially today.... I hope everything is ok!


Stacy - I hope that you are having bunches of fun with those girls! Mia must be soooo excited to have them back! (as, I am sure, are YOU!)


Sarah - How is Doug feeling? I hope you and Keith don't catch it:hug


Mary - are you all rested up from your party?


well, friends I gtg... it's time to get to the Dr.'s...

:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to everyone!


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Good afternoon!


I feel like it's been ages since I posted, but it's only been a few days, right? :lol I'm in a funk. Dh and I are disagreeing right now, and, while I know it's a part of marriage, it really bothers me. Plus I'm starting to feel a bit selfish for going back to school, when what I really need to do is get a job. :( Anyway...I did get the girlies back on Saturday night! :clap:clap I spent most of the party with them, actually. :lol Eva wouldn't leave my side and Isabella :blah my ear off. And, of course, Mia was thrilled to see them again. :yes Unfortunately, I don't think I will get any one-on-one time with Isabella, because MIL really can't handle just the younger two by herself, so she always has one of them, plus Isabella as her helper. I still haven't gone to get my mani/pedi, but I'm thinking when I do, I will take Isabella with me and let her get a pedi. (Dh is strict on them not having their fingernails panted.) We'll see...I'll figure out something so I have some alone time with her,too.


Hey LeaAnne- which chicken did you put in the crockpot today? :lol Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday. Who doesn't love chocolate cake? :drool:xfin that Krissy just has swimmer's ear. Are the chickens excited to start school and see their friends again?


Joanne, hope your first day back went well! Have you tried any of TJ's muffins? I am in LOVE with the steel-cut oat muffins! Yummmm... a they also have blueberry, mango, and cranberry. They're a bit pricey, but I have half for breakfast with some fruit or yogurt, and a cup of coffee- :c9.


Mary, sounds like you had a blast at the party! Hope you get some rest tonight. :hug


Sarah, sorry to hear Doug is sick. Hope he feels better soon, and that you and Keith don't catch it. :hug


Shannon, :hug:hug:hug:hug to you!! I hope Janna's first day went well for both of you! I cried so much on Isabella's and Mia's first day of school. It's so happy and sad at the same time to see them grow up, isn't it?


Leeann, your projects and your dd are beautiful! :manyheart


Vicki, :hug:hug:hug:hug to you, my fellow funk sister. Good luck with your week. I hope your funk lifts and you start to feel better.


Marisa, :yay for haircuts! I'm with you- it feels so nice when it's light and bouncy again. :yes I also washed my car today! I should have done it either earlier in the morning, or later at night,though- drying and waxing a black car at noon burns your hands after a while. :rolleyes Who woulda' thought? :lol


I'm missing people....Beth, Colleen, Scooby- love and :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to you all! And a few extra :hug:hug:hug:hug thrown in, because I know Beth is a hug-hog. :lol



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Hi all,


Today was actually pretty good for the first day back after vacation- I had tons of emails- but nothing that couldn't be handled and then I just settled in to what I had to get done! I was so relaxed- the week at home just did me a world of good! People actually commented that I looked very relaxed and rested!


beth- how nice of your DD to bring your coffee- that's my kind of girl!!!!


Stacy- Sorry to hear you are in a funk- and yes arguments are a part of marriage- I don't know that you should feel guilty about going back to school instead of getting a job- but that's just me! I haven't tried the TJ muffins, and I was just there on Saturday! Added to my ever growing list that I have set up on my blackberry for TJ's--

It's hard to get one on one time with the oldest- I know when my DD's were little, my Mom and Dad had a hard time taking all three- and it was usually the oldest with the middle or the oldest with the youngest---finally, when youngest DD was about 4, they took all three. I think it would be fun for Isabella to get a pedi with you!


Vicki- Thinking about you today!


LeaAnne- Hope that Krissy only has swimmer's ear! Boy you had dinner cooking early- love chicken in the crock pot- and I'm getting hungry since I didn't get home till close to 6 tonight ---and Red Sox won today- so we split the series


Shannon- Hope that Janna's first day went well- and that you did ok too!!!


Colleen- How did it feel to be back at work?


LeeAnn- did you get your walk in this morning before work?


Marisa- WTG on getting the car washed- and I really do have to get mine cleaned too! Was going to stop after work, but it's too darn hot/humid out!!!


Sarah- How's Doug feeling? Does Keith go to pre-school this year?

Well my friends, time to get something to eat- stomach is growling!!

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Hello ladies :hi


Very slow in here today. Work went by fairly quickly and was busy, but not crazy-like AND we got out ON TIME!!!! :yay


My back is bothering me and it's not my spine. It's been going on for about 2 weeks now and at first I thought I had a rib acting up since all the symptoms point in that direction...but I had my other doc in the office adjust it twice last week and got NO relief :( I've tried a few different things and am having a bit of trouble on this one. I have a physiatrist coming into my office tomorrow to see my patients so I'm gonna ask his opinion and I'm thinking if it's a trigger point in a muscle, he might give me an injection to break it up :think Otherwise, I've started to search through my insurance to find a doc because I do not have a PCP.....doctor's make the worst patients!!!! :rofl Such is life ;)




I hope everyone had a good day today and Stacy, you and hubby will be back on track in no time. The best advice I can give is communication!!! Get through the differences together :D This coming from the single one :lol:think

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Hey, all you lovelies!


today was again hot, humid, and disgusting. The air quality is not good at all. We stayed in for most of the day, except for an excursion to the library:manyheart. My Krissy needed some books, since she won't be swimming for a couple of days... :yes it's swimmer's ear.


Marisa -I hope your back feels better. Glad to hear that today was slower for you.


Joanne - woo-hoo! you made it through Day 1! Glad to hear it went smoothly.... what did you have for supper? How many rounds of the granny 'ghan do you have left?


Stacy - glad you got the girls back, but sorry to hear that you are sad. I hope that things get resolved quickly for you... it's never fun to be in a disagreement.:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Vicki - How are you feeling? I hope that today went well for you, friend:hug:hug:hug


Colleen and LeeAnn - How was work?

Colleen - sorry I missed you lastnight.


Shannon - Do tell about Janna's big day!!!


Beth - :hug:hug:hug:hug here you go, because you just never can have enough hugs, and cyber hugs aren't even sweaty!!!:lol


Mary - You doing ok up there in Canada?:hug:hug thinking about you!


Sarah - how is everyone down your way?


I gotta run... time to get things settled around here...

see ya!:)

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HI all!

What a busy day!!! Just finished cooking dinner for the family:eek I got off work late then had to stop at the grocery store. what a day! I didn't get up in time to go walking:blush bummer...I know that I should have but I couldn't fall asleep last night.

Marisa-so glad that you had a good day at work. Hopefully this weeks goes by easily and that you find relief for your back.

Joanne-I am so glad that you are feeling more stress free! That is wonderful!

LeaAnne-did you get your purging done?

Mary-how ya doing?

Vicki-do you feel just a teensy bit better?

Stacy-oh so happy that your dd's are all home. What did you do today? I felt guilty when I graduated from college...wierd huh? I had such a stressful job and with college, I know that I was a bear to live with. For that I feel guilty. I want to go back but I just don't want to put my family thru any more stress.

Beth-I love coffee! I am soo addicted! I tried going without it, but as Vicki says, "I go from Bambi to Godzilla."..so it's best to give in and give me my coffee.

Shannon-how was Jana's first day?

Sarah-everyone feeling better in your neck of the woods?

going to try to sit and relax...I cooked dinner but didn't feel like eating, am waiting for the family to finish so that I can load the dishwasher.

hugs and squishes!

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LeaAnne- Glad to hear that Krissy only has swimmer's ear! And yes, it was humid and ugly out here in NJ too!!!


Marisa- Sorry to hear about your back! Probably from all the hours and extra work you've been doing? Yes, doctors and nurses make the worst patients!!! Hope the physiatrist can shed some light on it and yes, my friend, time to find a PCP! LOL


LeeAnn- Sounds like a busy busy day! I just finished eating- tuna on pita (DH is out tonight and on his own for dinner) Too hot to eat much! But sure wish I had some ice-cream! LOL


Off to hook a bit ..er that would be crochet!!!

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Rise and Shine!!! Good morning all!


Hope everyone's Tuesday is a good one. I did fall asleep watching Rizzoli and Isles last night- but, it's on DVR so no problem- Gotta love DVR!:yes


To all of you working-(and that would be all of you- because no matter if you work outside the home nor not- us women are all workers), have a good, quick day!:hug


Time to get the :coffee


Cya later!

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Good morning, friends, :morcoffee


The biggest problem with having my 3 kids so close together is watching them grow up all at the same time. Yesterday, we finally got my oldest enrolled in his one college class that he's taking this semester as a dual-enrolled student. He has his first date all arranged for Monday. Anybody want to guess what popular movie they are going to see? I took my other son on his second date (first one with just the two of them) yesterday. He took her to miniature golf. She kicked his badorkus! He was bragging about it in the car, how good she is at the game. This must be love! He is usually viciously competitive.


LeaAnn, doesn't grocery shopping count as walking? It does in my book. And weight lifting. And the stooping and stretching, that's a yoga workout.... I hope you are more energized this morning after a good night's sleep. It's hard to function when you are exhausted.


Marisa, very gentle cyber hug :hug for you. I hope you find out what's wrong with your back soon.


Joanne, I hope you have a great Tuesday. (It is Tuesday, right?) I am actually working at the studio today; it's one of the three days it's open for registration.


LeaAnne, I hope Krissy's ear feels better soon. Swimmer's ear is so painful.


Stacy, it's hard to disagree with your dh. I hope you resolve the issue soon. And going back to school is not a selfish move on your part -- you will have a lot of extra work, but you want to make a better life for your family. This may help. I haven't heard much lately about the roomie situation. Are things better there now?


Mary, Colleen, Scooby, Shannon, Vicki, since cyber-hugs aren't sweaty at all, like LeaAnne said, :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


BTW, if you guessed that he's taking his girl to see "Despicable Me," you win the prize! More :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I just woke up, so got to sleep in a bit....now checking in and having my coffee :D


LeeAnn - I hope you slept well last night and feel revived today :hug


Joanne - I watched LAST week's Rizzoli and Isles, but not this weeks yet :( I have a whole pile of shows on my dvr right now since last week was busy for me and I wasn't here on the weekend to catch up :lol


Beth - I like your take on the grocery shopping workout!!! Maybe you should patent it ;) As for the boys, how cute :yes And your right, it must be love if he was bragging about how good she was :lol Hope the movie date went well too!


Stacy - Just a note to agree with the general concensus here. You should NOT feel guilty about going back to school!!!!!! In this world you need the education to get anywhere in life, so it's a necessity to contribute something worth spending your time to contribute. Otherwise, you'd end up in a crappy dead end job making next to nothing and spending it all on the child care that you would no longer qualify for if you had any more income!!! Hope that opens your perspective a bit :lol You need to do this not only for you, but also for your family and YES it will be hard and it will be a struggle, but y'all will get through it together :yes

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:waving, everyone!!!


I am running late this morning. I stayed up too late joining squares!:D

Anyhoo... wanted to check in quick and wish everyone a fabulous day!


Stacy - :hug:hug:hug


Beth - I totally agree about the grocery shopping. I always wear my walking shoes to the market. Also a workout: washing windows, vacuuming, and doing :yuck laundry (especially since my washer/dryer is downstairs, I even get cardio:lol) It's all about how you view the world, right?


Marisa - hope your back feels better! have a great day!


Joanne, LeeAnn, Colleen - I hope your work outside of the house day goes by quick! I admire you!


Vicki - How are you holding up, girl? I am thinking about you, and hoping that that which is casing you to be bummed out gets resolved soon...


:waving, :hi, and great big hugs to the rest of "our gang"! I hope your day is just awesome:U

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