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Good morning and Welcome to Saturday----a very nice cool 65 degree low humidity Saturday!!!:c9


Well, the Red Sox won for the Birthday Girl! LeaAnne- aren't you happy that your team celebrated your birthday?:lol But, today is another day----GO YANKEES!!!


Vicki- :yay Prof Dev days are over!!! Do you have any FUN plans for today?


Colleen- Have a wonderful time at the wedding today! If your weather is like my weather- it is a perfect day for an outdoor wedding!! Have fun!


Stacy- Do you get the girls back today? Bet it will feel good to have all your girls back!


Beth, Mary, LeeAnn, Shannon, Sarah---have a good one today! And remember your vitamins:)

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We had the perfect around home day yesterday. I made a zuccini bread and zuccini muffins, ironed the dresses/shirts and few other things, changed the beds and washed the bedding, went for a nice walk and it was a beautiful evening. The humidity is definitely gone for now and I'm going to enjoy every bit of it. It was bordering on cold overnight, but that's good for sleeping.


Joanne - You are right, it is the perfect day for an outdoor wedding. :clap First, we have the last soccer game of the season. Enjoy your ballgame. :hug


LeaAnne - How was your birthday? What kind of cake did you have? :hug


LeeAnn - I hope you relax today and rest up after a long week. :hug


Vicki - Is this the last weekend of summer vacation for you? If so, enjoy it to it's fullest. If not, still enjoy it to it's fullest :lol:hug


:hi Mary, Beth, Stacy, Sarah, Shannon, Marisa and anyone I've missed. Have a great day! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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I vacuumed and dusted every room, cleaned the kitchen floor and load of laundry on. That's it for the cleaning today!!! LOL


It is so nice outside so Dh and I may take a ride to the bay or to a park - gotta take advantage of this awesome weather while it is here!



Have a good one everybody!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I'm at my parents, got it at about midnight :D I like to drive when there's less traffic and as long as my eyes let me drive at night, I will :lol I met up with my friends from undergrad after work and hung out with them for a couple hours :clap


I have a haircut appt this morning and need to get a few inches off to get rid of all the dead ends :eek


Have a great weekend everyone :hug

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Good morning, everyone! :yawn... I slept in this morning till 8:00, and it felt soooo good! it's nice and cool here today. :tup Don't get me wrong, I do love the summer, but a little reprieve from that humidity is divine :c9


Thank you all so very, very much for the birthday wishes! I truly am lucky to have friends as wonderful as you all are.:manyheart


I had a nice and relaxing day. DH took me out to lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse:drool then we went to Home Depot to walk off the meal and poke around. We looked at the Front Doors, and paint. For supper, we had grilled pork chops that had been marinated in some WishBone Italian dressing, and corn on the cob. The cake was CHOCOLATE!!!! Yummmmmm:P I do adore a good chocolate cake:yes

My chickens all made me cards. so sweet! They each wrote me a letter or poem in them. I am a blessed momma and wife for sure! Oh, and then I did enjoy the Sox/Yankees game with a great friend!

And I "talked" to Shannon! :U:U:U She is good, but has been having lots of life happening. She should be by to post soon. She misses us, too:yes


Colleen - enjoy the Forest Green's game, and the wedding! What a perfect day God blessed the happy couple and their guests with:U:c9


Marisa - enjoy your visit at mom and dad's! did you bring your :crocheting with you?


Vicki - How was Day 3? Are you all set for school now? Any big plans for the weekend?


Joanne - I hope you get to enjoy every moment of today's delicous-ness weather!!! ...and I would agree that it was very cool of my RedSox to pull out that win!:lol today, I am sure, will be another story....we shall see, I guess, on Fox at 4:20:wink


Stacy - Do you get your chickens back today? that's neat that their grandparents wanted to keep them for so long, and that you and Mia got to enjoy each other, one on one. will you get to do that with the other girls, too? what are you stitchin' these days?


Beth - I said a little prayer for you that DH gets to go do his inspection in the first session. Are you starting 1 class at a time, or are you all "jumping right in" to the courseload for this year? I truly admire you for being able to homeschool, while keeping your awesome inventions connected in the community. You are a marvel!!!! Have you started another :crocheting project, now that your gift-ghans are all done?


Sarah - what are you, DF, and Keith up to this weekend? Did you figure out the rug problem? Are you getting to relax at all?


Hey, Mary! - It cooled off for us!!!!! :clap:clap:clap I hope you don't do too much heavy cleaning today, and make sure you take some good :crocheting time! did you get to finish your yarn room?


LeeAnn - :U:sun:U Welcome to the weekend, friend! You sure worked hard this week! has it cooled off out your way too? Good luck with the "Lucy trim" which one are you using? I hope you get lots of time for stitchin' today.


Well, my dear besties, I should get it moving.... got lots of :crocheting I need to do today!


Have a wonderful and absolutely fantabulous day, all!


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Top of the morning to ya friends!

You all are up and a buzzin! :):) I tried to sleep late...was laying in bed thinking of ya all and crocheting and thought, "what the heck? might as well get up!" :lol I feel more rested and will work on the granny ghan while the family is still sleeping. I am awaiting coffee.

Joanne-wow! I can't believe that you got everything done so fast! That is awesome! Another great day planned, sooo cool! It has cooled down here, yesterday morning it was 50F, the hottest it got was 80 F. I can feel the change in temp, we will most likely be cooling down till winter sets in.:hug

Colleen-have a great weekend! A summer wedding sounds like :c9! I always think of you hanging clothes out on the line-I used to do that, now I am just plain lazy. I should...:hug

LeaAnne-I saw that you were going to crochet an hour a day! WTG! I want to make a To Do LIst for August, I need to actually, I have too many projects laying around. Hopefully if I finish this granny ghan this weekend, I can finish the baby ghan that I am working on and tuck in ends to another ghan that I finished last year....and...and ...and :yes

Vicki-whatcha up to today?

Shannon-life sure is busy huh? I am trying to take a breather:hug

Sarah-any big plans for the weekend?:hug

Beth-how's your Saturday starting off?:hug

Marisa-You were driving late, do you feel tired? I am going to color my hair this weekend,...now where oh where is my personal hair stylist??? :hug

Mary, Scooby and all my other friends, here's hoping you all have a Wonderful and I mean Wonderful weekend!:hug:hug:hug

off to get some java before :hook:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Had nice day today- DH and I drove down to Princeton- I just love that town (and the university- such old beautiful buildings) We strolled around and went in/out of shops/bookstores. Then got a cup of coffee and sat outside on a bench reading for a while. Stopped at TJ's on the way home and I bought myself some flowers! Just because....


Well, it's almost time for the Yankee/Red Sox duel!!!!



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HI all!


Finished my granny square ghan but have the daunting task of tucking in ends...yuck! I did some as I went along but still have a few more. I will post a pic tomorrow, I should be done by then.


Joanne-strolling while window shopping and then stopping for coffee sounds just fantastic!


We finished all of the cleaning, still working on laundry, however it has been nice to relax and clean and crochet too.




Hugs and squishes!

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Good morning and Happy Sunday to all!


LeeAnn- that is great that you finished your granny square ghan!! I'm still working on my large granny. I was going to stop and start a flannel'ghan instead for DD, but I know she wanted these colors- so am just keepin on with it! Hopefully it'll be done in time for her birthday 8/17. This is going to be more of a lapghan size. I want to go back to my granny stripe ghan, but need to finish this first!


Sarah- Hope Doug is feeling better today!


LeaAnne- Good game yesterday! And thank goodness, the Yankees won!:lol So now we are tied 1-1- ;)


Colleen- Hope you had a great time at the wedding yesterday!


Vicki, Beth, Mary, Stacy, Shannon, Marisa- Hope you all have a wonderful day today!!!


Off to get some coffee!!!

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Good morning, dear friends.


Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I was just exhausted, and I took the day off from just about everything. And it felt GOOD!:c9


For those of you who asked, I usually take the summer off from homeschooling, getting the kids to read a lot instead of actually taking classes. I was slack about that this year. They really had a brain-numbing summer. Let's see how hard that will be on them when we do start back! And I normally ease into it -- one or two courses to start, and more added in as we progress. But I am not starting early this year. My boys are working long hours this month. We will wait until the public schools start after Labor Day, then jump in with both feet.


Sarah, I hope Doug is feeling better.

LeaAnne, I hope you are having a great birthday weekend!

LeaAnn, i can't wait to see your grannyghan. :hyper

Joanne, your visit to Princeton sounds like another slice of heaven. I'm so glad you are enjoying your vacation!

Marisa, I hope you enjoy your visit, and have a safe trip home. You've been working so hard lately. I hope your break is very restful.

Colleen, How was the wedding?

Mary, Shannon, Vicki, Stacy, I am thinking of you all!:hug

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I'm baa-aack! Don't say I didn't warn you!:lol


Hi girls! I've missed you all so much! Things have been crazy around here. I haven't even kept up with posts, so I see a bit of reading in my future! For now, I hope everyone is well and happy, with happy families. Are you all enjoying your summer?


Today is our last day of summer. That's right, Janna starts school in the morning. She's so excited! She can't wait to get there. And she told me that when I bring her to school, I have to drive home and she has to stay there. No separation anxiety on her part. On mine...well, that's a different story. I'm trying not to think about it. I'll have from 8 til 3 to feel sorry for myself tomorrow. And Wednesday. And Friday.


I'm hoping and praying that I'll have time to get on here now that I'll have time to myself. In fact, I'm making it a priority. I've missed my friends, and wonder what's been going on with you all! Thank you for "talking" to me in your posts, even though I abandoned you. It means so much to me!


I love you all! If not tonight, I'll be back tomorrow! Have a wonderful Sunday!!:manyheart

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Good morning, all!


LeeAnn - can't wait to see that granny!


Beth - it's smart to wait to start the schooling this year, if the boys are working a lot this summer. I will :xfin that it works out ok.


Joanne - didn't I think of you while watching that game yesterday!:lol I hope you enjoy your last day of vacation:(:hug


Sarah - I hope Doug is feeling better today... and that you and Keith are having a fun day!


Colleen - how was the wedding?


Stacy - :hyper did you get your chickens back?


Marisa - I hope your weekend is relaxing... you do work hard! How do you like your haircut?


Shannon-ness - welcome back, bestie! Please give Janna a big hug from me, and I will be thinking of you both as she.... starts.... school! :hug:hug


Vicki - you've been quiet this weekend... how are you, girl? when does school start for you?


Mary - How is life up in God's Country on this beautiful Sunday?



We don't have much of anything planned for today... chillin', grillin', watching the Sox, swimming.... :c9just a nice family day! Oh, and a daily dose of :crocheting, of course! I have been a really slow stitcher lately...:think not sure what that's about....oh, well, it's still fun!:devil


Have a wonderful day, friends, filled with family, fun, and :U!


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Welcome Back Shannon!!!! Good to see the "irishrose" post!!!:yes

Good luck to Janna tomorrow as she starts school!! She'll do fine I know....it's you that is going to have the hard time! Take lots of pics of her all decked out in her back to school finery!:) And here's some :hug for you! It is a day you will never forget! Trust me, once you get over the initial shock of having her in school, you will LOVE the free time!! 9-3 is going to seem like 9-10!:lol


LeaAnne- And don't you think I didn't think of you during the game, too! In the beginning of the game I thought Oh, No, not a repeat of Friday night! But the Yankees prevailed:devil. Enjoy your relaxing day today. Not much going on here- it is getting humid again (Why can't we have NICE un-humid-like weather that lasts a few days:think) Looks like a pool day later on- with some grillin too- Burgers and grilled veggies! And of course, :crocheting!


Beth- When will DH find out when he has to go out west again? I think it is good that you'll be starting school after Labor Day- especially with the DS's working long hours. How's the dating going with them? Your yesterday sounds like it is just what you needed- taking the day off!! That's kind of my plans for today- no plans- other than Yankee/Red Sox at 8PM!!


Off to work on the lapghan for DD!

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Morning all!:cheer


Shannon-so super excited to read your post! Welcome Back! Tomorrow is going to be so much fun for Jana.:hook:manyheart


Joanne-grilling sounds like an excellent idea! We haven't had much time to grill, but that sounds like diner. Is it back to work this week? I was trying to whisper it.:hug


LeaAnne-what a wonderful summer you are having with your family. This has been one of the best summers for us, we have been busy but have been enjoying ourselves. :hug


Marisa-have a safe trip home!:hug


Beth-you need a day of relaxation every now and then! That is what we have been doing this weekend, we all had to regroup.:hug


Vicki-do you officially start tomorrow?:hug


Sarah-sorry to hear that Doug is feeling sick, does that mean you get to :hook?


Colleen-please do tell about the wedding.:hug


Stacy-are all of your gals home? Did you ever buy the manequin for your hats?:hug


Mary-how ya doing?:hug


those granny squares are calling my name, will be back later. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi Ladies

Yesterday morning we went into Toronto for BIL's 50th Birthday. Oldest DD, son-in-law and GKS were there also. We all had a great time and partyed into the a very late night. We got home about 1 1/2 hours ago and Iam really tired. Think Iam going to make something quick for supper and then hit the :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting and watch alittle T.V. Iam sure it will be an early night for me tonight.

Glad everyone had a great weekend and I will talk to you all tomorrow.

Lots of Love


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Hello ladies :hi


Well, I am back at my place :clap Checking in then plan to relax a bit and then head to the car wash....I'm waiting for it to cool a bit when the suns starts to go down :D I can't just wash and go....I get out and dry the whole thing and inside the crevices too :eek:lol


LeaAnne - I did bring my :hook and :yarn with me, I worked on my beach cardigan a bit yesterday :D I love my haircut....it's not a style or anything, just got a few inches off so now it's bouncy and healthy :D


LeeAnn - I had my hair colored this morning too....luckily my mom is my personal colorist :lol She won't cut though because she doesn't see straight anymore :rofl Your afghan is gorgeous and I love all the colors :manyheart


Joanne - sounds like you had a wonderful and relaxing day yesterday at Princeton :c9 Enjoy the last day of your vaca tonight? Game at 8 I think :think


Sarah - I hope Doug is feeling better :hug :hug


Beth - Good luck with your new regimen for the homeschooling schedule. I'm sure it will work out fine :D


Shannon - welcome back :clap You'll be ok when Janna heads off to school tomorrow :hug


Mary - Sounds like you had a great time celebrating in Toronto :yay I hope you get some good rest!

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LeeAnn- That ghan is gorgeous! I LOVE all the bright colors!!!! Great job!!!


Mary- Glad to hear you had a fun evening partying all night long! LOL- It must have been great to see DD/SIL and the GK's!!!


I had a lazy day today- went in the pool, crocheted- read a little-. Now I'm going to have some coffee so I can stay up for the Yankee game!!!


Have a good night EVERYONE!!!!!!

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Marisa- i thought of you last night- My brother and nephew were having a dad/son bonding day- they went to some winery during the day and then the Phillies/Mets game last night- I felt bad that the Phillies lost!

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Good evening!

Marisa-you are so lucky that your mom can color your hair, I wish that someone would do mine, I wouldn't mind doing someone else's kinda like you work on me, I work on you. :lol How's the cardigan coming along? We need to give our vehicles a good washing, especially the outside...but...would much rather :hook

Joanne-sounds like another relaxing day. I am so glad that you enjoyed your vacation. Most often people go on vacation then run themselves ragged.

Mary-what fun! Ohh soo happy that you were able to spend time with your family.

I finished another WIP, I had made this afghan last year, but needed tuck in the ends..while I was looking thru my yarn cupboard I came across it, thought I should finish it. I think I will wash it and save if for a Christmas gift-ya never know when you will need a crocheted goodie.

hope everyone is having a fantabulous evening!

Dh and ds went to the in-laws to pick up a load of wood. We have a woodstove and are getting ready for winter...:eek




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Hi all!


Me again, I had made a shrug a couple of weeks ago and forgot to share a pic. Dd has claimed it...one of these days I will keep something for me.:yes:yes


Thanks for taking a looksie!


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