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Good morning! And Happy Wednesday!!!


Thanks for the chat Stacy, LeeAnn and Mary!


Got up way to early today for someone who is on vacation- I'm talking before 5!!! But if I need to I can take a nap later!


It looks like a cloudy, overcast day today- the perfect day to read and crochet!!!


Hope you all have a good one!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I'm still working on getting my eyes open and becoming coherent :lol


Mary - At least you will get to see your oldest at the end of the month. My bro and his family live in Phoenix and I'm in Philly so I never get to see them, maybe once every other year :eek So I know how it goes not being able to see them. I miss my nephews soo much, I hate that they live so far away :( They grow so fast and we don't get to see any of it :(


Stacy - My thighs are doing a bit better today, thanks for asking :hug I was able to come down the steps this morning normally, instead of one at a time :clap I'll be waiting how your adventure goes today. :clap:yay for qualifying for the child care!!! Now you have an excuse not to work part time :devil No sense pushing yourself over the limit to ultimately set you back after you'd have to PAY for the childcare. Good luck with your classes, I hope another one opens up for you :xfin


LeeAnn - Breakfast was wonderful :c9 It's my favorite meal! Right now I'm working on a beach cardigan (only not for the beach :lol ) and a stained glass afghan which I picked back up last night after about a month of not working on it. I had to take out a good 8-10 rows on the panel I'm working on now, which is only the 2nd because it was starting to come wider than the first.....too much so that it wouldn't have laid nicely. Every couple rows I measure it up :lol It's kind of boring to work on so now I know I need to push myself with it.....it is going to be really pretty when done though, so that's what will drive me. The cardigan is working up rather quickly and I started this one after frogging the first one, which I tried about 3 different times and I think that pattern just didn't like me :lol:eek


Joanne - You oldest dd will be excited to have a blanket handmade by you :clap I also love brown and pink together, they compliment each other very well :yes Now I already can't wait to see pics :lol Enjoy your hot fudge sundae tonight :drool

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Hi ladies! I have two days of professional development beginning today! My summer is now basically over. BOO HOO!!

Yesterday we went shopping to begin back to school stuff. DD got some clothes and new sneakers. She still needs shoes. I need to go to the outlets for that. I still need to do the supplies. Maybe I'll do that this weekend.

I see I missed a chat again! I keep missing those. Maybe once I get back on to a schedule I will get to come on one.

If I don't get a chance to come back on later and say hi have a great day all and I will talk to you all later!


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:coffee Mornin' everyone.


Enjoyed reading last night's chat.


Stacy - That is great that you qualified for childcare. I hope you get into one of the other courses. Enjoy your day at Universal with Mia.


Joanne - I am so happy to hear that you are enjoying your vacation and relaxing. Enjoy your ice cream tonight. :drool


LeeAnn - I hope you drink lots of water while working in that heat. That must be tough on the kiddos. I just googled the San Luis Valley to get a better sense of where you live. Looks beautiful, but I bet that makes for a long winter.


Mary - Stay cool. It's going to be another hot one. I hope DH's appointment goes smoothly.


Marisa - Glad breakfast with dad was good and I hope you have a good day at work.


LeaAnne - How are your chickens today? That is smart to get the reading done throughout August so they aren't in a mad rush before school starts.


Vicki - I hope your PD goes well. WTG getting organized for back to school. Hard to believe it's time to go back already. I never did see if your generalist test went well. :think


Beth - Your weather has cooled down nicely. It's nice to get a break from the heat.


:hi Shannon - Miss you girl!


It's another hot, humid day here today. DD and I are going grocery shopping this morning after which I'll probably make a macaroni salad for dinner. We are meeting some friends late afternoon at a wading pool in one of the parks for the girls to splash around and have fun. My MIL brought over 2 big zucinni last night, so I want to make a zucinni bread or two. Not sure if that will be today or tomorrow. We have another wedding this weekend, so I need to iron DD's little dress. Otherwise I'm still catching up on laundry from our weekend away and then there is the cleaning. It is catch up week and then I'm working next week. I have two bags of stuff to donate after yesterday's purge and clean. :tup Have a great day everyone!!

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Good morning, friends!


sorry I missed chat... poop! I am finding that getting done what I want to do and sharing the computer doesn't leave me very much time on here.


Colleen - WTG on your cleaning and purging!


Joanne - enjoy your true day off!


Marisa - your cardigan sounds pretty! and :nworthy on the stained glass ghan... i wouldn't try that one!


Vicki - good luck with the Pro. Dev. Days


Beth - how are you this morning, sunshine?


Stacy - I hope you and Mia enjoy your big day! and congrats on figuring out childcare for you to go to school!


LeeAnn - I agree with Colleen... where you live is soo beautiful! It's like God's country, just like Mary! :U I hope you and all the kiddos are ok in the heat....


Sarah - I hope that you are getting to do what you want to do, and that you are enjoying it =0)


Shannon - I hope you get your padoookie on here and post soon!!!!


Well, today is going to be :hot here too... Maybe I will play with the Lace and Bobbles... we'll see... I really need to finish my WIPs!


I hope your day is filled with :U:U and :c9, dear besties!



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Hello everyone,


I'm so sorry I missed chat. I may miss more than that -- our internet has been sketchy at best lately, and we just started paying more for a faster service???


Guess what? I got my SIL's afghan mostly finished, and all attached. I'm doing the border now!!! I am SO happy! And my oldest ds decided if little bro could date my friend's daughter, he could ask out another friend's daughter! :faint:eek The mom is thrilled, though, which helps. My son is teaching her special needs son to swim, so she thinks my son is a keeper.


LeaAnne, good luck with your WIP's. Do you think we should do another WIP week soon? Look what the last one got you!


Colleen, you are having such a busy summer! I hope the wedding this weekend is wonderful (Lots of W's in that sentence!) Don't melt in the heat and humidity!


Vicki, so sorry your summer is almost over. It goes by fast, doesn't it? I hope your professional develpment goes well.


Marisa, I hope your thighs continue to feel better. So, when's the next paintball game?


Joanne, good morning, and happy vacation Wednesday! I hope you get your nap!


Stacy, child care is outrageous. I only brought home a couple dollars an hour when all 3 of mine where in day care, and I worked as a computer programmer.


LeaAnn, Mary, Shannon, Sarah and my other friends, I hope your day is like you - - totally AWESOME!!!:manyheart

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Morning again!

Hot humid weather since to be the norm for today on the east coast! Thought it was going to be cloudy, but the sun is shining brightly! And the humidity is definitely there!


My tomatos are all gone- I saw an animal eating one the other evening- well, they are all gone now! Think it was a badger or beaver- Not sure, but I'm not happy!!! Oh, well, can't cry over spilled tomatoes.


Beth- Don't you love it- pay more and get less? You should call the internet provider- maybe it's the modem or something? You should not have sketchy service when you are paying for faster service. Wow- now you'll have 2 sons dating- how are the gray hairs holding up? :lol

Kudos on almost finishing the 3rd afghan:cheer:clap:cheer Can't wait to see pics!!!


Colleen- Have fun in the park later and maybe you should go in the wading pool too- if the heat/humidity gets too bad that is!!! The weekend weather here is supposed to be sunny and nice (aka not humid)- hope it is like that for the wedding you are attending! WTG on the purging- love it!


Vicki- Wow- your summer went fast- hope the professional dev days go by quickly! When is the official first day of classes?


LeaAnne- Thinking of you and your new purging/chore chart, etc, etc. Think it is a great idea - And I know about WIPS! My granny stripe is a wip and I started another ghan last night for DD- Her's will probably be more of a throw and then I may make her a granny stripe or flannel'ghan for Christmas.


LeeAnn- Stay cool - well as cool as you can in 90 deg temps- drink lots of h20


Mary- Nice chatting with you last night- hope you have a good day.


Shannon- Miss you here girl!


Stacy- Have FUN at Universal with Mia!


Well, I'm being lazy and it's about time I changed from my pj's. Think I'll just put on a bathing suit--looks like the kind of day to go in the pool!

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:hi again. One load of laundry done and on the line. They are calling for t-storms, but it's still sunny out there right now. I'm sure it will be dry by noon. It's as hot as the dryer out there. :lol Dishwasher ran, sink full of dishes done, beds made, groceries bought and put away (and 3 or 4 dinners planned :clap:whew I struggle with that one). I think after lunch DD and I will go look for a short sleeved dress shirt for DH in case it's this hot on the weekend. It's a backyard wedding, so I'm sure he could get away with it if need be. This is not suit and tie weather. :no


Joanne - I think the humidity is supposed to drop by the weekend here too. We just need a big t-storm to bring it down. Seems like we have very similar weather as you this year. Enjoy the pool!


Beth - Yes, we have had a busy summer. We're just plowing through it. How exciting that your oldest is going to ask out a friend. Did he ask yet? Did she say yes? :hyper


LeaAnne - Good luck with your crochet projects!


Off to make sandwiches for lunch - with a pickle on the side :D

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Hi Ladies

WOW is it hot here today. Iam back in the basement again.............:P

Dh got his x-ray on his eyes today and he will get his MRI appt. in a week or two.

The sky got quite dark at about supper time and we had about 10mins of rain and that was it. NO it didn't cool anything off.:P

I hope everyone had a good day today.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Had a nice relaxing day today! And it was HOT here too!!!


Went to Delicious Orchards and got some veggies and fruits and a few other things - then came home and watched the Yankees (and A-Rod hit his 600th home run!) and they won!!! Then I went in the pool for a while and it felt so nice. I read quite a bit of my book and now I'm in and waiting for DH to get home so we can go for ice-cream!!!


Hope you all had a great day! I could get used to this lazy life- well, maybe not! I feel like I should be cleaning or something!!! But I'm really trying hard to relax this week and even if I'm home, I am after all on vacation!!!:lol

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Mary and Joanne - I hear ya about the heat. Wowzer! We haven't had any rain yet.


Joanne - I'm so glad you are relaxing. You deserve it!


Mary - Glad DH got his x-ray. One appt down one to go! How far do you have to go for the MRI?


DD and I picked out 2 shirts for DH. DD fell in love with a cute dress, so I bought her that. It's a fall dress (long sleeves), so we'll call that back to school shopping :wink She's been wearing it around the house :lol We went to the wading pool and it was the perfect day for it. I enjoyed watching the little kids enjoying themselves. DH ended up picking up pizza on the way home because there was a great deal :tup I made veggies and dip. I got two levels vacuumed and the house is tidy. Gotta go brush DD's teeth. See ya later!

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Colleen, lucky you, with a girl who actually likes dresses! My dd never did. She must be so cute, dancing around the house in it. :)


Mary, I hope the heat goes away soon. It's been warm here, too -- but the 90's rather than the 100's feels a lot better!


Joanne, I'm glad you are enjoying your time off from work. It must be hard for you to really relax. Enjoy!


I'm posting the same pic twice, but I have to show you all...


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Beth that afghan is simply gorgeous!!! :manyheartCongrats on finishing it!!!:clapYou are so ahead of schedule for Christmas!!!!


Colleen- That's cute- that DD is wearing a long sleeve dress in the house when it's so hot outside- She must really LOVE the dress!! :yes And it does sound like back to school shopping to me! Your dinner sounds perfect for a hot day!!!


Mary- good luck to DH when he goes for the MRI!!


We just got home from getting our ice-cream! It was YUMMY!!!!!:c9


Hope everyone has a good night!!!

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Beth - that 'ghan is STUNNING! Your SIL is sooooo lucky!


Joanne - what kind of ice cream did you get? :drool glad to see that you got to bum around today, even if you did have to "work" at it!


Colleen - :clap yay for "school shopping", and for not cooking!


Mary - I spent most of my day in the lower level, too... with the humidity, it is GROSS!


:waving, LeeAnn, Marisa, Stacy, Vicki, Sarah, Shannon, Scooby! I am thinking of you all, and sending good thoughts your way:hug


Have a swell night, friends, and stay cool! :manyheart

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Hello there!

Sounds like everyone has been super busy!

Joanne-I am so glad that you are enjoying your vacation and relaxation. Stick to your guns, you are always busy and deserve time to just do what pleases you. Ice cream sounds heavenly! I have lots of WIPS too, I really need to get motivated and finish a few. Awhile back, I was finishing projects left and right, now I am just not getting to it. Things have been super busy and with school starting soon, I am not sure that they will calm down.

Colleen-your dd just sounds like such a sweetie pie! I bet she is just too cute in her dress! My dd likes dresses but she goes thru spurts, sometimes she will wear them for a month straight and then wear pants for a few months and then back to dresses. I let her, as long as she matches somewhat and is clean and combed-I am ok.:lol

Stacy-how was your day? did you both have fun?

Vicki-so sorry that it is back to school for you. How long did you have off? It seems too short???

Mary-I am hoping for summer to be over...I am not used to the heat and am tired of feeling sticky and hot. I feel your pain.

Sarah-how was your day?

Marisa-I am glad that you had a good breakfast with your dad-we had breakfast for diner last night, I love it! Eggs, hash browns, bacon, toast and coffee....yuummmyyy! I have had problems with patterns before-I have been working on a pair of socks for almost a year, I think it's the pattern-I have frogged them at least three times and am about ready to give up. But I oh so want to learn to make socks!

LeaAnne-how was your day? Did you get everything done? you have been so motivated! WTG!!!! I am proud of you!:hugI hope it cools down for you!

Beth-I adore your ghan! Beautiful work! Oh my gosh, what a fantastic and precious gift!

Today went well, didn't get home until 6:30, had to stop at the library first, I had forgotten to return my books and had to pay a fee,..I paid dh's too, (he just doesn't know it) then had to rush home to fix diner and dishes and laundry and and and...so glad that tomorrow is Thursday and that the weekend will soon be here. I can't wait to sleep in!

off to take my shower. Hugs and squishes!

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Good evening ladies :hi


I'm getting ready to head up to bed and realized that I didn't check in when I got home earlier. Work went well today and was busy yet again :D I prefer busy, although not more than can be handled :eek


Beth - the afghan is gorgeous!!!! I love it :manyheart


LeeAnn - I recently made a pair of socks and they are wearable, my sister wears them in the house :lol I made them too small for my foot because I was too excited to go further and then because of it ended up with a crooked heal :rofl Anyways, now I'm working on my 2nd pair of socks, which are knitted. They are moving slowly, but that's only because I leave it sit in my desk drawer at work and do some on lunch :D This is the crochet pattern I used for the 1st pair...it was pretty easy to follow :D




Hello to everyone else and I'll catch y'all in the AM

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Good morning all

Another hot/humid day on the horizon here--with good chance of T-storms. I had wanted to head to the beach but don't think this will be the day- maybe going to the movies would be a better thing to do.


LeeAnne- I had a hot fudge sundae last night- soft vanilla ice cream w/hot fudge and whipped cream! It was so good!


Vicki- Hope day 1 of Prof Dev day went well- and that Day 2 flies by!!!


Marisa- I think you more than made up for the crooked heel socks that your sis wears with the gorgeous "H" bag you gave her!! Hope you have a good day today-


LeeAnn- I don't want summer to be over- I just want summer to be less humid! Which, if the weather folks are right- should be this weekend- supposed to be sunny and warm, 80's low humidity!! I'm with you- I don't like being hot/sticky!


Stacy- How was the trip to Universal with Mia? Did she love her one-on-one time with you? It's great having time with each child! When do your class(es) start?


Beth, Colleen, Shannon, Mary- Have a good Thursday-



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Hi guys! Day 2 of Professional development is ready to begin! I am going to leave in a few minutes, but I wanted to stop in and say good morning! I found out yesterday that I need to go in on Friday too, so now I have a Day 3 to go to also! We were supposed to go to the zoo. No zoo now. Poof. All gone.

Beth - the afghan is wonderful! You did a great job!

Joanne - Enjoy the vacation time! I didn't get to see the A-Rod hr, but I heard the replay on ESPN. Glad he finally hit it so now they can get back to playing!

Mary - Hope the MRI goes well.

Colleen - Hope DD still loves her dress and is still dancing in it!

Marisa, LeaAnne, Leeann, Stacy, Sarah - Have a great day and I will talk to you all later!

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Good morning everyone :coffee


Joanne - I can't wait for it to cool down :xfin I hate the heat to begin with :( Plus, I haven't been riding my bike at all because it's just too hot for me and then between that and the rain!!! :eek And it seems everytime the temp drops a bit, I'm just not around :( I have to head up to my parents this weekend for a hair appt on sat and thought I'd take it, but now I'll be bringing my cousin back with me to take her to the airport on sunday, so no bike again :lol Such is life!


I hope everyone has a great thursday!!!!

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:coffee Good morning!


I should have stopped in here to say hello while I was up for 2 hours in the night. DD woke me to tuck her in and help her get a drink of water (she goes through phases where she does that) and then I couldn't fall back to sleep. :tired Oh well, maybe I'll sleep better tonight :xfin


Laundry started, kitchen cleaned up. Time to shower and get dressed. DD and I have plans to go to the library this morning, a quick stop at another grocery store for some items we didn't get yesterday, and then we are off to the movies this afternoon. Ramona and Beezus :D It will be some fun girls time. We have lots of leftovers to eat up for supper, so I'll do some more laundry and clean bathrooms but otherwise it's an enjoy it day :clap


Still hot here too Joanne and Marisa. Chance of t-storms every day but they never come. All I can say is thank goodness we have a/c!


Vicki - Phooey about the 3rd PD day. :(


Beth - Your afghan is gorgeous! Lucky sister-in-law!!! Do you have any brothers that are still single? :devil Oh ya, I'm already married. :rofl I'm just kidding. :lol At any rate, you have a great jump on the Christmas gifts and they are gorgeousness!!!


Joanne - Enjoy another day off. We have coupons for buy-one-get-one-free sundaes at DQ. DD can't go there due to peanut allergy, so hopefully DH and I can get a grandma to babysit someday soon. :drool


:hi to all my besties! Have a marvelous day! Stay cool and do a couple stitches for me please. :yes

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Have fun at the movies Colleen! I loved reading the Ramona books to my DD's- and then them reading them to me- so I'm sure the movie will be fun for DD- of course DH has NO interest in seeing that so instead we are going to see Salt with Angelina Jolie.


I hope one of the grandma's will free you up to get a sundae! I really enjoyed the one last evening!!!


Vicki- Poohy on no zoo- oh, well! Nothing you can do about it, right? Hope the prof dev days go by quickly- and yes, now that the ARod 600th is out of the way, maybe they can play better- Red Sox coming to town tomorrow night!!!!


Everyone!!!! Have a great rest of the day!

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cool, Beth! the 6000th post... :U


Joanne and Colleen - enjoy the movies


Marisa - I have my treadmill set up and ready to go... but alas... it's TOO danged Yucky!! Maybe I can start next week? :xfin. that's the piece missing of my new "regimen"... excercise!


Vicki - sorry that you have to miss the zoo, because of Pro. Dev. to prepare for your impending zoo-ness! How is DD about it? Is she bummed out? When is her next belt test? ...it's soon, right?


Stacy, Sarah, LeeAnn, Mary, Shannon, and our long-lost friend ScoobyDoo... :waving and Cool thoughts to you all! :hug:U


I went to my annual gyn. appt. this morning. It went well. I need to take vitamins, especially D. I will confess that I am not good about taking vitamins. I always forget. Maybe I will set a special alarm on my phone to remind me?:think


...anyway, for any of you out there who are in need of someone stitching "for you"... I am all over it! :tup



:eek I almost forgot!!!! the New England Patriots first pre-season game is tonight vs. the N'Orleans Saints!!!!! :woo:cheer:cheer You gotta love it!!!


ok... back to playin' hooky!:devil Love you all!!!

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:yay for having a daughter :manyheart We really enjoyed the movie. Have to admit we both cried (mom a lot more than DD). It was a very special mom and daughter afternoon. Library was good too. We're all set for another week of reading.


LeaAnne - Thanks for stitching a few for me :wink Enjoy it. And I hope the treadmill comes in handy soon.


Joanne - Enjoy the movie.


Beth - Yay for 6000 posts of friendship.


I thought we were for sure in for a storm about an hour ago. Took my laundry off the line, gave DD her bath and now it's sunny again :think:shrug


See you later friends :hug

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