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Hi Ladies

Today was a busy day here. Had to leave the house at 5.30am to drive 2.5 hours to take my Mom to the airport. She is gone away for 3 weeks. Got home at noon and just slept all afternoon. For the life of me I couldn't keep my eyes open today. I just caught up on all the posts and then Iam headed upstairs to watch a little T.V and then off to bed.

This week is gonna be a busy one. The nephew problem will be taken care of this week. Please keep DH and I in your prayers.... thanks.

Iam getting behide on my crocheting and my house is not much better either. DD and GKs will be coming on Thurs and just staying the night.

I hope everyone has a good week. Oh and it cooled off here but we are in for the heat again this week.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love

Iam always thinking about everyone


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Good evening everyone :hi


It was a really busy day at work today and we were there an hour and a half late :eek No help this week and until next tuesday. The girl I've been training started at her permanent location today and my guy has to cover yet another office for that doc who's on vaca this week. Then next week should be back to normal :clap


I had my first ripe cherry tomato on my plant and got to taste it today....it was quite juicy and very good, now I can't wait to get more :lol


Vicki - I want to see Sorcerer's Apprentice, I usually enjoy those movies :D Actually my SIL never asked for a bag, but when my bro saw the pick of my first tote HE started bugging me for one for my SIL :lol It will be a different bag and I think I know which pattern, but am not sure yet. However, I already have the yarn....its going to be done in Vanna's Choice Wild Berry. Her fav color is purple and I think this is a really pretty and eye catching shade :D


LeeAnn - No help yet :( Next week :think I did not yet start the new bag and I still need to make a final decision on the pattern. I have 3 more saltines to finish up for the project in the other CAL, which I'll get out of the way tonight. I think I'm going to frog the cardigan I'm working on since the guage seems to be way off and now I have a pattern I found on ravelry for a beach cardigan that I really like, so I think I will try that one in the brown yarn from the original cardigan :think


Beth - It seems like everyone is going to see despicable me, I don't even recall seeing previews for it so I'll have to check it out. I haven't heard a bad review on it yet :D


Joanne - vaca is sooo close :yay


Stacy - sounds like you a dh had a wonderful day at the park and how nice that everyone came to meet you with a picnic :clap And another bbq planned next week :yay I work until 6 on wednesday, but can join in on a chat when I get home. I've never been here for one before so is there anything special to do?


LeaAnne - I hope you get a good night sleep :c9


Mary - Continued prayers for you and dh :hug :hug :hug I hope your mom had a safe flight and I'm sure those grandkids will keep you busy overnight :D

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Mary- Prayers that all works out with the nephew situation! Have fun with your DD and GK's on Thursday


Stacy- Your weekend sounds awesome!!! Glad to hear you and DH had some "together"time at the park. And the concert!!!


LeaAnne- Glad to hear you're settling back in to being home- must be hard after being at the beach!! Always hard to come home after a nice break--you know, the laundry, the unpacking, etc, etc.


Marisa- Chat is 9:30 our time. Stacy is in Cali so it's 6:30 her time. I should be able to make it (provided I don't fall asleep b/4 then) LOL


Yanks losing- they were robbed on a play- and I'm changing the channel to watch The Closer and then Rizzoli and Isles


Night all

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Marisa- Chat is 9:30 our time. Stacy is in Cali so it's 6:30 her time. I should be able to make it (provided I don't fall asleep b/4 then) LOL


Yanks losing- they were robbed on a play- and I'm changing the channel to watch The Closer and then Rizzoli and Isles


Night all


Oops, thanks :eek I didn't even think about the time :lol


I have rizzoli and isles taping on the dvr. I'm just about to change into my pj's and sit on the couch for the evening :yes

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Hola Amigas!

I have been crocheting, still plugging away on the ghan, have 5 1/2 rows connected with 8 squares per row. It's such a bright cheery ghan! I was going to keep it, but think I will add it to my stash.

Stacy-that is soo and I mean soo wonderful that you were able to spend time with dh and have a picnic. I love summer!

Marisa-it is difficult to measure gauge-the wrap that I made said it would be longer, I measured and it's a bit shy. I crochet tight but measured the four rows and it matched up??? It will work but next time will have to pay closer attention.

Joanne-what a good evening you are having! I'm glad. I bet you can't wait till the weekend, super excited for you dear friend!

Mary-hugs and prayers headed your way!

LeaAnne-I bet you are exhausted with all the unpacking and traveling. Take care of yourself.

Vicki-have you worked on your baseball ghan?

My eye appt went well, It took 2 hours!:eek:eek good news tho, I ordered new glasses, the doc thinks that should help. I have been wearing contacts for 20 years straight. I have been seeing blurry towards the afternoon and evening, turns out my eyes need more oxygen then they were getting and my prescription has changed quite a bit in the left eye. I am excited, they are pink, my favorite color! Not bright pink more like a fuchia but oh so lovely!

going to sit and crochet before calling it a night. Hugs and "coolest" of wishes!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Christmas dress for one of my teddy bears is pretty much done =0) Just need buttons for the back to button it up with. Improvised the patterns as I went along so doubt I could do another one. One of these days I'll learn to write down what I'm doing as I'm doing it instead of afterwards. Now to just make a headband or hat...



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Marisa-it is difficult to measure gauge-the wrap that I made said it would be longer, I measured and it's a bit shy. I crochet tight but measured the four rows and it matched up??? It will work but next time will have to pay closer attention.



My eye appt went well, It took 2 hours!:eek:eek good news tho, I ordered new glasses, the doc thinks that should help. I have been wearing contacts for 20 years straight. I have been seeing blurry towards the afternoon and evening, turns out my eyes need more oxygen then they were getting and my prescription has changed quite a bit in the left eye. I am excited, they are pink, my favorite color! Not bright pink more like a fuchia but oh so lovely!


going to sit and crochet before calling it a night. Hugs and "coolest" of wishes!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


I was just having real trouble with that particular cardigan, I used a smaller hook than was called for and went down a size and it still was not going to work out. When I did the guage swatch in the hook it said to use, it was insanely larger....not like some people vary difference, but a couple inches difference :eek I even made my receptionist do the guage swatch thinking I may have been reading it wrong, but she got what I got. Anyways, I decided to frog it and already have 2 whole rows completed on the new one :yay I want to work on it longer but decided I need to head up to bed and read a few pages before passing out :yes


I have to go to the eye dr tomorrow to pick up my glasses and have a follow up exam since they changed my prescription a few weeks ago. I now will have 2 pair of glasses instead of 1, not that I wear them all that much, but I'm excited about it since I've been wearing my old frames for about 3 prescriptions now and yes those are the ones I'm getting tomorrow, got the new new ones last week :lol


Christmas dress for one of my teddy bears is pretty much done =0) Just need buttons for the back to button it up with. Improvised the patterns as I went along so doubt I could do another one. One of these days I'll learn to write down what I'm doing as I'm doing it instead of afterwards. Now to just make a headband or hat...




Absolutely gorgeous.....and green is my favorite color :D

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Good morning!


Sarah- Love the bear dress you made! It's such a pretty shade of green and love the white trim!


LeeAnn- Can't wait to see pics of your ghan! And Yay for new "pink" glasses!


Marisa- I also have 2 pairs of eyeglasses- one pair are metal frame the other plastic. Just so I can change up. But I wear glasses all the time now- Gotta love "old age eyes" LOL....didn't wear glasses at all till I hit my forties- now I'm wearing progressive lenses!


Hope everyone has a great Tuesday! Three more days till vacation!!!


Cya on the flip side!

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Marisa- I also have 2 pairs of eyeglasses- one pair are metal frame the other plastic. Just so I can change up. But I wear glasses all the time now- Gotta love "old age eyes" LOL....didn't wear glasses at all till I hit my forties- now I'm wearing progressive lenses!


Hope everyone has a great Tuesday! Three more days till vacation!!!


Cya on the flip side!


The funny part is that my new glasses are VERY similar to the old ones, they are both wire. The old ones are silver and the new ones are kind of bronzish ;) Talk about living on the edge :rofl I do wear them much more now than I used to and try to keep myself from wearing contacts all the time :yes


At the end of today....you'll have 2 days left to go :yay

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good morning, friends!


I wanted to wish you all a nice day :U and to let you know I am thinking of you, and keeping you all in my prayers.:manyheart


Today, we will be busy over here, running around to appointments, errands, etc.


I hope your day goes "swimmingly":c9



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Morning, friends!


Sarah, love the bear dress! So pretty, and the trim looks sort of snow-y. :manyheart


Marisa, good luck at the eye doctor today.


Leeann, you reminded me that I need to get a new pair of glasses, also. Mine broke a few years ago and my eye dr. warned me that i could have problems if I just wore contacts all the time. Can't wait to see pics of your 'ghan!


The girls are watching Monsters, Inc. for the first time. It seems like the older girls are enjoying it. I am working on a grocery list. The girls want to have a picnic in the park today but it is kind of chilly out. We will wait until noon and see how it goes. We also need to run to the library.

Well it's time to take a shower and get ready for the day. Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Stacy- I:lol about your "chilly" weather. Really? In Southern Cali? :eek. Our weather hit 90 again today and the humidity is making its way back up there. Oh, yesterday was so beautiful- tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter and more humid. Glad I'm heading to NH on Friday- should be cooler up there!


Mary- thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers!


Marisa- Hope you had a good day- and yes, you really living on the edge:lol. My wire ones are a bronzish color too! Hope you had a good day at work.


LeaAnne- Hope your day went "swimmingly"- did you get a chance to get in the pool at all between the errands and appointments?


Colleen, Beth, Vicki, Shannon (where oh where is Shannon these days?) and Sarah- hope you had a good day.


Ran some errands a while ago- and now I'm watching the Yankee game-


Have a good night everyone!


Yes- only 2 more days to go till vacation time!:clap:clap

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Good evening friends!

Sarah-how was your day?

Joanne-aren't ya so glad that tomorrow is Wed? yippee!

LeaAnne-did you get all of your chickens to the correct places?

Stacy-I love Monsters Inc! Actually I love kid movies, silly but true. :lol

Marisa-did you have a good day at work?

Today was busy, I couldn't get myself up to go walking at 5, I think that I am going to have to go in the evenings or go to bed earlier, I feel exhausted!

I am enclosing a pic of the granny ghan, thought I had 5 1/2 rows but mis counted. I have the squares ready to connect for this row and another row but wanted to share.

off to eat dinner, BBL!

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Hey everyone :hi


Just doing a quick check in tonight. It was another long day at work and we stayed late again. We didn't get a chance to eat lunch until 5:00 :eek So now am really looking forward to my couch, :yarn, and :hook The day wasn't bad, just crazy busy....plus we had an extra doc in the office today to do evaluations (not a helper for me) he's a medical doc and comes to do consults with my patients so we don't have to refer them out :D But it's always crazy when he's there :eek


Glad to hear everyone had a good day. I enjoyed the monsters movie and I love the granny ghan :clap

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Leeann, your afghan is so pretty! You're right- it's very cheery. :manyheart


Joanne, yes, it's it odd that it's chilly here?! The past 2 days it's been about 60 right up until 1 p.m. or so, then the heat rises to about 75 or 80. 60 is absolutely unheard of for the middle of July! I'm not complaining, though- I'd take this over 100+ any day! :lol


Marisa, wow, lunch at 5!! That is one busy day. I hope tomorrow is better for you. :hug


Today went just as planned. :D Grocery shopping, picnic at the park, library, playing at the park. (Isabella had to use the bathroom after lunch and the library was the closest one, so we packed everything up after we ate and went to the library first. :lol) I'm so impressed with Isabella- the past 3 times we've gone, she's only been interested in checking out animal-fact books, mostly 50-60 pages long! And as soon as she is done reading them, I get to hear all about the animal of choice. :D I am just so, so proud of that girl. :manyheart

Anyway, we had breakfast for dinner, and everyone ate in peace. :c9 Dh is playing a video game and I'm going back and forth between my iPod and laptop, although I think I'm going to get to work on a jacket from my magazine. No idea what I will do with it yet. :think I still feel a bit blocked- I have so many pretty ww colors right now and just don't know what to make. I don't feel like an afghan is going to hold my attention right now. Hmmm...


Well, anyway, have a great night all! Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Night All!


Marisa-hope you get lunch at an earlier time tomorrow, you must feel drained!


Joanne-I'm counting down with you!


Stacy-so glad that you had a wonderful day with the kiddos.


off to take a shower and head off to bed, maybe I will feel more energized.


hugs and best wishes!

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Ok, I dozed off really early last night, and now I'm up at 4 a.m., but the brain still isn't working. I'll try this any way.

I get my stitches out today! It's starting to itch. I hope this will take care of that.

Joanne, Happy Thursday! Is this the short week for you?

LeaAnn, love the aghan. What pretty, cheery colors!

Marisa, I can't function that long without eating! I hope today is calmer for you. Please take care of yourself.

Sarah, I love the bear dress. You did an awesome job. And you designed it yourself!:faint I have such talented friends.

Stacy, which magazine? which jacket? Your day at the park and library sounds perfect.

Mary, any word from the doctor yet? I have one pair of glasses. I always need the wire frames because my ears are so far out of alignment, plastic frames can't be adjusted enough to sit straight on my face.

LeaAnne, Colleen, Shannon, Scooby, Vicki, The Professor and Mary Ann, I hope you all have a great day.


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Good morning!


Beth- You sure were up early- and thanks for wishing me a Happy Thursday, but it's only Wednesday!:lol I had to stop and think for a minute what day it was!:lol Yes, it is a short week- 2 more days of work and then I'm on vacation Friday and all next week!:clap:clap


I loved your little ending to your post--the professor and MaryAnn--ahh, the good ole days of Gilligan's Island!:lol


Stacy- You should be proud of Isabella!:manyheart Sounds like you had a very nice summer afternoon yesterday! Enjoy your cool weather.


LeaAnne, Mary, Shannon, LeeAnn, Marisa, Colleen, Vicki, Sarah---Happy Hump Day! :yay

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Good morning everyone :coffee


I'm still trying to wake up, morning came way too quickly today :(


Joanne - only 2 days to go :yay are you going away for vaca?



Joanne, yes, it's it odd that it's chilly here?! The past 2 days it's been about 60 right up until 1 p.m. or so, then the heat rises to about 75 or 80. 60 is absolutely unheard of for the middle of July! I'm not complaining, though- I'd take this over 100+ any day! :lol


Marisa, wow, lunch at 5!! That is one busy day. I hope tomorrow is better for you. :hug


Today went just as planned. :D Grocery shopping, picnic at the park, library, playing at the park. (Isabella had to use the bathroom after lunch and the library was the closest one, so we packed everything up after we ate and went to the library first. :lol) I'm so impressed with Isabella- the past 3 times we've gone, she's only been interested in checking out animal-fact books, mostly 50-60 pages long! And as soon as she is done reading them, I get to hear all about the animal of choice. :D I am just so, so proud of that girl. :manyheart

Anyway, we had breakfast for dinner, and everyone ate in peace. :c9 Dh is playing a video game and I'm going back and forth between my iPod and laptop, although I think I'm going to get to work on a jacket from my magazine. No idea what I will do with it yet. :think I still feel a bit blocked- I have so many pretty ww colors right now and just don't know what to make. I don't feel like an afghan is going to hold my attention right now. Hmmm...


Well, anyway, have a great night all! Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


I would love to see 60 degrees right now :yes It's always extra busy when there is just one doc in the office....it's really too much for one person :( I can't wait for some normalcy next week :clap WTG Isabella on picking out educating books :cheer And, good luck deciding what to make with your beautiful colors :D


Night All!


Marisa-hope you get lunch at an earlier time tomorrow, you must feel drained!


I will have my lunch at 1 today, we close for lunch break mon, wed, and fri from 1-2 :clap I am completely drained, but just gotta keep pushing right now :yes Planning on playing paintball this weekend, which I've never done, but a friend wants to go for her birthday so I said I'd go.


Marisa, I can't function that long without eating! I hope today is calmer for you. Please take care of yourself.




I typically cannot function that long either. Yesterday was soo busy and went so fast that I didn't even notice until at 4 Maryann asked if I wanted to order something from the pizza shop since it was obvious we weren't going to get anytime to walk the 10 feet to the fridge and microwave to prepare something :eek I agreed and gave it to let her buy me lunch since I didn't have any cash on me :lol I do always keep a protein shake mix there for a quick fix in such situations, but again it was soo busy that I didn't even notice it :no

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