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Some good clean fun?!

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Quick good morning-


Want to start the laundry and DD is coming over @9 for breakfast. I'm making french toast from the cinnamon roll bread I bought at TJ's yesterday....


Haven't worked on the granny stripe- even though the AC is on , it just seems too hot to have the heavy ghan on my lap (I've got 34 stripes done)


I started reading "Death by Cashmere" by Sally Goldenbaum last night- lately with the heat, I've been doing more booking instead of hooking!:lol


BBL- but wanted to wish EVERYONE a great Sunday!:hug:hug

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I have not been able to understand from the commercials what that Despicable Me is about :think Glad you all enjoyed it. I want to take DD to see Ramona and Beezus. I was a big Beverly Cleary reader as a kid and I love that I have a daughter to take! :manyheart We are reading a few pages each day of one of the books so that she knows the characters a bit.


I got the house dusted and just need to vacuum the family room and office today so house is in good shape (well, good enough anyway :devil). My SIL and nephews are coming to town today for a few days. I need to get groceries and want to get to the library. Not sure if it will be today or tomorrow I'll get those things done.


Beth - I hope your DS enjoyed his first date. Stay cool.


Joanne - French toast with cinnamon bread sounds yummy :drool I'm on my way!!! Save a cup of coffee for me too :wink


LeeAnn - Good for you taking some time to relax. You deserve it. As for the yarn buying...I'm jealous, but I'm sure you deserve that too :hug


Sarah - Good luck getting the cleaning done! It never ends, does it?


:hi Vicki, Shannon, Mary, LeaAnne, Stacy and anyone I've missed. Have a great day everyone!

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Good Sunday Morning all! It was very rainy and windy last night, but the clouds have cleared out and it is sunny right now! I have the dish washer emptied, the sheets folded, the first load of laundry started and the grocery list done! I am moving and grooving this morning! DD is in the kitchen eating her breakfast and I am getting ready to take the first load of laundry out of the washer. The machine just sounded.

Colleen - DD would like Despicable Me! It is funny! It is about a man who wants to become the world's most notorious villian by stealing the moon and the minions (the little yellow things) help him. It's really cute and there are some good laughs.

Leeann - Knew you would like the movie! Glad you had a good b-day with your son and had good cake! What is a b-day without cake?

Sarah - Good luck with all the organizing!

Stacy - How was the concert? Did the girls like sleeping over at the in laws? How was Isabella yesterday? Did she have a good day? And yay for Klaus telling you that he needs to go out! What a good puppy! I know he's not a puppy anymore, but they are all puppies to me!

Beth - Stay cool, my friend! Hopefully the heat will break and you will get a break!

Mary, Marisa, Shannon, LeaAnne - Have a great day and enjoy your Sunday!

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:hi, friends!


I am stopping in quick... we are headed to a Christening this afternoon, then the party at DH's cousins house here in town.


Tomorrow is back to the old grind, plus some extra tasks.

I need to start thinking about my yard sale, and creating a realistic timeline to make sure I can do it all (relatively stress free).


I hope you all have a great day!

:hug:hug:hug:hugand Luv to you all!

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Hello All!

Glad it's Sunday and we can stay home:cheer:clap I just want to finish up laundry and spend time with the family while crocheting.

Joanne-french toast sounds :c9 that is so neat that your dd lives close by. I would be lost without my mom. :lol It has been too hot to crochet, but I think I am gettig back into the groove of it. I miss it and feel anxious when I don't get some hook time in.

Colleen-I loved Beverly Cleary as a child too! I am going to take dd to the library this week to look for some of her books, what a neat idea! Thank you!

Vicki-you are up and hopping! That's great then you get to spend the afternoon relaxing and enjoying being home.

Stacy-how was the sleepover and the concert?

Marisa-when are you headed back home?

Beth-ds date sounds so cute! Was he nervous? Sorry it is so hot in your neck of the woods.

Mary-how ya feeling?

Sarah-what a great day to spend an afternoon! Cleaning is never ever done! I am tired of it, but still keep plugging away. Can't wait to see a pic of your bear dress.

LeaAnne-have fun at the christening! A yard sale sounds like a good way to get rid of unwanted items. We live too far out of town to have one, but I wish we could.

going to sit and crochet, should be washing dishes but am waiting for one of the kiddos to un load the dishwasher. hugs dearest friends!

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Hi all!


Just checking in...everyone must be busy! BBL!


hugs and squishes!!!!


Well busy if you consider I just got up LOL NASTY headache when I woke up this morning so didn't get up until it was gone. Think I got too much sun yesterday even though I wasn't sunburned (I NEVER forget the sunblock for me or Keith because I've got ghost pale skin and unfortunately for Keith he got the same pale skin so we both burn bad)

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Hello ladies :hi


I'm baaaaacccccck!!!!!


I'm being lazy...since I just posted in another CAL about my day yesterday (and it was fairly long) I copied and pasted so I wouldn't have to type it again :lol But don't worry, not only have I given myself permission, but I just cited myself as well :rofl


Well, we had a great time yesterday It cooled off slightly as we were walking down to the stadium and it felt like rain was in the air So, we sat it our seats outside, it was hot but not unbearable Then it started to drip in the top of the 8th inning and suddenly they pulled out the tarp and covered the field It was only drizzling and the guys were wearing galoshes (sp?) So we were all very confused but low and behold, by the time they finished it was like a monsoon!!!! So, we hung out inside during the rain delay, which lasted about 30-45 minutes. Then they finished the game, and of course the Pirates lost....they really are not very good right now and The Steve Miller Band still performed after the game


They were awesome!!! Well, toward the end of the 1st song it started to drip again and then it was raining into the 2nd song and they were trying to get him to stop but he said something about he used to sing with a friend that passed away and that show was for him and we were getting our 45 minutes So there they went in the rain It was a blast, we had sooo much fun jumping, singing, and dancing in the rain. Then maybe about 5-6 songs into the show it started to flash some lightening and they yelled at him that it was enough now and he HAD to stop.....so he looks into the crowd and says he can only squeeze one more in and asked what we wanted to hear It ended up being Keep on a Rockin Me Baby and he definitely drug it out much longer than need be Totally awesome and I would definitely see him again We were SOAKED leaving the game, and the temp did cool down with the rain, but it was still comfortable


Today I slept in and then we went for brunch and I headed out. My trip took an hour longer than it should have due to rain, which slowed the traffic But, now I'm back


I think I'm going to hang out on the couch to see what's waiting for me on my dvr while I finish my last 12 saltines so I can take them to the post office tuesday morning before work.

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Vicki - glad to hear dd just has swimmers ear :clap that's a relief :)


LeaAnne - one can never have too many sisters :lol the more the merrier, but you may get the bag quicker if I give you the pattern :lol SIL is next on the list, but I think hers will end up being for xmas :think


Stacy - what concert did you go to? and how were the girls at the in-laws?


LeeAnn - Happy belated bday to ds and WTG conning dh into making the cake :devil I wasn't sure if you were saying the it's your mom or your sister that's upset with you since graduation....and why? (if you don't mind me asking, no obligation to answer) :hug


Joanne - :drool I love french toast :drool Now I want some :lol


Colleen - glad dd's soccer game didn't get rained out :clap


Beth - so ds had his first date with his gf? :hug :hug :hug You are surely entering a whole new playing field :hug :hug :hug Glad he had a good time.


Sarah - WTG on getting a third of the teddy's dress done :clap and you got a lot of cleaning done too :yay

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hello there!

Just finished the wrap it's called a Ruana-I love it! The pattern called for 3 skiens of yarn but it only used 2 1/2, I think I am going to sew the sides up and make it like a sweater...maybe I will keep it for myself and make another one..:devil I will post a pic as soon as I can.

Marisa-It's my sister that is upset with me, with all of us actually. In May I graduated from college and was so excited to have all of my family here, I thought everything had gone well. Then my sister called and was yelling and I mean yelling at me and then asked to talk to dear son, she was upset because the kiddos were playing and my nephew mooned the kiddos. They laughed and didn't think anything of it, apparently she was upset because ds should have known better and should have said something. Silly but, the kiddos really didn't talk about it later, they kinda just left it at that...so long story short, she yelled at dear son, said some inappropriate things to him that had dh upset, so he called and talked to her and she admitted that she was wrong but has cut off all communication with us including my mom. Your trip sounded wonderful! Even the singing in the rain. :lol

Sarah-sorry that you had a headache, hope you feel better and that the sleep helped.

going to look thru patterns, I am itching to make another wrap.


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:hi everyone!


It is so beautiful here this evening. First time in days we've been able to open the windows and let a beautiful breeze in :c9 I love it! I went for 2 walks today, drove DH to and from the golf course, did some shopping at Walmart, and visited with my SIL and nephews who are visiting my MIL this week.


LeeAnn - Oh dear about your sister. I hope she comes around soon. Family arguments are no fun. :hug


Marisa - I am so glad you had fun. Steve Miller Band would be lots of fun - even in a thunderstorm! I might have missed it, but did your sister love her bag? What was her surprise for you?


What is everyone else up to? I am going to relax for a bit and enjoy the breeze coming in the window. That is one thing I really miss when it is hot and humid, the breeze.

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Very long day here- but luckily the weather has cleared. DD and I spent about 2 hrs in the pool then middle DD came over around 3- just in time for the clouds...and then the monsoon like rain! But it's only75 degrees out now and it feels wonderful!!!


We spent some time playing with the Wii and then all sat around reading for awhile. DD went home and middle DD stayed for dinner, then we went to Target!


Oh, SIL brought Belle over- and she went in the pool- she got scared and wanted out!! It was too funny!!! He took Belle home when it started to rain---she was kind of spooked by the whole pool thing I think!


Well, I'm beat- and before I know it, I'll be starting another work week- but at least it's only a 4 day week-- and then vacation time!


Night- sweet dreams to everyone!

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hello there!


Just finished the wrap it's called a Ruana-I love it! The pattern called for 3 skiens of yarn but it only used 2 1/2, I think I am going to sew the sides up and make it like a sweater...maybe I will keep it for myself and make another one..:devil I will post a pic as soon as I can.


Marisa-It's my sister that is upset with me, with all of us actually. In May I graduated from college and was so excited to have all of my family here, I thought everything had gone well. Then my sister called and was yelling and I mean yelling at me and then asked to talk to dear son, she was upset because the kiddos were playing and my nephew mooned the kiddos. They laughed and didn't think anything of it, apparently she was upset because ds should have known better and should have said something. Silly but, the kiddos really didn't talk about it later, they kinda just left it at that...so long story short, she yelled at dear son, said some inappropriate things to him that had dh upset, so he called and talked to her and she admitted that she was wrong but has cut off all communication with us including my mom. Your trip sounded wonderful! Even the singing in the rain. :lol


Sarah-sorry that you had a headache, hope you feel better and that the sleep helped.


going to look thru patterns, I am itching to make another wrap.




Can I just say, that is really funny!!! Maybe your sister should meet my family because moons came at a dime a dozen :eek Even from the grown people usually while riding in the car down the street :rofl I remember one time it was me, my bro, my mom, and my mom's friend and we were driving from my parents house in the poconos, pa to vineland, nj....my bro volunteered to take a cousins student to the prom when her date broke it off a few days before hand. (So that tells you my bro was like 19ish - in all essence a grown adult). Anyway, some guy cut us off, so my brother mooned him when we passed (yep you read it right and you're also remembering my mom was with us). So then they passed us and mooned back!!!! Well, when we were getting off the highway we were still neck and neck with these people and they rolled down their window and yelled out....One good moon deserves another!!!! :rofl Oh my god it was hysterical. If your sister met us, she might appreciate that the situation didn't escalade :think Hopefully, she'll get over it :hug :hug :hug


:hi everyone!


Marisa - I am so glad you had fun. Steve Miller Band would be lots of fun - even in a thunderstorm! I might have missed it, but did your sister love her bag? What was her surprise for you?


What is everyone else up to? I am going to relax for a bit and enjoy the breeze coming in the window. That is one thing I really miss when it is hot and humid, the breeze.


She absolutely loves it and can't wait to use it!!!! :yes I told her not to load it up because it is quite a big bag :lol

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Hi All!


Marisa-we are on the same wave length-we laughed and laughed, I can't belive that my sis is still mad. She really needs to decompress. :-) It takes alot to get me riled up, so for now I am just going to let her stew until she comes around.


great story! hilarious!!!!

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Joanne-happy that your dd's were able to join you! Oh happy days!


good night friends! Have an eye dr. appt tomorrow, so will not be going to work until 10:30. Makes it for a short Monday. yippee!

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Good morning and Welcome to Monday!


LeeAnne- good luck at the eye doctors- and enjoy the "short" day


Marisa- Wow- you are up bright and early! Have a good day at work- it's tough to go back after a long weekend!


Running a tad behind this morning- but wanted to stop in and wish everyone a good day


Cya on the flip side!

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Hi gang! Happy Monday. I am going to fold laundry and run the towels through the washing machine. I also need to vacuum and clean the bathroom today. We were going through the catalogs that come in the paper and DD found a school bag that she liked so we may take a trip to Kohl's today too. And I know what to do for dinner! We are having shrimp tempura!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! That is sooo yummy!!!!!!

Yesterday we went to see the Sorcerer's Apprentice. I liked it. It was really cute. DD thought it was great! Hubby thought it was good. It was fun to spend a family day.

I have a friend who wants me to teach her how to crochet! Her cousin is having a baby so she asked me to show her how to make a baby blanket. We are going yarn shopping tomorrow!! I love yarn shopping!!!

Marisa - Glad you had a good time! Now SIL wants a bag? Gotta love how one hand made item turns into another for someone else! What colors will the new one be?

Leeann - Why is your sister mad at you? It was HER son who mooned the kids. Maybe she needs to speak to him about his behavior and get over herself. Or maybe that is the problem. She is embarrassed about his brehavior and this is how she chooses to handle it. Gotta love how adults are. My sisters are like that. They don't speak to each other, but they will each speak to me. Yes, I am Switzerland.

Joanne - Sorry that Belle did not like the water! My Belles doesn't either. Give her another chance. She just may need to get used to it! Glad the weather has cooled down up by you. Did you see A-Rod get plunked?

LeaAnne - How is getting ready for the yard sale going? Hopefully you are getting organized and all is well.

Beth - Did you get caught up in the bad weather that was in your area yesterday? Hoping that all is well by you.

Mary, Colleen, Shannon, Scooby, Sarah - Have a great day!

I looked at the calendar over the weekend and realized I only have 3 WEEKS OF SUMMER LEFT!!!!! Where did it go?????

Talk to you all later! Have a great day!

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Morning all!

Vicki-3 weeks left????? :eek:eek:eek:eek what a fast summer! So glad that you are enjoying spending time with your family and going yarn shopping? Can't think of a better way to spend money! :lol:lol:lol:lol My sis is tempermental to say the least, for the most part we get along, but she can hold a grudge and drag things on forever...she was upset because my ds and lilttle brother didn't do anything to stop my nephew, and they should have known better because they are older...blah blah blah. Really I think this thing has gone on forever, I can see her being a little bit upset, but gosh for two months? k, better stop myself before I get carried away.

Joanne-hope today is wonderful for you!

Marisa-is all of your help back? did you start your new bag?

LeaAnne, Mary, Sarah, Stacy, Scooby, Shannon, and Colleen-have a "cool and refreshing day!"

I have four rows on my granny ghan connected, I am making myself finish it before starting another project...but gosh of golly, I hear patterns calling my name!:yes:yes

hugs and squishes!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:hug:hug:hi everyone,


Won't say good morning, since it's almost afternoon. :lol I didn't get on-line this morning. My dd and I did our volunteer work with the kitties. Showing restraint, not talking forever about the purr babies.


Last night, my oldest ds invited me to see "Despicable Me" at the theater. How can I say no? So I got to see it. I do recommend it very highly. Best movie I've seen in a long time.


LeaAnn, good luck finishing your granny ghan before you start something else. It's hard to resist the siren song of the patterns.


Vicki, Where is the summer going? I guess you start back before the students, right? Oh dear me. You remind me of the paperwork I need to file before August 1.


Joanne, enjoy your Monday. I hope you have a good day. Is it cooler up there? It's quite nice here. Only 82 in here. I can stand that for a bit.


Marisa, your weekend sounds awesome. I'm glad you had such a nice trip, even if it was a tad on the wet side.


Colleen, I"m glad you are enjoying some nice weather. I am so relieved here. I hope it doesn't get so hot again.


LeaAnne, Mary, Shannon, Stacy, Scooby, Sarah, and all our other friends, I hope your day is productive and fun.:hug:hug:hug:manyheart:hug:hug

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Afternoon All!


Beth-how was your day? Playing with kittens sounds like so much fun! Ours are opening their eyes. One died last week, the kiddos were sad but not as crushed as I thought-good thing, last time dd cried for days.


Other than that, nothing new-have to figure out what to make for dinner. BBL!

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Hi all,


I think we'll go see Despicable Me while on vacation- everyone that has seen has had good things to say about it.


Beth- Yes, the weather here today was GORGEOUS!!! THIS IS THE KIND OF SUMMER WEATHER I LIKE!!! I took a walk at lunchtime today with some of my co-workers- it felt great to be outside!!!


Vicki- Have fun yarn shopping- that's neat that she wants to learn how to crochet! What baby blanket pattern are you going to use?


LeeAnn- how did it go at the eye doctors? Sorry to hear about the kitty- and I hear you about the call of the patterns!!!


Marisa- Hope your day went well.


Colleen, Mary, LeaAnne, Shannon, Stacy- thinking about you


Watching the Yankees now- and yes, Vicki- I did see A-Rod get plunked yesterday- I think it was on purpose! But we'll never know- hope he gets his 600th HR soon- so the pressure is off!!!


Have a good night everyone!

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:hi all!


Sounds like you all had a nice weekend. :yay


Joanne, sounds like you had a great time with your dd's. How funny that Belle didn't like the pool. Some dogs just don't like water. Glad to hear it finally cooled off for you!


Beth, so sweet that your ds had his first date! Did you hear how it went or did he keep it to himself? How fun to volunteer with the furr babies. Your oldest ds was so sweet to invite you to a movie! :manyheart I'm dying to see Despicable Me, but my girls want to see Cats and Dogs when it comes out this weekend. Boo!


Leann, I'm sorry to hear one of the kittens died. :( Glad dd wasn't too upset, though. I can't believe your sister is being so stubborn! She should most definitely be upset with her son, not yours. :yes I hope she comes around soon. :hug:hug


Vicki- only 3 weeks left of summer?! Wow! Our kids don't start back until Sept. 13. One week later than usual, because they can't balance the budget with an extra week in the school year. :think How is your studying going?


Colleen, how nice that you got 2 walks in yesterday! How is dd? Does she want to participate in another sport instead of soccer, next year?


Mary, thinking of you and sending prayers that you hear good news soon. :hug:hug:hug:hug Has it cooled off?


LeaAnne, good luck getting ready for your yard sale. You can do it! :yay


Scooby, Marisa, Sarah, Shannon- hope your week got off to a good start. :hug:hug:hug:hug


We had such an enjoyable weekend! :manyheart The concert was awesome, as always. We went to see 311 again. There were 2 opening bands, one of them I can't stand but they usually tour together, and the other was the Offspring. I don't usually like their music but they give a good concert. :yes

Anyway, the girls stayed with the IL's all day Sunday, so dh and I went out to breakfast, then took a blanket to the park and lounged. Dh took a nap and I crocheted and read a magazine. I got the latest Crochet! and it has some cute fall patterns.

The IL's brought dinner to the park around 5 and we all ate and relaxed until the park closed at 8. Dh took the girls for a walk around the pond, and we made plans to have a bbq next Sunday. :yay It's been a while since we've done that, it will be fun!

Today the girls and I had another movie day because I didn't feel like going anywhere. :blush:lol We actually did make quick Target run, where I bought 3-D chalk for the girls. It came with 3-D glasses and it is actually really cool! They wanted the set that came with 2 pair of glasses and some paint, but I doubted it would work very well so I just went with the cheapie pack. Next time we go back I might actually buy the bigger set. I think it's cool! :rofl


Okay, so enough :blah and time to get dinner going! We need to plan a chat soon! Maybe Wednesday, 6 or 6:30? Let me know- I need chat-ness! :lol

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:hi, all!


today was busy and I am :tired! I just wanted to pop by quick to say hi, and to leave some :hug:hug:hug :U


Stacy - chat on Wednesday sounds like fun!


I am off to gather my chickens back to the coop, and head to bed!


Luv Ya!:manyheart

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