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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning and TGIF!!!


Marisa- Have a safe trip and enjoy your weekend get-a-way with your sis!!! :manyheart


Stacy- Your day sounds like it was a relaxing! (well as relaxing as a day can be with 3 little ones!) What pattern are you contemplating working on?


Vicki- Did you see the Yanks last night- A Rod hit his 599th HR! :clap Glad to hear you enjoyed the movie!


LeeAnn- Gotta love getting out of work early on a Friday!!! No big plans for this weekend- which is good! Next Friday we head up to NH for a "cousins party" and I'm really looking forward to spending some time with family! It's beautiful where my cousin lives!!


LeaAnne- are you back from the Cape? Or still enjoying those beach breezes in the breezeway?


Beth- What's on the agenda for today? How did the swim meet go? Oh, and I forgot to answer if my car has a name---it's the same as Stacy's- "my car":lol


Mary- :hug:hug


Sarah- Have you started your bear?


Colleen- Enjoy the last day of VBS! Bet you'll be glad for a little R&R after helping in the kitchen for 200 kids all week!


Shannon- thinking of you!


Hope I didn't forget anything- but if I did- remember it is EARLY here!


Have a great Friday!!!

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Hi. I am not sleeping well with the hole in my back, and I'm :grumpy


My middle ds has his first girlfriend, and he picked a doozy! My best friend's daughter, and his twin sister's best friend. When they break up (let's face facts -- 16 year olds don't usually date their future spouse) it will cause lots of stress for a lot of people. Oh well. She's a very sweet girl. He could do a lot worse.


I hope your TGIF goes well. I'm getting off the computer.

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Happy FRIDAY!!!!! DD needs to go to the doctor today. Her ear is bothering her. I think she has swimmer's ear. Not a big deal. We will deal. She is supposed to go sleep over a friend's house tonight, so hopefully she can still go. She should be able to since she is not running a fever.

The movie was sooooo good! We had a great time! I love minions! I want to take one home! They are soooo cute!

Nothing else going on here. I need to get up off my badorkus to fold laundry and take something out for dinner. Maybe steak. I'm in the mood for a nice grilled steak. Hopefully hubby will be home in time fo cook it! We got a new grill and I don't know how to turn this one on! Poor me!

TTFN ladies! Have a great day!

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Hi, all!


I am home, safe and sound:c9 We got home late last night. It feels like I was gone forever!


I need to catch up on the posts (again), and will do that later on...




Mary - prayers for your polyp results, and congrats on winning the Etimo hook!


Beth - prayers about your biopsy, and a quick recovery! :hug:hug:hug


I'll see everyone else a little later on... I gotta go get us unpacked!

:hug:hug:hug, squishes, and overall :U wishes to you all!

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Good morning, friends!!


:clap, LeaAnne is back! I hope you had a super-fabulous time at the Cape! Is this another quick stop-in, or are you home for a while now?


Marisa, enjoy your weekend trip and time with you family. Can't wait to hear your sister's reaction to her beautiful bag! :yay


Vicki, glad you enjoyed the movie. Mia is dying to see it. She won a movie poster from the mall a couple weeks ago, and she's been talking about it ever since. :lol Good luck at the dr, :xfin that dd's ear is nothing serious.


Beth, sorry to hear you're not sleeping well. Lots of gentle :hug:hug:hug to you. Good luck with ds' new g/f and the whole situation.


Sarah, Shannon, Scooby, Mary, Colleen, Joanne, Leeann- :whew I think that's everyone! Anyway, it's Friday!! :woo Hope you all have a great weekend!


I was up bright and early, with Eva telling me she wants to get dressed, and Mia poking me in the side to open the bag of Goldfish. Kids. :lol Isabella is in one of her moods today- she is crying because she can't figure out how to make a calendar for dh, and every suggestion I have is wrong. :sigh I wonder if the early stages of puberty are upon us? Kidshealth.org says it can start as early at 7 or 8 and she is right between.

Nothing much planned today. I need to make a quick run to the store for some produce. I also need to vacuum my car. The girls got cupcake crumb all over it when we went to the bakery. I found a couple movies on Netflix that I think the girls will enjoy, so we might make some popcorn and have another movie day. :devil It was so low-key yesterday, and just wonderful to not go anywhere. :yes



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hi all,

Welcome home LeaAnne- loved the pic of the beach you posted on FB! One more week and I'll be in NH!!! Can't wait!!!!


Stacy- a low key day sounds great to me- that's what I'm planning for tomorrow- DD and I are going to Trader Joe's at 8AM and then I'm going to do some cleaning and stay inside in the AC- with a few little trips to the pool to float around- it's supposed to be 100 degrees tomorrow!!


vicki- steak on the grill sounds delish- it's too hot to cook out tonight! So humid- so we are having sausage and peppers that I'm cooking on the stove! Hope hubby gets home and can start the grill.


Beth- Yes, when (and if ) they break up , there could be some problems- but you never know. My brother and SIL met when my brother was 16 and she was 15 and they've been happily married for 27 years now!!! I feel like she is my sister, and not just a sister-in-law. Can't wait to see them next weekend!!!


EVERYONE ELSE, dinner is just about done, so gotta run.


Try and BBL!

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:hi everyone!


VBS is done. :whew DD thoroughly enjoyed it. Tomorrow we have soccer and then we're going to sleep in for a few days and have nice slow mornings. :D


LeaAnne - Welcome home :manyheart


Joanne - Stay cool. It's hot and humid here too. We sure have had to use our a/c a lot this year.


Stacy - Goldfish in the morning :lol Kids! I hope you enjoyed your quiet day at home.


Marisa - I'm too late but if you check in have a great trip!


Beth - What fun that your DS is dating his sister's best friend! Hopefully if/when it ends there are no hurt feelings. I think it's kinda inevitable when you have boy/girl twins that something like that might happen.


Vicki - How is the studying going? When do you take your test?


:hi Mary, Shannon, LeeAnn, Sarah and anyone I've missed! I might check back later. It's Friday night you know. Anyone gonna be around to chat :D

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Colleen- Glad to hear that DD enjoyed VBS!!! Have fun with the soccer tomorrow and then I vote for some R&R!


I finished my book and am now watching the Yankees- there are storms in the forecast so I'm going to shut down my computer.


Have a good night everyone!

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Good evening friends!

Was relaxing and crocheting...had another busy day. I feel tired, I didn't get up this morning to go walking, 5:00 was too early. Maybe tomorrow. I started another project, I shouldn't have, but was too tempted. it is similar to a shawl. It is for a friend, I hope that I can get it finished soon, I am only on row 6, but the pattern is not difficult so far.

Joanne-a relaxing weekend sounds :c9:c9 I plan on resting, too much running around has caught up with me. I bet you are super excited for next weekend, me too!

Marisa-hope your trip is wonderful and filled with happy times!

Colleen-that is so neat that you can rest next week. Yippee!

Stacy-did you get to relax today with a few movies?

Vicki-how is dd's ear? I hope that she is ok and was able to attend her night out.

LeaAnne-Welcome back! How long are you back for?

Mary-how are ya?

Tomorros is ds 13 Birthday, he has requested breakfast burritos and chocolate cake..will hop on it in the morning. I can't believe that he will be a teenager:eek:eek:eek:eek I'm scared....what to do?

back to crocheting. Hugs and squishes!

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Good morning and.....:birthday to LeeAnn's TEENAGE son!!!!


Another scorcher today! I'm so ready for a breath of "fresh" air- not this pea soup air!!!:lol


Gotta go get ready for a trek to Trader Joe's with DD- Glad I insisted on 8AM since it's going to be brutally hot.


Hope everyone has a nice Saturday- whatever you are planning to do and I'll BBL after taking care of TJ's and some cleaning (ugh- why can't cleaning ever be done? :lol

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Good morning everyone :hi


Just a quick drop in, I'm hungry so am heading downstairs to find me some bfast :D


My trip yesterday was uneventful and of course, my sister LOVES her new bag :clap We ran errands, hung out at the house, then went out to eat and the place didnt have AC so were ready to leave right when we were done. Tried " bars after and neither had AC so called it a night.


Today we're running out this morn to go with her friend for a wedding gown fitting :yay and later we're going to the Pirates game and the Steve Miller Band is playing a show afterward :clap We are 31 in our group and everyone's meeting here earlier to eat and party before going, since we are near they stadium here and can walk. We have a club box at the game :whew so I will be able to sit inside in AC and be comfy :clap:woo


i hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!

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Hi all! DD's ear is fine, just swimmer's ear, as predicted. The doctor gave her ear drops and she went to her friend's house. She is there and I will pick her up in a couple of hours for tkd practice. I decided I am going to help coach the team. I am always there anyway and the coach needs the help, so I may as well. I just need to go online and do the certification thing before the next tournament, which is November.


Oh, speaking of tkd, the next belt test is August 14! I got the date finally the other day and I just kept forgetting to tell you all! That will be a busy week! I have three days of professional development, my test on the 13th, and the belt test on the 14th! Oh, well. Just the way it all worked out!


Mary - Hopefully the tests on the polyps come back negative. Let us know what the doctor says.


LeaAnne - Welcome home! How was the Cape this time? Did you enjoy the very underused breezeway with Krissy again?


Joanne - Have fun getting your shopping done early. I am going to get the shopping done tomorrow. Have fun going outside to swim!

Marisa - Have fun in Pittsburg! Let us know what your sis says about the bag you made!


Stacy - Enjoy your relaxing day with the girls. I don't know about Isabella. Hopefully she will have a good day today. Did the college get your transcripts yet?


Colleen - How are things up by you? Hope DD has fun at soccer today! Glad she enjoyed VBS! What else does she have planned for her summer?


Shannon - Hey there! How are you and what is happening by you?


Leeann - How are things by you? How is the new project going? Hopefully it is a nice one.


Nothing else today. I have some sheets to fold, but that can wait until later. I need to go take a shower and figure out what to have for breakfast. I hope you all have a great day and I will talk to you all later!



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:birthday to your DS, LeeAnn! I hope he has a wonderful 13th birthday!


Marisa - Love that bag... can I be your sister too? :D


Joanne - take good care to keep cool today1


Colleen - is the VBC over? I hope you get your mojo back soon...it is hard, though, in the heat.


Beth - how is your shoulder?


Mary - how is your back?


Vicki - Don't study too hard today!


Stacy - Have fun with your girls...


Sarah - I hope you are enjoying your day!


We are home for at least for a while... we may go back the last week of August. Now I need to do lots of unpacking.


Have a great day, friends! I'll be around as I can!



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Hi friends!


It's an early one, here, as usual. Klaus woke me up this morning, to let me know he had to go out. He's turned into such a good doggie- he sleeps in the girls' room every night, then runs through the bathroom and onto my bed in the morning to let me know he has to go out. :D He's really calmed down since his puppy days.


Leeann, :birthday to your ds!! 13, wow! I'm sure he is so excited to be a teenager now!


Marisa, glad you are having a great time with your family! :yay


Joanne, have fun at TJ's!


LeaAnne, good luck with all the unpacking. :hug


Vicki, I'm glad dd's ear is nothing serious. Good luck at tkd practice today. How cool that you're going to help the coach!


Mary, how are you today? Is your back feeling better? :hug


Everyone else- have a great Saturday!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Mia and Eva are playing games on my desktop computer. Isabella hasn't been out of her room yet so I don't know what she's like today. I'm going to buy her about taking care of herself, and I've heard great reviews about the American Girl one called The Care and Keeping of You. I'll see if they have it at the library first, just so I can look through it to be sure it's appropriate.

Yesterday was another movie day. We started with Wubbzy's Big Movie, then went to the grocery store. Afterward the girls requested Bolt again, then Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. As watching that one, a friend of dh's stopped by to pick up a belated birthday gift for her dd. We had a great time chatting and the kids had fun playing together. She has a dd that is about 3 months older than Mia, and a 4-y/o ds. She is actually dh's friend from high school, and I've met her several times, but haven't chatted much until yesterday.

Today dh and I are going to a concert. The girls are sleeping over at the IL's. I think we have to pick up Eva tomorrow, but the other two will stay again. Eva is excited that it's "her turn." :manyheart

Okay, I better scoot and find breakfast for my kiddos. Have a great day, all! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good Day ladies!

Thank you for all the birthday wishes for ds-I showed them to him and he said, "wow mom! That's cool!" He is super excited to be 13, I'm feeling kinda blue but will try to be upbeat about it. I don't want him to grow up, silly huh?

Other than that, going to get the house cleaned up so that we can go the movies and perhaps a late lunch. Dh is baking the cake:devil now you all may wonder how I was able to convince him to do that,...well I just said, "huuuuuuuney you bake cakes so much better than me, do you think you can bake it and I will wash the dishes?" Batting my eyes helped too. :lol:lol

Joanne-I hope that it cools down in your neck of the woods, being hot all the time is miserable. Did you get all of your shopping done?

Marisa-what a fun day you have planned! So glad that your sissy loved her bag, I want to make one and have like 3 projects going, but loving every minute of it.

Vicki-glad that your dd was able to go to her friends house and that she is feeling better. You are going to be busy in August.

Mary-hoping that you are feeling better!

LeaAnne-so glad to see your posts, it's wonderful to have you back!

Colleen-have a great Saturday!

Sarah-what is on your agenda for the weekend?

Stacy-I will keep my fingers and toes crossed that your dd has a wonderful day. A concert? Cool!

Beth-how are you? driving your darlings I bet? Hope all is well.

guess I best get a move on it...I am feeling more energized, think the coffee is kicking in. Have a wonderful fantastic Saturday!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Quick stop by- sounds like everyone is having a good Saturday so far. I took care of what I need to for today- and am going to watch the Yankee game for a while. DD is coming back around 3 or so and we'll go swimming then.


That's neat Vicki that you are going to help coach TKD- good luck with the certification. Glad to hear it was only swimmer's ear for your DD


Stacy- have fun at the concert!!! And so cute that Eva is excited it's "her" turn!!!


Marisa- Sounds like an awesome day planned- ball game in AC and then Steve Miller Band!!! Have a blast!!!!!


LeeAnn- we never want our kiddies to grow up- but they do! LOL- Enjoy his day today - and loved how you got hubby to make the cake. Works every time- tell them they do it better!!!


LeaAnne- glad you'll be around for a while- and then get to go back to the beach- what a fun summer!!!


Colleen, Beth, Mary, Shannon- Hope your Saturday is going good


Off to watch the Yankees for a while!

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:birthday to your DS LeeAnn! 13 Wow!!!! I love that he asked for breakfast burritos and chocolate cake. Great choices :yes. Have a fun birthday day.


Marisa - Wow! What a fun day! Enjoy your time with your sister and the other 30 people :lol


Joanne - Did you get lots at TJs? Enjoy swimming with DD. Did Belle ever come for a swim?


LeaAnne - Happy unpacking. The worst part of a trip is the unpacking. :yes I bet the kids are enjoying spending time with their friends.


Vicki - Good for you helping with TKD. Another test though :eek Your brain is getting more exercise than mine lately :lol


Stacy - Good idea to check out those books for Isabella. Maybe some one-on-one time with mama too if possible, doing something more 7 year old-ish :shrug


:hi Mary, Shannon, Beth, Sarah and anyone I've missed.


The rain held off long enough to get soccer in this morning :tup DD has already announced that she doesn't want to do it again next year, which doesn't surprise me. That's okay. She had a friend over for a play date this afternoon, which filled in a rainy afternoon just perfectly.


Have a wonderful day everyone. Big :hugs for everyone!

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:sigh I drove my son and his girlfriend to their first date today. Yes, LeaAnn, they do grow up WAY too fast. :bday to your son! 13 is a good age.


It's 98 degrees in this room, and I can't take it. I hope you all have a great day.



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DD and SIL came over around 4- just as the Yankee game was ending- and we went swimming for about an hour-hour 1/2. The water felt so good- and we had fun in the pool! We had some races- and made a whirlpool and just floated around- good times!


We cooked out, but ate inside cause it was so hot outside. They just left and I'm showered and in my jammies


Colleen- we haven't had any rain- I wish it would- just enough to get rid of some of this oppressive humidity we've been having- and it can rain at night too!! When will the soccer be over for DD? Is there something else she wants to do? Swimming starts back up in the fall doesn't it?


Beth- I heard that Va had 100 plus weather today- and you are sitting in a 98 deg room? Don't know how you do it! So you've hit another 'ages and stages" with DS- going on his first date!!!! Let me guess--did they go to the movies?


Didn't get alot at Trader Joe's today since we are going away Friday- but I stocked up on my coffee, got 2 bags of the frozen Sweet Potatoes, lots of fruits/veggies for the week, yogurt, and some pretty flowers for my table! I also bought cinnamon roll bread that looked really yummy and am going to make french toast with it for breakfast tomorrow.


Hope EVERYONE had a good Saturday.


Off to hook for a while----or read a book----still haven't decided!

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Evening friends!

I'm back! :eek:eek We had a wonderful day! The movie was soo cute! (Despicable Me) and then out to dinner at Chilies so very yummy! And then home for cake and relaxation. What a good day, and I bought yarn! Yep, I am officially off of my yarn diet, Wal-mart was clearancing yarn, couldn't pass it up, bought 6 skiens of RH SS white fleck (this is for the shawl/wrap), 2 skiens of Rh SS Tea Leaf, 2 skiens of Bernat Baby Jacquards I'm A Big Boy and 2 10 oz. skiens of Bernat Baby Boucles Bear..:think:think I think that is it! Oh my gosh! I really do need to stop buying yarn, it is becoming a habit, actually it is a habit...but I just couldn't walk by....dh politely said, "Lee, don't ya think you have enough yarn?" What a silly question!!!! :yes And I do not feel guilty! :devil

Joanne-so glad that you had a relaxing "cool" time in the pool! I love swimming. Are you working on your stripey ghan?

Beth-how was your ds first date? How exciting for him!

Colleen-my nephew was in soccer last year and decided that he would never do it again...:lol:lol

My mom and brother came over this evening for a short visit. She was bummed, my sister is in town and didn't stop by to visit her, she didn't even call.:blush she has been upset with me since my graduation in May, I would have thought she would have gotten over it, guess we will all just have to deal with it.

back to crocheting. The kiddos and dh are bike riding, but I feel lazy and want to sit and relax.

have a good night friends!

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Been a long day today. Had a beach birthday party for another of Keith's cousins (the last one until Keith's birthday in Sept if I remember correctly) then went to Doug's mom's house for awhile. Keith had a blast. It still feels so weird feeling seawater so warm (used to West coast ocean beaches) The waves kicked up from T.S. Bonnie were picking up a lot of seaweed so the water wasn't very clear and the waves were rougher then normal.


Still trying to reorganize things and get rid of a bunch of stuff so keeping busy.


Kinda have the top half of the dress for the teddy bear about 1/3 done (needs sleeves) but haven't worked on it for a few days. Tomorrow will be spent doing all the cleaning that didn't get done today cause of the party so won't be able to work on it tomorrow.

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Good morning.


My ds's date went well. He went to Despicable Me. His twin sister came, too. Then he took his sweetie to Hardees (and my dd and I happened to have lunch there, too, which works, since I was driving.) She's a sweet girl, but it's going to be hard to get used to. He's still my baby!


I'm not sleeping well -- I like to sleep curled up, and the booboo on the shoulder blade doesn't like me pulling on it by curling up. So i am trying to sleep on my back. Not working so well. My husband has so many electronic gizmos in our room with their little glowy lights, I prefer sleeping facing the wall, so I can't see the glow.


Today, I need to go grocery shopping, and I'm going to try not to melt. My house looks horrible, but it's too hot to do anything. It's 6 a.m., and it's 83 degrees in here.


I'm going to send generic greetings and hugs, since I'm too tired and it's too hot to think. Love you all!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugHappy Sunday.

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