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hi friends!


Just headed for bed, will take a pic of myself tomorrow when I am combed and have make up on, don't want to scare anyone to death! lol lol lol


have a good night friends! Will chat with you all tomorrow!

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LeeAnn - How exciting to get a new hairdo :D Can't wait to see a pic!!!


Beth - that's a very pretty afghan. What colors are you using :think


Sarah - if you don't like the way the hat lays while on, I vote for the poinsetta plant :yay It's too pretty to frog.


Stacy - Glad to hear you had a great day at the beach :D Sorry the zoo trip wasn't so great, but the chimps are always fun :yes


Mary - you need to go to the chiropractor tomorrow ;) Too bad you didn't live closer :lol Take care of yourself!!!!


Good night everyone :c9

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Good morning. Did I get here before Joanne this morning? Sure sign I should go back to bed.


LeaAnn, great minds think alike. I got my hair chopped off yesterday to liberate my curls. It looks like I got a perm.


Marissa, I'm using Caron Pounders. The center is claret. I'm alternating two blues - azure and cape cod blue. I'm using lace for all the tan. I was going to use midnight blue for the third blue, but it just doesn't go with the other two blues.


Sarah, I agree with Marissa. It's very cute. If it doesn't work like a hat, it would make an awesome poinsettia plant holder.


Stacy, I'm glad the beach trip went well. You sure are close to the ocean. How wonderful that you can enjoy it. sorry about the diva daughter. LOL. Maybe she's practicing for being a star one day.


Mary, congratulations on winning the hook. I was very excited when I saw your name on the list of winners. Can't wait to see how you like it. I hope your back feels better soon. Listen to it -- get some rest!!!


Joanne, Would Rissoli and Isles appeal to guys?


Colleen, you need to hang out on the 'Ville more to get inspiration so you'll want to pick up your hook and make something. Go through the Show and Tell section -- it always inspires me!


Vicki, LeaAnne, Shannon, And everyone else, :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


the swim meet was cancelled yesterday because of the storm. At least we got some rain! They are holding it today. Today is much calmer schedule-wise than yesterday.


Have a good one!

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Good morning!


Yes, Beth you beat me to it this morning! And yes, it is early!!! LOL


I'm taking my car for inspection this morning before work, so I don't have to leave as early- they don't open till 8- but I'll probably try and get there around 7:30- and read some of my book while I wait for them to open. My DH watched Rizzoli and Isles with me and he seemed to like it. Of course we both fell asleep before the end- so we'll have to watch it tonight- thank goodness for DVR!!!


Sarah- If the hat doesn't work as a hat, I'd definitely use it for a poinsetta --or any other plant- it is really cute!


Stacy- Sounds like a fun day at the beach- and that was too funny about "diva" Mia. I have yet to go the beach this summer. And I only live bout 1/2 hr away- think I'll have to plan a personal day and do that soon.


Mary- hope your back is feeling better- and yes, too bad Marisa doesn't live closer- she'd have you feeling good in no time. Again, congrats on winning the hook!


Marisa- Did you get to do any more on the lining of your bag? How's the internet? Only 3 more days for you and then you're off to visit your sister! Gotta love short weeks!


LeeAnn- looking forward to seeing the new do!!


I'll definitely try and get a pic when DD finishes the homemade journal she's making. I didn't even think to take one of it in progress!


Vicki- good luck with the studying!


Shannon, LeaAnne, Colleen- thinking of you-


Well, I'd better get hopping here- cya later!

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Good morning friends :coffee


Beth - I think those colors will look awesome together!! I can't wait to see the finished product, or maybe I'd settle for the first square when it's done :think Only if you'd like to post it of course ;) And I agree with you that the ville inspires me too. Before I found this site, I was sparse and would do a little here and there and very rarely finishing things. Now I've finished quite a few things and love seeing finished projects :clap


Yes, Rizzoli and Isles is guy friendly....its loke a crime scene/investigative show :yes


Joanne - I'm almost done with the lining, I'm hoping for tonight to get it done as long as nothing comes up :xfin My internet is fine this morning and was fine last night :think I did lose it for about a minute or 2 last night, but again there was a quick storm that rolled through and by the time I dialed the cable company, it was back on again :lol The countdown to the weekend has defnitely begun :clap

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Hi all! Happy Tuesday! I studied yesterday for about 4 hours!! :eek! My brain was mush early in the afternoon. I put it away for a couple of hours and went back to it. I skipped over the math section and went to the social studies section. I will go back to the math. There are some things I need help with so I have a friend who will help me with it.

I am going to do left overs for dinner tonight! I need to take them out of the freezer. I'll do that in a little bit. Pasta salad will go with it and that is dinner! Gotta love left overs! So yummy!

The rain did come yesterday and we got some thunder too! It is sunny right now, but there may be some more rain later on. Hopefully not too much!

Have a great day all! I will talk to you all later!

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Marisa, Yummy yarn! :drool 3 skeins is enough for a lovely scarf, an airy shawl, or fingerless gloves and a hat. Is it soft? It looks heavenly.


Vicki, Oh no!!! Mushy brains!!! Good luck with the math studies. :cheer You can do it!!!


I'm a naughty, naughty girl. :devil I've been working on the Christmas afghans, and I'm making progress on the last one, but instead of working on it this morning, like I should, I'm playing on Crochetville, looking for patterns for my laceweight wool. I'm pretty sure I'll be using Crojulee's angel wing shawl pattern. But I shouldn't be playing with the computer, I need to play with my hook and yarn, and finish this last afghan first! I could use a :kick or a :fire for my badorkus, to get me in gear.


Here's some :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug I've been saving, but they are much better shared.

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Beth - at least your on your last one, so you do have a little bit of time to spare :lol But, get your butt moving and get it done with :2nono .....then you can play with something new :yes


The yarn is quite soft....I've been thinking scarf, I'm not much of a shawl person :D We will see what becomes of it :lol

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Marisa, I was on my laptop, which doesn't have any of my pics on it, so I couldn't link to the pic of the two squares to show you. Any way, here I am on my desktop pc, so I'll post it for you. Everyone who's already seen it, forgive me. I should add, I am connecting the squares with the lace-colored yarn, not the claret, as seen in the photo.


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Joanne, :xfin that your inspection doesn't take too long. Is it routine or is something wrong?


Beth, I say play for a little while. :yes Set your timer for 1/2 hour or 45 minutes, and as soon as it beeps, work on the 'ghan. Everyone needs a little play time. :D Good luck to your ds, again! :lol


Marisa, your yarn is beautiful!! It just screams hat and scarf, to me. It would be a beautiful shawl, but I am not a shawl gal, either.


Speaking of hats...anyone have an idea of where I could find a mannequin head? I have a bunch of hats to list on Etsy but I need some kind of head mold to model them on. :think


Today I think we will go to the library. It has cooled off a bit so we may even play at the park. Right now the girls are entertaining themselves with board games, who knows how long that will last. Isabella is being very sensitive today but won't tell me why. She's cried probably 4 times already, which is very rare for her.

Oh!! Remember how I took a bunch of stuff to the donation box last week? Well, the sweaters I had planned to use for my cushions were in those bags!!! I will probably make a trip to Goodwill, to see if I can find something else.

I am off to take a shower and maybe play with some yarn for a bit. Don't know what I want to make. Maybe I'll look through my patterns for inspiration.

Have a great day! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Marisa - My first thought was a shawl, but if you don't like those, then a scarfwould just be gorgeous in that yarn! Fingerless gloves and a hat to match would make a wonderful set!


I went to get dog food today and have been studying this afternoon. DD is at a friend's house and I am playing here on the computer for a little bit to decompress my brain for a little bit. It needed it!


It was thundering a little while ago, but no rain! It is a little cloudy out, but not cloudy enough to rain, so who knows what it will do!


I need to get some stuff done! The towels are sitting in the dryer waiting to be put in the dryer and I need to go work in my test book!


TTFN besties!

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Hi Ladies

I went to the doctors today for my back. I just couldn't stand the pain any more and guess what he said????? He told me to take it easy :yes Oh and the best part of the doctorers visit.......... I lost 6 pounds :cheer:cheer:cheer The humidity is starting up again but when it is gone Iam going to start walking. I have a friend that will walk with me.

Today I didn't get any crocheting done. I was just too sore. Iam going to go upstairs soon and sit and relax and crochet. I need to get some kid's sweaters done cause they are my best sellers.

When is the next chat? I think Iam in need of one soon.


I hope everyone is having a great day.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Hey ladies,


I need to borrow some creativity and inspiration from y'all. I picked up 3 skeins of this yarn and don't really know what I want to do with it.


Any ideas or suggestions? :think


I vote for a scarf. I think it would be very pretty.

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Hi all,


The car passed inspection!


Stacy- in NJ when you get a new car the inspection sticker they put on it is good for 4 years. Then you need to take it to DMV for inspection (or if you want you can pay a private inspection station - which I refuse to do). They check the brakes, signals, horn, lights, tires, emissions- so all is good with my car and I don't need to take it back til 7/2012! I got there before they opened- was about 10th in line- once they opened I was out in 20 minutes They had 3 bays open so it went quickly. I didn't mind because I was reading my next book!!! I was at work by 8:35!!


Beth- I love those squares and the colors- it is going to be a beautiful afghan!


Vicki 4 hours of studying is alot- and glad to hear you have a friend to help you with the math!! We had another hot/humid day here again today- w/no rain! Tomorrow DD and her DH are coming over in the afternoon to go swimming so I'm going to try and leave work a little early- I asked them if they wanted to stay and we'll cook out.


Mary- WTG on the 6 lb weight loss!!! That's awesome- Sure do hope your back feels better soon!!!


Marisa- I concur with everyone- scarf- and if enough yarn, fingerless gloves/hat!!!


LeeAnn- How did the kids react to your new do?


LeaAnne, Shannon, Colleen, hope you all had a good day.


Off to watch the Yankees- Swisher just scored a homerun!!! Not sure what I'm going to work on tonight-probably the granny stripe ---or maybe just a quick dishcloth!


Have a good night!

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Joanne, glad all went well with the inspection. Here, the cars need to have a smog inspection every 2 years. In MI, we never had to do anything but register the car every year. :lol Funny how every state has different laws. Enjoy the swimming and bbq with dd and SIL. Perfect summer activities. :manyheart


Mary, sorry to hear your back is still hurting. WTG on losing 6 lbs!! That is awesome-ness. Hope you are feeling better soon. :hug:hug


I am so upset right now. Mia broke the snow globe that Isabella gave me for Christmas 2 years ago. Honestly...it's not that the snow globe is broken, it's that she didn't listen when I specifically told her not to touch it. I've told her at least 5 times a day for the past week, but she didn't listen. She's also been going in my purse and grabbing things, taking my iPod from the deck, etc. I'm constantly telling her to keep her hands to herself, and she finally broke something because she didn't listen. :thair:sigh


Aside from that...not much going on. Took the girls to the library earlier, then to the candy store for lollipops. We watched Up today. The girls have seen it before but I hadn't. Has anyone seen that? It is so sad in the beginning! I was sobbing by 15 minutes into the movie. But it's a good one.


Okay, time to figure out what's for dinner. Have a great night!!

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Good evening everyone,


My Mary is back at work today :clap We left late, we had some paperwork to finish, but mostly were catching up and chatting :D


It looks like the general concensus is a scarf with my yarn and that's exactly what I was thinking as well :yes I asked in another CAL and they were on our wavelength as well :lol If enough I will make a hat and gloves.


Beth - your squares for your afghan are gorgeous!!!! Sorry if you already posted them and I missed it :(


Stacy - I hope y'all had fun at the library and the park today. Maybe Isabella didn't sleep well last night and was tired :think


Vicki - You definitely need study breaks, if you try to cram in too much at one time, it will all be jumbled in your brain and you'll have a hard time differentiating things :( But, great work on all the preparation your doing :cheer


Mary - Sorry to hear about your back :hug Go to the chiropractor.....I'd help if you lived nearby ;) Congrats on the 6 pound loss :yay


Joanne - I hope you get to leave work early tomorrow :xfin


I talked to my sister earlier and I told her I'm bringing her a present :lol We always buy each other little things so she'll be expecting something silly :devil and guess what.....she got me a present too :D Oooooo, I can't wait!!!!

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Joanne, glad all went well with the inspection. Here, the cars need to have a smog inspection every 2 years. In MI, we never had to do anything but register the car every year. :lol Funny how every state has different laws. Enjoy the swimming and bbq with dd and SIL. Perfect summer activities. :manyheart


Mary, sorry to hear your back is still hurting. WTG on losing 6 lbs!! That is awesome-ness. Hope you are feeling better soon. :hug:hug


I am so upset right now. Mia broke the snow globe that Isabella gave me for Christmas 2 years ago. Honestly...it's not that the snow globe is broken, it's that she didn't listen when I specifically told her not to touch it. I've told her at least 5 times a day for the past week, but she didn't listen. She's also been going in my purse and grabbing things, taking my iPod from the deck, etc. I'm constantly telling her to keep her hands to herself, and she finally broke something because she didn't listen. :thair:sigh


Aside from that...not much going on. Took the girls to the library earlier, then to the candy store for lollipops. We watched Up today. The girls have seen it before but I hadn't. Has anyone seen that? It is so sad in the beginning! I was sobbing by 15 minutes into the movie. But it's a good one.


Okay, time to figure out what's for dinner. Have a great night!!


Kids sure will be that way :(


Is that movie the cartoon where the house goes up with balloons? (I don't want to give any of the plot away) But yeah, if that's the one I'm thinking of, I saw it at my parents house. Very cute movie and yeah the beginning will get you :lol

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HI again,


Stacy- sorry about the snowglobe- kids can be so exasperating sometimes--especially when they don't listen!!!!


Marisa- Your sister is going to be blown away when she sees the gift you got her!!! You'll have to tell us all about the gift she got you!!!!


Oh, I never saw the movie UP


Yankees are losing so I'm heading upstairs to read some more of my book- that's way more interesting than this game-


Cya in the AM!

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Good morning :coffee


I didn't finish my bag last night, but was up really late working on it :( The time just gets away from you when your busy doing something :lol It will be finished tonight as I am sooo close now and I must say it is looking very cute (I was looking for a 'pat myself on the back' smilie, but didn't see one). Oh well.


I hope everyone has a great day today :D

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(I was looking for a 'pat myself on the back' smilie, but didn't see one). Oh well.


I hope everyone has a great day today :D

:rofl We need to invent new smilies! We need a cabbage patch dance, too. Do you have a scarf pattern in mind? Let us know what you decide to do. Sharing pics along the way would be appreciated. That yarn is beautiful.


Mary, I'm SO glad you went to the doctor. And congrats on losing 6 pounds! That's awesome. Now you need to concentrate on taking care of yourself, and getting well enough to walk with your friend when the weather starts behaving.


Joanne, congrats on your car passing inspection. Does your car have a name? LeaAnne!!! You have a car unnamed among us! In Virginia, we have to take our car to a certified shop for inspection annually. I need to get Quicksilver in this month. It will be nice to take in a car that actually works well, for once.


Stacy, :hug It's all a phase. My mom took notes when my babies were little, and I'd call her complaining about what they got into. She recently mailed them to me -- this Mother's day, actually. She thought they were funny. I didn't remember any of it, and I was horrified. I do remember some of their shenanigans, though. Kids grow through stages. Just breathe in, breathe out, repeat. You do have my sympathy, though. It's hard to get through, but it's not a permanent thing.


Vicki, I hope the studying is going well. Is the test scheduled already? How do you get everything done? I'm thinking of you.


LeaAnn, Are you and the family riding your bikes a lot lately? How goes the working out?


Shannon, thinking of you, sister! I hope you and your family are all well and happy.


LeaAnne, Can you hear the waves breaking? Well, go get the super glue and fix them!!!


Colleen, thinking of you and your dd. I hope your weather is less muggy now.


I know I'm missing someone, and I'm sorry. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugHave a great Wednesday.


I go in at 9 to get mole removal from my left shoulder blade. I hope it won't interfere with my crocheting!!!:eek Or my chauffeuring, though all my kids have learner's permits or licenses now - I can let THEM do the driving for me!:clap

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I canceled my water park plans for the day because it is supposed to rain a lot and what it the weather right now? SUNNY!!! What happened to the rain???!!!???


Anyway, I am now on the math section of my test book and I have come to a conclusion - I hate math! If I had the time to sit with my colleagues and learn it all before I had to teach it, all would be fine and I could get it. But this cramming thing is just not good! I am having issues.


I need to fold the laundry today (I never did it yesterday!) and fold the towels. I need to call the eye doctor and get directions to their office. We have eye appointments tomorrow. I need to fax stuff to the insurance company, all little stuff that just needs to get done. And all stuff that I just keep putting off. Just because I can. It's the summer! I love the summer!


But the summer is going away too quickly! I need to begin to plan my beginning of the year sped presentation for teachers. I have to revamp it and recreate it. I need to register for a new class since my teaching assignment is changed. There is another professional development class that I now need to go to. I have to see if there is another one that I need to get in to as well.

Mary - Hope your back feels better and congrats on losing 6 pounds!

Joanne - Have fun swimming with your DD and her DH! Is she going to stay and have a cook out?

Stacy - Kids will do that. A left over from when she was at her grandmother's house maybe? Yes, UP is a sad movie. It is one of the saddest ones Disney has made.

Leeann - Are you loving your new perm? I used to get my hair permed every year! I loved the curl, but it never made my hair thicker. My hair is just so thin and baby fine. Hope you love it.

Marisa - Hope your sister loves the bag! You may have posted this and I missed it, but when do you go see her? Have fun when you go!

I must go now and begin my day. The laundry is calling me to fold it. Have a great day and I will talk to you all later!

TTFN besties!!!

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:rofl we need to invent new smilies! We need a cabbage patch dance, too. Do you have a scarf pattern in mind? Let us know what you decide to do. Sharing pics along the way would be appreciated. That yarn is beautiful.


Mary, i'm so glad you went to the doctor. And congrats on losing 6 pounds! That's awesome. Now you need to concentrate on taking care of yourself, and getting well enough to walk with your friend when the weather starts behaving.


Joanne, congrats on your car passing inspection. Does your car have a name? Leaanne!!! You have a car unnamed among us! In virginia, we have to take our car to a certified shop for inspection annually. I need to get quicksilver in this month. It will be nice to take in a car that actually works well, for once.


Stacy, :hug it's all a phase. My mom took notes when my babies were little, and i'd call her complaining about what they got into. She recently mailed them to me -- this mother's day, actually. She thought they were funny. I didn't remember any of it, and i was horrified. I do remember some of their shenanigans, though. Kids grow through stages. Just breathe in, breathe out, repeat. You do have my sympathy, though. It's hard to get through, but it's not a permanent thing.


Vicki, i hope the studying is going well. Is the test scheduled already? How do you get everything done? I'm thinking of you.


Leaann, are you and the family riding your bikes a lot lately? How goes the working out?


Shannon, thinking of you, sister! I hope you and your family are all well and happy.


Leaanne, can you hear the waves breaking? Well, go get the super glue and fix them!!!


Colleen, thinking of you and your dd. I hope your weather is less muggy now.


I know i'm missing someone, and i'm sorry. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hughave a great wednesday.


I go in at 9 to get mole removal from my left shoulder blade. I hope it won't interfere with my crocheting!!!:eek or my chauffeuring, though all my kids have learner's permits or licenses now - i can let them do the driving for me!:clap


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Hello everyone :hi


Beth - :rofl when I read your post about getting the mole removed, I missed the mole part and thought you said your were having your left shoulder removed :eek You should've seen my double take at the computer screen!!!! Hope it went well and your chauffer's (sp?) are getting you around ok.


Vicki - I love math!!! Crazy I know, most people do hate it.....I'm just weird :lol I know it's hard on here, but if I can help at all just ask. I'm taking friday off and heading out early friday morning and coming back sunday. I am driving because the flights were just too expensive right now :( But it's cool, I enjoy driving ;)


Going to settle in from work and then watch tv and finally finish up the bag :clap:yay:cheer Only have to sew half of the top in and secure one of the handles. :woo My dad got to see it today and loved it :D He had to drive down here to pick up my mom's cousin from the airport and I met him on my lunch break at my apt since I live right by the airport :D

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