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Some good clean fun?!

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Hiya, Besties!


I am packing us back up to hit the highway for CapeCod part B.


I did, though, want to share some pics, so you can come with me in spirit:c9, oh, and I wanted to show you my Stitch Sampler/Lace and Bobbles in thread! The first is the "new" beach we can walk to, the second is the seriously underenjoyed porch, complete with sea breeze blowing the sheer curtains, and the last 2 are my project up to round 42.


Have a great weekend, everyone, and I will see you when I come home on Wednesday or Thursday.




Oh, LeaAnne- now I'm really jealous- that is my idea of heaven!! The Beach, a nice place to sit and read or crochet and wow- your stitch sampler/lace and bobbles in thread is beautiful! Have fun and "see" you next week!

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LeaAnne-I know you are probably gone, but what a slice of :c9 just like Joanne said! wow! How amazing and relaxing. I would stay forever. Have fun and see ya next week!:hug

Joanne-hope you had a fantastic Friday! How was it?

Vicki-your BBQ sounds like so much fun! Are you having a lot of friends/family over for the weekend too?

Marisa-how was your Friday? I hope it wasn't too stressful.

got home awhile ago, took the kiddos in for hair cuts. dd had hers cut into a short bob, soo adorable! I looks good on her and ds had his clipper cut, he looks very handsome. Other than that, getting ready for our train ride tomorrow.

will be back later to see if anyone else has posted. Talk to you all soon!

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Good evening ladies,


Sorry I didn't make it in earlier, but my internet wasn't working this morning :( I got on for a little while with my phone, but it's a bit difficult since it's small :lol My day went well actually :yay MUCH better than yesterday and the best part...............the week is now over!!!! :clap


I have an early appt tomorrow morning at 7:45 and then have the rest of the weekend to relax. I should clean, but after the week I had, I really just want to keep my couch, yarn, and hooks company :D


LeeAnn - congrats on the director's license :yay That's awesome!!! Have fun on your train ride tomorrow!!! :D


Joanne - I'm with you.....TGIF :yay


Vicki - I will keep you and your test in my prayers :hug :hug :hug


LeaAnne - the beach look so serene and relaxing :c9 Enjoy!!! No yard sale for me since I have no yard to sell :devil:lol


:hi Mary and everyone else lurking around ;)

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Good evening besties!


LeaAnne - Wow! That is so beautiful! The porch is so dreamy :dreaming :c9 No wonder you haven't been around! :lol Get back there girl, what are you doing hanging around here. :rofl Your lace and bobbles is looking beautiful! Amazing what you can do with thread! :nworthy As for the yard sale :think I'll see. Good idea! I might need to have one sooner than that. Toys everywhere!!! :bang


Joanne - Enjoy your special and the game :hug


LeeAnn - How cute that your kids are all spiffied up with new do's! Enjoy your train ride! Is this the Allan Jackson trip :think


Marisa - You deserve to keep your couch, yarn and hooks company after the week you had! Enjoy your weekend. :hug Watcha working on these days anyway? It think you mentioned a bag?


Mary - How was the Bingo the other night? Did you get to play or just have to work? Have you seen those crocheted bingo dabber bags? I get a kick out of them and always tease my SIL that I'm going to make one for her.


Vicki - Saw on FB that you caught yourself a nap today. Good job!


Stacy - How is rainy California? :lol How are your girls and the dogs?


Beth - How is everyone keeping down in VA? Are the kids still running George all around town? I'm not sure that we can handle having anything else named George around here, people. :rofl I bet you are enjoying having DH home again.


Shannon - How are you friend? How is that granny stripe coming along? Any flooring installed yet? What's Janna up to?


DD hasn't been herself. She was up with a fever last night and then on-and-off again today she said she didn't feel well. Just sore all over. Poor thing. At other times she was completely herself and playful. Hopefully it was just a bug and she'll be all better tomorrow. :xfin


We got groceries this morning. I washed the bedding and dried it on the clothesline and have nice fresh beds for everyone tonight. Otherwise we had a good, quiet day. Just what we needed!


Off to soccer tomorrow morning (Run Forest Green Run!) and then I'm hoping to get some flannelghan time in. We'll see. Have a great start to the weekend everyone!!! :hug

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Howdy and hello again!


Colleen-hope your dd feels better soon, summer colds are the worst. How far are you on your flannelghan?


Marisa-glad that you had a better day, I am keeping my hook and yarn company too. I should be cleaning but wil get to that later...just don't feel like it.


Joanne-hope the special on t.v. was a good one! Any big plans for the weekend?


tomorrow is the train ride and then on the 30th is the Alan Jackson concert...busy busy busy!


back to grannies! have a good night friends!

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:hi friends!!


LeaAnne, your pictures are :c9!! I love that breezeway- can't imagine why the kiddos wouldn't love it! But it looks like a nice, quiet place to :crocheting. Your lace and bobbles project is beautiful! Oh, to have the patience to work with thread...:dreaming Have a safe trip back to the Cape!


Leeann, how nice that your dk's got haircuts. I'm sure they feel wonderful, too. I always feel great after a haircut. :yes Have fun on the train!


Colleen, I hope dd feels better! Summer colds are terrible. Go Forest Green! :cheer:cheer The rain only lasted for about 1/2 hour, but it was long enough to make me :think...there was no rain in the forecast and the clouds seem to have appeared from nowhere. :shrug Oh, well.


Mary, good to see the heat hasn't claimed you! :lol Have you made a stock-up trip to your yarn store yet?


Marisa, glad that the day was a good one for you. Enjoy your "company" this weekend. :lol

Vicki, have fun at the bbq! I am a bill procrastinator, too. :blush Like it makes any difference if I put them off until the very last day- they still have to be paid!


Joanne, any fun plans for the weekend?


Shannon, Sarah, Scooby, and Beth- TGIF! :yay:yay Happy weekend!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


The girls have been so naughty today! I generally think they are very well-behaved, but I don't know what happened to them while they were gone. Eva and Mia have been hitting and kicking each other all day, and Isabella started this high-pitched fake-crying sound...:thair I quickly let her know that will not be tolerated at home. We'll see what happens with that.

We did arts and crafts this morning, and painted canisters for a yarn-art wall idea I have. Then I just laid white paper on the table and let them paint away. Then we had lunch and walked to the grocery store because dh forgot to leave me the car seats this morning.

Dh is going away for a "cousins" weekend tomorrow morning, so it will just be the girls and me. Isabella is dying to go to the beach. Don't know if I'm brave enough to take them by myself. The older two have life jackets and Eva probably won't even go in, but I am paranoid. :blush We'll see- maybe I'll opt for the science museum again- it is air conditioned. :devil


Well, I'm going to start the bedtime routine. Have a good night, besties! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good evening besties!


Marisa - You deserve to keep your couch, yarn and hooks company after the week you had! Enjoy your weekend. :hug Watcha working on these days anyway? It think you mentioned a bag?


DD hasn't been herself. She was up with a fever last night and then on-and-off again today she said she didn't feel well. Just sore all over. Poor thing. At other times she was completely herself and playful. Hopefully it was just a bug and she'll be all better tomorrow. :xfin


We got groceries this morning. I washed the bedding and dried it on the clothesline and have nice fresh beds for everyone tonight. Otherwise we had a good, quiet day. Just what we needed!


Off to soccer tomorrow morning (Run Forest Green Run!) and then I'm hoping to get some flannelghan time in. We'll see. Have a great start to the weekend everyone!!! :hug


Thanks. I have a few WIP's right now and haven't done anything since monday or tuesday :think A cardigan that I may have to frog, but still seeing where it's going :lol the inga bag for which all my squares are completed and I am in the joining phase :D a stained glass afghan that's slow going because it's in sc :( and some saltines for a group project in a different CAL. I also have a knitted bag and sock in the works, but keep the sock in my desk drawer at work for lunch breaks :D


I sure hope dd feels better quickly :xfin:hug


Howdy and hello again!


Marisa-glad that you had a better day, I am keeping my hook and yarn company too. I should be cleaning but wil get to that later...just don't feel like it.


tomorrow is the train ride and then on the 30th is the Alan Jackson concert...busy busy busy!


back to grannies! have a good night friends!


I know just how you feel....I think I need to find me some cleaning people to have come and take care of it for me :think:lol


:hi friends!!


Marisa, glad that the day was a good one for you. Enjoy your "company" this weekend. :lol


The girls have been so naughty today! I generally think they are very well-behaved, but I don't know what happened to them while they were gone. Eva and Mia have been hitting and kicking each other all day, and Isabella started this high-pitched fake-crying sound...:thair I quickly let her know that will not be tolerated at home. We'll see what happens with that.

We did arts and crafts this morning, and painted canisters for a yarn-art wall idea I have. Then I just laid white paper on the table and let them paint away. Then we had lunch and walked to the grocery store because dh forgot to leave me the car seats this morning.

Dh is going away for a "cousins" weekend tomorrow morning, so it will just be the girls and me. Isabella is dying to go to the beach. Don't know if I'm brave enough to take them by myself. The older two have life jackets and Eva probably won't even go in, but I am paranoid. :blush We'll see- maybe I'll opt for the science museum again- it is air conditioned. :devil


Well, I'm going to start the bedtime routine. Have a good night, besties! :hug:hug:hug:hug


I sure will enjoy my 'company' ;)


As for the girls, well they've been with grandparents for quite a while, right? Enough said....as grandparents, it's time to spoil and leaving the disciplining to the parents :eek They probably got away with alot and now they'll try to see how far they can take it with you :yes Hopefully they catch on quick that it will not be acceptable to act like that :hug :hug :hug

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Quick hello and Happy Saturday! I had posted and then the internet quit- and now it's back- sounds like Marisa's internet issues yesterday! LOL


Anyway- lots to do this morning so I'll be back later.


Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!!!

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have a wonderful day friends!


Stacy-my kiddos act up when they get home from the in-laws-too spoiled ;-) hope today is better for ya!


Marisa-a cleaning person would be heavenly!


Joanne-have a relaxing Satorday!


Colleen- wishing dd a great day!


huggers my friends, bbl!

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Oh, Lord Help me! My hubby and DD are talking Twilight and I can't make it stop!!!! SAVE ME!! SAVE ME!!!

We are ready for the bbq!!! Mostly anyway. I just need to do a few last minute things, but everything is all ready. I made the pasta salad and the three bean salad yesterday. They are chilling in the fridge. The meat is ready to be cooked. Hubby just needs to run and get some ice and weed whack around the pond. After tkd practice I need to clean the potatoes and wrap the corn so they can be roasted on the fire. Now if my head would ust feel better life would be perfect!

LeaAnne - Have fun at the Cape!!!

Marisa - Have fun with your hooks and yarn! You are right. The cleaning can wait another day!

Joanne - Did you see the Yankee win last night? In pure bottom of the ninth fashion for George and Bob! It was great!

Leeann - Have fun on the train ride! Enjoy it!

Mary - How are you doing? Has the heat broken any for you yet?

Colleen - How is DD feeling this morning? Like you said, hopefully just a passing bug and she will be better in a day or two.

Stacy - A couple of days without mama will do kids in! You will get them back into shape! Have fun at the museum!

I need to go fold towels and out some bath mats in the washer before I get in the shower. Have a great day today and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


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Hot hot hot already!!! Happy Saturday, dear friends!


Yesterday, I took my oldest son to court so he could get his official driver's license. In Virginia, there is a licensing ceremony which is required for everyone who starts the licensing prcoess before they turn 18. So we spent half an hour in court listening to a lecture (at least it was entertaining) then waiting for his name to come up. Then I took him to work, since it was about that time. We did stop and have lunch together.


Some where (probably pulling those weeds) I twisted something in my back, so I spent a lot of yesteday in my vibrating chair. I'm glad my kids are so good at taking care of everything.


You're right, Colleen, we really don't need another George here, so I'll call her Quicksilver. But she still needs to watch out for that tree!!!


Vicki, did you survive the Twilight discussion? How funny that your husband was one talking about it. Does he enjoy the series?


LeaAnn, have fun with the train trip. You seem to be having a great summer.


Joanne, enjoy your day off. I hope it's a good one.


Marissa, did you get your time with your couch, yarn, and hook? After a busy week, you deserved a chance to unwind.


Stacy, the museum sounds wonderful. I'll bet your daughters will be back to themselves soon. Mia probably wants all your attention again, and the other two need their mama's structure in their lives. How are the puppies doing? Are they happy to see their girls back home?


Colleen, is your dd better today? I sure hope so. It's hard when they are sick.


Mary, I hope you aren't overexerting yourself in the heat. Take care of yourself sweetie! I hope it gets cooler soon, so you can spend more time with us.


LeaAnne, I love your pics from the Cape. I would really enjoy sitting beside you on that lovely porch, :crocheting and :blah away.


Shannon, thinking of you -- it always makes me smile! I hope your weekend is :c9


:hug :hug :hug :hug to everyone!!!

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Good morning, almost afternoon :hi


I was up and out early today as I had an appointment at 7:45. Then I went to Panera and grabbed a bfast sandwich and coffee while I sat and read some of my book while I waited for Best Buy to open up. I wanted a new iPod :clap I'm now officially upgraded :yes


Joanne - I hope you have a wonderful day today. Sorry your having internet issues, mine still isn't working quite right, maybe there's a storm hovering somewhere in the Atlantic interfering with the signal :think:lol


LeeAnn - have a great day, and either today or tomorrow I will dust and vaccuum, but that's about the extent of this weekend's cleaning and chores :devil


Vicki - I hope your bbq goes well and smoothly :yes Have some ribs for me ;):lol We'll be waiting to hear all about it tomorrow.


Beth - I sat last night and did up a few saltines, I think I only have about 15 left now. I plan on hitting the couch after I finish here to catch up with my dvr, :hook , and :yarn I hope to get my bag finished today (at least to only having the lining left) :D:xfin

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Vicki- I did watch the whole Yankee game- from pre-game tribute to the end of the game- it was perfect- to win it with a walk off!!!! Have fun at your BBQ today!!!!


Marisa- Yay for a new ipod!!


Beth- Congrats to DS on his license- boy VA does get a little carried away with having to go to court, etc. When do we see pics of the niece #2's ghan? Hope your back is feeling better today- I tweaked mine too the other evening pulling up the stupid mushrooms- but feels back to normal today!!


LeeAnn- have fun on the train ride today!!!


Colleen- Go Forest Green Go!! Hope it's not too hot there today for all the running! How is DD feeling today?


Stacy- Are the girls re-adjusting to life back home and your rules? LOL. Liked the pic of Klaus and Oliver on FB!! How is Oliver doing?


Shannon- Have you found guys to do your floor? And how's the granny stripe coming along?


Mary- Keep cool in your basement- it is brutal out there today!


Well, I got my oil changed this morning and I need to get new tires for my car. So I'm going to browse for sales and then probably see about getting that done this afternoon.


I met 2 women from the Ville today- they both live near me- it was lots of fun to meet up with them live and in person!! We are going to try and meet up once/month which would be nice.


Well, off to finish cleaning, then look for tire sales- sounds like fun doesn't it??? LOL

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Since you asked, Joanne, I posted a pic of the finished afghan on the Christmas Carol thread. I have my favorite model showing it off.

Thanks Beth- I just saw it- both the ghan and the model are beautiful!!!!!

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:hi friends!


Vicki, sounds like your bbq will be awesome-ness!


Beth, congrats to your ds with getting his license! A court ceremony- wow! Very formal over there, eh? :yes Sorry to hear you hurt your back- I hope the massage chair helps! Have you heard any news about your dad? I hope he is doing better.


Marisa, you are whipping out those saltines like nobody's business! What are you going to make with them?


Joanne, how neat that you met with other women from the 'Ville! :clap Glad you had fun and are planning to make it a monthly meet-up. Mia has adjusted to life "back at home." :lol I can definitely tell that MIL let Isabella be in charge often, though- she is SO bossy. I tell Mia to do something, and no sooner are the words out of my mouth, when Mother Isabella barks the same thing to her in a much sterner tone. :sigh I've already put her in 2 time-outs today- one more and she will be in her room for the rest of the day.


Shannon, Scooby, Mary, Colleen, Leeann, LeaAnne, Sarah- hope you all are enjoying your weekend. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Well, our plans were a bust. As dh went to wash his truck, I ran to the store for some beach snacks. When I came home, Isabella was throwing up, had an itchy rash, runny nose, watery eyes- she had an allergic reaction to something in the muffin she got for breakfast. :( Poor thing. She stopped getting sick about half an hour ago, but I figure by the time we actually drive somewhere, it won't be worth the visit. All of the museums close at 5 and it takes about 45 minutes with traffic to get there. Tomorrow we will hit the beach- there are tide pools in Malibu that are supposed to be perfect for children. That sounds manageable. :lol

I made 2 hats today, and that's about it. I do need to run to the grocery store so maybe we will do that once it cools down a bit. The kids are all kind of cranky from being stuck indoors. :eek





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Beth - Very pretty afghan!!! :manyheart and I must agree that you have the BEST model available ;)


Stacy - in another CAL we have 2 teams working on 2 different lap quilt ghans. On my team each person volunteered for a color and is making those saltines and sending them to the one who volunteered to sew them all together :eek My color had 89 saltines. I mailed out 65 this past week, which left me with 24 left to do yet, I now have 12 of them done and 12 more to go :clap:yay I have never done saltines before this and this project taught me that I do not very much like them :( So, that ATW quiltghan I had on my list, has now been removed!!! :lol


But, we are donating both lapghans to charity :D It's a group effort :D

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That sounds really neat, Marisa! :manyheart How nice that they're being donated to charity. The ATW quilt'ghan is on my list also, but I really dislike saltines. I'm sure it is one that will never be crossed off. :lol


The girls and I went grocery shopping and to Target. And it took about twice as long as normal- I cannot get over how my kids are acting! :eek I had to call Jorge and have him talk to them. :sigh I know some of it is hold-over from being at grandma's, and also because they were unexpectedly cooped up today, but still...I am hoping a little outing tomorrow will let them unleash some energy. :xfin


I am going to put them in the shower and then send them to bed, clean up my room a little, and get packed up so we can leave for the beach early in the morning. Have a great night, friends!

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Hello all!


I'm back! Quick!!! Run!!!! :lol:lol:lol:lol


Marisa-you were up early on your day off! Did you get all of your saltine's finished? What a great cause! I am with ya, I like making the saltines, it

is the connecting that would get me. How was your afternoon?


Joanne-did ya get new tires? Any swimming time?


Stacy-sorry to hear about your girls, I hope that tomorrow is better for you. It usually takes about 4 days to de-program my kiddos. My mother in-law (whom I adore) thinks that a mom should dote on her children constantly. She never makes the kiddos do anything for themselves. She cooks all of their favorite meals and never makes them help with chores. She had dh like that too...slowly I have been able to re-program him.:devil


Vicki-I hope that the BBQ was all that you wanted it to be and then some! I also hope that all of your friends and family were able to attend.


Mary-wishing warm weather for ya!


Beth-Congratulations to ds! That is quite a procedure to go thru for a drivers license.


We had an amazing and I mean amazing time on the train ride. We rode a steam engine! It was super neat! The concert was wonderful! We heard 5 different musicians. What a treat! Michael Martin Murphey, Eddie 3 Eagles and a few more..can't remeber their names. They were all really neat, different music but beautiful! We bought a cd (Eddie 3 Eagles, beautiful flute playing and Native American Music. The kiddos were so excited, we were able to sit in a car that was open with the wind blowing in and out. I am enclosing a few pics, I am still on :c9:c9


hugs and squishes!




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Beth-your ghan is beautiful! I love the pattern, I think I have it in my stash somewhere, is it difficult?


It's not difficult, but each of those half-circles has to be sewn to the others. I'm not very fond of sewing, to put it nicely. So it's not my favorite pattern. It's just chains, double crochets, and slip stitches -- not hard at all, except for the connecting.

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LeaAnn, your pics are beautiful. It looks like a wonderful place to unwind and enjoy family.


Stacy, your girls will be back to themselves very soon. :hug


Marissa, Thank you for the comment about my model. She's amazing -- a 16-year-old girl who likes to be with her mom! I'm very lucky.


Joanne, did you find some good tires for your car?


Mary, is the heat any better there? We got a good thunderstorm yesterday afternoon, and it's quite comfortable here now.


LeaAnne, picturing you on that lovely porch. I hope you are having a great time with your chickens.


Shannon, speaking of chickens, I hope you and your chicken are having a great summer.


Vicki, Is your dd excited for her next belt test? How is TKD going?


Colleen, Is everyone healthy at your house now?


:hug to everyone. Happy Sunday! I hope you get some good family time in today! or at least some good :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting:crocheting:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn time.

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Good morning!


What beautiful pictures LeeAnn- it sounds like you and your family had a wonderful day together! What beautiful countryside- and to ride a steam engine must have been really cool!!


Beth- Yes, you are lucky- a 16 year old who likes to hang with their mother- I can't really complain about my 3 DD's --they definitely had their moments- and I think 15 years old was the worst, but they tolerated me and didn't give me too hard of a time as teens. Now that they are adults, its wonderful when we all get to spend time together!!


I did get the new tires for my car and I can feel the difference when I drive it.


I have some cleaning to do- I want to do a little more decluttering and then this afternoon, I plan on floating around in the pool! At least that is the plan as of now! And we all know how plans can change!!!


Vicki- hope you had a wonderful time at your bar-b-que yesterday!




Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Hi gang! The bbq was so good yesterday! WE had SOOOO much food! I sent food home with some of my guests! One of my guests was supposed to bring his sister, but she ended up not being able to come so I sent home food for her. Everyone had fun. It thunderstormed at the end, so I did not get to play as much as I wanted to, but we still had fun. I crashed last night, I can tell you that! I was sooo tired! It was all good though. Now I have flies in my house from the door being open. Oh well. I'll get them!

I have to go back and reread what I missed from yesterday. I know Leeann went on her train ride and had a great time (YAY!!) and that Stacy will hopefully go to the beach today (I hope you make it!!). My brain is still in a fog!

Have a great day all and I will talk to you all later!

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