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Some good clean fun?!

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:whewMama Mia!


I am trying to catch up, but in the meantime, here is my first pass...I hope I remember everything I wanted to say!


Stacy - Olive is beautiful! I wish you lots of success with her. Does she still howl to come in? She might not like being alone after spending so much time alone outside in her old home. She sounds like she is happy to be with Klaus and his family! My neighbors' dog is part shephard and he howls when he is alone. It always makes me a little sad. He never howled before his Mrs. of the house passed:( It's like he is crying for her. She was his person. Tell Isabella WTG and :h5 from me for her reading! that is so wonderful! I need to go find the pic of the cushion that you are all talking about. How is the Etsy shop going? Are you getting any interest?


Mary - I hope your basement keeps staying nice and cool for you! Also, I was so very happy and proud to read about your success at the show! :nworthy! Your next one will be in November? Will you be going yarn shopping down by Colleen soon?


Colleen - :waving, and welcome home, girl! Packing and unpacking for vacations is a drag. :yuck:lol What are you reading? I finally got "Comfort Food" at the library today, as well as "A Good Yarn" by Debbie Macomber. I started the latter first, and I like it! Last week I read a book called "The Help". LOVED it!!!! I couldn't help but think of you and Mary down at the beach, there were side by side blue vans from Ontario! I actually got to chat with one of the families. They had 3 girls and 1 boy, just like us.


LeeAnn - I so enjoy reading your posts. You are an inspiration! I didn't realize that your students only speak Spanish. That must be quite a challenge! It's wonderful that you are enjoying it so much! Oh, and :clap on DH's flannelghan! It came out so nice! so... does he love it? Did you go to Alan Jackson yet?

MIL has a house at Cape Cod. She lives here in town, but goes there for the better part of the summer. It's about an hour and 45 minute ride from here, so to come back for a couple of days and head back is easy! :wink I really do love it there, the only down side being that there is no internet at the house to check in with you all.


Joanne - I hope that the heat hasn't been too bad for you.... How far are you from the ocean? Is your cousin's reunion in NewHampshire coming up soon? It's hard to remember. I will be thinking of you as you countdown your days on this 11 day week!


Marisa - Glad to meet you too! I knew you would love it here! :manyheart I saw your pics, and your work is gorgeous! I can tell from your posts that you enjoy life to the fullest! You work hard, and play hard. That is really cool! It'll be really fun getting to know you as time goes along:). Has anyone told you about chat yet? It's hard in the summer, but we sometimes have "chat". One of us will call a time, and whoever is around logs on, so we are here "live" ...we have a lot of fun!


Sarah - OMG! Those were some unreal pics of the rain! Have things begun to dry out at all? And Keith is the Cutest in his Uncle Sam hat!:manyheart You have a gift for picture taking! What did you get to read on your day out? And what is your latest design idea? You mentioned that the bug has bitten you again:devil


Beth - :cheer:yay for DH being home! And for your inventions being so helpful! And for finishing neicy-ghans! I missed you a whole bunch, and I owe you these: :hug:hug:hug:hug I was saving them up and everything! :rofl Has your house cooled off at all? We have avoided the AC units so far, but I caved in today, and put in one for the next wave of heat that is coming through in the next 2 days. We didn't get the oppressive heat at the Cape.


Vicki - Wow, have you been busy! Lots of shopping and gettin' stuff done! Congrats to DD for being purple belt test ready! I liked your pics, too... Aurora looks like a sweetie pie:manyheart Have you been working on that Met-ghan?


Shannon - grrrr about the flooring debacle! How is our Janna? And DH, Honey, Al, Sissy and You? Your granny stripe is gorgeous! How is it coming along?


Scooby, C4J, Frogger, Tena - I think of you all often, and hope that you are well:manyheart


so... what did I do on vacation? we went to the beach almost every day. There is a small beach that is about 500 yards from the house. The town just redid it this year, and put lots of new sand in. It was :c9! And not crowded! Our regular beach was full every day. It was the busiest I have seen the Cape in many years. I also read, and got to :crocheting a lot! MIL put a new wicker set out on the breezeway this year. I :manyheart it! Mysteriously though, nobody else does except Krissy:think. Oh well, all the more room (and quiet) for us!:devil:lol

We will be heading back on Friday night, and staying until next Wednesday or Thursday. We came back long enough to catch up with friends, and for me to get more thread. I have been working on the Lace&Bobbles in a natural colored thread. MIL keeps :drooling, and asking what I am going to do with it... sounds like a :ctree gift to me:yes


Well, I guess I better scoot off to bed...I didn't realize how long this post was! :faint! :rofl


Oh, and I almost forgot! here you go, my bestiest besties:


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Getting ready for bed but wanted to read what ya all are up to.

LeaAnne-the Cape sounds just like :c9. How relaxing and what a great way to spend the summer. Thank you for the many compliments, I am trying to work on being positive, it really is contagious. :hug being here on this site with all of you wonderful ladies is the best part!:hug We will be driving up to Wyoming to see Alan Jackson on the 30, so excited! I can't wait!

Marisa-have a good day at work tomorrow. :hugHope you were able to rest and read. I love reading! I started another book, but only read on my lunch breaks. I can't let myself read at night, I will never go to bed.:lol

Stacy-that is awesome that your dh cooked dinner!:cheer dh made taco's tonight. He does things differently than me. He didn't exactly put them together, more like set everything out on the table and said "help yourselves" not really sure I liked that, but guess I shouldn't be picky. I think I will stick to the cooking and he can do the dishes.:devil the kiddos have not named the kittens, they are waiting till the open their eyes....ooohh so sweet! Do you know what classes you will be taking in the Fall?

Mary-I am so very glad that your basement is cool and that you can find somewhere to relax away from the heat. What have you been :hook?

Joanne-t-storms are kinda fun and yet scary. I worked on more grannies 6 of them for a total of 24 to connect. I can make grannies forever...that is the first real pattern that I learned...back when I was 12:eek scary huh? I will have to DVR the show and let ya know what I think. I love finding a good show, it gives you something to look forward to. Do you watch any other shows?

geuss I should get my clothes ironed...tomorrow evening we are riding our bikes here in our neighborhood...we live out in the country, I like the park much better.

have a good night friends and Wonderful Thursday! See ya all tomorrow evening. I never seem to have enough time to post in the a.m. but please know that I am thinking of you all.

hugs and squishes!!!:hug

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Good morning everyone :waving


LeaAnne - you would be the first to mention chat :lol and thanks for explaining and it does sound fun :yes Hopefully I'll be home for the next one that rolls around :xfin Sounds like your having a lot of fun and relaxation at the Cape :yay That's always wonderful and it's nice you have a spot that nobody else is into so you can 'get away' :lol


LeeAnn - I read last night until I was nodding off and couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, which for last night got me a chapter :D But yes, sometimes I won't go to bed so I do have to keep track of the time. Last night I knew that I was sooo :tired that I knew going to sleep wouldn't be a problem :lol I keep a sock in my drawer at work that I'm knitting and usuall work on that during my lunch break, which we only get on mon, wed, and fri....but it's been soo busy the past couple weeks that I can't even tell you the last time I worked on it :( I've pretty much been working through lunches to avoid having to stay late at the end of the day :ohdear Should be able to get back on track in August at work though :think:xfin


Joanne - have a great day at work and we'll be here waiting to hear how your day went when you get home :yes


OK, I'm headed upstairs to get my workout in on the elliptical :D

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Good morning, Ladies. :morcoffee


I'm not entirely awake yet today. I actually did some work yesterday :faint pulling out some of the jungle of ivy and weeds taking over my yard. We have wild grape vines climbing the neighbor's cedar, but coming from our property. My muscular son and I were yanking on them. One came off, and plopped me on my badorkus! My son laughed at me! Oh well, I laughed, too. George of the Jungle, I'm not. We did rename Quicksilver George, for the "Watch out for that tree!" part of his theme song... I digress.


LeaAnne, welcome back temporarily. The Cape sounds like a lovely place to spend your summer. I'll have to look up that lace & bobbles pattern, so I can :drool too. The name sounds lovely. And anything in yarn is so gorgeous.


Marissa, nice that you work out at home before work. It sounds like you wouldn't have time after. I'm glad you can get your work done during the day, but are you able to eat lunch? You need to take care of yourself, sweetie!


Joanne, Don't melt, rushing around in this heat and humidity. I hope your day is fabulous! At least you get a full weekend this week.


LeaAnn, your kittiens must be so cute. Did your kiddoes watch the birthing process?


Colleen, congrats on getting most of the laundry done after your vacation! I hope you enjoy your book, but don't stay grouchy long. :rofl about you and LeaAnn walking together. I know someone who "walks" with a friend by talking on the cell phone while working out. I think that's a cool idea.


Mary, does your closet seem huge without all that stuff in there? How wonderful that you got it done in all that heat. I'm glad you are doing what it takes to stay cool.


Stacy, how is Olive doing? I'm so glad she has a new family. It sounds like she really needed one. Is she putting on any weight? Are your older dd's home yet?


Vicki, Is the sunburn all gone now? I'm glad your dd didn't burn. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your summer adventures. It's so nice that you get to cherish your dd all summer long!!!


Ever feel like you forgot someone??? I'm sorry, I just can't pull another name out of my brain. Please know that I love you all, I'm just not awake yet!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug :manyheart


Oh, I'm working on the border on the second niece's afghan. I'm about 1/4 done with the first row (out of two.) I am SO happy it's almost finished!!! :dance

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HI gang! Yesterday I was cleaning here! I vacuumed the floor and folded laundry and then I tackled the bathroom. You know when you clean one thing it leads to cleaning something else? That was the bathroom. First I cleaned the bathroom. Then I cleaned the door and the door jam. Then the walls. Then the molding along the floor. And as I was doing all of this my vertigo decided to kick in! Not fun. And along the way my boss called me and told me that my teaching assignment has changed. Now I need to go and take another state test! AAAHHH!!! So today after I drop Simba of at the vet (he needs shots and a hair cut!) I am making a trip to the book store so I can start to see what I have gotten myself into!

LeaAnne - Welcome home! Glad you had fun at the Cape and that you enjoyed the new wicker with Krissy! Have fun when you go back, but until then, you are home to see all of us!

Leeann - YAY that hubby cooked dinner. How are the kittens doing?

Stacy - Did the girls come home? You got a lot accomplished yesterday! Good for you! You are on a roll! What will you and Eva do today?

Beth - did you manage to get the vines under control? Glad you have someone to help you take care of all that!

Shannon - How are you doing girl? Did the floor get put in yet?

Joanne - Did the humidity pass yet? Glad to hear the angels didn't stay long!

Colleen - How are you doing? Hope all is well up by you!

Mary - You got a lot cleaned out in the basement! Good for you! Hope the cooler weather comes your way soon!

I need to get up and get in the shower to get Simba to the vet. Have a great day to you all and talk to you later!

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Hello again,


I did my workout, showered, and just finished my breakfast...now I'm going to get some tuna fish together to take for lunch since that will be easy to pick at with crackers while working :lol


Beth - Your vine story made me :lol very cute!! Yes, I bought the elliptical last year because it was just too hard and not enough time in the mornings to get to the gym before work and you're right, there's no time after because I'm usually beat by then :lol I tried once after work and I think I was about dead within 5 minutes :eek meanwhile in the morning I can easily do 30-45 minutes which I change up depending if I'm going to do anything with the dumbbells ;) And don't worry :hug I eat!!!! and then snack, and then eat, and then snack, etc. :rofl Usually just eat while working, but all will get back to normal, probably in august at work as I think most of the vaca's will be taken already. This week my receptionist is out, as you all know, and we're doing fine keeping up...it's just my paperwork that's building up, but I'm not worried about it...it'll be there when I can get to it. But the girl with me now that I'm training is leaving friday again and won't be back until wednesday next week, so wed and thurs should be normal in the office and then I'm off friday and heading to pittsburgh for the weekend. Then the last week of July a doc from another office will be on his vaca so we'll just be me and my recep, so yet again the paperwork will sit til all calms down and I have my regular helper back after that (since I don't have to double check all his work :lol ) Since, I'm still training this girl to take over the office where my helper is covering right now...I have to double check everything she's doing to make sure she has it right, which includes the recep job too :eek She's doing very well though and I find myself having to correct or add much less and less :clap So, really it's just for a few weeks that it's extra insane :lol Thanks for your concern sweetie :hug :hug :hug


Vicki - What kind of state test do you have to take?

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good morning!


:yay:clap I did it! I finished reading all of the posts!!!!!:clap:yay:faint:rofl


Marisa- you have a busy career! But you are a very organized person, I can tell! and I forgot to thank you earlier for the recipe for the peach cake. I think I will make that one at the Cape this weekend. we will be meeting up with some friends and their families:c9 Have a safe trip to Pittsburgh!


LeeAnn - congrats on the 6:eek new furbabies! That is so neat! We had cats when I was a kid. I used to love the new little kittens! also, congrats on the Bike! sounds like lots of fun :U


Vicki - Yikes! All that cleaning with a sunburn AND vertigo? :nworthy... I sure am proud of you! but, please be careful, ok? I hope that the test that you need to take is not too involved... it must be frustrating to be told that your job is changing without much time to get ready for it!


Colleen - Your trip sounds like it was FABULOUS!!! well, except for the stifling heat, that is. WTG on sticking to your healthy habits! I need to start walking or something too, but need some good shoes. The ones I have make my heels hurt. :xfin:xfin on the job search! I am on the look for a job, too. I am thinking some sort of childcare would work. I set up a profile on Care.com. I have heard a lot of good reports of girls/women having success finding a job with that site.


Stacy - I Love your cushion and "E"! You are very clever! Did you enjoy the salmon burgers last night? When do the girls come home? Is Mia doing summer reading too? Oh, and :tup nice score on the yarn clearance! :scrachin... I wonder if I can sneak a trip to my Joann's....:devil


Joanne - sorry you were running late this morning! Hopefully, you caught up, and your day wasn't upside down! I don't lilke to run late:no


Beth - Good morning, hun! :hug I got a kick out of you getting hooked on HGTV! I wonder if they still show the crafting shows during the day... I love that network, but never seem to be the boss of the remote. I am like... 6th in line! :rofl


:waving and :hug:hug:hugto the rest of our gang! Speaking of turns, my turn on the computer is up:blush, and I gotta go do my gotta do's...


I hope today is great for us all! :U:c9

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Been busy. We've got a major ant infestation that we are fighting. So I've been dealing with that. Will try to post later to everyone =0)

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Hi Ladies

Another hot day here. Can you all remind me of this heat in the middle of winter??????????

I have gotten 2 loads of laundry done and out on the line. I went thru some stuff down here in the basement and threw it out. Now Iam just waiting for the shade to get to the front of the house so I can go out and plant 3 plants.

Tonight Dh and I have to go and work bingo. It will be nice to be in the A/C. Think I might take some crocheting with me.

Well Iam still here sitting in my nightdress, it is the coolest thing I have to wear inside, and get dressed and see if I can get outside.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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:hi everyone!


I was inspired by Stacy's amazing cleaning accomplishments yesterday. I cleaned the living room (decluttered, dusted, vacuumed). I went through my cookbooks and selected a pile to give away. Dusted and vacuumed the upstairs and kitchen too.


My first focus on job hunting is child care too, just like LeaAnne. I posted an ad for before/after school care today. If I don't get any takers on that, I'll keep looking for office/reception work that is nights or weekends. I'm one of those people who once I make my mind up to do something I want to do it, so this waiting and seeing is already tough. :lol That said, I have one week of work coming up next month at the clinic, so that will be good.


We also went and picked up my new glasses perscription and got DD a new pair of crocs today. She isn't comfortable in anything else, but she need something on her feet besides flip flops.


I've just made jello for dessert and I'm going to make pasta and meat sauce for supper.


I have big exciting news.....I hit the 5 lbs lost mark this morning :clap:elle :tdance Don't ask me how that happened when I slacked off for a week, but it did and I couldn't be happier. 8 lbs to go till my goal!!! :cheer:cheer:cheer I think that was just what I needed to get me going again. :yes New fall clothes here I come! :clap:lol


LeaAnne - your summer at the Cape sounds :c9, especially the new wicker on the porch :dreaming Gotta love that Krissy. ;) Can't wait to see pics of that lace and bobbles :hyper


Mary - You are getting lots of cleaning out done! Good for you! Have fun at BINGO tonight and enjoy the A/C.


Vicki - Take it easy with that vertigo. I think you should sit down and :crocheting:rofl You know, that's my prescription for everything that ailes us.


Stacy - Sounds like Olive is coming along nicely. :tup Are your girls home today?


Marisa - Good job on the elliptical! I wish I could get into the morning exercise routine. I snoozed my alarm again this morning, so now I have to hope I get a walk in later. :blush


LeeAnn - How are those little kittens doing? When do your kiddos go back to school? Can you believe they have the fall clothes out at the stores here already? Who on earth needs heavy sweaters now? Crazy!


Shannoness - How is it going down by you? How is that granny stripe going? Any action on the flooring? What is our girl Janna up to?


Joanne - Another day done! :hug What's on the menu for dinner tonight? Mind if I drop by for a swim? :lol How, by the way, is your DH enjoying his not-so-new-anymore job?


Beth - George of the jungle :rofl You are too funny! Any relaxing by the pool for you this week? Does your dance studio stay open all summer? Does your oldest have another year of high school to go or is he looking at college next year?


Well, I'd best go. Enough :blah

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:lolHi and hello there!


Marisa-I love your exercising machine! I have wanted one for a few years now, dh thinks it will grow dust bunnies along with my exercise bike and Nordick Track....he's right, but a gal can want. :lol That is good that you are able to snack during the day. We eat with the children and the portions are very small....teeny tiny, I am starved when I get home, not a good thing. I should eat a light meal but by dinner time I feel like eating a house. :eek


Colleen-:cheer:clap:hug Congratulations on the wieght loss! Good work my friend! You have worked hard! :h5 I am soo happy for you!


Vicki-oh my! Vertigo! That is something else, I have had a small case of it, what a horrible feeling. Do you get queasy too? :hug hope you feel better soon!


LeaAnne-you are awesome! Catching up on posts! We will miss you when you leave. Are you and Colleen looking to do child care in your homes?


Joanne-how was your day at work? I think of you every morning at 5 and think to myself, "Joanne is up! Good morning!"


Mary-it has been hot here too! 90 F, and not a breeze or chance of rain. I actually get sick with the heat, but have been drinking lots of water.


Stacy-how was your day?


Beth-are you ok? a tumble is no good. :yes good thing you have a strong son to help.:devil My ds is turning into a hermit, but I will break him of it. :lol


the kittens are doing well. Scratchy had them at night...:blush I'm including a pic.


we are going bike riding in a few minutes...the kiddos ate a late lunch so guess will have to find something to eat...:devil be back later.


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Good evening everyone,


Well this was the least smooth day at work all week so far :( It was a rough day and I'm beat. Just had a bowl of cereal and think I'm crawling into bed already :eek


LeaAnna - I sure will have fun, but I do go until next weekend ;)


Sarah - I hope you get rid of those ants!


Mary - WTG on the laundry and have fun working bingo.....I'm quite fond of bingo :lol


Colleen - :cheer losing 5 pounds is awesome!!! And, last week I moved my alarm clock so I now have to get up when it goes off :( I was starting to turn it off without knowing it, but I used to hit the snooze for about 40 minutes :eek During the week, I only work out of tues and thurs because I don't work until 11, but mon, wed, and fri we start at 8 so that's not happening and I don't try to fool myself into it :lol


LeAnn - It surely wouldn't make any sense to get the machine if you wouldn't use it ;) You seem to do better with the outside stuff and rightfully so, this way just seems so much like WORK!!! :eek


Good night :c9

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awwwww.... look at the baby kitties! they are so sweet!


Hi, all!


LeeAnn - I don't mind much either way where I work, although at someone else's home would be easier when DH is in his office downstairs. We need to be quiet on those days. Your bike riding sounds like fun!


Colleen - :woo:dance:flower:jumpyay congrats on the 5 pounds! I got so inspired by your post, I made DH take me out tonight and get me my new walking shoes... to start in the morning:cheer I will just have to walk with you and LeeAnn at 6! :lol


Joanne - I hope today went well for you. Are you watching the replay of the British Open? there was a record round shot today:yes I won't tell you anything else...:devil


Mary - I will be happy to remind you this winter about the nice heat wave of this July!:lol Every time I get hot, I say " I won't complain... I was freezing for the last 6 months, and got gyped out of summer last year "

I hope you enjoy the Bingo and the AC tonight!


Marisa - I hope you get a good night's rest. I love cereal for dinner! What book are you reading?


Stacy, Beth, Vicki, Shannon, Scooby, Sarah - I hope you and your darlings all had a wonderful day!!!!


:waving and :hug:hug to you all...

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The kids are in line for the computer, so this will be very fast. LeaAnn, we love the kitties, and now we want a kitten. Can't have one, so we can want all we like, but they are so sweet!!! Enjoy!


:hug to everyone!

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Good evening friends!

We had one doozy of a storm tonight. It passed quickly though.


LeaAnne - :clap:yay for new walking shoes :cheer:cheer:cheer I went out tonight and it was HOT! So I walked a little slower, but I did it. Enjoy your shoes!


LeeAnn - Those kittens are so cute :manyheart I'm not a cat person, but there is something so cute about kittens. I would like to do the child care in my own home, because I will have my DD too. I live next door to the school, so it would be convenient I think. We'll see.


Marisa - Sleep well, my friend. I hope tomorrow goes more smoothly :hug


I am off to bed and tired. I have a little girl who said "I just don't feel myself" all day today. :( I'm hoping it's just a bug and that she's back to her normal self tomorrow.

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Good evening everyone!

Work today was very busy- and then we had company at 7 tonight- so this will be a quick post as it is already almost 10:30 and I do have to work again tomorrow!


WTG on the wt loss Colleen- That is awesome!!! I can see those new fall clothes already!!


LeaAnne- YAY for the new walking shoes- it is so hot/humid here- the thought of walking after work exhausts me! The early morning would be better, but really, how much earlier can I get up and get a walk in? I'd have to get up at 4-4:30- and that's not happening!

I didn't watch any of the British Open- please tell me about the record round shot!

Beth- Loved your post- and you go, "George of the Jungle" After work, I pulled all the mushrooms out of the lawn- and I was dripping wet from the heat! But I couldn't stand looking at them- and have no idea why we have them!! But they are gone now so that's good


LeeAnn- the kitties are so cute!!! are you going to keep any of them? I did one more stripe on my granny stripe ghan last night before reading my book- The Sinner- by Tess Gerritson- it's really good- read some more at lunch today


Marisa- Sorry to hear you had a busy day- me too- must be something in this hot/humid air!! LOL Hope your Friday goes by quickly and then it will be the weekend!!!


Sarah- Hope you get rid of the ants quick!


Shannon- thinking of you.


Mary- Hope you enjoyed your AC @ bingo tonight! And yes, I'll remind you next winter!

Personally, I'd rather have cold- you can always put on layers- when it is this hot/humid, there's only so many clothes you take off! LOL


Stacy- Hope you had a good day today- did Isabella and Mia come home?


Vicki- Hope the vertigo wasn't too bad- and you have been on a cleaning tear- it's amazing how much cleaning we get done when we're having company!

Well, my friends, it's off to bed for this tired gal!


Cya again bright and early!

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Hiya friends!


Marisa and Joanne-please get some rest, I hope that your Friday is not as busy and that you sleep well. :-))


Colleen-I have been thinking of doing childcare in my home too, I applied for my director's license for a child care facility, and got it! yippee skippy! i want to work the details out and see what I come up with.


Beth-the kittens are adorable! I must say I am not an animal keeper, I love them and all but have never had one in the house. The kiddos are slowly breaking me out of this, they adore cats and kittens! We are keeping them, can't get rid of them, they are family.


LeaAnne, Mary, Scooby, Shannon, Vicki and Sarah have a wonderful night and Friday as well!


went for a bike ride and made 2 grannies, going to bed, morning gets here too soon!


talk to you all tomorrow! hugs and squishes!

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Good morning and let me just say:cheer TGIF :clap


Congrats LeeAnn on the directors license for a childcare facility!!


Beth- That is awesome that you are almost done with niece #2's afghan:cheer and it's only July!!! Are things settling down again now that DH is home?


Vicki- Have a great Friday-and good luck with seeing what kind of test you need to take


LeaAnne- Have an awesome time (again) at the Cape---so jealous---what a great way to be spending the summer- reading/crocheting at the beach!!!


Colleen, Stacy, Mary, Sarah, Shannon, Marisa- Have a great Friday- time to get ready for me!:hug

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Good Morning friends!


I did not walk this morning, couldn't get myself up in time, but will try to make it up this evening.


Just wanted to pop in to say have a GREAT DAy!!!!!!



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Hi gang! Happy Friday! I need to go to the grocery store to get all the last minute stuff for the bbq tomorrow. Make the pasta salad and the bean salad and the chocolate chip cake. I still need to mop the floors. The chicken is defrosting so hubby can precook it. Chicken takes a while on the bbq!

Marisa - I have to take the generalist test for the state, which means that I am certified to teach all subjects. I am being asked to go into the "AB" room, which is where the students who need a more restrictive environment are placed. So now I need to go and pass this test. I got my study book and I am registered to take the test in August. Pray for me!

Leeann - The kitties are cute! Hope they do well in the family! Congrats on getting your director's license! That is exciting!

Mary - We will remind you that you wanted to be cooler in the winter! Hope you are relaxing a little in the heat!

Colleen - I live in my crocs! Love them! They are the most comfortable shoes I own. I would wear them to work, but my boss banned them from the building! I did wear my croc flops on flip flip day!

Sarah - Hope you are winning the battle against the ants!

LeaAnne - Have you recovered from Cape trip #1? Hope you are relaxing and getting ready to go back there!

Stacy - How did the girls enjoy their time with their grandparents? How did you enjoy the break?

Okay, I need to get going. I have been procrastinating paying bills. I need to get that done!

TTFN besties!

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Hiya, Besties!


I am packing us back up to hit the highway for CapeCod part B.


I did, though, want to share some pics, so you can come with me in spirit:c9, oh, and I wanted to show you my Stitch Sampler/Lace and Bobbles in thread! The first is the "new" beach we can walk to, the second is the seriously underenjoyed porch, complete with sea breeze blowing the sheer curtains, and the last 2 are my project up to round 42.


Have a great weekend, everyone, and I will see you when I come home on Wednesday or Thursday.







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oh, I almost forgot!!!!!:blush


I wanted to run this by you girls...


I need to purge in a Major Way!!!! I want to do a yard sale in September or October, and thought it would be fun to do it "with" my friends! Also, I will be donating 10% of my proceeds to Project Night-Night.


so... is anybody game for a "bestie yard sale"? :devil

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oh, I almost forgot!!!!!:blush


I wanted to run this by you girls...


I need to purge in a Major Way!!!! I want to do a yard sale in September or October, and thought it would be fun to do it "with" my friends! Also, I will be donating 10% of my proceeds to Project Night-Night.


so... is anybody game for a "bestie yard sale"? :devil



OK Tell me how this will work.

Have fun at the Cape and yes I wish I could go with you. A breeze would be nice right about now.

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