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Some good clean fun?!

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Good evening friends!


Sorry I haven't posted earlier, I walked after work. :cheer this week has not been good for me as far as exercising is going. I only walked 2 days.:eek I was tired and lazy, must admit.:devil Anyhow, I still feel tired, I agree Marisa-I have not remembered to take my vitamins either. I am anemic-most of the time, an Iron vitamin as well as calcium and a multi vitamin usually do the trick....but I have been forgetful and am paying the price.


Joanne-your bbq at work sounds :c9. I just remembered you have to work till next Friday, hang in there! :hug


Stacy-going back to college is scary but exciting as well. How is Olive? Has she stopped howling? We have two outdoor dogs, Sparky-he is very naughty and Bleu-she's a sweetheart, we also have Scratchy our cat-she's pregnant and expecting kittens any day now-the kiddos are super excited and are charting her progress.



Beth-oh happy days! I am so glad that you dh is home!:hug


Vicki-oh my! Do you feel better this evening? Do the meds make you feel woozy? I am highly sensitive to meds-Benadryle is like a sleeping pill for me. Toy Story 3 sounds just fun! The kiddos have been wanting to see it too...I will have to look into that.


Marisa-can't wait to see a pic of your bag! how was your day?



Sarah-keeping children entertained when it is rainy outside can be stressful, I hear ya! Hang in there! :hug



going to sit and watch the tube...I just feel drained. Talk to you all soon!


hugs and warmest of wishes!

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YAY!!! I get to go out ALL DAY tomorrow by myself. True I only have enough money to buy food and won't be able to buy any yarn or anything but I don't mind. I'll just go to the bookstore and sit and read a book (maybe bring my crochet project) without constantly being interrupted or having to do chores =0) Just RELAX. =0)


So hope you all have a good weekend =0)

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Early good morning and Happy saturday!


Happy Birthday to Beth's DH who is now home!!!!:birthday


Sarah- Oh, how nice for you to have a 'me' day- enjoy your time alone!


LeeAnn- When are the kittens due? Wow- 2 dogs and a pregnant cat! and WTG on the walking- hey 2 times is better than 0 times:cheer. It was SO HOT here this week, it took all my energy away!


Vicki - Another Yankee win last night!!:clap Only saw the 1st inning- then I was in dreamland. Can't wait till after the all star break and they are back east and on my schedule!!:lol


We are supposed to get T-storms today- I sure hope so- even though I don't like thunderstorms, we do need the rain! and hopefully it will cool off a bit. Have to say yesterday wasn't as bad as the earlier part of the week.


Going to go grab a cup of coffee, and then shower and get ready for work. Think I may do a row of stripes before heading out the door!


Have a great Saturday!!

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Good morning friends :D


After work last night I went to dinner with my receptionist and her mom, then came back home and crashed on the couch in the top of the 9th of the Phillies game, they were down 6-1 and woke up this morning to find they won the game 9-7 :clap:cheer


Was up today at 8 and had an eye exam scheduled for 9:15, which was well overdue :eek Stopped to pick up bfast on my way home because I didn't feel like making anything once I got here. So caught up on your posts while having bfast. Now am planning to get some laundry in and sit to crochet while that's going. I'll either work on my bag or some saltines for another CAL :think Once bfast settles, I plan to get a workout in as well ;)


Of course you'll see a pic of my bag when it's done......and I won't even make y'all wait until it's lined!! :lol

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Vicki - Glad to hear you enjoyed the movie :clap I haven't crocheted at all since thursday :eek Good luch with your paper, take a break from it and look at it after a while with some fresh eyes ;)


Stacy - :yay for getting the letter pattern again so you can now make the E pillow!!! What are you going back to school for?


Joanne - Glad your day went quickly and hopefully you'll end up with a short weekend :think


LeeAnn - :cheer for walking, WTG!!! I agree that 2 is better than 0. It's hard to push yourself to get it done with the heat the way its been :eek


Solace - enjoy your 'me' day!!! :yay

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Morning friends!!!!

Slept like a log! I think I slept for 12 hours! That's a lot, but I feel much better, I went to bed a little bit after nine and work up at nine...:eek

Marisa-I love eatout out, I like cooking too, but sometimes I get burnt out on what to make. Dd and I have been looking thru cookbooks for new ideas, I will have to let ya all know what we come up with.

Joanne-did you get a few stripes in before heading out the door? I hope that you get a bit of rain so that it cools down. the heat is draining. Our kiddos love animals, our dogs are as old as our Cristopher and Celine, wierd huh? They each have their own dog.:manyheart

Beth-Happy Happy Birthday to your dh! Enjoy your day!

Sarah-a me day??? Wonderful!!! I am so happy for you! Enjoy it! What kind of books do you like to read?

Guess I should get the laundry started and figure out what chores need to be done. The kiddos have been wonderful about cleaning.:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart maybe I can finish that flannel ghan...I should, ds has been so patient.

be back later dear friends!

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Good morning!


I woke up with a nasty headache, and cramps in the side of my neck. :( Talked to my mom while I made my bed and folded some laundry. Dh took Olive out for a walk. I am a bit frustrated with him right now. Before we got her, Olive was fed "table scraps and whatever cheap food was on sale," per the owner's own words. Now she is a terrible beggar, and dh does nothing to stop her. She pulled a piece of bacon off the table earlier, and almost knocked Mia over for her ham sandwich. When I reprimand her, he gets mad and tells me not to be so harsh. :thair:bang


Anyhow...I am working on my cushion and Eva has already claimed it. :lol Not much else to do today. The girls are all playing nicely together, which is a nice break. :yes


Marisa, your dinner sounds nice. WTG on getting your eye exam, and good luck getting your workout in today. Do you go to the gym or do you work out at home? Oh, and I am going back to school to be a preschool teacher. I really wanted to go for health education/nutritionist, but got scared once I saw the list of science and math classes that need to be taken! :lol


Leeann, :clap for sleep!! You must've needed it. :yes Have fun with the kiddos today and good luck finishing the flannel'ghan! And little kittens, how exciting! Are you going to let them watch the birth, or just see the kittens afterward?


Sarah, hope you're enjoying your day out! :cheer:cheer


I'm going to back to working on my cushion, bbl!! :yay



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Hi - I'm home and Great news- I don't have to work tomorrow!! :clap:clap:clap So I get Sunday off!!! :yay:clap:yay


Stacy- you must have the patience of a saint!!! I would be so banging my head against the wall !!!! Oliver sounds like he needs to be re-trained a bit!


I saw the alphabet pillows you referred to on Ravelry- they are so cute!!! So the cushion you are doing that Eva has already claimed- is it using the granny stripe pattern?


I made some saltines for another CAL this morning before work. I've done 30 so far, and my share is 119- so only 89 to go!:lol


DH had his GS here - he helped him with the pool and cleaning out some more stuff in the garage- YAY!! They fed us at work today so DH took GS out to dinner and the house is nice and quiet right now!!


I hope EVERYONE is having a great Saturday! I'm going to take a little nap while it is so quiet here and then probably crochet a bit.


Planning on cleaning in the AM when I seem to have all my energy!!!!

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Hello all!


We just finished cleaning..whew! I will clean the bathrooms tomorrow, but the rest of the house is nice and tidy and clean. And I did my home visit for work, they had scheduled it yesterday for the weekend, I wasn't too thrilled about it, but it's done and out of the way.


Stacy-Olive sounds like she is getting spoiled, that would be hard to deal with. The kiddos will get to see the birth of the kittens if they want to :lol:lol last time our cat had kittens, it was soo cool! I had never experienced animal birth before, it was neat and a little icky at the same time.


Marisa-way to go on the working out! I don't mind walking but need motivation from time to time. How's your Saturday going?


going to crochet for a bit...be back later!


hugs and squishes!

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Hey everyone,


I had a good day. Did laundry, exercised, went to the market, played guitar hero, and worked on saltines :D Now I'm having a snack and am going to work on my bag a bit before bed.


I hope everyone had a great day!!!!

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I had a nice little nap and then I played with the new Wii that DH bought today- I've been wanting one for about 2-3 years now- and when I came home from work- there it was- all hooked up and ready to go- (thanks to the help of his GS!)


I also have done 2 more stripes on my granny stripe ghan.


Getting ready to settle in, get comfy in my pj's, watch some Yankees and do a little more hooking!!


Cya all in the AM!

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Hey all!


Joanne, I am jealous! I've wanted a Wii since they came out. Dh wanted the Xbox 360, though- and since he plays video games way more, that's what we got.

Marisa, have fun playing Guitar Hero! We have both (Rock Band and Guitar Hero) and my kids love them!! My oldest plays guitar, middle sings, and littlest *tries* to play drums but of course she has no idea what she's doing. :lol It's really cute to watch.

Dh's friend's g/f is studying to be a vet, so she stopped by to see Olive today. She is severely underweight :( so we have to add wet food to her diet for now and feed her twice a day. Hopefully that works, or she will need blood work to rule out any health problems.

I finished the pillow "cover," now just need to weave ends and I will take a pic for you. Still need to find a shirt to use for the back. It is saltines, not the granny stripe. But I bet that would be cute, too! :yes


Well I'm off to take a shower and weave ends. Good night!!

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Hi Ladies

Iam just relaxing tonight and making me some dishcloths. We had rain yesterday but it didn't seem to cool off any. They are calling for hot weather all week.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Good night friends!


Worked on laundry today too. Seems like it is never done. Also worked on the flannelghan, have one more panel to sew on then the border and a few ends to tuck in. I tucked in as many as I could while crocheting, such a daunting task. Anyhow, have sweet dreams, talk to you all in the a.m.

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Good morning!!! Happy Sunday!!!


Up early as usual- but oh, so nice to not have to go to work!


DH is still sleeping- and I'm itching to get my cleaning done- but I'll be kind and wait till he wakes up!


I'm going to a retirement bar-b-que today which previously I was only going to be able to stop by to after work. Also want to make a run to Trader Joe's to stock up on my coffee, and greek yogurt!


Stacy- I bought flowers at TJ's 2 wks ago and do you know that some of them are still alive? I'm buying myself another bunch today! They really perk me up seeing pretty flowers on the kitchen table!


Mary- Glad to hear from you- and hopefully soon, the heat will break and you can come out of the basement! LOL


Shannon- How are you? Saw you posted on Ravelry that you are getting a discount on your hardwood floors since they sent samples instead of the actual flooring! That is sure worth the mistake they made!!! How's your granny stripe ghan coming along?


LeeAnn- Launder IS NEVER done! As soon as you think you've gotten it taken care of, there is more to do! Especially with children!!! Can't wait to see a pic of your finished flannel'ghan!!


Beth- Did DH have a spendiferous birthday? I'll bet the whole fam is on cloud nine now that he is back home!!! Did you make the chocolate pie?


Vicki- I've been meaning to ask how your baseball afghan is coming along. Yankees lost last night- Joba blew it!


Colleen- Hope you are having a fun time camping!


LeaAnne- How's the weather been at the Cape? I couldn't go away for a couple of weeks and not have my laptop with me- I would go through such serious withdrawl! I take it with me- even when I go away for a few days!


Marisa- What's on your agenda for today? I can't wait to see your "H" bag when it's done!!!!


Sarah- How was your "me" day yesterday? I hope it was a relaxing day for you!


Well, it sounds like DH is walking around upstairs so time for me to get some cleaning done so it's out of the way!


Have a wonderful day!

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Good morning everyone :coffee


I hope everyone slept well last night :) I did, but feel like I could've slept a little later though :lol


Joanne - :cheer for getting 2 more stripes done! Today, I plan to make a peach cake :drool Do another load of laundry and crochet. I want to work on my bag of course and I NEED to work on the saltines too ;) Have fun at the barb-e!!!


Stacy - My friend had rock band and got me hooked although I couldn't do the guitar for the life of me. I pretty much kept with the drums :lol (she has xbox even though I told her to get wii, lol) Then I saw the aerosmith version of guitar hero on sale for something crazy like $15 with the guitar so I got it and have been hooked ever since :rofl Can't wait to see a pic of your pillow 'cover'!!! :D


Mary - Glad to hear you had a relaxing day and it sounds like you got a few dishcloths made :clap We're also calling for hot weather here, but compared to last week it'll be cool :lol Last week we made it over 100 every day!!!! :eek This week calling for 90 I think and it's still humid!!!


LeeAnn - WTG on your laundry!!!! :clap You must be just about finished with your flannelghan :clap Can't wait to see it when it's done :D

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Top of the Mornin' to ya friends!

Couldn't sleep any longer, getting up at 5 every day is doing something to me. :lol Yesterday I was able to sleep late but this morning I was wide awake but didn't feel like getting up.

Joanne-your stripey blankie must be marvelous! :hugMy dh can sleep till noon!:eek I am addicted to my laptop too,...if I were to go out of town, I would have to take it with me. :devil

Marisa-peach cake sounds :c9. How do you make it? I am all for sweets:D Still plugging away on the ghan, feels like it is never going to be finished, I think I am getting impatient.

Vicki-how ya doing?

Mary-so happy to read your post! It has been hot here in CO but a dry hot, almost like a desert.

Stacy-I have never tried Rock Band, ds has something with a guitar, can't remember exactly what...geesh, I am out of the loop huh? He doesn't play it as much as he used to, mostly when he has friends over.

Beth-hope your weekend is fantastic!

Shannon, Scooby, Sarah, LeaAnne and Colleen, missing ya all around here.


we are taking the kiddos to the park this afternoon so that they can ride their bikes and I can walk and we are going to have a picnic too.

talk to you all soon! Hugs and squishes!

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Hello everybody! :hi


It's great to have dh home. But i'm used to having MY shows on the tv, and it's a little off-putting that he's in there watching his testosterone-infused shows instead. I've become addicted to HGTV while he was away. My dream is to run into the Yard Crashers guy at Home Depot one day. Boy, could I ever use a back yard makeover!!!


Anyway, you'd be proud. I did all dh's laundry the day he got home. Well, the last load needed the dryer the next morning, but that's not too shabby! So we're back on our usual 2-loads-a-day routine. (Except sheet day and towel day, when we do extra.) I have the grocery shopping done, and lunch simmering away. I'm going to try to find a cool place to relax and :crocheting.

LeaAnn, I woke up early today, and stayed in bed, too. It's nice when there's nothing pressing to do, and we can relax.


Marissa, we have a Wii, and one Christmas, my parents got Guitar hero World Tour for the family, and I found out I love to bang on the drums!!! It's a great stress reliever.


Joanne, Happy day off!:cheer I hope you get your housecleaning done early, and get to enjoy your day.


Mary, I agree -- it's too hot!!! I hope we both get a break in this weather soon. It's so hot here. And muggy -- miserable weather.


Stacy, I hope the new feeding schedule helps Olive. I hope you can convince your dh not to feed her at the table, since it rewards bad behavior that you really don't need with little ones in the house.


Colleen, I hope you are enjoying your vacation.


LeaAnne, same to you! I hope the Cape is awesome.


Vicki, I hope your weekend is filled with fun.


It's too hot to think, so :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug - the cool, virtual type, not the hot, sweaty face-to-face type.

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Marisa-peach cake sounds :c9. How do you make it? I am all for sweets:D Still plugging away on the ghan, feels like it is never going to be finished, I think I am getting impatient.


Here is the recipe....enjoy :drool

Beware - when you drain the peaches you need some of the juice for later!!!


Peach Cake

¾ C flour

½ tsp salt

1 box cook’n’serve vanilla pudding

½ C milk

1 tsp baking powder

3 tbsp margarine

1 egg


Mix together at medium speed.

Grease & flour 9” cake dish.

Pour batter into dish.


16 oz can sliced peaches (drained well)


Mix together:

1-8oz cream cheese

½ C sugar

5 tbsp peach juice


Fold peaches into cream cheese & arrange on top of batter.


Mix together:

1 tbsp sugar

½ tsp cinnamon


Sprinkle on top of peaches.


Bake @ 350 degrees for 30 min.

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Good morning! Well, with 2 minutes left for me, anyway. :lol


Beth, :clap for dh being home! I had to :heehee at your HGTV addiction, though- somehow I can't imagine that you ever have time to watch tv! Let alone become addicted to a show. :lol As for the dog- dh doesn't feed her from the table, her previous owners did. He just won't tell her no when she goes sniffing around the table. We had a talk about it last night. He was upset because he felt I was making her out to be a bad dog, which she absolutely isn't. But I told him that she needs to be disciplined and broken of the begging behavior or it will just escalate. I think we got it sorted out. :yes


Holy moly!! As I was sitting here typing, the most ginormous spider just crawled across my desk!!! :eek I don't even have my contacts in and I could see that it was huge. Yuck!! I killed it with a shoe and I'm still creeped out...Whew...




Marisa, your peach cake sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

And $15 for that game- wow! That is a good deal. Dh can't stand Aerosmith, so he passed on that one. But we do have Beatles Rock Band, and my kids love it! It's so cute to hear them singing old Beatles songs. :yes I think the *newest* Guitar Hero we have is the world tour, which came out something like 3 years ago. :rofl Do you ever play online?


Mary, glad to hear you can still be productive in the heat. Too bad the rain didn't cool things off. Boo!


Joanne, have fun at the bbq! How nice that you don't have to work today. The streak is broken! :lol How neat that the flowers lasted so long! Trader Joe's flowers are so pretty. :manyheart When they had daffodils, I used to get a small bunch and put them in a jar with one of Lucy's covers. So cheery!


Okay...my kids seem to think they need to eat, so I will get going for now.

Sarah, Scooby, Shannon, Colleen, Leeann, LeaAnne, Vicki- hope you all are having a nice, relaxing Sunday! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Holy moly!! As I was sitting here typing, the most ginormous spider just crawled across my desk!!! :eek I don't even have my contacts in and I could see that it was huge. Yuck!! I killed it with a shoe and I'm still creeped out...Whew...




Marisa, your peach cake sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

And $15 for that game- wow! That is a good deal. Dh can't stand Aerosmith, so he passed on that one. But we do have Beatles Rock Band, and my kids love it! It's so cute to hear them singing old Beatles songs. :yes I think the *newest* Guitar Hero we have is the world tour, which came out something like 3 years ago. :rofl Do you ever play online?


Now I'm looking for spiders!!!! :lol


I have the world tour guitar hero too. I went on line a couple times with it, but mostly I don't :lol It's fun, even playing alone :yes

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Hi all,

Home from the bar-b-que and had a great time. Got lots accomplished today- cleaning- laundry-bed sheets- washed, dried and put back on the bed. Went grocery shopping and to TJ's- got some more pretty flowers- called "cryaones in a box" and only $4.99- so colorful and pretty. Also got a pedicure b/4 the bar-b-que!:c9


Sounds like everyone is having a great Sunday!!! Now you've got me wanting to try guitar hero- Maybe I'll get it for Dh for his birthday in November !!


Didn't even get to play with the Wii yet today- but I want to crochet- so that's what I'm going to do!!:lol


Have a wonderful evening!

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Evenin' all!

whew what a day!!!! We had an outing that was fun, packed with exercise and quality time with the kiddos. :lol We had our picnic at the park, then went walking around while the kiddos rode their bikes. Then we stopped at the library, on to Sonic for a Slushie then grocery shopping and now home. I feel a little sunburned but good.

Stacy-when do you start classes?

Joanne-so glad that BBQ was fun and relaxing. A pedi sounds :c9 except for I am so ticklish I don't know if could stand it. :tup

Marisa-thank you for the recipe, it will definately be on my list for the week. I think I have all the ingredients...oh have to buy vanilla pudding, i can do that tomorrow. yummy!

Beth-you are on the ball! Getting dh's laundry all washed on his first day back. I am oficially done for the weekend with laundry but will do more as the week progresses. I try to get a few loads washed on Tuesday and Wednesday. Have you had time to crochet?

going to sit and crochet. I am working on the border...it's getting close!

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Hiya friends!

Soo excited! I finally finished ds afghan! yippee skippy!!! I am enlosing a pic for you all to take a looksie. The lighting wasn't wonderful, but I had to share.

hope everyone is having a great Sunday evening!:hug:hug:hug


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