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WTG Beth- You are going to have that ghan finished in no time!!!! I love the granny stripe- it is so mindless (and you know me- and how I like to just start it and go without having focus on a pattern--at least most of the time! There are some times, when I am in the mood for pattern following! You could do this pattern with any colors- it doesn't have to be all different- and there is no sewing!!! At the end of each stripe (2 rows) there are ends to weave, but I've been weaving as I go- I don't want to end up having to do it all at the end.


Marisa- I love that tote!!! And of course all your other projects- especially the colorful ghan!!!


LeeAnn- Did you get your laundry done? Bet you are glad to have the kiddos back home!


No luck getting a shirt! And I'm not as upset now--I'll just go back to checking pockets - just so the same thing doesn't happen again- you know how Men are like kids!!!


Night all- off to read for a while- we had coffee at B&N earlier and I was reading and now only have about 50 pgs left- and want to finish- you know just like we say one more row...I'm at the point of "just one more page"....

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Hi all! It's been very quiet here. DD had her friend over here earlier and now she is over there having a sleep over. She texted me earlier to say she was having FUN! She's a nut!

Now I am sitting here watching a movie and doing nothing. I did run the vacuum this morning and wash the towels. Now I just have to fold them! I have been rather lazy with that!

Have a great rest of the night all and I will talk to you all later!

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Hi Ladies

The craft show is going great. Just one more day. It is an outside show so Iam a little on the burnt side.

Iam pretty tried at night when we get home so I have not caught up yet on the posts. I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Marisa, your work is gorgeous! Love, love, love your rainbow 'ghan! :clap thank you for sharing :photo of your projects with us.


Joanne, :thair:thair!!! What is it with the pens in the pockets?! I've actually found several pens that went through the dryer and thankfully didn't rupture. One did, but thankfully it was a load of towels and black polos. :whew Sorry you didn't find shirts. Were they for work? Enjoy the rest of your book- what are you reading?


Vicki, glad to hear dd is having fun. What movie did you watch? Enjoy your quiet night.


Mary, so glad to hear the show is going well! :clap


Beth, you are on a roll with that second 'ghan! Can't wait to see it. Only 6 more days 'til dh comes home! :cheer:cheer:cheer


So...I'm thinking of making the granny stripe for my (who else?) Granny. :lol I took a peek at Attic24's site and got sidetracked by an old post of the cushions. But they are sooooo pretty! So, since dh and the girls are all sleeping, I am going to haul out my yarn bag and go to town. I'm always so inspired by Lucy's wonderfully cheerful colors. :manyheart


Good night, besties! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!:firecrack:firecrack:firecrack:firecrackHappy 4th of July":firecrack:firecrack:firecrack:firecrack:firecrack:firecrack


Stacy- Did you start the granny stripe - or are you making a cushion? I love, love, love Attic24's site- it always brightens up my day with her wonderful colors and her writing style! There is a forum on Ravelry- We Love Lucy- Shannon and I are there- and there is a thread about the granny stripe- and you can see so many of them. I plan to work on mine today- didn't get a stitch done on it yesterday!


One of the shirts was a sleeveless button down shirt that I really liked- it was from the gap a few years ago- Well, it seems that light pink isn't in style right now- at least in that style of shirt. I even went to the gap but they didn't have anything. NY and Co had some sleeveless button down shirts,not in light pink, but it didn't fit right- kind of gappy at the armholes. The other was a pretty purple polo shirt- kind of lavender, but not really- hard to explain the color. Oh, well, it's only clothing!


Hope that everyone has a safe, happy holiday and enjoys whatever is on the agenda for the day!


Mary- So happy to hear that the craft show is going well. :cheer Remember your sunscreen!!!


Oh, the book I'm reading is Handle with Care by Jodi Piccoult- almost done- but got really tired reading in bed! Only about 30 pages to go!


Cya later!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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It's amazing how much stuff I get done when I DON'T turn on the t.v.in the morning!

Let's see: two loads of towels folded and put away. The clothes taken off the drying rack and put away. The dark wash done and waiting in the dryer to go and the white wash in the washing maching as we speak. The sheets on my bed are changed. The dish washer is emptied and the puppies were out and fed. I even went out and fed the fish! I need to go take a shower and go to the store. Hubby's schedule changed so now he will be home for dinner. Hot dogs and hamburgers! Now I need rolls and I didn't go last night. Don't ask me why I didn't do it then. Dopey of me, I know. Maybe I will make a pasta salad too. We'll see how I feel. George is making his visit. UGH!

The Yankees won yesterday! They needed it. They are only a half game up in the standings on LeaAnne's Red Sox :eek! How did that happen? But Brett Gardner hit a grand slam yesterday! Ya gotta love it!

Okay ladies, I am going to go and see what else I can get accomplished. I have the tunes crankin' and I am movin'! Talk to you all later and have a great day! And if I don't get back on have a Happy 4th of July celebration!!!!

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Good Morning!!!

Sounds like everyone is up and running! Happy 4th of July friends!!!!!!

Joanne-Can you try anything to get the ink out? Oxi clean?:think I finished my book last night, stayed up till midnight...what was I thinking? :lol I never started laundry..can you believe that? Tomorrow I am going to be busy cleaning and washing...but the relaxation was oh so worth it. :devil

Beth-the countdown is on for dh to return:hug so happy for you! Whatcha up to today? Will all of your kiddos be home to spend the day with you?

Stacy-that granny stripe sure has a loud voice! It calls out for me too. Did you get it started?

Marisa-I adore your pictures! I have been working on a pair of socks for almost a year, I just can't seem to get it right, what pattern did you use? were they crocheted or knit? I love granny ripples too! :yes I haven't sat with hook in hand for about 4 days, but today I will be making up for lost time. I will crochet all the way to the in-laws and back.:devil Thank you for sharing your pics, I love looking at other people's projects.

Mary-please take care and try not to frizzle out in the sun, don't want you to get sick.:hug:manyheart

Vicki-you are on a roll! Can I have some of your energy? I need to get motivated but am having a difficult time. ;)

alright...guess I had better get to tidying up and getting ready. Have a wonderful afternoon friends!

hugs and extra hugs!!!!!

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Back from grocery shopping and it's all put away. Getting ready to make lunch and then sit on my you know what and watch the Yankees and crochet


Yes, Vicki- it was a great game yesterday- and so cool to see Gardner hit a grand-slam!:clap


I finished my book this morning b/4 heading to the grocery store! It is hot, hot, hot, here today- and very humid- DH put extra chlorine in the pool so it's ready for tomorrow. :yes


I forgot to get the tri-color pasta at the store!!!:eek Of all things to forget!!! I'm making it this evening so I'll be trekking back out to the store later- when it cools down a little. I can't believe I forgot!


All my yarn totes have been moved out to the garage and I have lots of room in my family room now!!:cheer! I was shocked really at how much yarn I have. I seriously have to not buy anymore (but have such a hard time resisting sales):devil


Have a great 4th

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:firecrack:firecrack:firecrack:firecrack:firecrack:firecrackHappy Independence Day!!!!! :firecrack:firecrack:firecrack:firecrack:firecrack:firecrack


My favorite holiday, for sure! Dh's friend is over right now and I'm about to go pick up his cousin. We are going to bbq in a bit, then go to watch the fireworks at FIL's building when it gets dark. Fun, Fun, Fun!


Vicki, you are on a roll today! :h5 Good for you. Did dd come home yet or will she be playing at her friend's today?


Joanne, I had to :lol at your yarn dilemma. I have 2 totes of ww in the hall closet, and dh thinks that's too much. :think I would love to have several totes! Have fun with the bbq. How do you make your pasta salad? I always make mine the same way and am looking for new ideas.


Leeann, any special plans today? What are the kiddies up to? No, I did not start the granny stripe. I think I am going to work on some of the cushions. One can never have too many cushions! Plus I'm thinking of making some for Christmas gifts.


Scooby, Sarah, Shannon, Mary, Colleen, LeaAnne, Beth- hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable day! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Marisa-I adore your pictures! I have been working on a pair of socks for almost a year, I just can't seem to get it right, what pattern did you use? were they crocheted or knit? I love granny ripples too! :yes I haven't sat with hook in hand for about 4 days, but today I will be making up for lost time. I will crochet all the way to the in-laws and back.:devil Thank you for sharing your pics, I love looking at other people's projects.




That particular pair of socks were crocheted and this is the pattern I followed. They are from the toe up and I didn't bring it up high enough on the foot before making the ankle part, which is why the ankles are 'fat' :lol However, I found the pattern quite easy to follow :yes




I am currently working on my first pair that are knitted. It's slow moving because I keep it in my desk at work and only get to work on it during lunch break 3 days a week :D

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I also cleaned up and organized my yarn and while it didn't make my room look bigger as did Joanne's cleanup....it sure made the fireplace look cleaner :D I don't use it so just pile everything there that needs to be out of the way behind my recliner :lol Now I have a few bins and 2 bags. I also picked up some yarn at JoAnn today to make a scarf :D


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Sounds like you are having a fun 4th!!! As far as my pasta salad- I make tri color pasta, add cut up red peppers, green peppers, onions, tomatoes and black olives. I use bottled Italian dressing and let it sit overnight- That's it- easy-peasy!


Marisa- It feels good to have the yarn all organized in totes doesn't it! I'm loving my new found space in the family room- and mine was blocking the fireplace too- except I don't have a recliner in front of it!


Happy rest of the evening everyone!!!

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Marissa, I like your totes of yarn. I keep mine (mostly) in my "china" cabinet. But there's no china there, just yarn. I like it, because the doors are glass, so I can see what's in there. makes finding it easier.


Stacy, enjoy your favorite holiday! It sounds like fun. Do the girls all like the fireworks? Are any of them scared of the noise?


Joanne, I hope your bbq is awesomeness. Enjoy your family time.


LeaAnn, happy 4th to you, too! Enjoy it.


Vicki, I realized that I get a lot more done if I leave the video games off. It sounds like you were a whirlwind this morning. Isn't it nice to have a lot of the work done?


Mary, I'm glad the show is going well. I hope you aren't too burnt. Please take care of yourself, sweet sister!:hug:hug


LeaAnne, I hope you are having a glorious time at the Cape with your chickens. What fun!


Shannon, thinking of you. I imagine they party pretty hard in NO this time of year. How about your neck of Louisiana?


Colleen, Are you having a good weekend?


Sarah and Scooby, thinking of you!


Today was productive. I cleaned both bathrooms and scrubbed the bird droppings off the front porch. (Colleen, your bird brought over a bunch of friends to help eat the catfood I put out for the neighbor's cat.) I am close to finishing another row on the afghan. I got my grocery shopping done. The laundry is done. I washed the shower curtains, too, and rehung them.


I hope you all have a fabulous 4th!:firecrack

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Hi Ladies

Iam home........ Iam hot........ and Iam tired.......... Today was not so good with sales but as far as the show goes it was a good sale. I have a lot of things to make before the next show in Nov. Thank god we only do 2 shows a year.

Happy 4th of July to all my american sisters.... hope it is a good one.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Joanne-your pasta salad is exactly like my mom's delicious! I can never seem to make my pasta-either over cooked/under cooked. How do you make your macaroni salad? have fun with your family tomorrow!

Beth-wowza! You accomplished a lot today! Your house must be sparkly! What pattern are you using for your ghan?

Stacy-how was your evening? did the girls like the fireworks?

Marisa-thank you so very much for the pattern, did you use sock yarn? I have some but was wondering...Your yarn stash looks very organized. :hug I have my yarn in a cupboard, two actually and a clear tote that has drawers, I also have some floating around the house in yarn bags...I need to re-organize and put away the WIPS, they are out of control! I have been using up lots of scrap yarn, made a hexaghon ghan and am working on a granny square ghan and flannelghan, my stash is dwindling, I think it's a good thing, I am out of control with the yarn buying...it's my addiction! :yes

Mary-warmest thoughts and squishes headed your way!

Vicki-how was your evening?

Glad to be home, another busy day...we stayed at the in-laws till 9:30...the kiddos had to light their fire works, actually dear father in law did it, but what a delight! glad to be home, I started laundry before we left and cleaned up the kitchen, t.v. room and my bedroom, hopefully tomorrow I will not have too much to do. going to head off to bed.


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Good morning

Another HOT day here! May hit the century mark! We'll see if we end up eating indoors- i think it would be more comfortable and then hang outside when we're in the pool!


Mary- I'm sure you are glad to be back home- and that the show was a success overall. Rest up today- the dust bunnies will be there tomorrow!


Stacy- Did you have a fun, fun, fun 4th?


Beth- Sounds like a very productive day for you! And your DH comes home at the end of the week!!!!


LeeAnn- Sounds like you also had a fun 4th! There were people setting off fireworks all over my neighborhood last night. I know what you mean about the yarn buying being an addiction! now that it is all organized, I really don't need to buy any more!!


Vicki- Did you see the game yesterday? Don't forget to vote for Swisher to get to the All Star game!


Time to get another cup of coffee and do some last minute straightening up.


Have a wonderful Monday (oh it feels so good to not be going to work today)

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Good Morning Everyone :coffee


LeeAnn - I did use sock yarn, actually the Heart and Sole...I already had when I found the pattern. I was in a hurry when I was looking for it and went through a pile of crochet sock patterns and looked for an easy one and that was the first I came across :D I think we all have a yarn addiction here....I guess that's why we love coming here :devil


Beth - The china cabinet is a good idea :lol I don't have one of those :no The bins were not my first choice, but rather a substitute as I couldn't find what I wanted at Wal Mart and wasn't going anywhere else....I was just ready to be home ;)


Joanne - Enjoy your day off :yay and yes you should probably eat inside and go outside for the pool. It is supposed to hit 100 all week :eek I'm soooo not looking forward to it :(


Mary - Glad to hear the sale went well overall :clap What is the show you are doing? I'm new in here so am a little behind on what's going on with everyone :(


OK, unlike Joanne for today I don't have off, so I need to go get ready for work!!! See you all later on tonight :D

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Good morning all. DD is so confused this morning. She came stumbling down the stairs saying she needed her tkd uniform. It's 8 a.m. and Monday! We don't do tkd on a Monday! She said she was going back to bed. I had to laugh at her.

I did make my pasta salad yesterday. Hubby called me in the morning and asked me if I would go and get new propane cylinders for the bbq. So I cleaned up and did that. I had to go to the store anyway since I needed the rolls for dinner. Then DD and hubby went swimming and we watched people shooting fireworks off from the back yard. They are so pretty! I love them!

Joanne - Enjoy your bbq with your DDs today! You are getting the heat this week!

Marisa - What do you do? I love the pictures that you shared of your projects. I have to post pictures of the baby sweater and blanket that I did. I'm great at taking the pictures and very slow at posting them!

Stacy - How did the girls like the fireworks? Does Klaus do okay with the noise? My dogs are fine as long as they are either on someone's lap or inside and away from the noise!

Mary - Glad to hear that the sale went well! What was your best seller? Hope you didn't get too burned!

Colleen - How are things going up by you?

Leeann - How are the kiddies doing now that they are home? Did they have a good time at their granparents house? You must be so happy they are home.

Beth - This week will FLY by! It is almost over and DH will be home before you know it! What is on your agenda for the day?

Sarah - How were the fireworks down by you? Did they go on all night? They weren't too bad here. I do love to watch them though!

Have a great day all! I am going to go take some Advil and chill a little on my favorite magic chair. Maybe its powers will change today and make my cramps go away!

TTFN all!

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Vicki- Hope the Advil and the Magic chair does its thing! Yes, we are getting the heat this week- We will definitely eat indoors- My back yard gets all the sun in the afternoon- which is good for the pool- not so good for sitting outside- unless of course you are one of the lucky ones that gets to sit at the table under the umbrella! It'll be more comfortable to be outside only when in the pool!


And Yes, please post pics of your baby sweater and blanket!! No excuses- you don't have work in the summer!!!:lol


So disappointed that the Yanks are back on the west coast --the games are too late for me to watch and then get up and function at work! Can't wait till after the all star break and they are back on the East Coast!!!


Have a good day all--- off to shower and chill before the madness begins:lol

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Hi Ladies

Just wanted to let you all know Iam still here. Iam not feeling to well today. It is going to be very hot here all week so Iam living in the basement........ coolest place in the house. I got a really bad headache last night and I still have it today. Iam just going to take it easy today.

As soon as Iam feeling better I will post to everyone.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Morning Friends!


Joanne-isn't it wonderful to have the day off? :c9 Oh my, you will be getting hot weather this week. Good thinking, eating inside and going outside for a dip. Will your dd's get to visit for long? I always love having an extended visit with my parents/family, it makes it so much better than just an hour, can you tell I just adore them?:lol


Vicki-kiddos are home! So excited! they came home on Friday, they were missing me.:faintespecially ds, just makes my heart a flutter...now that he's nearing his teenage years, it's not cool to be around mom, so I was completely flattered and on :c9. They are going fishing this evening with dh, other than that, this week they are relaxing. We are planning another camping trip to the Great Sand Dunes National Forest, it is about 25 miles from our house, I'm so excited, hopefully we do not run into any more bears!:eek


Beth-the count down is on! Hope you have a great day!:hug


Mary-did you get too much sun? I hope you feel better. :hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart:hug


Stacy-how was your evening? I bet the girls were super excited?


Marisa-sorry you have to work today, do you work late?


Shannon, Colleen, Scooby, LeaAnne and Stacy-hoping you all have a fantastic Monday!


I am so proud of myself, I cleaned up the kitchen, living room and have laundry washing,...now just have to clean the bathrooms. The family is still in bed, they sure can sleep late! Wish I could????


Worked on the granny squares yesterday, have 24 squares connected.:cheer



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Good Evening Everyone,


Work was busy and went quickly :clap


Vicki - I love pasta salad, and it's great on these hot days!!! I am a chiropractor. I absolutely love it :D


Joanne - hello again :D Hope you had a great day of R & R


Mary - I hope you feel better soon :hug


LeeAnn - I worked 8-6 today :( Those are our hours on mon, wed, and fri and then tues and thurs we do 11-7


Hope everyone had a great day. And now it's time to unwind :D

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HI all!

It's been a quiet day here. Bet everyone has been busy busy busy.

Finished all of my cleaning and chores, we re-arranged our bedroom, it looks much better. Mother in-law bought me a lamp that has a school yard on it, it's adorable! We also went on a scavenger hunt for end tables at the in-laws. Grandma's old house is kinda like our storage unit. We found two that look pretty good, brought them home, now have a place for my lamp.

Marisa-your job sounds wonderful! I am a preschool teacher, I love it! What else do you like to do for fun?

I like to read and am a huge Nora Roberts mystery fan, I love mystery novels! Have to stop at the library for the secon book to the Circle Trilogy, can't wait!

back to folding laundry. Hope everyone had a great day!

Talk to you all tomorrow!:hug:hug:hug

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