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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning everyone,


I was sitting here having some coffee and ventured out of the thread I am usually in :lol


May I ask how this thread works? It appears that y'all are a chatty group and not necessarily working on the same project, which is good for me ;)


I think I'd like to join in, so what are your rules in here :think and maybe I need to be 'initiated' in or something :rofl


I'm headed out to work and won't be back until this evening, but will check in then :)

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Morning all! The rain is still falling here, although quite lightly at the momet. We haven't had the thunder storms that have popped up near Sarah. Just the rain. As much as we need it, it would be nice to have a break from the clous and see the sun.

DD is supposed to be going to the movies today with a friend. I need to go get her some money. I have none in my wallet. Hubby will be going to work Oh my!! What will I do in a quiet house all to myself?!?

Marisa - Welcome to the best group of girls anywhere on the 'ville! You are right, we are a chatty group and we talk about everything. This group started out as a way to boost each of us in cleaning. When we cleaned, we got to crochet. Simple concept, but it worked surprisingly well. We would come on here and share with each other what we cleaned and share our cleaning secrets. Now we share so much more! So welcome aboard!

Joanne - Sorry you are missing the good weather. But it will be great swimming weather for you to use the pool! There is your silver lining! I know, it's not the silver lining you are looking for.

Mary - YAY for a great day one at the sale! Hopefully you will continue to have a great show! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Leeann - Glad to hear all is going well! How did Parent Night go?

Sarah - How much rain are you getting? We are not getting as much as I thought we would, but I think the majarity of the rain is falling south of I-10. Stay safe my friend! I am thinking about you!

Beth - How are you today? What is on your agenda for the day? How was the swim meet? I hope it all went well.

Stacy - Good morning! What will the girls be doing today? Did the plumbing get fixed? Hopefully it is all done!

When I picked my puppy up from the vet yesterday they told me she may need surgery. She has two little cysts on her rump. My poor baby. They are not hurting her so that is a good thing. At the moment we are just watching them, but we need to make an appointment for the surgery to happen. First all my other puppies need their shots. One at a time!

Have a great day everyone! I will be dodging rain drops today. Talk to you all later!

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Hi girls.:blush Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I have been keeping up with all of you though.


Marisa- You just ventured into the world of great friendships! Welcome! Yep, we started as a cleaning group, but we've grown to be so much more. I think our only rule now is to just jump right in and try to keep up with all the chattiness!:lol We all have a hard time with it sometimes, but it's sooo worth it!


Vicki- I'm so glad the storms weren't bad by you! They keep going right around our house.:angry I'd really like some rain here. Good luck to your puppy and her bumpy rump. Which one is it? Aurora?


Joanne- :woo! 3 day weekend for you!! Enjoy it!


Sarah- I'm the same way with storms. I guess it's because I've seen two trees fall during two different storms. I hope the weather settles down for you soon!:hug


Mary- :yay:cheer:yay for a good first craft show day! I hope the whole weekend is successful for you!


LeeAnn- I'm so glad that you are loving your new job! It sounds so much better than the last one!


Colleen, LeaAnne, Stacy, Beth, and Scooby! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to you all! I hope you are all enjoying your chickens and inventions, and having a great summer so far!


We are leaving for NO tomorrow. We'll be back on Tuesday or Wednesday, so I'll talk to you guys then! Love you all!:hug:manyheart

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Sarah - How much rain are you getting? We are not getting as much as I thought we would, but I think the majarity of the rain is falling south of I-10. Stay safe my friend! I am thinking about you!


umm I think we're up to 8+ inches in the last 36 hrs, we might be closer to 10, don't know we don't have a rain gauge and the houston news never shows our town and the one that's they do show hasn't been getting the rain we have. The next town over got 7 to 9 inches yesterday alone and we were on the tail end of the train of rain that was running over that area. Here's a link to pictures taken yesterday..



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Good morning everyone,


I was sitting here having some coffee and ventured out of the thread I am usually in :lol


May I ask how this thread works? It appears that y'all are a chatty group and not necessarily working on the same project, which is good for me ;)


I think I'd like to join in, so what are your rules in here :think and maybe I need to be 'initiated' in or something :rofl


I'm headed out to work and won't be back until this evening, but will check in then :)


Welcome Marisa =0)

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Hi all,

Wow Sarah- you sure did get a lot of rain- Hoping Alex is headed out and that you dry up soon.


Hi Marisa- Don't I know you from somewhere?:lol:lol Yes, this thread started out as a way to reward ourselves with crochet for cleaning! Say for each hour you spent cleaning you got an hour crochet time! But over the year it has evolved into talking about anything/everything- sharing projects and sometimes, talking about what we've been cleaning!:lol


Shannon- Have a great time in New Orleans!!! See you next week when you return!!


Vicki- Too bad that puppy needs surgery- How many pups do you have? I hope you got to enjoy your quiet house today!


Colleen- How's the exercising going? Did you have a nice Canada Day? Are there any special things that they do? Like here, for the 4th of July, we have fireworks and some towns have parades.


Stacy- How's life in sunny CA? Keeping the kiddos busy and occupied? Hope the plumbing situation got straightened out.


Beth- Thinking about you and hoping that you are enjoying the cooler weather. Heat/Humidity supposed to return Sun/Mon to my area. Only 1 more week till DH returns!


LeeAnn- TGIF!!! When are your kiddos coming home. Bet you missed them, but I am sure they had fun with their grandparents


LeaAnne- You have been MIA for a few days- hope all is well with you and everyone in your family- thinking and praying for your Uncle- hope all is well with him!


Mary- Hope you had another successful day at the craft show.


Thought I'd show you how my granny stripe ghan is coming along.



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Thanks for the warm welcomes Vicki, Shannon and Solace :D


Vicki - Sorry to hear about your puppy :(


Shannon - Have a fun and safe trip :D


Joanne - Yes, I think I may have seen you somewhere before!!! :lol

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:hi everyone!


:welcome Marisa! We are a chatty group. We love to chat about crochet for sure and definitely love pics. We give advice about crochet projects, cleaning. And we share a lot about lots of fun stuff! Looking forward to getting to know you!


Joanne - Your granny stripe is looking great! I love all the colours!


I have been so busy having quality family time that I haven't had time to jump on here. :whew so glad I didn't miss much.


A couple of you asked about Canada Day traditions. Well, it is a lot like 4th of July. We have fireworks, a big party in the park (rides, kids activities, music). Here at my house we have a birthday cake for Canada. :D We went to the fireworks for the first time with DD. She loved it! She had a nap so she could stay up late, loved the crowd, and loved the fireworks! Today we were planning a trip to the beach, but DD didn't want to go :think:shrug So we went to Chuck-e-cheese and she had a blast and then went and enjoyed the picnic I'd already packed at a park. The weather has been heavenly the past couple days. This afternoon I set up the tents in the back yard to decide which one I would take on our camping trip (and to make sure all the pieces are there). Tomorrow DD has soccer and then she has a birthday party to go to in the afternoon.


Sorry if I'm behind. I didn't read everything, but here's a try.


Sarah - Sounds like you've had lots of rain. How is the crochet design going?


Shannon - Have fun in NO :hug We'll miss you.


LeeAnn - How are you doing? When do your kids come home? You made it through another work week!


Joanne - Welcome to your long weekend! You deserve it!


Vicki - Sorry to hear your dog needs surgery :(


Mary - So glad to hear the sale is going well. :hug Hello yarn shopping :yay


:hi Beth, LeaAnne and Stacy!

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:hi everybody!


One week from today, my hubby will be home!!!:cheer:clap:manyheart:yay:c9 He sent me the sweetest e-mail today! :blush


Any way, I am having a much more productive time right now. My kids and I have been watching a lot of DIY television, and I was inspired to reclaim some of the jungle growing in my yard, so I pulled weeds for a while. I have lots of work to do. I also started housecleaning for my dh's return. I cleaned the dining room. I also washed and dried the finished afghan, and worked in all the ends that wriggled loose. I made another row on the other niece's afghan.


Thanks for asking about the swim meet -- it was very nice. I worked with a woman who has 11 1/2 year old triplet boys, and a woman with 17 year old boy/girl twins. We had a lot to talk about. And the meet ran very smoothly. My son got 5 blue ribbons again, and the team won!!! It was positively awesome. I actually got cool towards the end.


It's way past my bedtime, but I wanted to stop in and give you all my love. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Marisa, welcome to our group. I hope you enjoy our chattiness! We're also fond of hugs -- but you need to watch it -- I'm a bit of a hug hog. So here's a couple I've been holding in case I needed them....:hug:hug:hug


And a few for all my other friends!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning and Happy Saturday to all!


Colleen- Canada Day does sound alot like our July 4th festivities. Sounds like you have been having lots of family time- which is always good!!! When is your camping trip?


Beth- ONE MORE WEEK!! And how sweet of DH! Now, get your badorkus in gear and start cleaning the house for his return!:lol:lol Congrats to your DS on his 5 ribbons!!! He really seems to do so well!!!


Thinking of Mary and hoping her craft show is going magnificently!


Stacy- I'll be heading to TJ's either this morning or tomorrow (more likely tomorrow)- Will be thinking of you as I always do when I go there!


Anybody have any special plans to celebrate the 4th? Other than a bar-b-que on Monday, we don't have anything else on the agenda--other than I have to get MY badorkus in gear and do my weekly cleaning now. Looking forward to a quiet afternoon with crochet in hand and watching the Yankee game. DH is taking grandson to the movies!


Enjoy the day doing whatever you have planned. And in case Beth didn't send enough- here are some more-:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning :coffee


Colleen - Sounds like you had a good day and you were able to rearrage the days activities as needed :clap


Beth - It's ok to be a hug hog :hug :hug :hug I don't mind, you can never get enough of them!!! :hug :hug :hug Since I'm new here, where did hubby venture off to that he'll be home from in a week? :think:hug :hug :hug That's great your DS won all those metals :cheer:hug :hug :hug


Joanne - Hello again!!! Get that cleaning done and have a great day!! :yay

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Good morning! The sun has decided to make an appearance here this morning! YAY! We need to sun to start to dry out a little bit today!

DD was at her friend's house all day! I had a very quiet house! I ended up cleaning the inside of my windows. And since hubby was at work - PANCAKES FOR DINNER!!! Gotta love it! DD is going to have a sleep over at another friend's house tonight, so it will be nice and quiet here tonight too!

Otherwise, nothing else going on here. Very quiet here. the pool is now full due to all the rain and so is the pond. My sprinklers are turned off. I need to empty the puppy pool. It is now way to full for my little fur babies.

Joanne - I have four little puppies. They are not really puppies, but I still call them that. If they would sit still so I could get a good picture of them I could show you them all. They are all my babies, just like DD!

Shannon - Yes, it is Aurora that will need the surgery. The cysts don't seem to be bothering her, so that is a good thing. Have fun in NO!

Mary - Hope the sale is going well! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Beth - YAY for only one more week! You can do it! Have fun doing the cleaning and congrats on your DS for his blue ribbons!!!

Leeann - What are you doing for the weekend? Anything wonderful?

Stacy - The girls must be keeping you busy! I hope you are having fun!

Sarah - Are you starting to dry out after all the rain? We never got the thunder storms. WE had one or two rumbles and I think one lightning strike and that was it. Lots of rain yesterday.

Marisa - Anything wonderful on your agenda this weekend?

Talk to you all later! Have a great day!

Have a great day!

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Hi, all-


just wanted to drop by to leave you all some CapeCod :hug:hug:hug


we'll be here for a couple of weeks, and I won't be able to post very much.


I am thinking of you all, and hope you are well.

:welcome to the gang, Marisa! I know you will love it here, and I can't wait to get to know you better!


Love and hugs to all!

I will post when I can.... miss you!

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:hi Vicki


Nothing exciting for me. I live in Philly and my parents are in the Poconos about 2 hours away, while my sister lives in Pittsburgh and my brother and his family live in Phoenix. We've never really done much for the 4th....a cookout if any of us are home, but not a big deal....just us. I do have to work on Monday so decided not to drive up since I was just up there last weekend. Nothing planned for today but sit around and crochet and straighten up. I live alone so I don't really need to clean, probably just run the vacuum. No laundry to do either :D


My parents do have to bring a cousin to the airport tomorrow morning, so we will go for breakfast but they are not hanging around. Another thing that confirmed me not driving back there for the weekend :lol

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Hi all!!


The girls and I had a nice, enjoyable day yesterday. Spent a few hours at the zoo, when everyone got crabby and tired we headed home. We stopped at Trader Joe's to get pizza stuff, then to the library to turn in our reading logs for the week. I bought some iced VIA earlier in the morning, so I made one and enjoyed it while making the pizza. Dh came home as the girls and I were eating. He had a bbq at work so got home a bit late.


We are planning to bbq sometime this weekend, but not sure which day. Today dh has to go help his uncle with something at his house. I am hoping to do some clothes shopping while he is gone but he might be taking my car. We'll see.

Tomorrow we are going to FIL's building to watch the fireworks. I :manyheart 4th of July. It's my favorite holiday. :yes


Beth, only 1 more week 'til dh is home! :cheer:cheer:cheer How sweet that he sent you an email this morning. :manyheart


Joanne, have fun at TJ's! We went yesterday and can you believe I forgot the chocolate?! :eek:eek:eek I was so mad at myself when I got home.


Marisa, welcome to our little group! :hug Sounds like you're going to have a very low-key weekend- enjoy!!


Vicki, so sorry about your puppy!! At least the cysts are not bothering her. :lol @ pancakes for dinner again! Enjoy your quiet house.


LeaAnne, thanks for checking in! Have fun at the Cape! :hug:hug


Leeann, how's it goin? Are the kiddos home yet? I bet your itching to see them. Any special plans?


Colleen, sounds like you are having lots of nice family time! :manyheart When are you going camping?


Sarah, hope all is well with you and that the storms have passed. :hug


Mary, thinking of you and hoping all is well with the craft show! :hug


Shannon, have fun in NO! :hug:hug:hug:hug


Scooby-doo, how are you? I hope all is well and that you have a nice 4th! :hug:hug:hug


Okay, I don't think I missed anyone, but in case I did- :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug!!! Dh is requesting breakfast before he leaves. The nerve of him to want to eat! :rofl BBL!

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Good Afternoon Friends!

It seems like I have been away for a looong time! Whew! I have been so busy that I think I need a vacation. :lol Family Night went well, we had 21 children to care for, between 10 teachers, we had a blast! We did crafts, played games and then took the children outdoors. It was pretty neat. Yesterday, my mom asked if I would accompany her to New Mexico, she was meeting my little sister halfway to drop off my little brother. Whooaa! That's a mouthful! :yes Anyhow, we didn't get back till 10:30 last night, I spent the night at my parents house, I was too tired to drive home. But woke up early and was home by 9:00. My mom and dad wanted me visit longer, but the kiddos came home yesterday, I was dying to see them. They are doing well, they were homesick and came home a day early. My little sweeties-I wanted to squish them to pieces, I told them they can not leave for more than 3 days ever! :devil Now on to business...

Joanne-next week starts your long week huh? Your BBQ sounds yummy, are you preparing something different? I am on the look out for new recipes.:hug Oh my gosh! Your stripe ghan is beautiful! I love it! :drool

Colleen-what wonderful time you have been having! that is so neat! Your dd is blessed to have such a wonderful mommy.:hug

Vicki-what will you do with yourself this evening?:eek relax, read..crochet...watch a little t.v.? I started a new Nora Roberts book and am so addicted!:hug

Mary-can't wait to hear about your show and all the details!:hug

Shannon-have a safe and fun trip!:hug

LeaAnne-is the Cod far from where you live?:hug

Stacy-how dare your dh want to eat? :lol:lol :hug have you had time to :hook? Your trip to the zoo sounded wonderful! We need to take our kiddos to the zoo sometime soon:think

Sarah-do you feel better, not as antsy? I hope that the storms pass you by without harm. Did you start your project? If I remember correctly, you had two projects you were going to work on, can't wait to hear about them!:hug

Marissa-welcome to our group, I absolutely love it here! It is something I look forward to everyday, these women are amazing and such an inspiration! Are you working on any crochet projects?

now that I have :blah and :blah:blah I must get myself in gear, we are running in to town for groceries. Tomorrow we are going to the in-laws for a BBQ-dd and I are making a jello cake and salad. BBL!!!

hugs and squishers dearest friends!

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Hi all,

Watching the Yankees and getting ready to crochet a bit. DH is at the movies!


Nothing special planned for the BBQ on Monday- low key- grilled veggies, hamburgers, chicken, pasta salad, deviled eggs, macaroni salad --and whatever anyone decides to bring. Oh, should probably get a watermelon! And maybe some graham crackers/marshmallows and chocolate to make s'mores!!!


Vicki- Enjoy your quiet! And I LOVE pancakes for dinner.


Marisa- Enjoy your weekend- I would love a quiet weekend- I'm all about decompressing after working all week


LeaAnne- Have fun at the Cape! I'm so jealous!!!


LeeAnn- sounds like you've been busy, busy, busy!


Stacy- Heading to TJ's tomorrow morning - and really??? You forgot the chocolate???? Silly girl!!!


Oh, Marissa- Beth's DH was away on the west coast on a business trip- I think it was for a month-


Beth- Less than a week!!!! You can make it through!!! How's the cleaning coming?


Hope everyone is having a good day. I really need to get off this computer now!! LOL

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Hey all!


Leeann, sounds like a nice little trip with your mom. So your little brother lives with your sister? :think:yay for your kiddos being home! Have fun at the bbq. I haven't had a jello cake in ages! Wonder if my kids would like it....


Joanne, what are you working on? Still the granny stripe? You and Shannon have me *almost* convinced to start one. I have a huge tote of random ww colors though...I'm not a huge fan of blindly picking colors, so I haven't decided yet. It is very tempting, though...:devil


So...I made up an iced VIA (have you tried them, Joanne? They are actually pretty good!) and went out to my car. Tossed my purse in the passenger seat, and went to put my mug into the holder, when the corner of it bumped into my E-brake and spilled ALL OVER the passenger seat!!! :faint:bang I ran inside to get a towel to clean it, then took it back into the house and tossed it into the hamper, and took off to go shopping. Well, I didn't notice until the fitting room in the second store, that coffee spilled all over the side of my dress! :blush Now how didn't I see that? I didn't feel it or anything. So I went shopping with coffee on my dress. At least I smelled good, right? :lol

I ended up getting a dress, a pair of shorts, and a shirt for myself. H&M had super-cute girls' dresses for $5!!! So I got 2 each for Mia and Eva. For Isabella I found a Dodgers shirt with sparkly lettering. (Hers is way too small and she's in denial. :rofl)

I came home to an empty house, which is weird because dh said he would only be gone for about 2 hours. I really need to get a grocery list together so I can go grocery shopping alone, too! Those kids sucker me into buying so much stuff. :lol


I'd better get going. Hope everyone is having a nice Saturday! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Stacy- I haven't tried the Iced Via yet...but it's on my list of things to try!! WTG on the shopping- and I was LOL about going shopping with coffee all down the side of your dress!


I took the clothes out of the dryer- and lo- and behold- there was ink on two of my shirts, one of DH's shirts and a pair of his pants. Apparently someone who shall remain nameless (DH) left a pen in his pocket. :angryI have told him ad nauseum to make sure he empties his pockets before he throws his clothes into the hamper! So he asks why didn't I check the pockets? :bang:bang Why didn't I check the pockets????Because you are a grown man and I've told you before!!! I shouldn't have to check the pockets before doing laundry- so I'm off to go buy 2 new shirts to replace what was ruined!:yes



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oh Joanne, what a bummer! I would be soo mad too!


got home awhile ago and am trying to convince myself to start laundry---I should....maybe in a few I feel like resting and doing nothing...we will see what happens...

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Marissa-welcome to our group, I absolutely love it here! It is something I look forward to everyday, these women are amazing and such an inspiration! Are you working on any crochet projects?


Currently I have a stained glass afghan just started, a cardigan, and a bag. Then I have a knitted bag and socks started as well :eek I get bored with the same thing all the time. I recently finished a rainbow granny ghan was the pattern name. I can post a pic if your interested, I'm sure I still have it. :D

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Hello All!

Marisa-I would love love love to see your finished projects!


My little brother is only 12 and little sister is 20, she is away at college but wanted to see Teddy. :-) back to reading...

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OK then, here are pics of what I've finished fairly recently:


First is a tote bag, my first 'shaped' item :D


Next is my first pair of crocheted socks :D


An elephant that I sent out as a gift :D


Then, a hat that was too big, so I stuffed it and made a pillow :D





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Golf club covers for my aunt, I made a matching set in black and burgandy for my uncle :D


A lapghan :D


My most recent completion is the rainbow granny ghan :D


And lastly the first panel of my stained glass afghan, I'm only on the 2nd now :D





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marissa, love the projects!!! Good work. Since you asked, my husband has been gone since the beginning of June. He comes back July 9. (The day before his birthday.) He's been in the state of Washington on a shipcheck. We live in Virginia, so it's clear across the country. I have 3 teens, only one of whom drives, and two work, so it's been uberbusy.


While I'm complimenting projects, Joanne, I'm loving that granny stripe. I love the bright colors. I used all my scraps on the big afghans I made, so I don't have the stuff to make one, but I will definitely keep it in the back of my mind for later.


I am behind on my reading, so I'm just going to pass out hugs. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


I finished another row on the niece's afghan. 6 to go!

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