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Some good clean fun?!

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Hiya friends!

Dinner, dishes done, now I get to relax and have some fun! :lol I should wash laundry but tomorrow I only work till noon, so will do it in the afternoon. Today wasn't as bad as I thought, we moved back to the main site on Friday, today was the first day with kiddos since the flood. I had set up the room on Friday and walked in this morning to a newly arranged room:angry my dear assistant decided she wanted to do it her way, didn't argue, not worth the stress, I'm so outa there in 9 days! :cheer the other gal that was hired when I started gave her notice today, hopefully this will be an eye opener.:eek

Joanne-glad that you had a good day, 11 days to go! you can do it!

Vicki-sooo happy to hear that your lamp was returned, it is annoying when others take things without asking, I would have been irked too. :hug

Stacy-the new chore chart sounds like a great idea! let us know how it works.:cheer

Colleen-how was your day? Hope all is well.

Going to crochet before getting ready for bed, have a wonderful evening friends!:hug

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Just a quickie -- I'm home from work. It was a busy day. It's too wet to do the windows, and COLD!!! Is this really May in SE Virginia??? I hope you are all having an awesome day. Mine has been ... dramatic. But not all bad. Big hugs for everyone! :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug

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Just stopping by for a quick :hi Pretty quiet day here. Laundry, shopping, going for walks.


LeaAnne - Happy birthday to Lindsey! I hope she has fun.


Stacy - Happy birthday to Jorge! Good luck with the new chore chart. I hope it helps Mia.


Joanne - One down! Can't wait to see your potholder.


LeeAnn - 9 days left :tup You can do it!


:hi Vicki, Shannon, Beth, Mary, Scooby and anyone I missed - Hugs and prayers for all of you. :hug

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The yankees are now losing! Can't believe they had such a good start and it is the bottom of the 9th and they are down 9-7-


I finished the potholder at least- and started another- I'll post pics when I have a few more done- I like this pattern- it's so mindless! Just what I need on my 12 day weeks- mindless crochet to unwind.


:clap:clap:clapA-Rod just hit a home run in the bottom of the 9th and tied the game!!! C'mon Yankees- I'm losing precious sleep, but can't go to sleep until it's over!!!!:lol:lol:lol:lol

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Quick good morning and Happy Birthday to Stacy's Jorge!!!!


Didn't want to start the day without a quick hello-it is a rainy dreary day here (but on the flip side- all my newly planted flowers are getting a nice shower!!!


Cya later!

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OMG.. what a :loser.. :lol. I didn't even know the Sox were playing the Yanks lastnight! :blush oh, well... we enjoyed a fun evening anyway:D


I am running late already, so I am going to wish you all a great day!

I have an appointment after work, then get my chickens home, fed and homeworked before we are off to see Jamie play tonight.


:bday to Stacy's Jorge today!


If my prayers are answered, you will all have a fantabulously-wonderful day! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Morning all! I am feeling less cranky today. Not much, but less. That is always a good thing.

I heard A-Rod hit the homer last night. I was sleeping and I heard the ball hit the bat and sat right up. Yes, I fell asleep with the t.v. on! I don't know what the final score was, so I have to look it up, but glad they won (sorry LeaAnne!).

I won't be a department chair next year. Instead I am supposed to be a special educatio liason. Basically the same thing, just different title from what I understand. My principal was supposed to forward me the e-mail, but hasn't done it yet. We'll see what it says.

Nothing else going on here. Last night of bowling tonight. YAY! I'm glad the season is over. Now I get the summer off. Only 10 more days with students, speaking of summer!

Have a great day and I will talk to you all later!

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Morning, all!

Thanks for Jorge's birthday wishes. :hug You ladies are the sweetest bunch. Today the birthday boy wants to go to Universal Studios, so that's what we will be doing. His mom offered to take us out for dinner tonight. I feel terrible, not making a cake at least, but if we're going to be out all day, there's not much time.


Leanne, good luck with your busy, busy day! :nworthy I don't know how you do it.


Joanne, I'm glad I made your day with the coffee comment. :hug Our coffee grinder stopped working a few months ago, but the other day I got a feeling and plugged it back in. Sure enough- it worked! :think:shrug I had an entire container of beans in the fridge- now I can use them. :lol


Vicki, I'm glad your lamp made it back safely. I can't believe those kids just took it! It's good that you let the teacher know.


All my other besties-:hug and :manyheart to you! Gotta run and get snacks from the store. Have a great day!

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Hi Ladies

The other day when I posted the sad and crying I was feeling really down so about that. The news we got from the Doc about Dh, the bad news part has just got me down. I know I cant do anything about it but it has been on my mind all week. Iam also missing my kids big time. The older 2 grandkids are coming for a week on Friday so that should keep my mind off of things. My youngest DD and GD will be coming at the end of the month for 3 weeks. My DS is not coming until Aug. Little things have been getting to me lately also. My house looks like a tornado came thru here. I did manage to get the floors swepted and mopped today and the bathroom cleaned.

I hope everyone is having a great day

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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Miss Mary - I know it is hard to miss family. What did the doctor say about DH? I hope it is not too bad. Please know you are in my prayers and here are some :hug:hug:hug:hug for you.

Stacy - Did you have fun at Universal? Come to find out that my friend had told some students that they could take her lamp, but I didn't know about it (my desk is in her room. She's my roomie!). So the kids just thought they could take mine also. But now her lamp isn't working. She is not very happy about that. We'll see.

LeaAnne - You are not a loser. You are just busy! That is what happens to us mammas! Have fun at the ball field tonight, or do you get a night off?

LeeAnn - What flood? What did I miss? How did your day go? What reason did the other girl give for giving her notice? Maybe it will be an eye opener for the management, but I doubt it. Hope you had a great day!

I must get going so I can go HOME! YAY ME! Hope everyone had a great day and I will talk to you all later!

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Afternoon Ladies!

Just got home awhile ago, have laundry going and am going to sit and catch my breath. The center that I am working at had a miniature flooding issue. In December of 2009 someone had forgot to check the pipes and water over winter break, the pipes burst and water flooded the entire building, no one bothered to check on the building until January when they all went back, the water was about 2 feet deep and had turned to mold all over, so they had to relocate until the damage was fixed. They just now fixed everything and we moved back, what a mess.

Vicki-the other gal did share with the directors the issues that we have all been dealing with, :think guess they will have to figure something out.

Joanne-so glad that you were able to work on your potholders with ease, I like working on grannies, gives me such pleasure and eases my mind. I counted and have 111 hexagons connected, have about 30 more to connect, will work on it tonight, the ends are going to be time consuming but I am up for the challenge. :lol

Stacy-Happy Happy Birthday to dear Jorge! Hope you all have fun at Universal Studies! How exciting!

Colleen-what's on your hook these days? Did you finish your pineapple?

Mary-hope and pray that things look up for you!:hug

LeaAnne-Happy Late Birthday to dear Lindsey! :hugand hang in there dear friend!

I think I am going to sit and :hook should be cleaning but....:devil bbl!

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Hi Besties!!!! Went back to work yesterday and boy was I tired :lol. I will try to answer the questions you all asked. Yes, I am back on medicine for the thyroid issues. I have Hashimoto's Hyperthyroidism, BUT have been known to go from hypo to hyper for short periods of time. This time, they think that my immune system attacked and killed the thyroid gland, which I hope is what happened (although it sounds bad). I have been dealing with uncontrollable hypothyroidism since 1999. So if it is now dead then I can just take a maintenance dose of medicine and go on my merry way and hopefully all the problems/side effects/symptoms, I have dealt with in the past will go away. :lol I have to go back to Dr in June too, Vicki, so they can do lab work again.

I am finally getting back around to my :crocheting. I am digging thru all these boxes of yarn and finding all the UFOs and MAKING myself get them done before starting anything new :(. I work on one UFO till I get bored with it and pick up another one :lol. I am :think if I continue with this method I will have them all done sooner than I think :lol. I have also banned myself from looking at any new patterns, as that seems to be my problem of not finishing anything. As I get thru I will post pictures so that you all can see what I have gotten done.

My friend from NJ is doing great Joanne. And in answer to your other ? from FB, I am planning a trip to NJ hopefully in October, which will be my early Christmas :gift.

Well Besties, I have to run now. Josh just came in from school and I have to take him to turn in some job applications as he turned 16 last Thursday so he is anxious about getting a job :D. Take care and hope that you all have had a great day and have an even better evening. Sending out lots of :hugand :manyheart to you all.

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So good to hear from Mary and Scooby!!!


Mary- Hugs to you and glad that you will soon have your GK's with you and that DD will be coming shortly for 3 wks- I'm sure that will help! Sorry about the bad news from the MD about DH and I'm hoping that you are doing ok - I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers


Scooby- Hoping that the thyroid is "dead" as you say- it will make things better- and my birthday is in October- I hope you get to visit in October- and we definitely have to "hook" up!!!! NJ is a small state- and I am about 45 min away from where your friend is!! how exciting it would be to meet!!!!!


LeeAnn- Wow 111 hexagons- Where do you find the time???? I can't wait to see the finished ghan!! It's going to be awesome


LeaAnne- Sorry about the Sox loss- but glad you had a good day for Lindsey's birthday It's raining here all day and the Yanks/Red Sox are on a rain delay- I'm not even sure if they'll get the game in or not! Oh, they just said they are starting at 8-


Vicky- Have fun at your last bowling night- and wow- only 10 more days of school for you and then summer vacation- how cool- I have 10 more days of work before 2 days off! LOL


Stacy- Hope Jorge had a great birthday and you had fun at Universal and dinner out!!


Shannon, Beth, colleen- Hope you had a good Tuesday

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:hi everyone!


Mary - :hug Sorry to hear about the bad news from the Dr. for DH. I hope that you and him are doing well. How great that the GKs are coming to visit. 3 doses of sunshine :manyheart We're here for you. :hug


Scooby - So nice to see you posting again. Great idea to finish the UFOs. Can't wait to see pics :hyper Good luck to your DS getting a job :tup


Joanne - Only 10 more days until you get 2 days off :yay:rofl You can do it! You are amazing!


LeeAnn - Enjoy your :hook and :yarn.


Stacy - I hope Universal was great and that Jorge had a great birthday. You can always make the cake on another day :yes


Vicki - I hope you figure out what being a Liaison means. I like that word liaison. Sexier than department head :wink:rofl


LeaAnne - How did Lindsey like her birthday? And what did the 12 year old want for her birthday? Now I'm trying to remember, is Lindsey the pink side of the room or the eggplant purple :think


Hey Shannon, did you run away with all the lingerie? Haven't "seen" you since the weekend.


Beth - How are the windows coming along? I hope you are allowing yourself a break now and then.


Nothing exciting going on here. Mopped the kitchen floor, cleaned the bathroom, did a couple errands. I treated myself to an ice coffee this afternoon. While I was sitting in my van with the windows rolled down enjoying it, a bird came and sat on my sideview mirror :eek I reached over quickly and clicked to roll up the window. I was so worried he'd fly into my van. Now that would have been a site to see, me flying out of my van screaming :rofl I'm sure I would have hurt myself. :laughroll Must have been "our" bird stopping by to remind me of my besties near and far. :yes


I'll be around this evening and checking in to see if anyone wants to chat. We haven't chatted in ages.

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HI Colleen!


That square is absolutely beautiful- and I love the Yellow- so bright and cheerful!! great job on it!


LOL about the bird- that would have been quite a site to behold- you running out of your car screaming- the bird, the bird.....kind of reminds of that old TV show-Fantasy Island where they said "the plane, the plane" LOL

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Hee hee Joanne, thanks for the smile. I'm not quite that short. Close but not quite :rofl By the way, thanks for the comments on the square. I love the yellow too.

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What kind of yarn did you use?


I finished a potholder last night and am working on another- the I love this cotton yarn I bought works up nicely and I love the way the potholder came out. I think everyone will be getting a few for Christmas!!

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That would be a nice Christmas present. That square is just ww acrylic. I think it's Bernat Super Value (my go to yarn).


My parents are in the Carolinas right now and my mom asked if I wanted anything from Joannes. I told her to get me a ball or two of that Hometown USA yarn if she saw it. We'll see if I get any :hyper

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I was on Lion Brand's site and see they now have another new yarn- Quick and Cozy- kind of looks like Chenille- I think they just renamed their chenille yarn and added new colors.


That would be neat if she brings you back some Hometown USA yarn- Where in the Carolina's are they? North Carolina? South Carolina? We went to Charlotte, NC about a year 1/2 ago and I really liked it down there!


Any plans for Boston?

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They went down with the trailer. The spent a week or so in North Carolina and I think they just headed for the Myrtle Beach area. DH went to Charlotte for a work conference once and liked it. Mostly he liked getting to ride in a car around the test track at Lowe's Motor Speedway. Big highlight for him.


I suspect Boston is a no-go. We just booked another trip to Disney for the fall, so I somehow doubt I can swing Boston. Too bad, but we are very excited to go back to Disney.

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No, we were too excited to keep it a surprise. :lol She is excited. She's been saving every penny in her piggy bank to go back. We'll go this year again and then take a break for a while. This will be the last year she is in school part-time, so it's a good time to go. She'll only miss a few days of school.

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That's funny about thinking Lionbrand renamed their yarn :lol I think you might be right. We get some Lionbrand yarns at Michael's here, so I'll have to check it out to see if they have it. I've never tried Chenile.


I'm working on my RR. Kinda boring. I know you do, but I don't like mindless crochet. Oh well, I'll get it done so I can use up more yarn.

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That is cute- saving her $- I'm having a hard time with the Ville tonight- or maybe it's just my internet connection- very SLOW---could it be the rain? Or is it the ville?


In any event, think I'll log off, and work a little more on my potholder and then call it a night- I have a VERY LONG 10 days of work left- LOL


I have already set the DVR to record Parenthood!!


Hope to chat again soon!

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