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We have the Diner coffee right now! :lol It's no Joe's Dark, but it's pretty good. :D I tried the Chicory the last time I was there, but I'm not sold on it. I also bought some Greek honey yogurt and all 3 containers were bad! :( They were cool about returning them, though. :tup Have fun buying flowers!


Bike ride done, breakfast done, 2 loads of laundry done and waiting to be folded, with another in the dryer. Klaus peed on my bed again last night. :rant

Okay, gotta run to the store for fruit. BBL!

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Hi everyone!

I am just getting a chance to get on and see how everyone is doing today! I was able to get the grocery shopping done. Hubby had to go get his battery in his car replaced this morning also. His car kept dying for no reason. I figured it was the battery. So that was done. Then we went and got some soil so he could plant some stuff after the rain moved out. We had some serious thunder boomers last night! The rain filled my pool and pond nicely! The rain continued through today. The sun is only just coming out now.


I was able to watch the end of the Yankee game today and saw them win against the Twins. Now we are watching the Mets lose at the moment to the Marlins. Or I should say I am watching the Mets and hubby is snoring on the couch. DD is upstairs dressing her stuffies.


I am almost finished with the green blanket for graduation! YAY ME! I hate having two projects going at the same time. It was a necessity this time, but I can't focus on projects when I have more than one going. I will take pictures of it and post it. I need to take pics of the base ball one too. I just haven't done it yet.


Joanne - Did you get any flowers today? What did you get?


LeeAnn - How did your speech go and how was graduation?



Stacy - YAY for getting an order for party favors! That is exciting! Who would have thought of that!


LeaAnne - How were the games and the practice? Are you working on your squares?



Shannon - Glad to hear you are okay and hopefully things will slow down a little bit now. How did the doctor's appointment go for Janna?


Well, I hope everyone had a great Saturday. I will talk to you all on the flip side!

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Stacy- glad to hear that the Joe's Diner is ok! And bummer about the Greek honey yogurt- but good that they took it back. I had a greek honey yogurt with granola for lunch when we got back from TJ's! And it was great!!!


the flower trek was a bust- we hit traffic- construction---and then on another road we have to take the road was closed off for a street fair!!! By the time we would have gotten there, we would have had about 10 min if that to look around. And I really want to get my flowers at this place because I've always had good luck with their flowers/plants and the prices are great! So, I guess, maybe we'll try again tomorrow!!!


Hope everyone had a great Saturday! The weather here was perfect-ness!!!!!!

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Hi Vicki!!!


Yay for the Yankee win- another good game and Pettite pitched another great game. I LOL about your Hubby snoring on the couch- sounds like my house!!!!


Can't wait to see the afghan- I need to put something on my hook! I'm just not sure what it is exactly I want to work on. I have a pile of squares staring at me that I should start putting together.

Isn't it nice when mother nature fills the pool and pond for you? We have to decide when we are going to open our pool- I'm reluctant to do it before June since last June rained most of the month!!!

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:hi Hello my chatty besties! Looks like everyone had lots going on today. This morning DD and I walked with the wagon to the garden center at the store nearby and bought some annuals and a bag of soil. Then I pulled that and my DD home in the wagon. It was a great workout! I managed to get out for another faster, wagonless walk this evening. I should sleep well tonight.


It was quite cool and gray here today, but we are supposed to get a warmer day tomorrow. Maybe I'll get my window boxes and a pot or two planted.


Stacy - Cool news about your potential order. I hope the birthday party for MIL was fun!


Beth - I hope you got some window stripping done. That's a big job!


LeaAnne - How are the chickens this weekend? My DH is going golfing tomorrow. Gee, I think I should cash in on some guilt-free crochet time :devil


Joanne - Too bad about the construction and closed roads that you couldn't get to the plant store. It's much better to have time to browse when you're buying plants. Or do like my DD does. "Oh, that one is pink, let's get that one Mommy!"


Vicki - I would love to see the green afghan! That's great that you are almost done.


LeeAnn - Happy Graduation! I hope all went well. I've been thinking about you today and I am so proud of you!


Shannon - I hope you are enjoying the busy weekend. Did you buy any lingerie? :wink


:hi Mary, Scooby, Sarah and all our friends!

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Good morning, besties! :morcoffee


I only got one window done, but I got more done than I thought I was going to do. I ended up stripping the paint off the entire frame and sill, and repainting all of it. I was just going to do what I had to for the glaze. But it's done, the cracked pane is replaced, and since we don't have central a/c, when we put the window unit in there, it will already be clean. I am doing the window unit windows first. It was a job, and it wore me out.


Colleen, what kind of annuals did you get? I love flowers! :flower Pulling a wagon full of girl and plants and soil would be tiring. Where will you put these?


Joanne, good luck flower shopping. What are you looking for?


Vicki, congrats on getting your grocery shopping done, and filling your pond and pool. Did the new batttery take care of the dh's car problems?


Stacy, a cup of any kind of coffee sounds like it would be good right now... I jumped on the computer first thing, after I ironed my shirt. I'm so sorry about Klaus peeing on your bed. That's so frustrating. How was the birthday party?


LeaAnne, you sound busy as always. My windows are way over due. I just can't stand them any more, so they are getting done, slowly, this year.


LeaAnn, I hope your day was very special.


Too coffee-less to figure out who I missed, so :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugTake two, and call me in the morning! Love you all!!!

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Good morning!

Have fun planting your flowers Colleen- and how neat that you are able to walk to get your plants- sure beats the trek I take!!


WTG Beth- that is quite the accomplishment on the getting the window done!!


I will probably buy begonias- they seem to do well in the back yard which gets full sun most of the day- I've tried others and they don't do as well. I have a planter box in the front where I usually put geraniums and then I get 4 hanging baskets for the shepherd's hooks I have in the front. We'll probably buy a few more perennials- not sure which type- we've been doing that each year- so there are less and less annuals to buy!


I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday- I've got laundry in and need to go re-fill my coffee cup- we are having the Joe's Diner coffee- it is OK, but not as good as the Joe Dark- but, hey it's caffeine, which is what I need right now!!

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Hi, friends-


I hope you are getting to relax today:c9


the games were fun yesterday:cheer ...and DH got the lawn cut. I got the inside cleaned up. It was a great day.


today, we have to take the chickens for haircuts, do a bit of food shopping, then it's laundry for me, weeding for DH, and weekend homework for the girls. We are not going to practice today. too much to do.... Oh! and the Celtics are on this afternoon! GO CELTS!


Enjoy your Sunday of planting flowers and guilt free:crocheting, Colleen! sounds like fun! my boys didn't go... too much to do.


Vicki - I hope the battery replacement is a good fix for DH's car... You might suggest having the alternator checked also :wink


Stacy - WTG on the pending order! I am so proud of you, girl! How is Jorge feeling?


Joanne - I hope you made it to your favorite nursery today... there is nothing like :flowers to bring a smile to your heart!


Beth - WTG on getting a window done!


LeeAnn - hoping you are resting today after a wonderful day



I gotta run for now... time to go to the Hair Cuttery



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Good morning!

I have my first load of laundry in the washer and the towels are folded. The second load is ready to go in. I have dinner planned (we are having surf and turf!) and I am going to do some work for my paper today. I plan on crocheting later on today also.

It is very cloudy out here today, but the rain is supposed to be scattered today.

I hope everyone has a great day and I will talk to you all later!


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Good Day friends!

I was missing ya all so very much! Had a wonderful graduation day! The speech went well, I was super proud of myself, I wouldn't allow myself to be nervous, it was actually not as painful as I once thought. :yes After the ceremony we all met here at our house, dh and I had everything all set out, it was stress free, toward the evening we took the kiddos to the park, they had such a blast! I am so tired today, I feel like the life has been sucked out of me. :lol My sis and her family are still here, we are thinking of taking the kiddos back to the park and maybe run a few errands, i must get myself motivated...oh and dear brother in-law saw the flannelghan and wants one, so excited! He want a black/yellow one, so who am I to say no? :think yarn yarn yarn!!! Must buy yarn!

hope I can get on here later this evening to address everyone, please know that I am thinking of all of you and miss ya lots!:hug:yay

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Got the flowers bought today!!!!:clap And they are almost all planted!!! :clap Taking a quick break- and watching the end of the Yankee game-


I bought my hanging plants (all begonias), geraniums for my planters in front, container tomatoes for the planter on my deck (trying this instead of flowers), and basil for another container.


I also bought three more perennial plants- 2 gerber daisy's- one pink, one orange and a lavender plant.


I have to still plant the tomatoes, basil and some more begonias in the planters I have on my deck railing.


It is a beautiful day outside and am enjoying prettifying the yard!!!:yes And the weather is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!:) Hoping for some sit down time later so I can relax before my 12 day week begins tomorrow


Oh, no- Mariano just gave up a grand slam homeroom:eek so Twins are now winning 6-3- what's up with that? Maybe I should have stayed outside planting my flowers :lol


LeeAnn- Congrats again on your graduation and for your speech giving!!! Glad the party went well! Enjoy the rest of the day - and a trek to the park sounds nice!


Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday!!!!!:hug

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:hi We finally got a beautiful day here. :yay I did some groceries and some laundry and tidying this morning. DH cleaned all the windows, and then DD and I planted our flowers. I put some in the window boxes on the shed, I did two small planters of geraniums for the front step, and DD put petunias in her little flower pots in her play house. We planted the sunflowers and pumpkins that we had started in little cups in the kitchen window. I don't know if they are going to make it. I think we started them too early indoors and they got too big for the little cups. Unfortunately it hasn't been warm enough to put them outside yet. :xfin I pulled the finished tulips and daffodils and tried my best to pull most of the bulbs out. They had shifted or been over-taken by the bushes over the years and were coming up through the bushes. I didn't find all the bulbs, but I got several up before I broke my shovel. :angry I now have to put new little shovel on my shopping list. DD got playing on her bike, so after we were finished I sat and crocheted outside a little bit while she played. Now we're in and I'm going to make a frozen pizza and salad for dinner. DH went golfing, so there's no point in going to much trouble. I'd like to bake some chocolate chip cookies yet too, but we'll see how it goes.


LeeAnn - It sounds like you had a very nice graduation day. In addition to the busy day making you feel tired, you are probably going to feel tired with relief after such an amazing accomplishment. Your body will probably relax like it hasn't for a while. Good job! Have fun making the next flannelghan.


Joanne - You sound like you have a nice set-up for your plants. I would like to do some parsley yet. I find that handy.


LeaAnne - It sounds like you've had a great weekend and got lots done!


Vicki - Mmmmm surf and turf! What is your surf? Sounds yummy, enjoy!


Beth - WTG getting that window stripped and painted :nworthy


:hi to everyone else!

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Hi Besties!!!! I know, I know I have been awful lately about posting over :blush:(. I just spend too much time on FB farming, planting crops, taking care of animals, cooking, managing a hotel, I just love it :lol. I haven't done a whole lot the last week as I have been off from work, per Dr's orders. I got really sick and had a bad dizzy spell at work a week ago friday. Went to the ER and all of it is related to my hypothyroidism (or they think). I am now on the road to recovery I hope.

I hope everyone is doing well and hope that you all are having a great weekend. It is chilly and rainy here so not much going on. Think I am going to curl up on the bed with my :yarn and :chook and :crocheting AND listen to an audiobook for a while. Take care and sending out lots of :hug and :manyheart to you all!!!!!

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Hi gang!

I didn't get anything done today except the laundry. The clothes are washed but not folded. I got the towels in the dryer right now. I tried to finish vacuuming the pool. There is still stuff to vacuum up in there. There is just so much that I need to let the pool settle back down. That's what happens when I don't vacuum it all winter!

Colleen - The surf was shrimp for my surf and turf. It was on sale at the grocery store when I went shopping yesterday! How could I resist?

Joanne - The Yankees were winning when I had it on. I came back and they were losing! They kill me sometimes. And they play the Red Sox tomorrow.

Mary - Is everything ok? What's wrong?

LeeAnn - YAY for a great speech and a great party! Now you can relax a little and savor the moment!

Scooby - I have the opposite of you. I have hyperthyroidism. Did the doctor put you on medicine for it? I go back to the doctor in June for him to check my blood levels again.

I hope everyone had a great day and I will talk to you all later!

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Sorry to see Mary sad! What's wrong- We're here for you!!:hug:hug


Scooby- Glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery- dizzy spells can be scary sometimes- Hope you get to hook tonight with your audiobook!:hook


Colleen- Sounds like you had a wonderful day too.! :c9 All my flowers/plants are in and then DH got a brainstorm- our backyard spigot is on the far end of the house away from the deck (where I have most of the plants.)


We have an upper part of the deck that is attached to the house and goes to the pool- so he says, let's run it under that deck and then I'll pull it under the regular deck. Well, this little brainstorm lasted about 1 hr 1/2- and I was the one under the deck (by the pool)- the hose kept getting kinked which I knew it would (but who am I- only the woman- and you know Men --they think THEY know it all!! ):lol:lol:lol


Finally am sitting down! And the day is almost over!!!! i didn't get to crochet and honestly I am tired and could go to sleep- but if I do I'm afraid I'll get up at 2 or 3 so I'm going to force myself to stay up at least till 9:30.


Vicki- We cover our pool all winter- and it's been covered for 2 now since we didn't open it last year due to all the rain- I'm dreading opening it- can only imagine what it must look like- but that's another project for another day- and not till June to make sure we are not getting rain all the time like last year.


Hope that everyone else is enjoying their day- Thinking of you LeaAnne, LeeAnn, Beth, Stacy and Shannon and :hug for all of you.


Cya in the AM:)

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Good evening, it is evenig right? whew! :confused Was another busy day...Just got home from the park, my sis and her family went back home, but before that our parents came over to have lunch with all of us, still have to tidy up the kitchen but honestly just can't motivate myself to do it, after all the cooking and cleaning up after at least 15 people, just can't move. :loco


Joanne-your flowers sounds lovely, how cool! Men! Sometimes their "bright ideas" cause us more work and stress. Glad that you are finally able to get indoors. The twelve day work starts again, good luck and energy!:hug


Colleen-sounds like your weekend went well, chocolate chip cookies sound delicious!:applause


Scooby-so happy to read your post! I hope that you get to feeling better soon!


Mary-:scrachin I will say a prayer that things look up for you!:hug


Vicki-are you ready for the work week? Mondays sure get here fast!:waving


Stacy-Oh my! That would be sooooo soooo wonderful to make your goodies and sell them! Lots of good thoughts headed your way!:wink


LeaAnne-how was your weekend? you said that you weren't going to any games/practices? Hope you were able to get the things done that you wanted.:hug


Beth-how are you doing? Getting any time to :hook?


I hope that I didn't forget anyone, please forgive? going to sit and do absolutely nothing for a few minutes. :hug Will chat with you all in th morning.

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Good morning! Happy Monday- and so it begins- another of the infamous 12 day workweeks!!!


I picked up a hook and yarn last night- and started a potholder- http://www.bevscountrycottage.com/kitchen-potholders.html


I went to bed at 10- couldn't keep my eyes open any longer!!!


I hope everyone has a good day and special hugs out to Mary!!!

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just getting ready for work, but the count down is on! 10 days and then vacation for two weeks, then I get to start the new job! yeah! Oh happy days!

Joanne-thank you for sharing the potholder pattern, I really do need to make some, noticed this weekend that ours are getting pretty beat up,...I will have to try the pattern. Are you using the ILTY Cotton? We want to make a trek to Pueblo sometime soon, I am itching to go see all of the yarn at Hobby Lobby.

Vicki-I hope that your lamp turns up, that's the pits!:hug

I'm trying to wake up myself, but I feel more alive today than yesterday.:think I will have to take a pic of the hexagon ghan, it is finally growing.

hugs dear friends, here's hoping you all have a super day!:cheer

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hi, friends-


stopping by quick, just to say :hi!


We are off to Lindsey's game shortly, and then back for cake... my lil Lindsey is 12 today :clap


Have a great night, everyone, and please know that I hold you all in my prayers... hopefully I will catch up with you all tomorrow :U


p.s. extra prayers for you, Mary and Scooby!

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:bday Lindsay!! Good luck at the game!


Joanne, thanks for that pattern! I received a potholder just like it in a swap last year and have been looking for the pattern since! :lol


Leeann, 9 days left by now! :cheer You can do it! I'm sure you are so excited to start that migrant position! Can't wait to see a pic of your hexagons.


Mary and Scooby, extra :hug and prayers for you, my friends.


Yesterday was so nice- the older girls spent the night with my IL's, and Roomie and the monsters were gone all day. Just me, dh,and Eva. I made 3 more animals and dh worked on his presentation. Dh is off today and tomorrow- tomorrow is his b/day. His brother was supposed to visit, but of course SIL decided she had other plans. :angry Anyway...today I did 3 loads of laundry, ran the dishwasher, and cleaned the kitchen. I made dinner early so dh could eat before going to class. I am planning to put on a movie for the girls and work on my snowflakes. I want to get that 'ghan finished and put away for a Christmas gift.

Well, I'm going to scoot. I printed out new chore charts for the girls and we need to go over them. I split the bedroom into parts (Isabella has to pick up the books and shoes, Mia gets the Barbies and Polly Pockets) and I am hoping it is easier for Mia to grasp. Have a great night, besties! :manyheart:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart:hug

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HI everyone- 1 day down- 11 to go!!!


Happy Birthday to Lindsay- Hope she wins the game for her birthday!!!!!


Vicki- That stinks that someone took your desk lamp- But here's some news to cheer you up- Yanks up 3-0 in the bottom of the first, no one out yet!!!! (Sorry LeaAnne)


Stacy- Sounds like you had a wonderful day!!! And that is a great idea with the chore chart and hope that it helps Mia!! You are whipping out those animals super quick. And Happy 1 day early Birthday to Jorge! Are you making a special meal or cake for him? And I got a chuckle at work when I checked FB on my phone and saw that you thought of me while you were having you coffee! (That made my day!!) And you are welcome for the link to the pattern for the potholder!


Ok- Yankees up 5-0!!!


LeeAnn- Lucky you- 2 wks vacation!!! Are you going away? You can get through the next 9 days and then you'll have some time to regroup b/4 starting the other position! In answer to your question, YES, I am using the ILTC!!!! My potholders were pretty beat up so I thought why not make my own?


Colleen- Hope you had a nice day-and that things are going drama-free with DD and the clothes!!!!


Shannon- How are things in your neck of the woods- what's on your hook these days?


Mary- Hugs, and more hugs- I'm sad that you posted those sad faces!!!


Beth- How are the windows coming along? That's quite a project!


Scooby- Did you get any "hooking" done? Or were you too busy on your farm? LOL Hope that the dizziness has gone away and that you are feeling back to your old self. How's your friend from NJ?


Time to get back to the potholder- and the game!!!


Have a good night everyone!!!

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My desk lamp came back. Apparently what happened was there was a drama dinner Friday night at school and the students told the drama teacher that their teachers told them they could use the lamps to "decorate". The problem was that the kids never asked if they could use the lamps! I e-mailed the teacher and told her that the kids were going through the building and taking lamps from teachers' rooms and that I came in this morning to find my lamp gone. Don't know what she will say about it, but she needs to know.


Anyway, I am quite cranky tonight. The lamp just started my day out in a foul way and I came home to find my kitchen in a mess. DD made it and never bothered to clean it up this morning. She "forgot". Hubby didn't do what he needed to do last night, so I got off to a late start, I just am not happy with the people in my house tonight. The only thing that is making me happy right now is that the Yankees are beating up on the Red Sox (sorry LeaAnne!).


Joanne - Day one down and 11 more to go! You can do it!


Stacy - What animals are you working on? Take pictures please!


LeeAnn - How was your day? Hopefully it was a good one.


LeaAnne - Happy b-day to Lindsay and have a big piece of cake for me! I hope it is delicious!


David Ortiz just hit a home run, but the Yankees are still winning 6-2.


I hope everyone has a great night and I will talk to you all later!

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