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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning! :morcoffee


Vicki, thanks so much for the Sausage Parm recipe. My son will be most appreciative. It sounds like something my dh would really like, too. (Me, too!) I hope finding new placements for the kids won't be too much work. Educational beaureacrats are so frustrating when there are hard-working teachers trying to help kids.... The TKD pics are great. Your dd is beautiful, and looks like she's having fun.


LeaAnn, I hope you have a good day at work.


Joanne, congrats on switching out the clothes! and double congrats on getting dh to get rid of things!


LeaAnne, your weekend sounds :c9! How nice to see two children win!!!


Shannon, :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug Sending warm thoughts your way, friend.


Colleen, Did you get to :crocheting???

Mary, Stacy, Scooby, Sarah, and all the rest, i hope your week is the best!


I got the ends worked in. thanks for :cheer me on!!!:hug

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:hi everyone!


I won't write to everyone. Feeling a bit of brain overload right now...it's Monday :lol I'm just stopping by to say hi between gigs. It is a beautiful sunny day here again, so hopefully after volunteering I can get out for a walk this afternoon. Unfortunately I also have to come up with something for supper. Maybe I'll walk to the store :shrug


I did a very little bit of crochet late last night and wound some yarn into balls. Not as much as I had hoped earlier in the day. I felt like I needed one more day of the weekend when I woke up this morning. ...is it Friday yet? :lol


Have a great day everyone!

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I just got a call from my SIL in Ohio. My dad is in the hospital. He probably had a stroke, but it doesn't seem to be "too serious." Well, it's my daddy, so it's serious enough for me!


Any way, I am a mess. Thoughts and prayers to Ohio and here in Virginia would be appreciated!



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Beth- Lots of hugs and prayers-:hug:hug:hug are you going to go out to Ohio? And I know what you are saying when you said it's your Daddy- so anything is serious! My Dad passed away in 2004 and not a day goes by that I don't think about him and ask him to watch over me- He was ALWAYS there for me ! I miss him so much- we were so much closer than my mom and I. Extra extra hugs for you my friend:hug:hug:hug


Shannon- Hugs :hug:hug to you too for whatever it is you are dealing with now!


Vicki- Hope the day went well. What did you decide to do with the chicken cutlets? Glad to hear that the girl is doing ok- and that she will take it easy for a few days- you can't mess around with a concussion! And I don't blame you for not wanting to post that video! I saw the pics on FB Your DD looks so adorable, and more importantly looks like she is really enjoying herself and having FUN with TKD!!!


Colleen- Hope you got your walk in today- I know how much you like them!!! How is DD feeling? Any better?


LeaAnne- Hope your day back to work with your 1 year old went well.


LeeAnn- Looking forward to hearing how the first official day on the job went.


Stacy- thinking about you- how is Jorge doing?


Scooby, Sarah and Mary- Hope you are all doing well.


It was another rainy day here in NJ- and supposed to be tomorrow too. Good for the grass and at least I was inside at work. And I hear you, Colleen- Is it Friday yet?:lol:lol


I may have to work 1/2 day Saturday- but that's ok. In the afternoon, there is an event in a nearby town and DD and her BF are participating-gonna be very kid friendly, with a lot of art projects, including a huge "coloring book page" collaborative mural that DD and her BF are facilitating.There's also going to be lots of live music, spoken word, and poetry. My step daughter is going to bring step grandaughter! It should be a fun afternoon!


have a good night everyone- time to work on the ghan for stepdaughter!:manyheart

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Beth- I am definitely saying prayers for you right now. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to you, my friend! Love you!

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Good evening friends!

Beth-many prayers, hugs and warmest wishes to you and your loved ones! Please let me know if there is anything I can do, I know I am far away, but still....:hug:hug:hug:hug

The day went well! I had one little girl, she's only 3 months and ohhh sooo adorable! My class should be filling up soon, tomorrow have another one started, by the end of the week I should have more than half, they are awaiting paper work. I was able to chat with the directors today, finally,...they bought all of the supplies that I had requested:cheer and gave me a ray of hope...we will see. I am optimistic, I think as long as I am in my classroom, things should run smoothly.

Joanne-Gosh! It should be Friday, the weekends go by so fast.

Colleen-I hope that you were able to go on your walk, being outdoors just does something for the spirit. When I was a preschool teacher, that was one of my favorite times of day...walking with children reminds you to take notice of the small things, a butterfly landing on a dandelion, the clouds passing by, the breeze. I sure do miss that age group!

Vicki-hope your meetings went well.

well ladies, must get myself in gear and check on my homework assignments submitted.

Have a wonderful evening! Oh, sitll plugging away on the flannelghan, I can't wait to finish it!

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Beth - lots of prayers to you and your daddy... and to your family. loads of :hug:hug:hug, too! Please keep us posted about how he is doing, ok?


LeeAnn - glad to hear that day one went well, and that you are getting the support from above that you need. :hug


Colleen and Joanne - is it Friday yet???? :lol here is my line of the day:


"It's Monday.... Need I say more???"


Hi to all you besties out there, and you know who you are!!!! :wink


I can't stay... we just finished dinner, and I still have chickens to help with homework, and tuck in after that. Not the start to softball season I was imagining:blush... oh well... tomorrow's another day and another night at the park! (Linds played tonight and lost 8-6)

Tomorrow we eat Before we go!!!!


anyhoo... gotta jet....


Love, hugs and prayers for you all!

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:hi everyone,


Beth - I hope you are feeling alright. It must be hard to be so far away when your Dad isn't well :hug:hug:hug Thinking about you lots and we are here for you any time!


LeaAnne - Sorry to hear that softball season didn't get off to a good start. Maybe a quick supper or picnic before next time? At any rate, you are all together and it's all about having fun! :hug


LeeAnn - I am so glad to see you sound happier after your first day. You never know, you may just love it. A day with a 3 mo old :c9 I would be in heaven.


Joanne - The art event on Saturday sounds fun! I hope the rain clears away before then.


Stacy - How is Jorge doing? Thinking about you guys! :hug


Shannon - :hug Thinking about you too! :hug


Mary - How are you this week? Are you still working hard outside?


Vicki - The pics of your DD's TKD tournament were great. She looks so happy. How was the chicken? I've been thinking about trying that sausage parm recipe. Do you use Italian sausage? Do you serve it on the bun?


Scooby - Hey girl, how are you doing? Are you finding any time to :crocheting?


Well, another day done. I worked the morning, volunteered in the afternoon. I got a short walk in to go to the store for Chicken Parmigiana. Played at the park after school. Worked with DD on her reading this evening (she's doing great!:yay). Now I think I'll call it a night. I've been feeling kind of drained all day.

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Hey all!


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug Beth! I am so sorry to hear about your dad. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. It must be so hard being away from your family at a time like this. :hug:hug:hug:hug


Leeann- I'm glad to hear your job is going well. :hug


Love and lots of :hug:hug:hug to everyone- Leanne, Colleen, Shannon, Mary, Leeann, Sarah, Joanne, Vicki, Scooby.


Sorry I haven't been around- I am still trying to catch up from dh being sick, and problems are rampant with Roomie's kids. Plus we just found out that Mia may have some comprehension issues, rather than hearing/speech- I am emotionally drained lately. Please know that I think about each and every one of you every day (especially Scooby when I clean my mirrors with alcohol :rofl and Joanne when I have my TJ's Dark coffee, too. :wink)

Yesterday we took the girls to Universal Studios, and they weren't too sure about it. There was a Blues Brothers revue though and Mia got to dance onstage! The female singer kept pointing her out and saying how cute she was and before she left the stage, one of the men gave her his sunglasses. She was on :c9!!

I'd better scoot and get some :crocheting done while the girls are watching a movie! BBL, hopefully. :D

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HI Besties!!!!! Haven't been around here much. Been working a lot and then hanging out on FB taking care of my farms, fish tanks, zoos, etc etc :lol. My company came from NJ and we had a blast last weekend. Last pay period I worked 11 days straight before I had a day off and I am now working on my 6th day of a ten day stretch :(. Can't wait for the weekend to get here :yes:yes:yes. Other than working a lot, not much happening here.Haven't been :crocheting much either. But would really like to get back into it but just don't feel like it when I get off from work and then come home to all the household chores such as dishes, laundry, mowing the lawn, and the list goes on and on. I hope all of you are doing well, which I do see most of you on FB :). Just wanted to stop in and say HI and send out lots of :hug and :manyheart to you all as I think of you often.

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Good morning!


Beth- continued prayers for your Dad and for your family! Hugs to you! I can only imagine how hard this for you!:hug:hug:hug


Stacy- Sorry to hear about the roomie kid troubles.:angry With all you've been going through with your own family, that is one problem you don't need! Hugs to you too!:hug


Colleen- Glad that you got to get in your walk yesterday!:) And how exciting that DD is doing so well with reading!:yes


LeeAnn- 3 mos old for a day- wonderful for the spirit-:c9 Glad to hear that you got to speak with the director. Fingers crossed that it continues to go well- only time will tell!


LeaAnne- Sorry about the softball loss- but hey, all is ok in Beantown world- The Bruins moved on to the next round of the hockey playoffs (who would have thought they would be moving on after the season they had and that the Devils would be out of it? ) And your Boston Red Sox, actually pulled off a win! LOL. I was sorry to read today that Jacques Lemaire is retiring as coach of the Devils- he was a class hockey player and coach- He will be missed in the hockey world!


Scooby- I didn't realize that your NJ company visited this past weekend- Are you going to visit NJ? If you do, you must let me know!!! You have been working long hours which I can definitely relate to!


Vicki- Hope you have a good day today with your meetings and that you rock at bowling tonight!!! Did you see clips of the Yankees visit to the White House? I was listening to the FAN on the way home form work last night and they were talking about Vasquez- they were saying that alot of what his happening is in his head. They were speaking about this Sat game against the White Sox on national tv as being a real test for him. I honestly don't think he is suited for NY!! We'll see if he can get it together!


Shannon, Mary, Sarah- thinking of you girls!


Off to begin my Tuesday- make it a good day everyone-:manyheart

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Beth - Prayers and hugs for you girl! Hav eyour heard anything else from your sister? Don't you hate it when you have to get news from someone else? They never give you the story straight!

Stacy - What kind of problem is Mia having? What did the teacher say that she thinks it is not hearing/speech and more comprehension? Give me some details.


LeaAnne -Sorry about the game. There is always another one! We always say that in the baseball season! Hope the next one is great! And yes, pack a picnic if the weather is nice! That is a great idea!


Colleen - Yes, I do sausage parm on a bun or a roll with italian sausage. I usually do a salad with it. So yummy! Tell me how you like it when you make it!

LeeAnn - Glad you got all your supplies in and that your class will soon fill up! Hope you have a great day with your 3 month old!

Scooby - Nice to see you! You have been very busy! Hop eyou get to slow down soon and crochet a little! Did you have a good time with your company? I hope you have a good rest of the week!

Mary - Hope you are having a good week too!

Shannon - Are things settling down for you? I hope so. You are in my prayers girl!

I fried the chicken last night. It was quick and by the time I got home it was late and I just wanted to make dinner and relax. The Mets were rained out. I forgot that the Yankees were going to the White House yesterday! I need to look that up and see if I can watch parts of it. I will need to use my friend's computer. My speakers don't work for some reason!

We have state testing today so it is going to be a LONG day here today. I am testing for the next four days. Pray that I make it!

Talk to you all later and have a good day!


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I am halfway through my gotta-do list for today, and just wanted to drop in to see how you are....


I am thinking of you all, and hoping that you are having a good day.


Here are some extra hugs. Take as many as you need, and I'll send more.




I'll try to stop by again later. We have softball tonight (if it stays dry). either way, I have supper already made so we can eat early and prevent the unnecessary stress that we had last night. :wink

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:hi friends!


Thinking about you guys lots. Lots going on. :hug:hug:hug


I've got one load of laundry on the clothesline, one in the washer. The kitchen and living room tidied up. I did groceries this morning. I had a nap :devil And I'm making fish for supper. Let's see what else I can get done before DH gets home. I've been busy lately and not getting very much done around the house, so DH has been dropping not so subtle hints. Wanna know what I think of that? :nahnah:neener Phew, feels good to get that out of my system. :rofl


Oh, I got wonderful news today. A great friend of mine (from my University days) e-mailed me this afternoon to let me know she is expecting. :yay I'm so excited for her! It's been a while since a friend had a baby. Hmmm, I might just have to crochet a little something :hook


Here's hoping all my besties are having a good day, getting the rest they need, and that things are looking up all around. :manyheart

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Good Afternoon friends!

Had an extra early day today, only had to work 4 hours...I am really not liking the schedule, have an inerview on Tuesday for the Migrant position, I am trying to be optimisitc, but it really does not seem like this will work. Guess I will see if I get the other job then will give notice towards the end of May. I was feeling bad, but they have another girl that interviewed that is qualified, they hired her as a floater, so I think they will just bump her into my position if I get the other job, the director shared that they are not going to put me on contract for at least 6 months, :eek that is not good, that means no benefits.

Vicki- how ya doing today? Hope the day wasn't too stressful. :manyheart

Beth-hope you hear good news soon!:hug

Colleen-glad you were able to sneak in a nap, it's best to rest when you need it. :yes have you had time to :hook

Joanne-I always think of you when I am drinking my coffee first thing in the morning, hope your day went well.:yay

LeaAnne-you are on the ball! Dinner already made? :P Good luck with tonights game.

Get to pick up my kiddos from school today. :cheer and dd's new glasses came in, what perfect timing! I can take her to pick them up. I have to work different hours every day, never the same time during the week, isn't that weird? I sure do miss my kiddos.:( but am trying to make up for it during the evenings and weekends.

finished all of my homework and quizzes for one class just waiting to take the final, and then just have the art quiz to take and viola! Done!

huggers friends! Be back later!

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Hi Ladies

We just got home not too long ago. Dh had 2 days of testing and now we are home. I missed my house.

Beth Iam keeping you in my prayers. I wish I could be there for support for you.:hug:hug

Leeann Iam glad you are looking into the other job. This job doesn't sound too good.

LeaAnne my sister.......... Glad that baseball was good on Sunday. Good idea having dinner before you go tonight.

Colleen the blackfies are out so Iam in. But I have alot of things to get done this week so it will be a busy week.

Joanne Vicki Stacy Shannon Scooby and anybody else I missed I hope you all have a great week.

Lots of Love


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:hi everyone!


Thanks for all the well-wishes. Hopefully, we'll get some test results this evening.


I'm enjoying a quiet evening at home. My dh took the kids and the mil to a movie and out to eat. I'm veging. It is :c9


LeaAnn, I'm not too impressed with your account of your workplace. I think I'd run away, and not look back.


LeaAnne, I hope it doesn't rain on your game today! What's in the picnic basket?


Mary, good to hear from you. How long do the blackflies last? I am not fond of biting flies.


Colleen, a baby! What fun!!! I think you did quite a bit today! Do you think it's enough to satisfy DH?


Vicki, good luck with the testing. Do you have students that receive special considerations when testing?


Joanne, I hope you had a good Tuesday. It's good to know that your Saturday is only going to be half a day. That's not TOO long of a week -- better than 12 days!


Scooby, sounds like you have almost too much job security! You are putting in lots of days. Do you work while ds is at school?


Stacy, sorry that roomie's kids are being terrorists.


Shannon, thinking of you, Sweetie.

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hi everyone!


Mary- Hope that the test results for DH come back good. And I guess you'll be hooking up a storm now that the blackflies are back!


Colleen- Glad you could vent her about the not so subtle comments being made by DH. Did you get enough done to satisfy him?:lol:nahnah:neener


Beth- Glad that you are getting some quiet time and hoping you hear some news about test results. :hug


LeeAnn- I don't think I would be able to stay in that position- but the Migrant position doesn't start till June, is that right? Congrats on almost being done!!! You must feel such a sense of accomplishment


LeaAnne- thinking of you as you are probably at the game now. It is very windy here in NJ and getting cold- supposed to go into the 30's tonight:eek Not baseball weather in my mind, although I do have the Yankees on now!


Vicki- Hope you make it through your week of testing. Mets are playing a double header today- They won their first game- DH must be in heaven! The Mets are in 1st place! Can you believe it?


Stacy- How's it going today? Hopefully the terrors are behaving better and that you had a good day!


Shannon- thinking of you and hoping all is well


Scooby- Hang in there with all the working girlfriend- and get off the farm and the zoo (FB) and pick up the ole :chook and :yarn:lol:lol:lol


Have a great night everyone!

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Donna - Thanks for archiving and I'll add to what the other ladies already said. THANK YOU so much for all you and Amy do! We love this place!


Donna - thank you so very much for doing some spring cleaning on our cleaning CAL! It will be nice to have things running more quickly! Thank you, also, for all you and Amy do for everyone at Crochetville! You have blessed many lives by giving us all such a wonderful place to be! :ty:ty


Thanks Donna for archiving and I second what LeaAnne said- thanks to you and Amy for this place called the ville!!:manyheart


Donna, I'm with LeaAnne, THANKS SO MUCH!!! I love the 'Ville and appreciate all you and Amy do for us.


Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments!!! :ty:manyheart


It is very nice to be appreciated -- it makes all the work worthwhile! :yes:hug

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Hi all. I am very cranky! I want my yarn! And The Tudors on t.v.! And chocolate! This is what state testing does to me! Testing and a cranky hubby! AAAHHH!!!!!!

Beth - ALL of my sped students get some sort of accommodation or modification beginning with the test that they take. They can have oral testing, calculators, math charts, blank graphic organizers, and small group testing in addition to the things that all students get, such as hilighters and grade level charts. We had to reorganize the testing groups for the small groups testers this afternoon once testing was done. I was doing that with one of the counselors. We were making one of the other counselors laugh because she sais we sounded like a comedy team!

Beth - Hope you are feeling better and you have some good news today.

Joanne - At least it is only a half day on Saturday. And you get to go in later in the day. Sleep later!

LeeAnn - No contract for 6 months? Is that standard for them? That is interesting. Let us know how the other interview goes.

LeaAnne - How did the game go tonight? What did you make for your early dinner?

Colleen - I could say something about dh and his subtle hints, but like I said I am very cranky. All I will say is that you are a busy lady. That happens. He needs to deal with that.


Mary - Welcome back in! How long do the black flies last? Now I guess the hook will be flying again!

I hope you all have a great night and hopefully I will be in a better mood tomorrow for round 2 of testing. I hate this week. I get to test for the rest of it!


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I have completed archiving this CAL. Thank you for your patience! It seems many things have derailed my work in the past couple of days, so I picked away at the archiving when I could steal some time here and there.


Please PM me if you continue to have any problems viewing this thread or if you have any questions about anything! :yes

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