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Some good clean fun?!

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Colleen, you don't have cherry Coke in Canada? Interesting. Do you have regular Coke? :think


Dinner is done, and it is almost time to get ready for bed. Dh is at school. I think once the girls are in bed, I am going to :crocheting for a bit. I sold another hat and the person I sold it to, knows someone else who wants one. :clap I think I am going to try to get some business cards made up this weekend.

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Hi, girls!


I am headed to bed, but wanted to stop by and drop some :hug:hug:hug and :cheer:cheer:cheer first!


I will say hi individually tomorrow, and update you on what I have been up to around here.


Wednesday is a no babysitting day, and I didn't have to pick up anyone at school today, so let's say I "made the most of it" despite the heat...:whew


Love you all, and am proud of all we are all accomplishing around here!


Sweet Dreams!


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Good morning to everyone!:yay:clap the Yankees won!


Stacy- that's really cool that you are building up a little business!


Colleen- :( that you are in a crochet funk- but hey- you've been doing a lot with all your spring cleaning! Once you find something that strikes your fancy, your hook will be flying once again:hook


LeaAnne- Looks like you had a musically filled day yesterday from what I saw on FB- nice variety of music- lots of stuff that is on my ipod!


To all- have a wonderful day today!


Vicki- we're almost there- 2 more days and it's the weekend:yay

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Good Day Ladies!

How is everyone today? Only two more days left for the work week :cheer

I did clean out my drawers last night, three of them, just have to go thru my jammie drawer and get rid of old jammies that I don't use.

I have class tonight..:think not really looking forward to it, it can be boring, or maybe I would just rather be doing something else.:lol Also have to work on my last essay for the art class, it's on the field trip to the museum, it shouldn't be too painful...but ya never know!:D

anyhow, guess I should get my chores done so that I can chain myself to the computer ;)

hugs to all and here's hoping you all are having a Fantastic Thursday!:hug:hug

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Good morning,


It sounds like you are all doing better at spring cleaning than I am. I got some windows washed, but Monday was spent in the car and at work. Tuesday I just relaxed a lot after washing a few windows. Yesterday, :think I'm pretty sure I lived through yesterday, but can't say much more about it. Today is normal housecleaning day. It needs it. We are tracking in pollen every time we go out and come in. My floors are covered.


LeaAnn, sounds like you've been very productive. I'm sorry to hear about your son's allergies. How do you avoid all that?


Joanne, happy almost Friday. The ice cream for dinner sounds very good.


LeaAnne, hooray for no babysitting days! I am sure you enjoy your jobs, but sometimes it's so nice to be home.


Stacy :cheer for selling hats! It's exciting to see your business grow. Do you get tired of crocheting something you HAVE to make, as opposed to something you WANT to make? :hug for bad potty days. She's a smart girl. She knows how to use the potty. She just needs to want to use the potty.


Colleen, if you put the juice from marachino cherries in the coke, you get cherry coke. My dd says it tastes the same.


I'm sorry I'm not greeting everyone individually. I need to get busy or I'll never finish my cleaning for today. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to you all.

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Morning, all!

:hug Beth! I don't know how you manage to fit cleaning into everything else you do during the day. :nworthy How is your SIL's ghan coming along? Do you have the squares sewn now? Yes, it does get boring making the same thing over and over because I have to, but...the extra money is nice so I really shouldn't complain. :blush I'm super-excited about selling the next few, though, because for once I will use my own money to buy dh's birthday gift! That sounds corny, I know.


Vicki and Joanne, 2 more days 'til the weekend! :cheer:cheer:cheer You can do it! Any fun plans for the weekend? Or just relaxing?


Leanne, sounds like you had a productive day yesterday! :clap WTG!


Leeann, WTG on getting your drawers cleaned out. I need to do mine again, too. Good luck at class tonight!


Shannon, how's it going? Is Janna sleeping in her new room now?


Scooby, how are things in your neck of the woods? I hope all is well with you. How is Josh doing?


Mary, how is spring coming along up there?


Colleen, :hug to you. Sorry that you are in a crochet funk. I was feeling like that a few weeks ago. Like Joanne said- soon something will catch your eye and you won't want to put it down! :yes


Today is Mommy and Me, but I'm not feeling it. We should go, though, since we missed so many because of Mia's arm. She also has her check-up today. I am prepared with the food journal, and list of stuff that gives her a tummy ache. I also have some info that I've printed and highlighted where it seems to apply to her. :xfin

Well I better go get ready. Have a great day!

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:hi everyone!


I'm going to give myself a little dance :dance:bounce:2spin:2rock:laughroll:applause:elle I cleaned my laundry room top to bottom! My laundry room is in the basement, the ceiling is unfishished so open, it is very utilitarian, it gets blasted by lint all the time (my DH always wonders at how we have so much lint :shrug), and the spiders seem to find all the nooks and cranies and try to make little homes there :ohdear It is a place I go to throw in a load of laundry or gather cleaning supplies and then I close the door :devil Oh ya, my freezer is in there too. So, it needed a good clean. I scrubbed the floor, wiped down the walls and shelves, etc., etc. I went through the little cupboard and wiped it out, tidied the cleaning supplies, threw some stuff out. Hooray, feels great! If only I could guarantee it would stay that clean. :no


It has been raining here for about 24 hours now, sometimes quite heavy. Oh well, good stay home and clean weather :yes Also, we'll need the rain. We didn't get very much snow this winter, so they are already talking about drought and water bans this summer. I know that may be hard for LeaAnne and Joanne to believe after the winter/spring they had, but it's true.


So let's see, what is left on my spring cleaning list?

- stuff for sale has been gathered, now it just needs to be priced.

- My windows are half done. I need to do the upstairs and the big front window from outside with DH's help (I need a ladder for that one).

- Quilt and blankets from our bed need to be washed and hung on the line when we get another good day for that.

- Continue to work on cleaning out the office.


That is not so bad. I can do it!


LeeAnn - I hope your class is fun or at least goes quickly :lol You seem to be a very disciplined person, getting lots done.


Beth - Great to hear from you! It sounds like you have been busy. :hug


I hope everyone is having a great day!

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Hi Ladies

It has been raining here also so no outside work getting done here. I have 3 loads of laundry on the go right now. I tidy up the downstairs and upstairs. Made the bed and put the dishes in the sink. I still want to get all the vacuum done also. I keep looking at the closet that has to be cleaned but I just don't feel up to it today.

Colleen I did all our heavy blankets last week when the weather was nice. They smell soo nice when the dry on the line outside.

Stacy here is a :hug the potty training get on track again.

Leeann keeping my fingers crossed for the job. I hope you don't have to wait too long to find out.

Joanne and Vicki you are almost to the weekend. :cheer

Beth you have been really busy. Here is a :hug for you.

Shannon did the Easter bunny take you away? I hope you come back soon.

Scooby how are things with you?

LeaAnne you are on a roll this week WTG :cheer

Sarah I hope everything is good with you.

If I missed anyone Iam sorry. My brain is on overload right now.

I guess I better get back to work. I still have 3 more sets of baby booties to make then that will be done.

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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Guess who is now employed? Me!!!!!! :cheer:clap:D:yes:yay I got the job! wow! They sure moved on it fast, have to stop in tomorrow to fill out a packet, it's a Sate job, so guess they must know my life. But that's ok. I am soo happy I feel like crying! :P

Colleen-You go!!!! You are on the ball! I bet your basement looks fabulous!

Stacy-hope the Mommy and Me went well.

Mary-so happy to hear from you! You sure crochet fast.

I am kinda discsiplined, I sometimes put a lot of pressure on myself that I start to go a little crazy...one of these days I am going to just let it all go! :thinkwell....er:think...maybe! :lol


hugs and thank you for all being so thoughtful and wonderful!

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Hi Besties!!!!! Well, my plans fell thru Tuesday to just sit and :crocheting. I got called into work, as my supervisor called in sick that day so I went in and worked thru the lunch rush (11-2). Oh well, I guess that will be a few extra hours on the paycheck. I had to work yesterday and was s'posed to be off today, but went in and worked today. I got to play the role of Chester Chicken for our Open House sale. I will post a pic of me at the end of this post. But you cant laugh too hard :rofl:rofl:rofl It was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed it. Tomorrow starts my 8 day stretch, but will only be 7 this time as I am taking off Friday the 16th as I have a very very very dear friend flying in from NJ :yay. I am so :hyperexcited as I haven't seen him in 10 years. So for the next few days I have a lot of cleaning to do before my company arrives.

I ran several errands today and got the :wash caught up. Have a few dishes to wash and that will be about it for me tonite. I plan on :crocheting for a while, as I know tomorrow will be a very tiring day at work.

Thanks Stacy for inquiring about Josh. He is doing very well and enjoying the great weather we have been having. He is spending a lot of time outdoors at the park playing basketball.

:cheer:clap:yayWTG Mary, Colleen and Beth on getting all that spring cleaning done. Thank goodness I have got all that done, it is just the normal everyday routine stuff for me right now. I am sure in a few months I will have to do all that nitty gritty stuff again, but sure not looking forward to it. :lol

:woo:jumpyay:bow WTG LeeAnn on the new job!!!!!!!!!!! I hope it is all you were looking for and is an enjoyable place to work.

:hug:hug:hug to the rest of my besties that I didn't personally post to. I hope you all are having a magnificent day. I am going to go cruise around the ville for a few and then hopefully sit on the badorkas and play on farmville and :crocheting. Having some issues with my right arm,hand and shoulder going numb today. Not sure what that is stemming from so I may or may not be able to :crocheting much today. I am sure going to give it a try though :lol.

Now for the :photo of me playing Chester at work. Promise not to :heehee to much :lol:lol:lol.



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Hi besties! I haven't been able to come and see you all for days! It has been busy at school! We were getting ready for what had the potential to turn in to a monster annual review. Luckily it did not. So between that, state testing this week, special ed training for scheduling next year, and I have another annual to prepare for, I haven't been able to come on!

I am so tired. Dinner was in the oven before and my chair almost did its magic at 5 o'clock. That would have been very bad! But I did manage to put all the dishes in the dish washer, and get the towels in the washer and then in the dryer. I really should run the vacuum, but I truly do not have the energy. The only other decision I've made is that I am going to have a left over night for dinner tomorrow night. There is a ton of food in my fridge! I am not cooking tomorrow! Hubby won't be happy, but he will just have to deal. I know, I'm bad!


Leeanne - YAY on the new job! When do you start? Good luck on the job!


Stacy - Sorry to hear about Eva having a hard week on the potty. Hopefully next week will be better. How is the business growing?


Joanne - We are almost at the weekend! Do you have any plans? No major ones here. DD has tkd practice for tournament, which is in a couple of weeks. I have to register her for it. Otherwise, I need to get on the cleaning bandwagon!


Mary - Glad to hear that things are going well up by you! How are the baby booties coming along?


LeaAnne - How are the softball practices going? I hope you are able to get to all of them!


Scooby - Glad that you are having a relaxing night! Chester is cute!


Colleen - You are on a cleaning roll! You go girl! I hope the cleaning keeps rolling on! What do you plan on getting done tomorrow?


I'm sorry if I missed anyone. My brain is tired and I just can't think. I hope you all have a wonderful night and I will talk to you all on the flip side!

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:cheer:clap:cheer:clap Congratulations on the job LeeAnn- How exciting for you!!!!


This is the weekend that DH and I are going to the Devils game on Saturday evening. We are heading into Newark in the afternoon to visit with DD and go to the art gallery where her BF's art is. Then we are going to go to one of the Portugese restaurants for early dinner and the game starts at 7. We are looking forward to a nice day!!


Colleen:clap on getting the laundry room cleaned- top to bottom- that is not a fun job and you got it done- Sorry about the rain- I can relate- we have seen enough rain to last a while. (and last June it rained 21 of the 30 days:eek) Today was another warm one- around 89 degrees- supposed to cool off tomorrow.


Beth- How did your housecleaning go today? I am with you- much rather be :crocheting than cleaning!


Scooby- Love the pic - and I'm not :lol too hard. So you have a dear, dear friend coming from NJ to visit? That's very exciting!! Where is he from in NJ? I hope your arm, elbow, etc is OK!


Mary- Good to see the red writing ! Sounds like you have been very busy! I love the smell of line dried clothes- but I don't have a clothesline anymore- Sometimes I hang things over the deck rails- like blankets - which if Sunday is nice is just what I may do!


Vicki- Tomorrow is Friday:clap:clap:clap We made it!!! Sounds like you had a super busy week and yes, DH will just have to deal with the left-overs:lol


Stacy- Did you make it Mommy and Me? I understand what you mean about having your own $ to by DH's birthday gift- what are you planning on getting him?


Shannon, LeaAnne, Sarah-hope you are having a good day! (well at this point, had a good day- LOL)



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Good Evening!

It's so wonderful to log on and see posts! :D Love it! Class wasn't as bad as I thought, :lol but glad it's done and over with.

Joanne-your upcoming weeked sounds like so much fun! How exciting!

Colleen-are you getting a chance to rest?

Scooby-I loved the picture! You look absolutely adorable! That is so awesome that your friend is stopping by for a visit, I love having company!

Vicki-so happy that you have the weekend to relax and perhaps recuperate. These dh, sometimes they just have to deal with leftover...bet he'll be ok.:hug My dh does not like boxed food but he deals with it sometimes.

Beth, Sarah, Stacy, Shannon, LeeaAnne, Mary, hope you had a great day! hugs to all and have a great night!

Oh almost forgot, I think the new job starts next week. I will find out all the details tomorrow morning, but I'm pretty sure it will start soon. I'm kinda nervous, ...but i am hoping that all will work out.

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Quick good morning- and HAPPY FRIDAY!


It is raining here today- fingers crossed it doesn't continue into the weekend!!!


LeeAnn- wow next week! How exciting- I guess you'll find out when you fill out all the paperwork- lots of luck with the new job!!!!


Well, better skedaddle and get ready for work- make it a good day!

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Good morning all and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!! I am just a little happy about that! The alarm clock went off this morning and I actually wanted to ignore it! I never do that! But it has been a stressful couple of weeks so I will be happy when this week is over. I even have a migraine this morning, so my stress is probably coming to an end!

I did some crocheting on hubby's blanket lat night. I started it the other day. I am actually designing it on my own. Joanne will get a good laugh out of this, but since he wanted his favorite team colors (NY Mets) I wanted to design the blanket to look almost like a baseball field. So I started the blanket with a cricle for the pitcher's mound. Then I started with a square around the circle for the infield. That is where I am right now. For the base part I am going to do a straight rows of doubles and I think I am going to try to do some sort of puffs for the bases. I know, it all sounds corny, but it is worth a try! I need to work on this one and the green one too. The green one needs to get done first though, but I can't work on that at tkd, so I will bring his there.

Joanne - YAY, we made it! Have fun tomorrow! Sounds like you have a great day planned tomorrow! Enjoy the Devils game and the art show!

Leeanne - Let us know the details about the new job! You must be so excited!

I have to go. I have a staffing for my next review this morning. Just a couple more busy days and then I can coast for a while!


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:coffee Mornin'


It is cold and there are flakes of some strange white substance in the air this morning. :( See there you go, last Friday it was hot and we wore shorts and t-shirts, this Friday, winter coats, hats and scarves.


I just found out the sale I've been getting ready for has been cancelled :( Now I have all these toys organized to sell and no where to sell them. Maybe we'll have to have a garage sale. That's a real bummer.


I had planned to do some pricing today, but now that I don't have to I think I'll go shopping :devil


Scooby - I love the pic of you dressed up as Chester the Chicken! That is so cute and it would be fun! It sounds like you are doing very well at your new job and getting extra hours can be a drag but is nice come pay check time. Have fun getting ready for your company!


Joanne and Vicki - You made it to Friday :yay I've been meaning to ask both of you, how are your DH's enjoying their new jobs?


LeeAnn - I hope all goes well with the paperwork, etc. for your new job. Nervous is normal, you'll do just great!


:hi to everyone else! Have a great Friday!

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:lolTop of the morning to ya all!

Sun is shining here and I feel tired! :D I really do...hmmm maybe I need lots of coffee today. ;)

dd is home sick today, she was complaining of a sore throat last night, but it kept her up so will be taking her to the dr. today and go do paperwork. I am hoping that she will be ok while I pick up the packet and fill it out. Wish I had two of me. :think

Colleen-so sorry to hear about the sale being cancelled. A garage/yard sale might be your best option.

I forgot to answer your question regarding ds allergies-we have installed wood flooring in most of the house, including his bedroom, since dust really affects him, it has helped. I also launder all of his clothing often (hoodies, pj's, jackets), especially his bedding. And Febreeze helps wonders! I use it on the couches, I also dust an awful lot. We live out in the country on an old dirt road...it's the pits. ;) Oh and we do not have any indoor pets, even fish tanks bother him, they can grow mold and he's allergic to mold. And a vaporizer in the winter months helps.

Vicki and Joanne-TGIF! I'm soo glad that your work week is coming to an end.

Well friends, guess I should get myself motivated.


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Hi there Besties! The :rabbit finally brought me back!:lol


Scooby- I love your pic! You know, if things don't work out in Nebraska, you could always move in with LeaAnne. She raises chickens, you know!


LeeAnn- :yay:cheer:clap Congrats on your new job! We'll be here, :cheering you on!


Mary- :hugThanks for asking about me. I've been in a bit of a funk, but I have been keeping up here. I can't wait to see pics of your beautiful work!


Colleen- Bummer about the sale, but :yay for shopping! What are you shopping for? A new skein of yarn might just get you out of your crochet funk! There's some pretty spring colors out there! BTW, I :nworthy to you! You are the cleaning :queen!


Vicki- Happy Friday! Your well-deserved weekend is almost here. Enjoy it!


Joanne- Happy Friday to you too! Your weekend sounds like :c9!


LeaAnne- How's the cleaning going over there? I actually already did some today. I picked up all the rooms. I have to do laundry, vacuum, and sweep. Then I'm hoping to purge my closet.


Stacy- How did Mia's appointment go? :hug to you on the potty thing. I know what it's like. At least Eva isn't 4! Good luck with the new business. Are you getting an Etsy shop?


Beth- I'm sorry your DH will be gone for so long. Will you be able to go out there and visit him? Good luck with the doctor. And don't worry, we're not prejudice. We'd even love you if you were plaid!


Sarah- :hugs to you! I hope things start calming down for you soon. We're here if you need us. How's DF's sister and kids doing?


I think that's everyone, but if not--:hug:hug:hug!


I'll be back in a little while to catch you up on what's going on around here. :manyheart:ghug

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:hi again!


I'm home from my shopping trip. I bought DD a swimsuit, a dress and a pair of capris (I was looking for shorts but none to be had yet :(...chances are she'll dislike all of them and I'll have to return them, but a mom has to try), a book about dinosaurs, and well shucks darn wouldn't you know MiniEggs are on 50% off. :devil Thanks for the suggestion about the yarn, Shannon. I looked but didn't by. Zellers has select types of yarn on Buy One Get One Free (which is a great deal!) but I can't buy yarn when I have so much sitting here being unused. Pity that. I also went and bought some meat, buns and fruit for dinner. I'm actually under budget on groceries this week :yay Leftovers and Chinese Take Out go a long way :D


LeeAnn - Hope your DD feels better soon.


Shannon - :manyheart It made me happy to see your post. Sending big Smiles :) and Hugs :hug your way today.


OK, I have a movie to return to the library and I should pick up some milk. Besides that, I am going to stay home this afternoon. I might clean out the shelf in the office closet. Or I might veg. :devil

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TGIF, Besties!!!!


Woo-Hoo and Yabba Dabba DOOOOOOO! I need a couple of days at home (well, at the ballparks and home:devil) I have been reading to keep up, but haven't had a long enough turn on the computer to post:blush


LeeAnn - Congrats on the new job!!!!!!:hug I hope it is everything wonderful and MORE!


Scooby - Love the Chester suit.... reminds me of a joke :

Why didn't the chicken cross the road? .......because he's a chicken, of course!:lol


Colleen - Sorry about the sale being cancelled. A garage sale sounds like a good idea. WTG on all the spring cleaning you've been managing on top of everything else you do... :nworthy... :tupGood Job!

...btw, I never did wish you happy anniversary, nor did I ask about the "Jersey Boys":loser:blush So, how was it?


Stacy - you too have been on a tear! :cheer:clap I hope everything stays nice and clean and kept up for you. Also WTG on your Biz! :yay:dance:yay


Mary - Look at you go! cruising right along on cleaning AND :crocheting! It's nice to see that spring is being good to you, friend:hug


Vicki - Way to hang in there, girl! You sure have had a lot going on! It's nice to hear that things will be calming down soon. :clapfor designing your own 'ghan!:clap I can't wait to hear what you do:yes


Beth - How are you and your inventions today? Sorry about DH's trip.:( That's gonna be long!:( I hope you are staying ahead of the pollen, and that you are getting to relax. :hug:hug:hug:hugto you... (just in case you needed a few:wink)


Joanne - Well, what can I say? We survived the heat, we are enjoying a :ducky Friday in the rain, and you got to meet my sister and chat with her on FB! :lol:lol I hope your weekend is divine-ness! Enjoy the game, gallery and fun tomorrow!


Sarah - hello, dear! I am thinking of you today, and saying an extra little prayer for you that some of your stresses are diminishing, and that you and Keith are getting to enjoy life a little. :hug:hug:hug


Shannon-ness - Hey, how have you been? Nice to see you posting at the 'ville, and WTG on getting bunches accomplished! What is Miss Janna up to today?



...well, the week is a blur. I have done a lot of regular cleaning, did some windows, did some purging. I honestly can't even recall what I got done.:blush ...I still have a lot to do! I have a feeling my spring cleaning is going to end up being a full-out reorganization of my home. Now that I work, I just can't keep up like I used to. It's ok, this too shall pass, and I will have a clean house... if it takes me till Christmas!!!! :lol


Thanks, friends, for being here... just knowing that keeps me going!


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:jumpyay:dance:2spin:2rock:bounce:clap Office is almost done! Office is almost done! I just have a couple things I need to do with DH or DH needs to do himself! I cleaned DD's disaster of a desk up (she will not part with a piece of apper :ohdear), cleaned up some remaining clutter, dusted, vacuumed, reorganized. I am so excited! :hyper


Thank you Shannon for suggesting this Spring Cleaning-Athon. I don't know if I would have gotten this much done without you guys! I think of you and that encourages me to get things done!


Happy Friday everyone! I hope it has been a good one for you!

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Sorry. I had to shout it out loud there. Just a little excited that the weekend is here and I can sleep past 5 in the morning! Just one more crazy annual review to go for he year and that is on Monday. Then I have one more annual for a very sweet child, which will be closer to the very end of the year. That will be an easier one.

I don't know if I will be here for chat. I haven't gotten that far yet!

Talk to you all later!

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Happy Day!

I came home from work and found a package for me. One of the gals here at the Ville, Tammy, was doing a RAOK- She made a hook case called Spring is Here- and she sent it to me!:clap


It made my day!!!!:yay Then I went out to get a manicure/pedicure so I'm all spruced up for the big day tomorrow!!:yes


I'm watching the Yankees lose :( and I'm going to post a pic of the beautiful hook case I got ---plus it was filled with hooks, needles and a pair of scissors!!!


Won't be here for chat- I've got some laundry to fold and then I want to get a good nights rest since I'll be up late tomorrow.


Here's some pics of the hook case and also a pic of the large granny I started this week-colors are Windsor Blue, Buff and Bay Print - all RHSS






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