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Some good clean fun?!

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Scooby- Very pretty dishcloth! I made one with the I Love this cotton yarn that my co-worker gave me- I really do Love this Cotton!!!


Your dinner sounds yummy- what's not to like about steak baked potatoes and salad!

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:hugHi, friends!


Happy Easter Monday tomorrow to you Colleen and Mary!


It sounds like everyone enjoyed a wonderful day, filled with all those things that are "rejuvenating"... whatever that meant for each of us.:c9


Scooby - :ty for the Easter eye candy! :drool... that's the only candy this momma got today!:lol I like the idea of using your scraps for cleaning cloths, and the one you shared is so springy!


Colleen - I still have one believer here, so the Easter Bunny brought New Barbies... oh, and each got a new little WebKin, and Jumpropes. Pete got a basketball and a WebKin. All in all... lots of fun and laughs! These silly chickens:lol Glad DD enjoyed her egg hunt, and that she has some surprises for later on:U:wink Nice that the Easter Bunny also got you a prize! :clap


Joanne - You are inspiring! What a kickoff to cleaning for you!:clap:cheer Now we all gotta catch up! I would say that 1/2 hour is more than enough to dedicate on work days. I like your plan! :wink

( I did get a little jump, too, and cleaned out my fridge and pantry cabinet when we got home from Nanny's! ) It felt good!:yes


Beth - WTG for taking the day to only stitch for you!:yay

I was glad to read that you had a nice relaxing day:U:hug


Mary - Hooray for :crocheting time, and hooray for your DD and GD feeling better! That must've made your day so much better!


Vicki - I hope you got to have lots of fun today with DH and DD! Enjoy the game... Pedro threw out the first pitch of the Fenway season... WAY COOL!


Shannon - How was dinner, girl? I have been thinking about you all today. I hope your Easter was wonderful, and that you are enjoying some quiet time with :hook:yarn in hand! You have earned it this week (and then some!)


Stacy - How was your day with all your girlies? I hope it was fabulous, fun, and sweet! :hug


Sarah - How did you all get to celebrate today? Did you get together with DF's family? I hope your day was wonderful:hug:hug


LeeAnn - I love hearing about you and your family! I can hear the smiles and love in your words. Good luck on painting your kitchen ceiling this week! What a great project! How long do you think it will take?


Well, ladies, the Sox are taking the field, so I should go...


:yayGO SOX!!!!:devil

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Scooby - Nice wash rag! Pretty and functional ;) Enjoy your dinner with your DS.


Joanne - Your day sounds so nice and relaxing: Wii, Chinese, time on the deck with DD. :dreaming I got some windows done from the outside today too. We must have been on the same page.


LeaAnne - I hope you have fun watching your Sox. My Jays start their season tomorrow afternoon vs. the Rangers. New GM this year, so we'll see if they can improve. How cute, new Barbies for your big girls and fun stuff for Little Pete too. Did they bring the Barbies to Nanny's? :lol


I went out for a walk this evening by myself. DH and DD were talking my ears off and it was driving me nuts! That was 2 days in a row where I went for a walk by myself. I like that! I have to work tomorrow morning, but DH and DD have the day off. Good night friends!

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Good Evening!


Wow! Sounds like everyone has had a wonderful day! We just got home, need to get the kiddos ready for bed, they are both taking showers, they spent most of the day outdoors. what a blast! The weather was nice but windy, but no snow! yeah! Didn't get to crochet much as I was too busy visiting but that's ok, it was splendid! Have a good night all and will chat in the morning.


quick question...dd and dh want to plant a garden, is it better to start the plants indoors then plant them outside when the weather warms up? I'm new to gardening and have no idea as to what to do first. I think we are going to have to do some research before starting what do you all think?


hugs and warmest of wishes!

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Quick good morning to all and Happy Easter Monday to Mary and Colleen!


Congrats to LeaAnne on her Red Sox win last night!


Colleen- walks alone are grand aren't they?


LeeAnn- sorry I can't help you out- I'm not much of a gardener!


Stacy- heard about the earthquake in Cali- loved your post on FB- nothing like an earthquake to shake things up! Hope all is ok!


BBL- gotta run!

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Just a quick hi to all my besties this morning! I have so much to do this morning and my time is running out! It sounds like everyone had a wonderful day with family and friends and now it is back to the work week. It is promising to be a very busy week! And it is only Monday!

I can't reply to everyone now. I need to run and start my day! Have a great one and I will talk to everyone later!

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Good Morning ladies!!!!


I'm drinking my first cup of coffee trying to get my game plan on. :yes My kiddos are home today but still in bed...hmmm they must be tired, they never sleep late. :lol


I'm trying to figure out how to go about starting the kitchen, I guess I will clear off the counters and on top of the cupboards, then tape paper/plastic around the ceiling fan and on top of the cupboards, I am going to try to be a neat and tidy painter, but :think that can be difficult. I am thinking this painting business will take most of today and then tomorrow I can reoraganize and put things all back. What do you all think?


Scooby-I love this dishcloth! Great idea! I love homemade dishclothes, I like a thicker towel compared to the thinner store bought ones.


Colleen-glad to hear that your day went well, you sure accomplished alot! Sometimes a little quiet is like chicken soup for the soul. I appreciate time to myself to think, I crave it. :hug


Joanne-how sweet that you and dh spent the day with your dd. The donughts sound delicious!!! yum yum yummy! thank you for the link to the orchard, I looked at all the apples goodies, I love apples! Especially in my kitchen! :P


LeeaAnne-your Easter Baskets were soo nice! I'm sure your chickens were loving all of the goodies. What is your plan of attack for Spring Cleaning?


Vicki-Happy Monday to ya! Hope this week is not too stressful. :hug


Mary-how old is your dearest gd?


Beth-how ya doing? did you finish your project that you were working on?


Shannon, Sarah and Stacy, hope alll had a great weekend!


back to work,...hi ho...hi..ho...it's off to work I go!



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Morning all!


Sounds like everyone had a nice day yesterday! :manyheart Dh woke up late so we didn't make it to church :blush. The girls slept over at the IL's though, so they went, then we all met at dh's aunt's house for dinner. Dh's cousin got an Ipad, so I was looking at that with him, when dh came in and asked if we felt the earthquake- ummm, no! But when we looked up, the chandelier was swaying and the pictures on the wall were rattling. I guess it was a different type that no one had felt before, like a circular motion rather than the usual up-and-down or side-to-side. It was centered about 30 miles from where BIL lives, though, so they felt it pretty bad. He texted me with some photos from their apartment and pictures are off the walls, and all of the stuff fell from the kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Their tv and computer fell down, too. :eek

All of the recent earthquakes have really made me aware, and we are going out to finish up our earthquake shopping this weekend. We have clothing and first-aid kits, but are really lacking in water and food supply.

Anyway...as for cleaning- I am going to start in my bathroom, I think, and clean out the cabinets and under the sink. I think I will spring clean for the couple hours in the morning before taking Mia to school, then do my regular chores while she is there. :yes


Scooby, love your washrag! :yay Can't wait to see more of them.


Joanne, how nice of you to help dd clean! :hug


Leeann- good luck with your garden! We started a garden, too, and I did a bunch of research first. We are container gardening, because I'm afraid the dogs will eat the plants if we put them outside. But from everything I've read, if you're starting with seeds, you should start them in egg crates (or small-ish containers) inside. Just fill the egg cups almost to the top, but one seed in each cup, then top with 1/4 inch of soil. I've read that you are supposed to use seed starting formula, but none- and I mean none- of my plants grew when I used it, so we re-planted them all with regular potting soil, and they are thriving! If you start with bulbs bought from a garden center, then you should just be able to put them in the ground. Here are a couple of the links I've used:


egg-crate starts


more on egg crate starts (you don't have to use a drill to make the hole- just use a sharp pencil, or a pen and poke a nice-sized hole in the bottom)


veggie chart- (this is a pdf about container size, etc, but it also has a nice chart for the estimated germination time, amount of required light, and estimated harvest time, for lots of veggies)


I hope these help a bit. :) You can always Google "gardening tips" and you will find tons of info.


Vicki, Shannon, Colleen, Beth, Mary, Leanne, and Sarah- hope you all have a fabulous Monday! Well, as fabulous as Monday can be, anyway. :lol Love and hugs!


If I don't get off this computer now, nothing will get done! :blush BBL!

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Hi All

Today so far I did the dishes and cleaned the stove. I have a bit of a headache so the stove was enough for today. I will get to the rest one day at a time. I still have to get the baby booties done for the sweaters sets so I think that is what I will work on.

Leeanne I have 3 grandkids, a boy 4 and 2 girls 2 and 1 They are the light in my life.

Iam glad everyone had a great Easter and I want to wish everyone good luck with their marathon cleaning. I know we can do it :cheer:cheer:cheer

Gotta run talk to you later

Lots of Love


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Ok, my morning was crazy! I got my tests for Wednesday run off and ready to go. I just have to hand them out to the teachers. I have a sub arranged for Wedesday too. No one wanted to make a decision on whether or not I needed a full day one or not. I had a half day sub for the training, but no one would just plunge ahead and make the call that needed to be made. It was finally made and I have my sub. Now I don't have to worry about my tests. I am a happy girl.

Mary - Glad to hear that you had a nice day yesterday. Hope your headache goes away soon.

Stacy - Interesting that you didn't even feel the earthquake! Hope everyone is okay and that nothing was damaged. How was the Ipad?

LeaAnne - Yes, the Red Sox won last night. It must have been quite a game because the Yankees were winning it early. Then they took CC out and that was probably it. I fell asleep so I don't know how the Red Sox won it. But that's okay. Lots of baseball left to play!


Joanne - Love that you had a nice relaxing day yesterday. And you went and helped DD clean! I love it. I am glad you had a great day!

Scooby - Steak and potatoes sounds wonderful! We did chicken parm with salad and stuffing. I was a happy girl! We have been eating a lot of salad lately. I use that instead of a veggie. GLad you had a wonderful and relaxing day!

Leann - How goes the painting in the kitchen? What color are you doing the ceiling?

Beth - Did you have a good day yesterday? What are the kids doing today in school?

Still have lots to do, but I wanted to come on see what my besties were up to! I hope you all have a great rest of the day and I will talk to you all later!

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Hi, friends!


It is a :sunny and gorgeous day here!


I am finished with my 1 hour today. I moved 4 bags to the curb from my garage. I also have 6 boxes ready to go to Goodwill.


all in all, I am pleased.


I hope your Monday's were equally terrific!


Hugz, Besties!

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Hi everyone!


Stacy- glad to hear you are ok!! Wow- your BIL was 30 miles away from the center and the tv and computer came down!


LeeAnn- your plan of attack for the painting sounds good- how did it go today?


LeaAnne- the weather here was spectacular too! I went outside at lunchtime- and really didn't want to go back into work! It was that beautiful!!!!


Vicki- glad to hear that everything got straightened out at work- and your chicken parm dinner sounds like it was yummy. We have been having more salads too lately- I think it has something to do with the warmer weather!


Mary- It is hard enough to clean without a headache so I think you did really good today!


LeaAnne- WTG on cleaning today! All that in one hour- you are a "speed cleaner"!!


I spent 1/2 hour going through papers- just like I said I would- but that's it for me today- I already put in 8 1/2 hours at work! LOL


Colleen- How was work today? It must have been nice for DH and DD to have time together since DH was off


Scooby- Hope you had a nice day at work too!


Sarah- thinking about you!


Shannon- How was your Easter? Did you get everything done? Did you get to crochet at all last night?


Well, hope I didn't forget anyone- but I'm going to head outside for a walk around the block before it gets dark!

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Hi everyone!


Stacy- glad to hear you are ok!! Wow- your BIL was 30 miles away from the center and the tv and computer came down!


LeeAnn- your plan of attack for the painting sounds good- how did it go today?


LeaAnne- the weather here was spectacular too! I went outside at lunchtime- and really didn't want to go back into work! It was that beautiful!!!!


Vicki- glad to hear that everything got straightened out at work- and your chicken parm dinner sounds like it was yummy. We have been having more salads too lately- I think it has something to do with the warmer weather!


Mary- It is hard enough to clean without a headache so I think you did really good today!


LeaAnne- WTG on cleaning today! All that in one hour- you are a "speed cleaner"!!


I spent 1/2 hour going through papers- just like I said I would- but that's it for me today- I already put in 8 1/2 hours at work! LOL


Colleen- How was work today? It must have been nice for DH and DD to have time together since DH was off


Scooby- Hope you had a nice day at work too!


Sarah- thinking about you!


Shannon- How was your Easter? Did you get everything done? Did you get to crochet at all last night?


Well, hope I didn't forget anyone- but I'm going to head outside for a walk around the block before it gets dark!


still around. just stressed and busy (and we haven't even started the remodel yet, got pushed back)

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Hello Friends!

Thank you for all the encouragement, I am happy actuallyt thrilled to say, I did it! I painted the entire kitchen ceiling white and the door to the laundry room (dandelion-looks like a softer white) and washed on top of the cupboards, the walls and put everything back.:cheer:cheerI am exhausted! I had to take a bath just to soak...I feel good that I got it out of the way, tomorrow I am going to paint the little area by the kiddos bathroom, I hope it doesn't take too long....oh and I have an interview!!!!! They called today and scheduled it for Wed at 10...Oh my gosh! I am soo excited!

Ok enough about me, sounds like ya'll have done a lot today too. That is great!

LeeaAnne-wow! 6 bags? That's a lot! Good work!

Mary-you did well cleaning your stove especially with a headache, hope you feel better and your grands sound adorable!:D

Stacy-thank you soo very much for the links, I sure do apprecitate them! I had no idea you could start plants/flowers in an egg carton, wow! I learned something new today! Thank you again!

Vicki-glad that you found a sub and that things are working out well.

guess I should get some of my homework done! Hugs to all of you!

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:nworthy, LeeAnn! A whole ceiling and a door today? And put everything back! Wow! You done good, girl!



Have a great night everyone! I am off to bed...


Hugz to all!


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HI My Besties. Finally getting settled in for the night. I am off tomorrow so I think I am going to :crocheting for a little bit before turning in. I tried to get all my chores done today so I can do absolutely nothing tomorrow but :crocheting:devil. I got the kitchen cleaned and a few loads of laundry done and that is about it. I guess this is the beginning day for spring cleaning. I won't be participating since I just moved and mine is already done :dance but I will gladly :cheer you all on and light the :fire under your badorkas or even give you the :kickif ya want :rofl. I hope everyone has a great night and maybe tomorrow I will respond to everyone individually. Just too :tired right now. I guess that is what working does to ya:lol.

Take care and sending out lots of :hugand :manyheart to you all!!!!!! Sweet dreams and good :night.

Oh yeah before I forget, thanks for all the nice comments on the wash rag. I will post pics of the next ones I get done.

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Good morning!


Scooby- Enjoy your day off work and hope you get lots of:crocheting time in today! One nice thing about moving is that once you are done moving- all the big cleaning is done:clap


Hope that everyone has a great day and that everything that you have on your agendas to get done does get done!


Cya on the flip side!:hug

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Good morning! It is another edition of state testing day here in Texas! 8th grades are taking their math tests today and this is one that they must pass to be promoted to 9th grade. I get to spend my day testing wonderful children today. The joy of the day!

Leeann - WOW! You got a lot done! You go girl! The laundry was folded at my house and the towels were washed and dried. DD then folded them and put the basket of folded towels in my bathroom for us. I still need to vacuum.

Scooby - Did you get any crocheting done last night? What did you work on? I was going to work on my green ghan, but I ended up falling asleep. I was tired last night!

Joanne - You are on a regular work week, right? The Yankees play tonight again. I think the Mets won their opener yesterday.

I gotta run and go get my testing stuff. Talk to you all later! Have a great day all! Oh, and welcome to Southernpeachhooker! This is the greatest bunch of girls you will find ANYWHERE! This group becomes more than just cleaning!

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:welcome SouthernPeach! :U


I hope you enjoy it here... we all sure do, and love new friends! Vicki is right.:yes


What kinds of crafts and "whatnots" do you have? A new craft room sounds wonderfully exciting!

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:coffee Mornin' all!


I am happy to say that after reading about all you all accomplished yesterday, I spent 15 minutes pulling together a few things for the sale last night. It's a start! Today is my day off, so I am hoping to do some regular cleaning. It's a rainy day, which is just perfect for a cleaning day. :yes I need to dust and do laundry. We'll see if I get anything else done. We are also going out to get DD's haircut.


Today is DH's and my 8th Anniversary! We celebrated early when we went to Jersey Boys, so tonight the plan is to order Chinese.


The Blue Jays lost their season opener to the Rangers yesterday. I'm going to try to follow it and watch some, so I can participate in all the baseball banter around here. They actually have a couple games a year where they make a section of the Rogers Centre peanut free, so maybe we'll take DD to a game this year. That would be fun!


LeaAnne - WTG getting all that cleaning out done in the garage! :clap for decluttering!


LeeAnn - WTG getting the ceiling and door painted! Good job! And congrats on the interview! I will have my :xfin and will say a prayer that it is just what you are looking for and that you are what they are looking for too ;). Is this for the job you really wanted? It seems you had 2 applications in :think


Joanne - Happy Monday! I hope your day goes quickly and that your evenings are full of :crocheting or time outside!


Vicki - Have fun with state testing! Isn't it nice that your DD is helping out with the laundry? :clap


Welcome Brenda (SouthernPeachHooker)! This is a great group! How are things is Georgia?


Scooby - Enjoy your day off! You deserve it!


Sarah - Thanks for stopping by to say hi!


Shannon - How did your Easter dinner go?


Stacy - Glad to hear you and your family are safe. Great idea about the Earthquake Kit. :yes Are you girls back to school now or are they still on spring break?


Mary - :hi I hope your headache is better!


Beth - What are you and your inventions up to these days?


:hi to anyone I missed. Have a great day everyone!

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Hellooooo, Besties!


Stopping by with my Coffee to say :hi!


Vicki - we have testing here, too. Today is English Language Arts for 8th grade (Jamie). Lindsey (6th grade) was last week, and Krissy (4th grade) was the week before. This week is also 5th grade. Here is ELA's in March and April, and then in May the kids have Math, Science and Technology, and History exams. You have to pass the 10th grade tests to graduate HighSchool. Our tests are called MCAS. What are yours called?


LeeAnn - prayers going your way today... good luck with your interview!


Joanne - I hope you have a wonderful work day! And WTG on spending your 30 minutes of cleaning time yesterday! :clap ...so you got a hot :crocheting project ready for baseball season?!


Colleen - I hope that work is going ok. Remember, not too much stress on yourself, ok? You are only 1 person;) (...and yes, I did read those words aloud to myself:lol)


Scooby - enjoy your day off-ness today! Maybe you can :crocheting enuf for all of us! :lol well, at least that is my wish for you! :hug


Beth - how are all of your projects and inventions? I am thinking of you:hug


Shannon- how are you, girl? hey, it's trash day!:lol did you get some extra stuff out this week? don't forget, we are all here :cheer:cheer for you!


Stacy - did you finish your earthquake shopping? that must have been scary! what are you all up to today? How is Mia since her birthday week ended? Are she and Isabella settling back into the school routine?


Sarah - :hug:hug:hugSorry that things continue to be stressful for you :( Just know that we are all here, and all are praying for you! Here, have 1 more hug: :hug


Hey, Ms. Mary! How many pair of booties did you crack off yesterday?!:devil

Is your headache better today? Please remember to take it easy... and I was glad to read that you are going to go a little at a time, like the most of us!:yes Have a :sun-shiny day, friend!


I have general cleaning on my agenda today, and need to purge 1 spot:think I just don't know which one... I'll let you know later what I ended up doing with my hour!


Hugs to you all!

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Hi Everyone,


Sorry I've been MIA. Yesterday was a lot busier than I thought it was going to be. Any thoughts of spring cleaning went right out the window. Today is rainy and thunder-y and lightening-y. So I doubt the windows will get washed. I hope to do some actual work, though. maybe. I'd rather :crocheting, which is why my house looks this way....



Colleen, Happy Anniversary. Tell your dh that he is a very lucky man! Enjoy your Chinese. I hope you get to take dd to a baseball game. I've been to a few semi-pro games here. They are so much fun. I want my dh to take me to a Cubs game in Wrigley some time. I think it would be a blast.


LeeAnne, so nice to hear you cheering us all on. The multitude of trashbags you've carted to the curb is inspiring.


Vicki, I hope the testing goes well for you. Is it easier than a regular day of school, or more stressful?


SouthernPeachHooker, I would LOVE to have my own craft room, but that will have to wait until at least 2 kids move out. We bought the house when we weren't going to have children, and now we have 3, but we're too lazy to move! The oldest turns 18 in September, though, so I don't have too long to wait. Unfortunately.


Joanne, Happy Tuesday. I'm glad you have a normal work week this week. It must be exhausting to go 12 days in a row.


Scooby, So glad you are getting a day off to :crocheting. Enjoy it! Thanks for the offer of the :kick I may need it.


LeeAnn, you go girl! What a lot you got accomplished. I need to do some painting, too, but I can't find a block of time to do much of anything.


Sarah, nice to hear from you. I imagine you are busy. Just having a young son is enough to keep a person busy, but you seem to do so much more.


Stacy, what are you and your girls up to?


Shannon, how is the Spring Clean-a-thon going?


Mary, how many baby sets can you make in a day? You amaze me.


The bad news falls like rain around here. My dh will be on the west coast from June 2 until July 10 (which is his birthday.) And I go to the dermatologist for a head-to-toe mole check next Tuesday. I'm quite sure that I will have at least 3 more questionable moles removed, maybe more. I am quite the polka-dotted lady.


I need to get busy.

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Colleen - I hope that work is going ok. Remember, not too much stress on yourself, ok? You are only 1 person;) (...and yes, I did read those words aloud to myself:lol)



Thanks LeaAnne :hug Right back at you!

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