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Some good clean fun?!

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Ok, I'm back. Teeth brushed, kids in bed...:clap


Before she went to bed, I asked Isabella what her favorite part of the day was. She said, "Rolling down the hill." :rolleyes That girl.


that's priceless!


brb...gotta tuck 2 chickens in...

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Good morning and Happy Sunny Saturday!


Thanks for the impromptu chat last night!


To everyone---have a great day- I've got to get hopping to get ready for the rid myself of gray appointment and need to start the laundry before I go!



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Shoot! I missed a chat! :( DH and I watched Slum Dog Millionaire. I borrowed it from the library. It was a little heavier than what we normally watch :lol


I did a quick read through, so I think I'm caught up. Truthfully I don't feel caught up on anything right now. All that talk about cleaning :blush My bathrooms are clean, my kitchen is clean, the rest of it will have to wait.


It has been beautiful here. Like summer. T-shirts and capris :c9


I can't stay any longer. There is this big bird in my fridge I need to stuff and put in the oven. We are having our Easter dinner here tonight. Catch you later! :hug

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The Friday that I don't come on for a chat, and I miss it! Why,oh why did I miss our chat?

Good morning all! It is a very gray and cloudy morning here. They sun is supposed to come out later. Hopefully it will!

I need to go to the grocery store and get my shopping done. I honestly have no idea what I am making for Easter tomorrow!

I was working on my paper last night and I need to do that today. I need to crochet here tonight also.

Have a great day all and enjoy your Saturday!

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hi, all of you Besties!


Happy weekend!

It's a sunny Saturday here... going to be in the 70's.

We have 3 softball practices today. 1:00, 4:00 & 5:00.


I need to get my chair ready!:clap


Stacy, Joanne, Shannon, Scooby and Mary - it was awesome chatting with you all last night! Just what I needed! a Girls' Night In!:lol:hug


Colleen - I hope you enjoy your family... here are some extra :hug:hug:hug:hugfor you! I :heehee at your "heavy movie"! You are too cute:U


Vicki - sorry you missed Chat last night! I hope your saturday is terrific!:hug:hug better rest up... there's a big baseball game on tomorrow night!:devil


LeeAnn - Happy Easter! I hope you and your family have a fantabulous day! Are you cooking dinner at your house? have you been making more hexagons?


:waving Beth - how are you doing today? What are your plans for tomorrow?


Sarah =0) How are you doing, girl? I am thinking about you, and hoping that Keith has a really fun Easter!!!!:hug:hug:hug



I hope that you all have a wonderful and restful Easter.... Remember it is the time for life/spirit renewal:manyheart And for that I am most thankful:c9

just as thankful as I am for friends like you!:hug


On Monday, I will start my clean-a-thon. Only 1 hour per day...without stress...

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The bird is stuffed. The fridge is cleaned out to make room for the feast. Now onto a shower! DH vacuumed :manyheart I just need to make a cabbage salad, a bean casserole, some home made ice cream to go with the bunny cake DD and my mom made yesterday, set the table, and then we party! Woohoo!

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Hello All! And Happy Early Easter!:lol

Been keeping busy. Yesterday my little brother came over, took him with us to ds doctor's appt. Cristopher is officially off the knee brace! yippee! I'm so greatful.

The kiddos decorated eggs yesterday and made smoothies. They are soo cute! They sure kept me busy.

My parents came over to spend the evening with us, it was wonderful.

I have been working on the hexagons, I have about 35 ready to connect on the last row, I hope to get to them this evening, I am already getting the itch to start something new, isn't that just terrible?

Dd and I are making a jello cake, yummy! We are going to the in-laws for lunc tomorrow and then stopping at my parents later in the day.

best get off my tush and get a crackin'!

hugs and hope everyone has a blessed Easter and weekend!

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Happy Easter dinner tonight Colleen- sounds delicious!:)


LeeAnn- :lol it happens to me all the time- I get gung ho on a project and then want to move onto something else! Sometimes you need to do something small to give you instant gratification (like the jar jacket)--that renewed me to go back to the squares I've been making for a granny ghan. Tonight I'm finishing the dishcloth with my I Love this Cotton and may make a case for my cell phone with the remainder- see instant gratification!:lol


We had a wonderful afternoon-:manyheart. It was such beautiful day that we decided to take a ride down to "the shore". We went to a town called Ocean Grove- it's really a neat little town. We ate a late lunch, early supper at a place that used to be a pharmacy back in the day. On the wall, they have the old apothecary cabinets with all kinds of old pharmaceutical items. It's really neat. We then walked up and down the street into and out of shops- a very relaxing afternoon. We went on the boardwalk by the ocean, but it was really chilly!


On the drive home we stopped at Delicious Orchards- http://www.deliciousorchardsnj.comand I bought my favorite apple cider donuts, some lucious strawberries and other fruits, and a jar of Bonne Maman raspberry preserves. Really, i could go broke there but I restrained myself! When the preserves are done, I'm going to make another jar jacket and use the jar for my hooks!


It was just what I needed to feel rejuvenated.:yes So my hair was cut and colored, my house is relatively clean, and the laundry is done. I had a relaxing afternoon and now I'm going to sit on my badorkus and watch some NCAA basketball.


And yes, Vicki- rest up- tomorrow night is the big game- Go Yankees!!! You rest up too LeaAnne! Hope you had fun at all three practices! How was it to be on the sidelines?


Shannon- I spoke to DD today- she loved the WWII museum- thank you so much for the tip. They went on Monday- she also went to the zoo and a few other places. She couldn't get over the French Quarter- and how you can buy liquor in the AM and walk out on the streets with it just like buying a cup of coffee. She told me I should get there and visit. She loved the food- jambalaya and gumbo. She just sounded so happy that she went!


Did you get your marathon cleaning done? I was :cheer you on while I was spending the afternoon relaxing:lol


Scooby, Stacy, Mary, Sarah, Beth and everyone-----:hug to you all!

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Quiet here. Dinner was a success. My turkey turned out excellent, as did the other dishes. My mom told me I always make a good turkey. High praise coming from a woman I believe to be the best cook (there just isn't anything as good as mom's cooking). The grandparents both brought DD big chocoate bunny-esque things (I think one is a puppy and one is a cartoon character). I can just tell tomorrow is going to result in more candy than DD will ever eat. She isn't a big candy eater. Likes it, but has a little and then she'll forget about it for days. :lol I am trying to avoid the sweets. DH will probably eat it all. :lol


DD's Easter basket is all set for her tomorrow. I sure hope the Easter bunny comes :hyper DD loves an egg hunt!


Joanne - Your day sounds like so much fun!


LeeAnn - I always start new projects before finishing the first ones. Your day with your brother and parents sounds very nice.


Night night, my friends.

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Good morning and Happy Easter to all my besties! I hope everyone has a great day!

DD's Easter basket was "sick" in her words. She said it was heavy and there was a lot of stuff in it. Hubby was the Easter bunny this year. I like that! She loved going on her Easter egg hunt and she has had a good morning. Lots of chocolate!


Yes, the baseball season officially begins tonight! YAY! Let's go Yankees (clap, clap, clap clap clap clap!)! Unfortunately I need to get up early to go to work, so you know I will be falling asleep early. Boo hiss on that!

Have a great day and and I hope everyone enjoys their Easter!

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Happy Easter to my Besties! :rabbit:2sheep


No Easter smilies? Hmmm...


Joanne- Before you make the trek out to Hobby Lobby, sign up for their emails. They send one coupon a week, and most of the time it's 40% off one regular-priced item. I'm so glad your DD enjoyed NOLA! I had no doubt that she would. It's such a neat place!!


Colleen- :yay for a wonderful dinner! Sounds yummy!


Well, everything's just about done. :whewJust need to make two pies, vacuum, and tidy the bathroom. Then church and come home to cook. This is my first time cooking for the family:xfin:xfin:xfin My Easter present to me is to sit and crochet tonight. I might even start something new!


DH has to work, but DD got up right when he was leaving, so he got to see her get her Easter basket. We sure do miss him around here.:( To date, he's had 14 days off this year, and 6 of them he was out of town.


I want to thank you girls for cheering me on the other night.:manyheart It meant so much to me. And I want to thank LeaAnne for helping me get through the mess around here. She's been coaching me and cheering me on via text! You are all so awesome and I'm so blessed to have you in my life. I don't know what I'd do without you!!:hug:hug:hug


Have a wonderful Easter! I hope it's filled with love and laughter, friends and family, hook and yarn.:devil And like Joanne said, CHOCOLATE!! On a side note, just in time for Easter, my dog has gas that smells like rotten eggs. She's so darn festive!!:lol

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Good Morning, and Happy Easter, Besties!


My chickens are getting dressed, etc, so we can head over to "Nanny's" for dinner. :c9 No cooking for me today! :woo


It was so nice to see everyone checking in this morning, and nice that everyone's lil Peeps enjoyed their baskets!


We had a lot of fun this year. I couldn't help but think of you girls when My DD's pulled their Barbies out of their baskets! :lol:devil I said the Easter Bunny must have been thinking about the days when my girls would get all gussied up for Easter and bring their Barbies to show Nanny!


We survived all the practices yesterday! I haven't actually had much chance to sit on the sidelines yet... it's mostly zig-zagging the city to the different fields that they all play on. :whew... I am truly thrilled that I am not coaching. I would really be stressed out then!:yes


Shannon gets this year's prize for the most work preparing for Easter! :cheer:cheer You done good! ..and just in time to start the marathon tomorrow!


Speaking of which... who's in? I am excited to start! I am also excited that I am only committing to 1 hour a day! I have a feeling that I will be more productive if I focus in small increments. It might be easier to not get overwhelmed. :xfin.


Tomorrow's hour will be purging from my garage to the curb, anything that is not donate-able.



anyway... I wish you all a blessed Easter holiday, and will be praying that your day is filled with chocolate, Hooks & Yarn! :rainbow:c9:rabbit:flower

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Happy Easter Friends!!!

Just getting ready to make the treck to the in-laws, it's an hour and a half away. guess I'll have to take my crocheting with me! lol Couldn't be bored....

My kiddos were soo excited with their Easter goodies too! We bought them the Alvin & the chipmunks 2 movie. They are in heaven! and of course, chocolate...yummy!

Have a blessed day friends! And yep, I'm in for the Spring Cleaning tomorrow, I am going to paint the ceiling in the kitchen, it's small but needs it....then off to other projects that need working on.

Talk to you all soon!


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:ducky:sheepjump:1sheep:2sheep:rabbit Happy Easter to all My Besties!!!!!! Sorry I got lost Friday nite during chat :lol my computer decided that it wanted to do its own thing and started closing my webpages and upgrading and all kinds of nifty things. But it sure was good to see you all and talk to you. Not a lot going on here just enjoying my weekend off and :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting:crocheting to my :bhearts content. Of course Josh is out playing basketball and enjoying his spring break and I am going to :crocheting some more this afternoon and see if I can't get some of these WIPs/UFOs done so I can start something else :lol. :yayGlad all the kiddos are enjoying their Easter Baskets and dinners. Have a good day everyone and hope to check back in later. Love you guys very much and lots of :hugto you!!!!!
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Happy Easter Everybody!


It's a beautiful day here in Virginia. We are doing a lot of nothing today. I finished my sunhat, and I'm working on my ginormous tote. I should be working on my SIL's afghan, but decided to do something for ME today, particularly since I didn't get myself any candy.

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Happy Easter everyone

Dh and I went to the in-laws for lunch today and now we are home feeling stuffed. We are just going to relax tonight and watch some T.V and I will crochet.

I talked to my kids today and they are all having a nice day. Oldest DD and GK are feeling better now thank god. So they will be up next weekend to have Easter with us.

Glad everyone is having a nice day

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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:hi everyone and Hoppy Easter! Sorry I didn't get here sooner. We did church, visited my MIL, did some yard work and I did some outside window cleaning :D, then some leftovers for supper and here I am.


DD enjoyed her egg hunt. I have a feeling there are a few eggs still not found. I wonder where they could be :think I love the idea that she'll discover them someday in the future. She got way more candy than she could ever eat. DH hit the ball out of the park (that's a tribute to you Red Sox and Yankees fans) and got me a crochet magazine and some mini-eggs. :clap


I hope you all enjoyed your Easter and your family time. I am in for the spring-cleanathon, but I can't commit to an amount of time per day. I'm going to try what LeaAnne is doing though, if I aim for small chunks of time or small projects that would help. My first focus is going to be getting the stuff ready for that sale. It's only 20 days away :eek


Shannon - I hope you get to sit down tonight and crochet. After my dinner last night I was cleaning up until about 10:30 I actually finished the clean up today. WTG getting your house ship shape!


LeaAnne - Did your girls get new Barbies or did the Easter Bunny dig out some old ones? What fun! I bet that got a laugh.


I'm going to hop-a-long now, but here are some Easter flowers for my Besties. :flower

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Glad that everyone had a wonderful day!. The weather here was spectacular!!:c9


DD called me this morning to wish me a Happy Easter and she said that her DH would be getting stuck at work- He was scheduled to work 6-2, but there were so many call outs for 2nd shift that he was going to get stuck!


I went over and brought her some of the yummy apple cider donuts. I stayed for about 2 hours and we hung out on the deck with Belle and also cleaned her living room- yes you read that right- we cleaned- the floors, dusted, straightened up! I then went home for a while and I got the cleaning bug- So I took down my kitchen curtains- did the windows, then went downstairs to the family room, dusted everything- put some "dust collectors" into a bag for Goodwill, and vacuumed.


DH and I then went back to DD's house and we ordered Chinese food for dinner and played Wii. Just got home and am going to get lunch ready for work tomorrow, coffee all set up for the morning and get my pj's on and watch the YANKEES!!!


I'm glad we got to spend a good part of the day with DD- she had Easter dinner last night at her sis-in-laws since both her DH and sis-in-laws DH had to work today. I could tell she was a little bummed out that her DH was getting stuck at work for a double shift.


Middle DD called from VA- they were having a great time there with her BF's mom and siblings.


Oldest DD called from Boston- she was having a relaxing day- her last day b/4 returning to work and she is getting ready to watch the Red Sox. We have fun when our teams play each other.


So, although I won't be cleaning tomorrow- I did get a lot done today so I hope that counts! My plan during the week is to spend 1/2 each night after work going through papers in the office and getting rid of what is no longer needed and filing stuff that is. I think 1/2 is all i can do after working all day. I'm also going to do the window in the office after paperwork is all done- thank goodness for tilt-in-windows.


One room a day on windows is probably do-able also- but if not,I'll get the rest done Saturday morning. The kitchen windows look all clean and sparkly:yay


I've rambled enough-:lol Have a great night everyone :hug


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Hi Besties!!!! Sounds like everyone is enjoying their Easter :). Not a lot going on here. DS is out with friends playing basketball and enjoying the :sunand beautiful weather we are having. I have cleaned the kitchen today and done a few loads of :wash, so that I don't have that looming over me when I go back to work tomorrow. I wanted to run the vacuum but :crocheting a wash rag and worked on some other UFOs instead :devil. I still have dinner to cook for us but that won't take to long. DS decided he wanted steaks, baked potatoes and salad.

I vowed that I would not start any new projects until all of these UFOs/WIPs were done. BUT, while unpacking I noticed that my once overflowing stack of wash rags has diminished to about 6 or 7 :eek. So as I am going thru my huge stash of scraps, I have decided to take all my cotton scraps and make wash rags instead of spending $$$$ to buy some. I am not looking at pretty right now as much as functional, so I may end up with some pretty ugly, non-matching ones :lol in the near future. I just got lucky with this one.

Have a good nite everyone!!!! I am off to cook and :crocheting some more :devil. Lots of :hug and :manyheart to you all.


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