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Has anyone bought from this place?


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Surfing around last night I ran across this site for buying yarn online: http://www.smileysyarns.com/


The prices are _awesome_. There's a $30 minimum (like that's a problem, hahah) and shipping is a flat rate of $9.95 (unless you want it there quicker). They only ship in the contential US.


I'm wondering if anyone here has bought from them... is this TOO good a deal, heh. I want to make sure they're legitimate before I drop $100+ in yarn for the Christmas gifts I plan on starting next month. :hook




Also if anyone can recommend other cool places to buy yarn from! I'm not a big wool fan, it kills my skin unless its mixed with something else, not to mention finiky washing instructions are not my thing. I'm a throw and go kinda gal, LOL. But some place that sells some of the softer acrylics like Caron and Bernat would be great. :D




Lastly..... can someone pleaseeee explain to me how you could spend $50 on ONE skein of yarn?!?! I don't care what it's made out of (in this case alpacha) or how great it feels, who the heck wants to spend $800+ on a sweater or afghan?!? Maybe I'm generallizing... but people that spend that much on one article of clothing aren't liking to make said clothing themselves. :lol

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I haven't personally bought from Smileys, but I've heard good things. I CAN recommend: http://yarn-and-threadbylisa.com/ as I have gotten fast, friendly service from her, and she does ship to Canada, too. Sorry I can't make the hyperlink thingy work, but she's worth typing in.



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I love Smileys! Their shipping is very fast, and I've never been disappointed in what I've bought from them. As a matter of fact, I'm hooked on Reynolds Saucy and Saucy Sport, now, thanks to them!

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I've bought from Smiley's before and have had no problems at all. They are very fast with their shipping and their yarns are excellent.

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I've been to their Woodhaven store in NY & it is wonderful!! The staff there have always been exceptionally helpful & very polite. I don't think I've ever left that place without spending at least $30. Their selection of yarns is really remarkable.

As for that $50 skein - no way would I ever spend that much on one skein of yarn. However, the very first time I was ever in there I watched one woman plunk down her credit card for over $400. American. US Dollars. For yarn & some pattern books. I nearly died when I saw her total. Now THAT'S hardcore. :lol

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lmao I have a hard time pressing my order button if the total is more than $50. That said I just ordered from Smileys too... Way too much but at that price can I afford not to?:devil Even with shipping and tax the yarn was a steal!

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Oh, I had been a good girl and not checked the Smiley's site in a few months, and now all of you are to blame for bringing me up and making me do it. It's not my fault at all ... ;)


I really like Smiley's, and it's not just the prices. I think they provide so much useful information about the yarns, whereas some online merchants just expect you to know your fiber or go elsewhere to do the research and then come back and order from them. I like being able to see a yarn I haven't heard of before, see all the info I need to know to guess what projects/patterns it might be good for.

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I really like Smiley's, and it's not just the prices. I think they provide so much useful information about the yarns, whereas some online merchants just expect you to know your fiber or go elsewhere to do the research and then come back and order from them. I like being able to see a yarn I haven't heard of before, see all the info I need to know to guess what projects/patterns it might be good for.


oh most definately! they had a number of novelty yarns there that I hadn't heard of or seen and they explained just what they were. that was very cool! :manyheart

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Oh no, one more bookmark. My fiance is already nervous everytime he sees me at the computer :blush He has already told me no more yarn till I can close my biggest yarn basket. Of course he said that before my last "assorted lot" purchase on ebay! :eek

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