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disaster on my first project

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disaster has struck me today,:( my first finished cardigan for my daugter doesnt fit her,:( i am so disappointed and its all my fault,:( tension, it was the tension that caused the problem i crocheted too tight,:( and ended up with skinny arms, but thought what the hell carry on, and on,:eek sew the whole thing up and my little girl trys it on and ummm she is stuck, arrghhh!!!!!!!, never again will i do a cardigan in whole double crochet and crochet it really tight, i have my crochet group:hook on thursday and i am too embarrassed to show my finished straightjacket!!!!!:blush

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I've been there...with knitting, crocheting and sewing! I cannot sew...not no way not no how! It sucks that you got it all done and have it not fit, but it's a learning experience. I feel your pain! Straightjacket...lol! High fashion for the totally out of control! lol!

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As long as we learn from our disasters how to do it the next time then it really isn't a disaster, just chalk it up to experience.



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I did that one a really cute bear bunting that was *supposed* to be for my now 2-yr-old son. I not only crocheted too tight, but I also used the wrong size yarn! Talk about a newbie mistake...at the time I had NO idea that there were different sizes needed for different patterns! :eek The bunting turned out with legs the right size, but the body, arms and hood were all too small, so it looked like it should have been for a badly proportioned doll...:lol

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What a bummer. It sounds like it must look nice though. Maybe you could trade it too someone with a younger daughter in exchange for yarn or just as a gift? Or perhaps you could remove the sleeves and make them again? If you're worried that the bigger stitch on the sleeves would look wrong you might be able to do a mesh or half double crochet stitch. If you measure her arm at four places with a tape measure then you could check your gauge as you go. Even make it with 3/4 sleeves instead if you used the same stitch...


*Hugs* I'm sorry it didn't turn out how you wanted but you did accomplish something. Here's to hoping next time will be better :)



Take care,



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If it's just the sleeves, you could remove them and turn it into a vest pretty painlessly.


Don't worry about it. We all have/had those.( Somewhere stashed away in a closet...) :)

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There isn't a one of use that hasn't been there at some point in time. :think Some projects just seem to be more of wrestling match than others. Maybe that's why we are all so good at FROGGING. It is one of the ways we learn, but it is never easy. :hug I feel for you today, but who knows it's a good possiblity I may be there tomorrow. :)

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Oh my goodness, been there!!! I just finished a jacket for myself. All I have to do is put on the finishing touches, except that it doesn't fit. Oh well, I have a friend I will give it too. I also made my daughter a dress that was for a 2 year old, my 4 year old son fits into it. Hopefully she'll wear dresses when she's 4.


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Hmm, sometimes I've wanted to put my older girl in a straitjacket. ;) I agree with Crochetfun, it would probably be easiest to just remove the sleeves & make it into a vest.

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