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I'm spreading the joy!

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I was at dinner with a couple girlfriends a couple weeks ago and the one friend I had taught to crochet about 10 years ago and the other woman remarked that she would've loved to learn, but she'd never be able to because she's left handed.


"What?" I said. "Who told you that??"


She said her aunt who was a prolific crocheter in thread told her she'd never be able to crochet because she's a lefty.


I told her that was silly and we made a date. So last night we had girls' night at my friend's house. There were 5 girls there. We made a big pot of taco meat with all the fixings, a big pan of brownies, and some adult beverages (my husband was kind enough to drop me off and pick me up!). I had one newbie, a righty, sit next to me and my lefty friend sit across from me.


It took about 20 minutes, but soon she was off and running! Three hours later she had decided to start a project and was two rows into it and even ignored her cell phone to keep on crocheting!


I think we may have another addict! :D


I'll give her a while and see how she's doing and pass along our little website here.


:hook Colleen

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Wonderful story! I think people get that idea because some lefties have trouble reversing the images and movements but obviously, plenty of them don't. Good for you, Colleen. I bet your friend was beaming when she left! :D

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Sounds like your evening was a big success. I'm going to have a girls afternoon at my house this weekend and we are going to try to teach someone as well. she is a leftie and I'm sure all will go smoothly

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I used to think I couldn't learn to crochet because I'm a lefty too. My mom crocehted a lot, but was right handed and she thought I needed a lefthanded teacher. So for years I believed I couldn't learn because the left handed directions in books made NO sense to me and felt wrong when I tried them. Then about two years ago(in April) I decided to try again, but I used my right hand to hold the hook knife style and lo and behold, it worked! All those years, I forgot that I'm ambidextrous! I mostly just write with my left hand. So anyone teaching another lefty, don't hesitate to have them try holding the hook in the right hand and controling the yarn with the left.

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Lucky you getting a girls night out! I can't remember the last time I did that. My aunt is a leftie and she insists she can't learn. She did learn to knit but gave it all up now. All she needed was someone with patience to teach her. :hook

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Oh Colleen!! TY!! Sounds like your a WONDERFUL person!! ANd YES leftys can crochet, I am a PROLIFIC lefty, an I was taught to crochet righty when I was young, I never knew the difference, it just came easy.

Hugs and Hooks


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:yay That's great Colleen! Anyone can learn to crochet. I AM a lefty, and I've taught my "righty" friends how to crochet. Like you, I just have them sit across from me. One of my friends is a lefty, but she wanted to learn how to crochet right-handed. A right-handed friend taught me many (1000) years ago. Keep spreading the joy!:clap :clap :clap
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