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Little birdies

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They're just full of information aren't they?

A little one told me there's a distinct possibility that me and hubby could be grandparents in about 9 months or less :cheer

They haven't been to the doctor yet, a home test came up positive and they're going to do another one and if it comes up positive then they're going to the doctor for confirmation.

The crochet topic? Anyone know of a special pattern for a baby afghan? I want to make one that's special but not so special that they won't use it.

Of course I'll be making a shortie sleeper and probably some other things but every baby needs its own blankie :manyheart



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Congratulations! There is NOTHING like having a grandbaby to spoil :D As for a special blankie, there are so many beautiful ones out there; and just having it handmade by you will make it special, anyway! Maybe make one of the neat hooded blankets that I've been seeing lately? Those are great for teensy babies. Or a round ripple or starghan in the colors they choose for the nursery?


If you really want something special though I'd suggest the personalized afghan with the filet crochet border that the Yarnlover posted about earlier today ( http://www.crochetkim.com/patterns/perbaby.html is the link). Only problem with that is you have to know the baby's name first, but maybe your kidlets will pick a name before the baby's born (my daughter and son-in-law didn't decide until he was a day old!). I've seen that afghan made up by a friend; it is really spectacular, and she swears it's not that hard to do.

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Felicitations are definitely in order for you AND your daughter:yay ! I have a very cute afghan with a matching ducky pattern that I got from my sister-in-law if you are interested in it, let me know. I just love baby afghans! They are so sweet and cuddly, just like the special presents that we wrap them up in.

I also have a pattern for Baby Bath Cloths that come with a poem, if you are interested in that too. Just let me know, and I will send the pattern(s) to you. I looked through more of my patterns and I found a pattern that I made up for a baby shawl or carriage blanket.


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I have a pattern for a baby blanket that has little sailboats on it that I've been dying to make... otherwise there are so many different ones out there, it'd be hard to pick! And I definitely agree that it'll be special just because you made it :D

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Ooh, Anne's post about the afghan with little sailboats reminded me that I have this pattern: HotAirBalloonPattern.jpg


I've just never quite gotten around to making it up and odds are I never will. If you'd like to try your hand at it, I'd be happy to send it on to you.

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Oh Lani - That is the most beautiful baby afghan I have even seen! DH and I used to crew for a hot air balloon for 2-3 years, and I have gotten to ride several times - The most awsome experience imaginable! That would definitely be one for a very special baby! What pattern book is that from??

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Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I've been looking through some of my baby patterns and found a couple too.


When the right one speaks I guess I'll know it :)


That balloon one is gorgeous!!


I've been kinda thinking about that cat one, my daughter just loves cats and I was thinking about trying to make it in a smaller version.



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I've picked the pattern, it's going to be the cats afghan that used to be up at freepatterns. I was able to get it and print it out and I have my yarn.


I'm doing it in Bernat Softee Baby in white, yellow, blue, mint and lilac. I'll be using an H hook instead of I, the beginning ch is long enough.


I didn't use any pink on purpose because Jen doesn't like pink much, I figured these 5 colors would make it unisex enough.



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