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Waste Not, Want Not- Shampoo Bottle Holder


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Wow that is a perfect idea! I always set my bottles upside down but it sure is hard to keep them that way with the little tops :lol I'll have to make some of these for Christmas next year. Great idea Thanks!

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I have made a couple of these now and I just wanted to show a little add on that I put on mine.


I added a button (plastic) to mine to hold the scrubbie I made to match.




This is a great pattern. The quilting group seemed to like it.


I am going to make a few for the bazaar season in late fall... Now which colours to choose... white is safe but so boring.


Thank you for this neat idea! :wlol


Gotta keep this puppy on the 1st page eh! :wlol

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Aww, That is so pretty!! That just fancied that up sooo much!! Thanks for sharing!! What a great idea!!!! I think I might have to copy your idea and make some flowers scrubbers to go with my soap bottle holders too.


Can't help it. Gotta say it again..... that's just so pretty looking!!




I have made a couple of these now and I just wanted to show a little add on that I put on mine.


I added a button (plastic) to mine to hold the scrubbie I made to match.




This is a great pattern. The quilting group seemed to like it.


I am going to make a few for the bazaar season in late fall... Now which colours to choose... white is safe but so boring.


Thank you for this neat idea! :wlol


Gotta keep this puppy on the 1st page eh! :wlol

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Thank you for posting this clever idea! I've been putting those bottles upside down in plastic mugs in the shower, but this is *much* better. :) And more attractive.

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Thank you for posting this clever idea! I've been putting those bottles upside down in plastic mugs in the shower, but this is *much* better. :) And more attractive.


:U You're welcome :U It's also easier to keep the bottle off of the floor of the shower too.





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