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Softening yarn by washing?

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Hello girls (and boys),

I bought some acrylic yarn because of the colour, it's a colour I've been looking for for a while. It was wrapped in plastic, so it looked quite soft but now I've discovered that it's not quite as soft as I had hoped. Has anyone any tips for washing a scarf (in this case) in acrylic yarn to soften it a little? I've been told to use fabric softener, someone else said you shouldn't use fabric softener on woolly-type items, another person said add a little vinegar essence to the water...


Any good advice, fellow crocheters?

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After completing the project, I was it in the washer and make sure to use fabric softener before putting it in the dryer. For wool or other animal hair yarns I would hand wash and then rinse in a bit of hair conditioner instead of fabric softener.

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I wash the item in the washer (or sink, if it is a small item, like baby clothes) and then add liquid fabric softener to the rinse water and let it soak for a while. I always use a good fabric softener (Downy is my favorite). Good luck, let us know if your scarf softens up.

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Thanks everyone so far. I only have a washing machine, no dryer, so I think I'll try washing it by hand first. I'm still wondering about the fabric softener, though, because I also seem to remember something about it and acrylic yarn...


But hair conditioner - there's an idea!

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I've actually tried both, the vinegar and fabric softner (Downy) and fabric softner sheets too! I've had success with all of them, but I always dry my items in the dryer. I don't know if that makes the difference for the final softening. The hair conditioner sounds interesting!

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I could swear I read some where that fabric softener doesn't work on acrylic.:think

Fortunately not true.


I've had success with all of them, but I always dry my items in the dryer. I don't know if that makes the difference for the final softening.


I think it does, the items I've hand washed and hung on an indoor line didn't soften as much as the last ones I put in the dryer, I really didn't think that RHSS could soften as much as other people said but it really did, now I'm not afraid to use it for many more things. The softening ingredient in most hair conditioners are the same as in fabric softener, the difference is that conditioners have other ingredients such as moisturizers sometimes emollients (oils) which would agree with wool better.


Miss Crochet, your scarf will still soften even if you don't have a dryer if you use a good one or a little extra of a less known brand.

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Just chiming in to say that my mom, who is visiting for the holidays, used some of my stash of Caron One Pound to make a blanket, and complained about it being a little stiff (she always uses baby yarn, so no surprise at this). I just washed it (with Dreft) and dried it with a no dye, no perfume fabric sheet (I don't hang the blankets for Project Linus outside to dry in case of allergans floating around), and we were both surprised how soft it emerged from the drier. So wash and dry away, it will definitely help. Patty

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