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EEEWWWWW! On my yarn!

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hm, a bug or two, even spiders, for the most part, don't phase me in the least. Lotsa bugs in one place send me screaming.

That having been said, the potatobug earlier mentioned is the most awful looking bug I've ever encountered and definitely gives me a case of the willies just thinking about it.

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I don't mind spiders at all....or so I thought. When they are in the house I usually rescue them by using a glass and a paper. All is fine. Hubby can't carry one of my glasses without freaking though. Its kinda funny and sometimes I have to leave them for him. He isn't deathly afraid, just doesn't like carrying them.


The other day I was using the power sander to refinish some tables. I looked down and there was a spider that was HUGE hanging on my shirt. I started screaming like crazy for my husband. He came running, probably thinking that I took my arm off with the power tool. Nope it just freaked me out because it ws huge and RIGHT there. It was hilarious seeing him trying to get it off me because he is so afraid, so he is trying to help but anytime the spider moved he jumped back about four feet. He finally managed to get it off me and it ran away. Saw it up close and it didn't seem so big when it wasn't hanging on me, probably body the size of a nickel. But for the rest of the day I felt like creepys were on me. Hubby pointed out it was probably the rest of the web I must have walked into :eek

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Spiders rank right there with mice. Both are pretty disgusting.


The reason I mentioned mice is that when we first got married, we lived in an apartment. We had seen a mouse, so DH set a trap. I came home from work at noon that day because I only worked a half day on Wednesdays, and there was a mouse in the trap. Being pregnant, I took one look at that thing in the trap, and grabbed my stuff and went to Mom's house for the day until DH could come home and get rid of that thing. Yuck!



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My boss laughed at me when I screamed at a daddy long legs that was hiding in my cash register at work one day. Thankfully, I get to pick at her and her fear of crickets and grasshoppers. :P

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I am so sorry about your dad. :hug


Here are a few interesting superstitions about spiders that I found when I googles "Spiders & Good Luck"


Subcategory: Spiders



It is unlucky to kill spiders because a spider spun a web over baby Jesus to hide him from Herod.



A spider with syrup cures fever.



Seeing a spider run down a web in the afternoon means you'll take a trip.



You'll meet a new friend if you run into a web.



A spider is a repellent against plague when worn around the neck in a walnut shell.



Killing a spider - very bad luck



Seen running over clothes - a new set of clothes



Finding a spider in the morning - Sorrow



Finding a spider at midday - Anxiety



Finding a spider in the evening - Loss



Killing a spider - Bad Luck



A spider spinning in the morning - Good Luck



A spider climbing its thread - Good News



A spider dropping on its thread - Good Luck



Finding a spider on your body - Good Fortune



Seeing a spider cross a wall - Good Luck



A spider's web on a doorway - A Visitor



A spider on your clothes – Money



Arcane is said to be the missing 13th sign of the zodiac based on 13 lunar months. Arcane is associated with psychic abilities, weaving and women.

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I'm sorry to hear about your dad. :hug


One time I was getting out of the shower and went to dry my face/hair with a bath towel. My eyes were shut because my hair was dripping. When I opened them, I saw a big black spider *on the towel* that I was bringing towards my face. Yeah, I freaked.


About a month ago, I was lying on my stomach in bed, reading a magazine. I felt a pinch on the bottom of my arm. I was like, "what the...?" and lifted my arm to look at it. A spider was running away on my bed. It had bitten me, the little &*#!@!


So I say, good for you that you killed that spider on your yarn! :)

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My deepest sympathies on the loss of your Dad. How sad.


To make you laugh:


I complained about wolf spiders (they are HUGE) in the garage and my DH did nothing. :thair Then one day I came home from work and he was pale. Evidently a spider landed smack dab on his arm. And what was he ranting? :rant"WE NEED TO GET AN EXTERMINATOR IN HERE RIGHT AWAY. WE CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS!" So I guess it was now an important matter!

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LOL. My hubby's dad found a HUGE spider in their backyard when my dh was in high school. It took two cans of Raid to bring the sucker down, and then my DH put the spider in a baggie and CARRIED IT TO SCHOOL THE NEXT DAY TO GIVE TO HIS BIOLOGY TEACHER!!!!!!


Can I say I'm grateful I didn't know him then? I probably couldn't have hugged him for a week.


The teacher was stymied by what kind of spider it was but assumed it was someone's pet that got away.


EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW........................ bugs in general freak me out though.

My niece went to a children's zoo about a month ago and petted a Madagascar hissing cockroach. She's a WHOLE lot braver than I'd have been. My nephew wouldn't get near the thing (smart boy, takes after his auntie;)

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Have you ever seen camelback crickets? They look like spiders --it's really wierd. But I won't kill a cricket since they're supposed to bring good luck.


And I remember my grandmother telling me before my wedding that if I found a spider in my dress that it would bring good luck. But I told her it wouldn't because I'd have had a heart attack and would have had to get married in the ER.

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