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non-matching yarn..why

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this might be the wrong place but........My tote bin is full of yarn that doesn't match and I am so mad because I want to join the games but have nothing to make because I don't have more than 1 skien of any color.

Why do I buy yarn just because I like the color? I really must learn how to shop better.Then I thought about doing charity work but don't have the money to send it off.ughhhh this really stinks, pardon my language. Any ideas out there?

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You can make a scrap afghan. Do a few rows of each color, then repeat the pattern.


Or you can just reach in the bin and pull out a color and that is what you use until you want another color, then reach in the bin again, etc.

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Scrap afghans can turn out beautiful. Do a search on here for them and you'll find tons of ideas and inspiration.

How about some granny squares in one solid color and then boarder in black or white. I've saw that before and they turn out beautiful. Then you can work on this anywhere to finish and have a great afghan.

Or like suggested above, just make some little items (great Christmas gifts) and go from there. You can do a one skien scarfs, I did a bunch of those for Christmas gifts and they were well received.


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I am currently working on a granny square type afghan/ blankie for my baby that is due next month but I didn't think I can include that because I have already started it.They are alot of good ideas posted here and I am doing a search to see if I can find some pictures of some of the things recommended here. Thanks again.

BTW, I just did inventory of my yarn and I have

4 full skiens

28 half or under skiens

5 skiens Christmas yarn

1 skien baby yarn, cotton

4 skiens sock yarn

1 figerweight yarn

2 mohair/wool yarn, not sure


45 skiens of yarn, guess I should join a stash busting CAL huh? lol

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I do a lot of charity things and I donate them to a local family shelter or the hospital so I don't have to spend money on shipping. For those half skeins, make little kid hats and bring them to a day care or school and ask the teachers to give them to kids they notice that don't have a hat for winter (the teachers may want to ask parents permission first so they don't embarass them, but I think most parents would be happy for their child to receive a hat made with love).

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There are so many organizations that can use your donations locally. Check with a church or other group and they can direct you.l


Hats, scarves, baby items, and other things can be made with one skein or less.


Find a group locally and make items for them to use your yarn. It feels good when you give things away.


Also, there are many online resources for donations that may have a hospital in your area to donate to. If you check my signature, there's CareWear, which is a good resource. Check them out.



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I dont think any of my yarn matches. You can make mittens and slippers and lots of other small things with one skein. As far as donating, try your local elementary school to give mittens and hats too. Ive done this before.. there are lots of kids that dont have mittens or hats to wear at recess.

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thanks everyone for all your help and support! I do apologize that it took me so long to make up my mind but I think I have finally decided what to make :clap


1) Pastel Bands Afghan : Vanna White for Baby #4 , not using pastel colors

2) 12 school age kids hats


Now I am off to find a pattern for the hats. Thanks again for all your support and help.

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thanks CLLinda, I checked out the Carewear website but the number they have listed for the March of Dimes near me is not the correct number.


Maybe check the computer or the phone book. The March of Dimes is a great place to start donating to.


Also, if you sign up for the CareWear, they will send you a quarterly newsletter that has all kinds of ideas. And it's free.



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If you ever do a scrap afghan, check your stash for black yarn. (or buy a few skeins...yes, I know, you're trying to use up the other yarns)


Use the black yarn in between each color change of your other yarns.


The black will make all of the other colors pop out at you, and it will look like you planned for it to look however it turns out, while it was actually totally random.


If you dont like black, or if you're eyes bleed trying to see where to place your hook for every stitch, pick out another color (I like varigaiteds for this) and use that in place of black. It'll still make the other colors pop out. Plus it's fun to see what you end up with.

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I never make anything out of one, or even 2 colors. Right now I am making the most beautiful shawl out of teal, dark plum, dark green and a tweed looking aran type color that is actually one of the Red Heart fiesta yarns.


My sister had this tweed looking stuff left over, and of course we never throw away yarn, so I matched up the other colors with it, and voila! A whole new project.

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