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Take a guess at how many toys I have so far!!

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I am using HUGE boxes to package the toys this year....so a box count wont be comparable to last year.


In the past, I counted boxes...this year, I have been counting the toys!!



I have posted quite a few pictures in the original thread, here , now here are the additional toys that have come in....







SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .....I counted up all the toys .....take a guess how many I have so far!!!



Here are all the toys, hiding in boxes, and in bags.





Elle was the closest.

The total to date is 464 toys!!! I have quite a few packages in the mail, and even my family is donating a ton of stuff this year....so that number will be climbing before the 12th!!


Thank you to everyone who is helping!!!


(oh...I am working on a few rattle patterns to share with you all... so far, I have a new ladybug rattle!!)

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WOW! I'd say 2500? That looks like a lot of toys! And several in the last picture are small, or at least, the camera is zoomed back... This reminds me, I have some toys made up for you, but I've lost your address... I'll be PMing you soon. When do you make the next delivery? I hope to have some toys for you then. :)

You're amazing!


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I'm guessing 400 but hoping it way higher. What do they do with the "extra" toys at the hospital? Do they just save them for the next kids that have to stay? Just curious.

I think what you are doing is so kind and generous and wonderful. I believe you have "a heart of gold" literally!!





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Wow! That's an impressive number of toys! I'm going to guess 450!


You are the closest!!



My sister has at least 2 dozen to add to that number.... and there are more boxes coming!

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