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I didn't know it was this big...

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Since my fiance is out of town for the next week, I decided to pull out all of my yarn so I could organize my stash and post it on Ravelry to know what I actually have...Well, I'm not sure if I'm done or not, yet, but three 18 gallon tubs, a laundry basket, five boxes, a trunk, and dozens of bags later, my living room floor is almost completely covered.


I had no idea I had this much yarn. I haven't bought too much in the past year, and I'd gotten rid or much of it before I moved last July. Where did it all come from? Some of it I've had since high school, five years or more ago. I'm going to have a fun day it looks like.

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Oh! Take pics! It sounds like you're going to have a great day! Just think of all the treasures that you're going to discover!

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I did that with my yarn recently that I brought over from my mom's house. I had put it in bins when we had our addition put on and stored them there...4 years ago! Between those and the bags I had in 2 closets, I listed the colors I had and put them together in gallon zip lock bags and I had 122 skeins. I put them in the hope chest my mom gave me for mother's day that was a gift from my dad to her when they got married and a large bin (all the white and buf). 90% of it is RHSS.


I cannot imagine how much you have with the whole floor covered and all those containers. Make sure to give us a final count!



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:lol :lol :lol Isn't it shocking ~ and fun!? You know what you've got, but to see it all at once is :yay .


Now you can do a good inventory of it all and plan projects around it. You can always make gifts of yarn you know you won't use to other people.

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Oh my gosh...I feel so deprived!!! :( I don't have enough yarn to even call it a "stash"! I cleaned out a lot last year and donated it to charity. Plus, the last couple of years have seen me quilting more than crocheting. But, I can fix that! :yes Gee, maybe I need to go to Joanns?

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