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Ow! Ow! OWW!


I think crocheting is giving me carpal tunnel!


My co-worker's wedding is in 2.5 weeks and I've been trying to get her throw finished. Its a really closed stitch so it doesn't work up very fast. Not being one who crochets every day, my wrist is killing me! And to top it all off, I've been dying to do at least three other projects. Not being able to crochet as much as I want is driving me nuts!


What do you girls do when this happens? I've tried stretching and frequent breaks, which helps some. After I eat something tonight, I'll try a little ibuprofen.

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If your eating pain killers and it's still coming back, take a day off. I get sore very easy and when it gets to that point I just take a good break. As much as it's nice to get stuff done by deadlines, we have to remember to take care of ourselves too. Being in that much pain is not fun.



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I usually take Advil and that helps. I've also learned that a couple hours of crocheting at a time is enough. Sometimes after taking a break for a few hours, I'm able to go back to crocheting again. I'd say that if you don't finish it in time for the wedding, possibly give it to your co-worker after their honeymoon...that could buy you some time.

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Get a wrist brace and wear it while sleeping. You can also try crocheting with it on. That's what works for me - I hate taking pain killers - pain is your body's way of telling you something's wrong!

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Heat helps as well,either a heating pad or one of the wrist ease ones. :)

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I have a brace that's just for my wrist. I found the true carpal tunnel ones (the ones with the splint on the palm) hindered everything I did. So I found a wrist one at Walmart and I wear it all the time when crocheting. Even if I'm not having problems, just to prevent any. I don't have carpal tunnel, doc thinks I have tendonitis in my wrist.

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I'm pretty sure that I have carpal tunnel. I have wrist braces that I wear at night that help. Normally, when my wrists get sore, I crochet slower so there is not as much tension or take a break for a little while. I also try to crochet loose all the time to lessen tension.

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Get athletic tape from the drug store. Wrap it loosely in a figure-8 around your wrist that hurts to give it support. It's a better support than the braces. The tape is made to remove painlessly yet stick firmly.

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