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Fluffy yarn!

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How well I know!!! I have 4 cats, and if I could use their fur, I'd never need to buy yarn!

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I have a chinchilla which has the softest fur of all mammals. I WISH I could spin that as she sheds like crazy (along with my husky dog and russian blue cat). Needless to say I sweep and vacuum almost every day!!!

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Aww, your kitty is beautiful! :manyheart


I've been saving my collie's undercoat when she blows her coat for three years now. I figure in another year or two I'll have enough to spin it into yarn for a sweater for me. I will TRY to spin it myself, but if I can't, I'll have to send it out to someone else who knows how to do it because I would really like to have a sweater of her hair to remember her by when she is gone. She's the love of my life, this dog. She's my first collie, and thanks to her I can never again picture myself being without one of her breed!

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She's beautiful! I love cats!


I have a houseful, cats and dogs. When my Shiba sheds her undercoat in the spring, I always think how much yarn it would make :lol Of course, I also don't know how to spin it. It is really soft and fluffy, though. I put it out for the birds.


I have pics in my blog of my four-legged family for anyone who'd like to see them :)


Blue Ridge Mountain Girl

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