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My dog is eating my yarn!

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I caught the little witch chewing my yarn in half yesterday! Normally she just pulls my hooks out of my work, but now I'm ticked! She chewed a single strand in half! GRRRR..


I know she's just mad because her favorite person in the whole wide world left yesterday (my dad was in town to visit us for three days.) So she's taking it out on my stuff!


Just wanted to vent. Little witch... lol



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They can be little stinkers, can't they? My dogs would do stuff like empty the little trash can in the bathroom, so I had to buy the kind that you have to step on the pedal to open. I know how you feel!

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Aww! I had a cat about five years ago that took my yarn and scattered it all throughout my living room! I was asleep and that's what I woke up to. It was all ruined.

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My cat does the same thing. She sits by me while I crochet and I don't notice that she has been nibbling until all of a sudden my yarn feels wet and then it ends!! Hate it when it is a project than normally would not have any knots in it and now I need to put one in.

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I actually spent a good portion of the day yesterday untangeling skeins of yarn my cats or Pugs have used as play toys.


Please be careful your dog does not actually swallow any yarn, it can cause a blockage.

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I had a cat many years ago that got into my craft box and ate six feet of 1/4" wide red velvet ribbon. I had been doing my crafts in my room (I was about 16 at the time) and got sleepy, and just put the stuff down in the box at the side of my bed and went to sleep.


When I woke up the next morning, the cat was laying at the foot of my bed sleeping. It was still early, it was only about 7:00, and we didn't get up until about 10:00, so I figured the cat was laying there because he knew we weren't going downstairs for breakfast yet. I got up to use the bathroom, and I found a three foot piece of the ribbon lying in the hallway, one end chewed. I don't know what made me suspect that the cat had EATEN the other six feet (I had bought 3 yards), but somehow I just knew that that's where the ribbon had gone and I started to panic.


I woke up my mother and told her that the cat had eaten the ribbon, and she told me that I was nuts. I was really upset at this point, because I had read about what can happen if a cat or dog eats string, and I had visions of him getting it all entangled with his insides and having to have major surgery. My mom knew I wasn't going to relax until we got the cat checked out, so she agreed to drive me and the cat to the vet when she woke up later that morning. Now I started to get really nervous and I started crying, telling her that he longer we waited, the more dangerous it could be for him. She told me to go look at him again and let her know how he looked.


By this point he was gone from my bed, and I went looking for him. I went to walk out the door of my room when I saw him come bunny-hopping down the hallway with his tail straight up in the air, with SIX INCHES OF RED VELVET RIBBON HANGING OUT OF HIS BUTT!!! I screamed for my mother, who then came running, we threw on some clothes, and off we went to the vet.


When we got there they were just opening. The lady at the desk thought it was amusing, and she ushered us into an examination room. The vet came in and took one look at the cat and said "Oh my! How is it that he has eaten this thing?" I explained about my having bought the three yards each of three different sizes, how I left it in the box next to my bed, etc. The vet, a little Indian man who was just about five feet tall, put on a pair of gloves, grasped the ribbon between his thumb and forefinger, and gave a tentative tug to see if the ribbon was free or if it was wrapped around something. The cat's eyes grew to saucerlike proportions.


If those of you who are old enough will remember back to the late 60s/early 70s, there was a comedian named Art Metrano who did a "magic" act while singing the song "Fine and Dandy" He would do the "da da da da, da da da DA DA" while doing something silly that wasn't magic at all, it was just something silly. This is what it reminded me of when the vet pulled the ribbon from my cat's butt. In my head I was hearing "da da da da, da da da DA DA" and the cat was going woooOOOOOWWWWWW!!! and the vet was going "Oh my god, I am not to be believing what is happening!".


Finally, it was over. My cat was agitated beyond all reason, I was in a state of shock, and the vet went scampering out into the now full waiting room with six feet of poo-covered red velvet ribbon going "you are not going to be believing what I have pulled from the backside of this cat!!!" He had to stand on his toes so that the ribbon didn't drag on the floor.


Fortunately after a couple of days the cat returned to normal, and I learned the valuable lesson that it's best to keep all kinds of string and stringlike stuff away from cats and probably dogs as well. :)

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Oh my! Now I think I better be more conscientious about putting my yarn and projects out of their reach when I'm not working on them. My chis haven't messed around with my yarn other than getting tangled in it a few times. When I told my husband about your stories he said "That's what I've been worried about." Thank you for telling us about this possible danger to pets.

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I actually keep a dog/cat laxative on hand. My dog was an "aggressive" chewer until she was about three. She ate 9 blankets, and entire chair, a caucus plant, play station wires, all the stuff out of two box springs, oil paints, cement walls, a box of tacts and on and on. Vet just handed me laxative and said give her a daily dose! She had woven poop for a few years. lol I was very lucky she didn't kill herself.


Thank god this time it was only one piece chewed in half. Yep, my stuff is now tucked safely away so she can't chew it again!



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That can be frustrating and a bit scary as in Elle's story. My cats don't really bother my yarn but the bunny likes to try to steal it, especially the fun fur, for some reason. :think (I have a pic, I think)


Years ago my brother had a cat that ate most of a spool of thread and had to be PTS, now I hate having thread in the house because it scares me to think that one of the cats might get at it.

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That can be frustrating and a bit scary as in Elle's story. My cats don't really bother my yarn but the bunny likes to try to steal it, especially the fun fur, for some reason. :think (I have a pic, I think)


Years ago my brother had a cat that ate most of a spool of thread and had to be PTS, now I hate having thread in the house because it scares me to think that one of the cats might get at it.


Oddly enough, my current crew is not at all interested in chewing yarn or thread, they're into plastic bags! That scares me just as much, because I worry constantly about someone accidentally swallowing a piece of plastic and suffocating. They lick and chew on bread wrappers, plastic grocery bags, cellophane from the outsides of snack cakes, you name it. I could almost see the wrappers from snack cakes, because they taste like food, but plastic grocery bags? My senior cat, Eugene, licks the covers of magazines! I don't think there's a sane cat in the bunch! :lol

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:rofl Our cat would eat my yarn, too. I would find it in the litter box. :blush I didn't know it was so serious, though at the time.


That made me laugh so hard tears were coming out of my eyes.... :P




I had a cat many years ago that got into my craft box and ate six feet of 1/4" wide red velvet ribbon. I had been doing my crafts in my room (I was about 16 at the time) and got sleepy, and just put the stuff down in the box at the side of my bed and went to sleep.


When I woke up the next morning, the cat was laying at the foot of my bed sleeping. It was still early, it was only about 7:00, and we didn't get up until about 10:00, so I figured the cat was laying there because he knew we weren't going downstairs for breakfast yet. I got up to use the bathroom, and I found a three foot piece of the ribbon lying in the hallway, one end chewed. I don't know what made me suspect that the cat had EATEN the other six feet (I had bought 3 yards), but somehow I just knew that that's where the ribbon had gone and I started to panic.


I woke up my mother and told her that the cat had eaten the ribbon, and she told me that I was nuts. I was really upset at this point, because I had read about what can happen if a cat or dog eats string, and I had visions of him getting it all entangled with his insides and having to have major surgery. My mom knew I wasn't going to relax until we got the cat checked out, so she agreed to drive me and the cat to the vet when she woke up later that morning. Now I started to get really nervous and I started crying, telling her that he longer we waited, the more dangerous it could be for him. She told me to go look at him again and let her know how he looked.


By this point he was gone from my bed, and I went looking for him. I went to walk out the door of my room when I saw him come bunny-hopping down the hallway with his tail straight up in the air, with SIX INCHES OF RED VELVET RIBBON HANGING OUT OF HIS BUTT!!! I screamed for my mother, who then came running, we threw on some clothes, and off we went to the vet.


When we got there they were just opening. The lady at the desk thought it was amusing, and she ushered us into an examination room. The vet came in and took one look at the cat and said "Oh my! How is it that he has eaten this thing?" I explained about my having bought the three yards each of three different sizes, how I left it in the box next to my bed, etc. The vet, a little Indian man who was just about five feet tall, put on a pair of gloves, grasped the ribbon between his thumb and forefinger, and gave a tentative tug to see if the ribbon was free or if it was wrapped around something. The cat's eyes grew to saucerlike proportions.


If those of you who are old enough will remember back to the late 60s/early 70s, there was a comedian named Art Metrano who did a "magic" act while singing the song "Fine and Dandy" He would do the "da da da da, da da da DA DA" while doing something silly that wasn't magic at all, it was just something silly. This is what it reminded me of when the vet pulled the ribbon from my cat's butt. In my head I was hearing "da da da da, da da da DA DA" and the cat was going woooOOOOOWWWWWW!!! and the vet was going "Oh my god, I am not to be believing what is happening!".


Finally, it was over. My cat was agitated beyond all reason, I was in a state of shock, and the vet went scampering out into the now full waiting room with six feet of poo-covered red velvet ribbon going "you are not going to be believing what I have pulled from the backside of this cat!!!" He had to stand on his toes so that the ribbon didn't drag on the floor.


Fortunately after a couple of days the cat returned to normal, and I learned the valuable lesson that it's best to keep all kinds of string and stringlike stuff away from cats and probably dogs as well. :)

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