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I've been doing so good and finishing up all my WIP's. I thought I only had 2 more to go and was so proud of myself :clap But ... I've been doing some housework today and have found 4 more :faint I sure hope that's the end of them :help


What is wrong with me :shrug

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Nothing that isn't wrong with at least 65% of the rest of us I'd bet!! :think

I don't even want to count mine!! I actually started going through my totes of WIP's and gave up. I'm working on a blog and I might list them there. It would be fun to see them crossed off the list and may motivate me to finish them.

I only have about 6 more that I want to start RIGHT NOW.

Think you have problems? :lol

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Oh yes, I have a ton of new projects I want to start too. I have told myself I won't start one until all the WIP's are done. Of course, that was before I knew I had 4 more of them :lol

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I just got in trouble for having too many WIPs! :lol My husband pretty much grounded me from starting anything new until I finished at least one of the projects I had floating around.

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I know the feeling. I have too many... but cannot seem to work exclusively on just one, I have to break the boredom once in a while.

I can honestly say that right now I only have.... uh, 5? Maybe 6, if you count the one I will NEVER get done. It's been on hold now for at least a year.

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Don't feel alone. Last October, I thought I would just whiz through getting my WIP's done and ready to go for a Christmas sale. After I had pulled out everything, I had 16!:eek I gave myself until the end of Dec. to finish, but alas..... I did get them finished in mid Jan. though. So far and cross my fingers.....I am staying on one project at a time, but knowing me, it won't last too long. There are just too many things to crochet and my yarn just sits there and cries to be worked.

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It is so easy to get excited about a new pattern and want to jump into it. It really bothers me to have too many unfinished projects laying around so I won't let myself have anymore than 3.

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Nothing is wrong. The fun of crocheting is exploring possibilities and learning new things. I probably have 30 WIP-some I know I will never finish and one day I'll just frog them. But others will be there when I'm ready.

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I. too, have a ton of WIP...some are things I do not have patterns for as they were WIP that belonged to my mom and she passed away in November...What do I do with THOSE??? :bang Rip them out and use the yarn for somethng else? I also have WIP that I did not have enough yarn for and cannot match, even the No Dye Lot ones don't always match. I also have WIP in other craft areas...:bang My mom and one of her neighbors got me started in plastic canvas before she died and I have AT LEAST 4 of those I am working on. My roomies are threatening my life :lol as my WIPS are taking up a LOT of space in an apartment that isn't mine! I inherited ALL of her yarn and sewing stuff..INCLUDING 3 sewing machines...

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Find some rationalizations...having multiple WIPs is good because you can keep a different one in every place you like to crochet. :D

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We wouldn't be true crocheters if we didn't have tons of projects going at once. I also read two or three books at a time, depending on what room I'm in. My husband says he doesn't know how I can do that!:D

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Don't yell :scared, I have been doing a lot of purging the last year, cleaning out as much junk as possible and some of it were UFO's. Yes I timidly admit it I did toss out a few projects I knew would never get finished by me and didn't have the proper yarn for any more.:faintThe problem was that they were things I was trying to design myself and got bored with. It was hard throwing out the yarn but it couldn't be saved and now I feel better. It gave me more room to buy yarn I know I will use which is good considering I have 5 babies to make gifts for this year:blink.

The good news is that I only have one project to finish :hook

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