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Me crocheting

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I crochet pretty fast too. There is a speed crochet competition and Lily Chin is the champ (I think) Most people who see me work say i am fast and my doctor said that i actually need to try and slow down as my heart rate goes up when i work like aerobic activity and i am stressing my diabetic heart too much. I think you are normal speed to me. I actually have trouble crocheting slowly i end up with tension issues when i do.


Lily Chin is NOT the fastest crocheter. Lisa Gentry is (according to the Guinness World Records)...has been since 2005. When Lisa went up against Lily, she crocheted 107 stitches to Lily's wimpy 82 stitches.


Lily Chin was only declared the fastest crocheter when some yarn company had a crochet "race" and Lily won it, so some presenter for the yarn company declared her the fastest in the world. Lily is fast, but she's never actually been the fastest.


Before Lisa made the record books, Barbara Jean Sontag was the fastest crocheter and she held the record since 1981.





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That is incredibly fast. I can only imagine how many projects I could complete if I could do it half that fast! I'd still be trying to get that darned slip knot to start in the time it took you to finish that whole project lol.

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You crochet like my grandmother used to to. She had crocheted for so many years that she didn't have to think about tension or stitches. Everything came from years of experience. How many years have you been crocheting? Maybe someday I'll be "at one" with my crocheting.

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I've been doing it for 25 years, and I am still slow!

The video wouldn't play for more than 2 seconds at a time, stopped and started all the way through it, but it looked super fast to me.

I just don't try to concentrate on speed, but getting it done without mistakes. The advantage of having speed is that your projects get done much faster. Which is why it takes me forever to finish something!

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You are quite speedy with your hook, but I'd say your normal. I'd also say a slower crocheter is normal. Each to her/his own. :O) I can crochet that fast when working on a "midndless", repetitive pattern. My problem is that I slow down when I look at my work. Much like my typing. I'm fine until I look at the keys.....

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It looks pretty fast. If I crocheted that fast I'd have to frog the whole project :lol Sometimes I can speed throught but typically I'm slower. Then again I'm just a very mellow person I take life slow :lol

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