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No time to crochet:(

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I used to crochet every evening and every weekend. Now I have a six month old son and a new job. I have so many things to do on my time off (laundry,cleaning,cooking, etc), I have no time to crochet! So sad! I am constantly looking at crochet patterns at work and there are so many projects I want to do. I started crocheting the crystal lace bolero on crochetme.com a few weeks back and don't have time to put it together. ugh. For those of you that are working moms, how do you make time to crochet? If I didn't already have to get up at 5:30 am, I'd get up earlier to make some time...

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I am not a working mom but I do have three kids. I stay home but laundry, cleaning, breaking up fights and the dog occupy a lot of my time. Our twins are 4 and our oldest is 12 so I also have home work!!!! As the baby gets biger and more moblie he will play longer an free up some time!!!:yay

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I remember after my son was born I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't do my crafts for a while. But, it will get better. If you are working, and have a lunch time, maybe you could get in a few rounds of crochet during your lunchtime. I bring my bag to work, and sometimes it just relaxes me at work to make a granny square!! It is important to make time for yourself, and not try to be "super mom" If you have a husband, or some one else there, they should be helping too, or you will never get them to help later on. Just my personal experience!!! Good luck!!! :hug

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thanks for the replies! It's so good to know there is light at the end of the tunnel! lol I never thought about bringing my crocheting to work to do during lunch! yay! my bolero might get finished after all....

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I work, but have no kids. (Unless you count my husband. LOL)

My job is pretty stressful most days. For some reason, I can't seem to crochet very well on my most stressful days. Its like I can't get my brain into it. Then again, I'm still somewhat of a newbie so I have to concentrate on stuff, especially if its something new. Lots of evenings I end up staring at the television until I fall asleep. Thankfully, my weekends are pretty boring so I do most of my crochet then. :D Friday nights I've been known to crash around 7 pm. Hubby will let me sleep, so next thing I know, its 3 or 4 am on Saturday morning and I'm wide awake. I LOVE those times though, because I put on some coffee, enjoy the peace and quiet, and crochet to my heart's content!

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After my kids were born, I stopped crocheting for about 8 years. I had to give up morning paper and coffee, private time, and crocheting. I was unable to fit crocheting into my life.

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I work FT and have a (nearly) 18 month old, so I understand your frustration. I get up early in the AM to get in a workout, I crochet on my lunch break at work - and sometimes in the car on the way home since DH and I carpool. Evenings are spent cooking, cleaning, a load or two of laundry and playing with the Booger for a while. He's in bed by 8 usually, so for two hours in the evening DH and I get to sit, watch TV, crochet, etc. We're not big socialites so that's typically my weekend nights too.

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I work FT too and have a 7 year old. It can be really hard to fit in the amount of crochet time I want. I mostly crochet to and from work on the subway and after my DD goes to bed (she has a bedtime of 8:30).

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I do not work full-time, but I am a full time student and a single parent of two teenage boys. Even though my kids are older, I still find it difficult sometimes to fit in "me" time to do what I want. Of course, a lot of my time is spent studying, reading text books :(, and writing papers and doing homework as well as doing my household duties. I try to carry a small project with me to school so I can crochet a little in between classes provided there are no pressing assignments coming up or due. Today I forgot to bring something with me to work on so I here I am sitting in the library reading all the posts here in the Ville :lol. Thanks goodness this semester is almost over (3 more weeks) and then I can really :crocheting as much as my little heart desires.

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I work FT & have 3 kids (12, 10, & 6) plus I do some freelance writing. I take my crochet to work for the occasional lunch break (I don't get one every day...when you're salaried, you work when you have to). I also take it to martial arts lessons with my kids. I can get in almost 3 full hours/week that way. On weekends I get 2-4 hours to work & if I'm really adventurous, I'll stay up late to finish a project.

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